216 research outputs found

    La fortification de la Heidenstadt Ă  Ernolsheim-lĂšs-Saverne (Bas-Rhin), rapport 2010

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    Rapport de la quatriĂšme campagne de fouille Ă  la Heidenstadt

    Les sols d'habitat et les niveaux d'occupation : quelles analyses post-sédimentaires ?

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    Le rĂŽle de la micromorphologie des sols dans la formation des paysages

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    L'analyse micromorphologique de sols et sĂ©diments anciens en Bretagne nous renseigne sur le mode d'anthropisation du paysage au cours des huit derniers millĂ©naires. Elle permet Ă©galement de mieux comprendre l'Ă©volution des techniques agraires depuis le nĂ©olithique. L'interprĂ©tation de structures linĂ©aires anciennes (talus, fossĂ©s), boisĂ©es ou non, peut ĂȘtre donnĂ©e sous rĂ©serve de confirmation par l'expĂ©rimentation et la comparaison avec des structures traditionnelles semblables. L'ensemble de ces rĂ©sultats montre comment les analyses palĂ©opĂ©dologiques, inscrites dans un cadre diachronique Ă  l'Ă©chelle d'un terroir, sont un complĂ©ment important pour la connaissance de l'histoire d'une rĂ©gion.The role of the micromorphology of soil in forming landscapes. -- Thanks to the micromorphological analysis of soil and sediments in Brittany (France), we can see how the landscape has been humanized over the past eight thousand years. We can also understand how farming techniques have evolved since the neolithic. An interpretation of old linear structures (ditches, embankments), whether wooded or not, can be made while waiting for confirmation from experiments and for comparisons with similar traditional structures. These results show how paleopedological analyses in a diachronic setting and on the scale of a zone provide an important complementary source of information for understanding a region's history

    Impact of charcoal production activities on soil profiles: the micromorphological point of view

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    The aim of this research is to understand better the impact of the traditional charcoal production on the soil. The focus is on the soil micromorphological study of several profiles located under ancient and recent charcoal mounds: the Paimpont forest (Ille-et-Vilaine, France), the Zonien forest (Belgium) and at the ÉcomusĂ©e de Haute-Alsace (Ungersheim, France). The experimental burning of a silt-loamy profile completed this task. The collected data indicate that the impact of charcoal exploitation on the soil micromorphology is not directly due to the combustion effects, but more to operations related to the local deforestation for wood exploitation, the preparation and management of the plots before, during and after the production phase and the domestic activities of the charcoal burners. The micromorphological study also allows tracing the origin of the turves that were used during the construction of the charcoal mound.Le but de cette recherche a Ă©tĂ© de comprendre l’impact de la production de charbon de bois sur le sol forestier. Ce travail a principalement consistĂ© en une Ă©tude micromorphologique de plusieurs profils de sol, localisĂ©s sous des charbonniĂšres anciennes et rĂ©centes : dans la forĂȘt de Paimpont (Ille-et-Vilaine, France), en forĂȘt de Soigne (Belgique) et Ă  l’ÉcomusĂ©e de Haute-Alsace (Ungersheim, France). La combustion expĂ©rimentale de divers horizons d’un sol limono-silteux naturel vient complĂ©ter ce rĂ©fĂ©rentiel. Les donnĂ©es obtenues montrent que l’impact du charbonnage sur la microstructure du sol n’est pas en relation directe avec la combustion de la meule, mais plutĂŽt liĂ©e au mode de dĂ©forestation, de prĂ©paration, d’amĂ©nagement et d’entretien de l’aire de charbonnage tout au long des diffĂ©rentes phases de production, ainsi qu’aux activitĂ©s domestiques du charbonnier. L’étude micromorphologique des sĂ©diments Ă  Ă©galement permis mettre en Ă©vidence l’utilisation de mottes tourbeuses pour la construction de la meule

    Rennes – Place de la RĂ©publique

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    La station de mĂ©tro « Place de la RĂ©publique » est situĂ©e en plein cƓur de Rennes, au centre de l’actuelle Place de la RĂ©publique et en bordure des quais sud de la Vilaine. Cet ouvrage souterrain est liĂ© Ă  la construction de la ligne du Val qui a dĂ©butĂ© le 6 janvier 1997. Celle-ci, longue de 8,6 km, comprendra quinze stations (deux aĂ©riennes et treize souterraines) et quatre parcs de stationnement-relais ; sa mise en service est prĂ©vue en l’an 2001. Le financement de cette opĂ©ration a Ă©tĂ© ass..

