29 research outputs found

    Redesain Permukiman Kumuh dengan Memanfaatkan Potensi Lokal di Kawasan TPA Suwung Denpasar

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    TPA Suwung yang merupakan tempat pembuangan akhir terbesar di Bali menyisakan masalah di luar permasalahan sampahnya yaitu permukiman warga sekitarnya yang mayoritas menggantungkan hidupnya dari tumpukan-tumpukan sampah yang ada. Warga sekitar tinggal di lahan dekat TPA dengan rumah seadanya, kekumuhan tersebut melahirkan permasalahan bagi kesehatan bagi mereka yang tinggal di dalamnya. Upaya untuk meningkatkan kualitas hidup warga yang tinggal di kawasan tersebut dengan cara meningkatkan kualitas hunian mereka menjadi layak dan sehat. Arsitektur berperan menghadirkan sebuah rancangan yang dapat memanusiakan manusia dengan mengakomodasi dan memfasilitasi kegiatan sehari-hari penggunanya. Berkaitan dengan hal tersebut obyek rancang pada kawasan ini berfungsi untuk memenuhi kebutuhan penghuninya dengan memperhatikan konteks yang berada di Bali. Di mana perancangan memperhatikan lokalitas budaya dari konteks dan menggunakannya sebagai pendekatan merancang dengan metode reinterpretasi tradisi. Hasil rancangan adalah aplikasi konsep sanga mandala dan tri mandala pada hunian, zoning site dan workshop yang memanfaatkan sampah. ======================================================================================================== TPA Suwung is the biggest final disposal in Bali that leaves a problem beyond its waste problem. The problem is the settlements that arise because of the surrounding people who rely on their lives from the piles of garbage. The people live in their unfit houses, the slums cause health problems to whom lives there. Efforts are being made to improve the quality of their dwellings become viable and healthy. The role of architecture is to present a design that can humanize humans by accommodating and facilitate the daily activities of its users. Related to that point, the design object in this region has a function to fill up the user needs by taking notice of the context that located in Bali. Which is the design take notice of the local culture from the context and use it for the design approach with a culture reinterpretation method. The result is an application of sanga mandala and tri mandala concept in the houses, site zoning and workshops those taking advantage of the waste

    Studi kasus: Canine chronic ulcerative stomatitis pada anjing Pomeranian

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    Chronic inflammation of the oral cavity accompanied by ulcers called Canine Chronic Ulcerative Stomatitis (CCUS). A Pomeranian dog was examined at the Animal Hospital, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Udayana University with complaints of decreased appetite and drinking accompanied, in the dog that would not close his mouth. Clinical examination showed that there is bleeding and swelling of the gums and lips, torn sores and ulcer on the lower lip, redness on the edge of the tongue, blackish plaque in almost all of his teeth, halitosis, and enlargement of the mandibular lymph nodes, and routine hematological examination showed a normochromic and normocytic anemia, elevated monocyte levels, and neutrophilia, so dogs were diagnosed with CCUS. Treatment using Amoxicillin, Meloxicam, Vitamin C, Ferrous Sulfate, and fluid therapy using NaCl initially gave quite good results, but the dog died on the sixth day after therapy which possibly due to severe malnutrition and anemia

    Tubectomy of Pregnant and Non-pregnant Female Balinese Macaques (Macaca Fascicularis) With Post-operative Monitoring

