137 research outputs found

    Coherent Emission from Magnetars

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    It is proposed that magnetospheric currents above the surfaces of magnetars radiate coherent emission in analogy to pulsars. Scaling the magnetospheric parameters suggests that the coherent emission from magnetars would emerge in the infra-red or optical

    The determination of shock ramp width using the noncoplanar magnetic field component

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    We determine a simple expression for the ramp width of a collisionless fast shock, based upon the relationship between the noncoplanar and main magnetic field components. By comparing this predicted width with that measured during an observation of a shock, the shock velocity can be determined from a single spacecraft. For a range of low-Mach, low-beta bow shock observations made by the ISEE-1 and -2 spacecraft, ramp widths determined from two-spacecraft comparison and from this noncoplanar component relationship agree within 30%. When two-spacecraft measurements are not available or are inefficient, this technique provides a reasonable estimation of scale size for low-Mach shocks.Comment: 6 pages, LaTeX (aguplus + agutex); packages:amsmath,times,graphicx,float, psfrag,verbatim; 3 postscript figures called by the file; submitted to Geophys. Res. Let

    Efficient electron heating in relativistic shocks and gamma ray burst afterglow

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    Electrons in shocks are efficiently energized due to the cross-shock potential, which develops because of differential deflection of electrons and ions by the magnetic field in the shock front. The electron energization is necessarily accompanied by scattering and thermalization. The mechanism is efficient in both magnetized and non-magnetized relativistic electron-ion shocks. It is proposed that the synchrotron emission from the heated electrons in a layer of strongly enhanced magnetic field is responsible for gamma ray burst afterglows.Comment: revtex

    Kinetic description of avalanching systems

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    Avalanching systems are treated analytically using the renormalization group (in the self-organized-criticality regime) or mean-field approximation, respectively. The latter describes the state in terms of the mean number of active and passive sites, without addressing the inhomogeneity in their distribution. This paper goes one step further by proposing a kinetic description of avalanching systems making use of the distribution function for clusters of active sites. We illustrate application of the kinetic formalism to a model proposed for the description of the avalanching processes in the reconnecting current sheet of the Earth magnetosphere.Comment: 9 page

    Pick-up ion dynamics at the structured quasi-perpendicular shock

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    We study the pickup ion dynamics and mechanism of multiple reflection and acceleration at the structured quasi-perpendicular supercritical shock. The motion of the pickup ions in the shock is studied analytically and numerically using the test particle analysis in the model shock front. The analysis shows that slow pickup ions may be accelerated at the shock ramp to high energies. The maximum ion energy is determined by the fine structure of the electro-magnetic field at the shock ramp and decreases when the angle between magnetic field and shock normal decreases. Evolution of pickup ion distribution across the nearly-perpendicular shock and pickup ion spectrum is also studied by direct numerical analysis.Comment: LaTeX (elsart.cls), packages: times,amsmath,amssymb; 15 pages + 13 figures (GIF). To appear in Planetary and Space Science

    Collisionless electrons in a thin high Mach number shock: dependence on angle and </b><b><i>b</i></b>

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    International audienceIt is widely believed that electron dynamics in the shock front is essentially collisionless and determined by the quasistationary magnetic and electric fields in the shock. In thick shocks the electron motion is adiabatic: the magnetic moment is conserved throughout the shock and v2^ ? B. In very thin shocks with large cross-shock potential (the last feature is typical for shocks with strong electron heating), electrons may become demagnetized (the magnetic moment is no longer conserved) and their motion may become nonadiabatic. We consider the case of substantial demagnetization in the shock profile with the small-scale internal structure. The dependence of electron dynamics and downstream distributions on the angle between the shock normal and upstream magnetic field and on the upstream electron temperature is analyzed. We show that demagnetization becomes significantly stronger with the increase of obliquity (decrease of the angle) which is related to the more substantial influence of the inhomogeneous parallel electric field. We also show that the demagnetization is stronger for lower upstream electron temperatures and becomes less noticeable for higher temperatures, in agreement with observations. We also show that demagnetization results, in general, in non-gyrotropic down-stream distributions

    Mirror modes: Nonmaxwellian distributions

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    We perform direct analysis of mirror mode instabilities from the general dielectric tensor for several model distributions, in the longwavelength limit. The growth rate at the instability threshold depends on the derivative of the distribution for zero parallel energy. The maximum growth rate is always ∌k∄vT∄\sim k_\parallel v_{T\parallel} and the instability is of nonresonant kind. The instability growth rate and its dependence on the propagation angle depend on the shape of the ion and electron distribution functions.Comment: 18 pages, 15 figures, revtex4, amsmath, amssymb,amsfonts,times, graphicx, float,verbatim,psfra

    New mechanism of pulsar radio emission

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    It is shown that pulsar radio emission can be generated effectively through a streaming motion in the polar-cap regions of a pulsar magnetosphere causing nonresonant growth of waves that can escape directly. As in other beam models, a relatively low-energy high-density beam is required. The instability generates quasi-transverse waves in a beam mode at frequencies that can be well below the resonant frequency. As the waves propagate outward growth continues until the height at which the wave frequency is equal to the resonant frequency. Beyond this point the waves escape in a natural plasma mode (L-O mode). This one-step mechanism is much more efficient than previously widely considered multi-step mechanisms.Comment: 4 pages, PRL 2002 (in press

    Collisionless shocks in the heliosphere: Foot width revisited

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    For single-point measurements of quasi-perpendicular shocks, analytical measurements of the foot width are often used to evaluate the velocity of the shock relative to the satellite. This velocity is of crucial importance for in situ observations because it enables the identification of the spatial scale of other regions of the shock front such as a magnetic ramp for which the comprehensive understanding of their formation is not yet achieved. Knowledge of the spatial scale is one of the key parameters for the validation of theoretical models that are developed to explain the formation of these regions. Previously available estimates of the foot width for a quasi-perpendicular shock are based on several simplifications such as zero upstream ion temperature and specular ion reflection by the cross-shock electrostatic potential. The occurrence of specular reflection implies high values of the cross-shock electrostatic potential that significantly exceed the values obtained from in situ measurements. In this paper the effects of nonzero ion temperature and nonspecular ion reflection on the foot width are investigated. It is shown that in the case of nonspecular reflection the foot width can be as small as half of the size of the standard widely used estimate. Results presented here enable more reliable identification of the shock velocity from single-point observations