    Mass of the Southern Black Hole in NGC 6240 from Laser Guide Star Adaptive Optics

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    NGC 6240 is a pair of colliding disk galaxies, each with a black hole in its core. We have used laser guide star adaptive optics on the Keck II telescope to obtain high-resolution (∌0.06\sim 0.06") near-infrared integral-field spectra of the region surrounding the supermassive black hole in the south nucleus of this galaxy merger. We use the K-band CO absorption bandheads to trace stellar kinematics. We obtain a spatial resolution of about 20 pc and thus directly resolve the sphere of gravitational influence of the massive black hole. We explore two different methods to measure the black hole mass. Using a Jeans Axisymmetric Multi-Gaussian mass model, we investigate the limit that a relaxed mass distribution produces all of the measured velocity dispersion, and find an upper limit on the black hole mass at 2.0 \pm 0.2 \times 10^9 M_{\sun}. When assuming the young stars whose spectra we observe remain in a thin disk, we compare Keplerian velocity fields to the measured two-dimensional velocity field measured and fit for a mass profile containing a black hole point mass plus a radially-varying spherical component, which suggests a lower limit for the black hole mass of 8.7 \pm 0.3 \times 10^8 M_{\sun}. Our measurements of the stellar velocity dispersion place this AGN within the scatter of the MBHM_{BH}-σ∗\sigma_{*} relation. As NGC 6240 is a merging system, this may indicate that the relation is preserved during a merger at least until the final coalescence of the two nuclei.Comment: 10 pages, 12 figures; accepted to Ap

    InClass – an instrument to assess classroom management in inclusive and special education with a focus on heterogeneous learning groups

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    Organizing lessons for heterogeneous learning groups is a challenge for student teachers and novice teachers. To observe and improve classroom management during student teaching, we have developed an assessment tool. The aim of this study is to evaluate and improve the instrument “Scale for Classroom Management in Inclusive Schools (InClass)” with data from 480 student teachers in internships at elementary or special schools in Germany and Austria. The instrument consists of the three dimensions Adaptive Teaching Scale (ATS), Relationship Scale (RS), Behavior Management Scale (BMS). Confirmatory factor analyses revealed good reliable values (CFI = 0.97, TLI = 0.96, RMSEA = 0.06, SRMR = 0.04) for the three-factor InClass model and could confirm the theoretically developed scales. The latent correlations were between r = 0.74 and r = 0.63. Teachers in elementary schools also showed latent correlations between the three dimensions and their assessment of the implementation of inclusive education in the school ranging from r = 0.51 to r = 0.84. In order to meet the individual needs of all students, with and without special educational needs (SEN), novice teachers in particular should be supported in dealing with heterogeneous learning groups and in using effective classroom management. Instruments such as InClass help student teachers evaluate and reflect on instruction and therefore have an important contribution to teacher education

    Skala zur inklusiven KlassenfĂŒhrung – SelbsteinschĂ€tzung (InKlass-S)

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    Die „Skala zur inklusiven KlassenfĂŒhrung – SelbsteinschĂ€tzung (InKlass-S)“ ermöglicht eine EinschĂ€tzung des Unterrichts, inwieweit inklusive KlassenfĂŒhrung umgesetzt wird. Insgesamt werden drei Skalen angeboten. Bei der Skala zur adaptiven Unterrichtsgestaltung geht es darum, wie der Unterricht an die HeterogenitĂ€t der SchĂŒler:innen angepasst ist. Der Schwerpunkt der Skala zur Beziehungsförderung liegt gleichermaßen auf dem Ausbau und der Festigung der Lehrer:innen-SchĂŒler:innen-Beziehung und der SchĂŒler:innen-SchĂŒler:innen-Beziehung. Die Skala Verhaltenssteuerung zielt auf die Vermeidung von Unterrichtsstörungen, um die Lernzeit fĂŒr alle SchĂŒler:innen zu maximieren. Neben der „Skala zur inklusiven KlassenfĂŒhrung – SelbsteinschĂ€tzung (InKlass-S)“ gibt es dieselbe Skala noch als Version zur Fremdbeobachtung (InKlass-F), die eine EinschĂ€tzung durch Beobachtende ermöglicht

    Skala zur inklusiven KlassenfĂŒhrung – Fremdbeobachtung (InKlass-F)

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    Die „Skala zur inklusiven KlassenfĂŒhrung – Fremdbeobachtung (InKlass-F)“ ermöglicht eine EinschĂ€tzung des Unterrichts, inwieweit inklusive KlassenfĂŒhrung umgesetzt wird. Insgesamt werden drei Skalen angeboten. Bei der Skala zur adaptiven Unterrichtsgestaltung geht es darum, wie der Unterricht an die HeterogenitĂ€t der SchĂŒler:innen angepasst ist. Der Schwerpunkt der Skala zur Beziehungsförderung liegt gleichermaßen auf dem Ausbau und der Festigung der Lehrer:innen-SchĂŒler:innen-Beziehung und der SchĂŒler:innen-SchĂŒler:innen-Beziehung. Die Skala Verhaltenssteuerung zielt auf die Vermeidung von Unterrichtsstörungen, um die Lernzeit fĂŒr alle SchĂŒler:innen zu maximieren. Die „Skala zur inklusiven KlassenfĂŒhrung – Fremdbeobachtung (InKlass-F)“ ist ein EinschĂ€tzungsbogen fĂŒr Beobachtende. ZusĂ€tzlich steht eine „Skala zur inklusiven KlassenfĂŒhrung – SelbsteinschĂ€tzung (InKlass-S)“ fĂŒr Lehrpersonen als SelbsteinschĂ€tzungsinstrument zur VerfĂŒgung