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    peer reviewedWorldwide, primates, and humans increasingly share habitats and often enter in conflict when primates thrive in human-dominated environments, calling for special management measures. Reproductive control is increasingly used to manage population growth but very few monitoring data are available. Therefore, the efficiency and implications of such programs require a careful examination. In the context of a contraception program in wild female long-tailed macaques in Ubud, Bali, conducted over four successive campaigns between 2017 and 2019, including 140 females (i.e., 41.9% of the reproductive females of the population in 2019), modifications of an endoscopic tubectomy procedure, a permanent sterilization method, clinical evaluation of this method, and the post-operative monitoring results of the neutered females after release are described. This surgical approach was applicable for pregnant females: 28.6% of the treated females were pregnant at the time of the surgery. The procedure used a single lateral port to reach and cauterize both oviducts in non-pregnant as well as in early to mid-term pregnant females. Pregnant females nearer to term required a second lateral port to access both oviducts masked by the size of the gravid uterus. Moreover, bipolar thermocauterization was utilized successfully without resection to realize the tubectomy. The average duration of the laparoscopic surgery was 14 min for non-pregnant females and 22 min for pregnant females. Animals were released 3 h 22 min in average following their capture. This short holding time, recommended for free-ranging primates, was made possible by the minimal invasiveness of the sterilization approach. A laparoscopic post-operative evaluation conducted on two patients during the following campaign confirmed that the oviducts were definitely disrupted and no longer patent. Moreover, no new pregnancies in sterilized females were recorded during the 3-year observation period. The survival rate of the treated females 6 months after sterilization was high (96.3%) with no major post-operative complications clinically recorded. Among females that were pregnant during surgery, 81.1% were confirmed to experience term delivery. This study demonstrates the safety and efficiency of endoscopic tubectomy, even for pregnant females, as a mean of wild macaques' population control

    First survey on seroprevalence of Japanese encephalitis in long-tailed macaques (Macaca fascicularis) in Bali, Indonesia

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    peer reviewedBackground and Aim: Japanese encephalitis (JE) is a zoonotic infectious inflammatory brain disease caused by the JE virus (JEV). Considerable research into the seroprevalence of JE in domestic animals has been conducted, but there have been no reports of its occurrence in wild animals, including long-tailed macaques (Macaca fascicularis). This study aimed to estimate the seroprevalence of JEV infection and its determinants in long-tailed macaques in Bali and the prevalence of mosquito vectors. Materials and Methods: Blood samples (3 mL) were collected from a population of M. fascicularis (92 heads) inhabiting a small forest with irrigated rice field nearby (wetland area) in Ubud, Gianyar, and from two populations in dryland areas with no wet rice field (Uluwatu, Badung, and Nusa Penida, Bali Province, Indonesia). The collected sera were tested for antibodies against JEV using a commercially available enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay kit (qualitative monkey JE Immunoglobulin G antibody kit). The seropositivity of the antibodies was then compared based on different variables, namely, habitat type, age, and sex. Results: The seroprevalence of the JEV antibodies in all the samples tested was found to be 41.3%. The seropositivity of the monkey serum samples collected from the wetland area was 46.4%, which was higher than the seropositivity of the sera samples collected from the dried field areas (1.25%). Monkey sera collected from the wetland areas were 6.1 times (odds ratio [OR]: 6.1; 95% confidence interval [CI]: 0.71-51.5, p>0.05) more likely to be seropositive compared to the monkey sera collected from the dried field areas. Meanwhile, female monkeys were 1.79 times (OR: 1.79; 95% CI: 0.76-4.21; p>0.05) more likely to be seropositive to JEV than males. Similarly, juvenile monkeys were 2.38 times (OR: 2.38; 95% CI: 0.98-5.79); p>0.05) more likely to be seropositive against the JEV than adult monkeys. However, none of these differences achieved statistical significance. Regarding the JEV mosquito vector collection, more Culex mosquitoes were found in the samples from the wetland areas than from the dried field areas. Conclusion: The study confirms the existence of JEV infection in long-tailed macaques in Bali. There were patterned seropositivity differences based on habitat, age, and sex of the monkeys, but these were not significant. The possibility of monkeys as a JEV reservoir and the presence of the mosquitoes as the JEV vector are suggested but require more study to confirm

    Variasi Pola Dermatoglifik, Jumlah Rigi Total, Dan Tingkat Bilateral Asimetri Dermatoglifik Monyet Ekor Panjang (Macaca fascicularis)Yang Hidup Di Beberapa Tempat Di Bali

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    Monyet ekor panjang (Macaca jascicularis) di Bali hidup dalam kelompok-kelompok di beberapa tempat seperti di Sangeh, Ubud, Alas Kedaton, Pulaki, dan Uluwatu. Antar kelompok yang satu dengan yang lain saling terisolasi oleh jarak geografis dan perkempungan penduduk disekeliling habitatnya. Selama ini Macaca jascicularis yang ada di Bali hanya dijadikan obyek wisata dan pengelolaannya dilakukan oleh masyarakat desa adat setempat. Cara perlakuan yang kurang tepat oleh wisatawan dan manajemen pengelola, tingkat kepadatan populasi, dan daya dukung lingkungan yang kurang memadai sangat potensial menjadi sumber cekaman (stressor) pada Macaca fascicularis tersebut. Macaca jascicularis merupakan salah satu hewan model dalam penelitian biomedis Disamping sebagai obyek wisata Macaca fascicularis yang ada di Bali sangat potensial dikembangkan sebagai sumber hewan model dalam penelitian biomedis. . Indonesia merupakan salah satu negara pengekspor Macaca jascicularis. Kebutuhan Macaca jascicularis terns meningkat. Untuk dapat memanfaatkan dan mengembangkan fungsi serta pelestarian Macaca fascicularis yang ada di Bali, sangat diperlukan informasi ilmiah yang bersumber dari hasil penelitian tentang satwa ini. Penelitian tentang Macaca fascicularis belum banyak dilakukan

    Variasi Pola Dermatoglifik, Jumlah Rigi Total, dan Tingkat Bilateral Asimetri Dermatoglifik Monyet Ekor Panjang (Macaca fascicularis) Yang Hidup di Beberapa Tempat di Bali: Penelitian Observasional Analitik Cross Sectional Study

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    An observational cross sectional study was conducted to determine the variation of palmar and plantar dermatogliphic pattern, total ridge count, and degree of bilateral asymmetry dermatogliphic of Macaca jascicularis in some of different places in Bali. Macaca jascicularis were grouped according to the natural habitat namely Sangeh, Ubud, Alas Kedaton, Pulaki and Uluwatu. Twenty monkeys were used accidentally in each group and total samples are 100 monkeys. Frequency of dermatogliphic pattern, total ridge count, and degree of bilateral asymmetry dermatogliphic were recorded in each group. Frequency of dermatogliphic pattern and degree of bilateral asymmetry dermatogliphic on each group were tested using Chi-square test, and total ridge of dermatogliphic count were test statistically by An ova. Chi-square test result shown, in general there are no significant (p>0,05) differences of the palmar dermatogliphic pattern among group, but some of them in each of pattern area. Plantar dermatogliphic pattern difference significantly (p<0,05) among group. Variations of palmar and plantar dermatogliphic pattern are low among group. Average of total ridge palmar and plantar dermatogliphic count in each group difference significantly (p<0,05) among group. There are no correlations of differences of dermatogliphic pattern and total dermatogliphic ridge count to the distance among group. Degree of palmar and plantar bilateral asymmetry dermatogliphic pattern is low (symmetry) in each grou


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    Canine parvovirus (CPV) is an infectious disease with clinical signs of bloody diarrhea (hemorrhagic enteritis) which is cause of death in infected dogs. A five-month-old female local dog with a weight of 4.3 kg, black and white coat on the ventral side came to the Rumah Sakit Hewan Pendidikan, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Udayana University with complaints of weakness, loss of appetite since the day before and vomiting in the morning of the examination. The dog is rescued and never been vaccinated before. Clinical examination showed weakness such as holding pain, pink pale eye mucosae, delayed skin turgor, Capillary Refill Time (CRT) more than two seconds, and increased respiratory rate. Dogs do not respond to handfeeding. On observation the dog experienced clear and foamy vomiting and foul-smelling bloody diarrhea. The native stool faecal examination showed negative results, while the CPV antigen rapid test examination showed positive results. Complete blood count showed that on the first day of hospitalization the dog had leukopenia, granulocytopenia, hyperchromic normocytic anemia and thrombocytopenia. The dog was diagnosed with CPV with a dubious prognosis. Dogs were given fluid therapy using sodium chloride 0.9% infusion and vitamin B complex, anti-emetic ondansetron, antibiotic cefotaxime, and vitamin K. Dogs were also treated with traditional medicine Fu Fang 1 mL and trigona honey 1 mL. Dogs are given a special feed Hills Prescription Diet A/D Urgent Care. The dog's condition improved after offering therapy for seven days and the dog was declared cured and could be sent home on the ninth day

    Perilaku Konsumtif Dalam Karya Seni Grafis

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    Perilaku Konsumtif Pada Dasarnya Adalah Perilaku Seseorang YangDitunjukan Untuk Mengkonsumsi Secara Berlebihan Dan Tidak Terencana TerhadapJasa Dan Barang Yang Kurang Atau Bahkan Tidak Diperlukan. Perilaku Ini LebihBanyak Dipengaruhi Oleh Nafsu Yang Semata-Mata Untuk Memuaskan KesenanganSerta Lebih Mementingkan Keinginan Dari Pada Kebutuhan. Bagi Penulis, FenomenaPerilaku Konsumtif Sangat Unik Dan Menarik Untuk Dijadikan Suatu Konsep DalamPenciptaan Ini, Karena Pola Hidup Tersebut Dapat Menimbulkan Keragaman DampakBagi Kehidupan Sosial Masyarakat.Metode Yang Digunakan Dalam Penciptaan Karya Ini Secara Garis BesarMengacu Pada Metode Penciptaan Karya Seni Menurut Alma M. Hawkins, YaituTahap Exploration (Eksplorasi), Improvisation (Improvisasi), Forming(Pembentukan). Karya Yang Diciptakan Sebanyak 10 Karya, Dengan Ukuran YangBervariasi. Medium Yang Dipakai Untuk Menyampaikan Ide Penciptaan Ini AdalahSeni Grafis Dengan Teknik Cetak Tinggi Yaitu, Hardboard Cut (Cukil PadaHardboard). Didalam Memvisualisasikan Ide Dan Gagasan Dalam Karya, SebagianBesar Objek Karya Dihadirkan Dengan Cara Mentransformasi Bentuk, SehinggaKarya Kelihatan Sangat Unik Dan Memiliki Karakteristik Yang Dalam. BeberapaKarya Juga Diwujudkan Dengan Menyerupai Bentuk Aslinya, Agar Dapat DibacaDengan Mudah Dan Menggugah Perasaan Penikmat Yang Melihatnya.Dalam Hal Ini Penulis Juga Memparodikan Fenomena Perilaku KonsumtifUntuk Menyampaikan Kegelisahan Yang Dialami. Parodi Yang Dimaksud DisiniIalah Bereksplorasi Pada Fenomena Perilaku Konsumtif Yang Sengaja DibesarbesarkanSehingga Tampak Humoristik Untuk Menyampaikan Gagasan Penulis.Rasa Ironi Dan Dilema Menjadi Kegelisahan Karena Penulis Sendiri Berada PadaPosisi Yang Seperti Itu. Karya Grafis Ini Diwujudkan Sebagai Media Refleksi AtauPembelajaran Terhadap Apa Yang Terjadi Tentang Perilaku Konsumtif. DenganTerciptanya Karya Ini Diharapkan Mendapat Apresiasi Yang Tinggi Dari MasyarakatDan Para Pecinta Seni. Penciptaan Ini Juga Diharapkan Dapat Bermanfaat BagiPengembangan Karya Seni Grafis Kedepan Sebagai Studi Komparatif DalamPenciptaan Karya Lebih Lanjut Yang Lebih Bervariatif


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    An experimental study was conducted in order to evaluate the   of erythrocyte on bali cattle atVeterinary Physiology Laboratory, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Udayana University, Denpasar, duringone month.  Fifty blood samples were taken from bali cattle which slaughtered at Pesanggaran abattoir,Denpasar. The erythrocyte fragility was determined by using method Red Cell Fragility Procedure (2001).Results showed that the fragility (initial haemolysis) on red blood cell of bali cattle was observed, atranged between 0.45% - 0.55% NaCl , while for total  haemolysis range between  0.30 - 0,35 % NaCl