10 research outputs found

    A Novel Semisupervised Contrastive Regression Framework for Forest Inventory Mapping with Multisensor Satellite Data

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    Accurate mapping of forests is critical for forest management and carbon stocks monitoring. Deep learning is becoming more popular in Earth Observation (EO), however, the availability of reference data limits its potential in wide-area forest mapping. To overcome those limitations, here we introduce contrastive regression into EO based forest mapping and develop a novel semisupervised regression framework for wall-to-wall mapping of continuous forest variables. It combines supervised contrastive regression loss and semi-supervised Cross-Pseudo Regression loss. The framework is demonstrated over a boreal forest site using Copernicus Sentinel-1 and Sentinel-2 imagery for mapping forest tree height. Achieved prediction accuracies are strongly better compared to using vanilla UNet or traditional regression models, with relative RMSE of 15.1% on stand level. We expect that developed framework can be used for modeling other forest variables and EO datasets

    Deep Learning Model Transfer in Forest Mapping Using Multi-Source Satellite SAR and Optical Images

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    Deep learning (DL) models are gaining popularity in forest variable prediction using Earth observation (EO) images. However, in practical forest inventories, reference datasets are often represented by plot- or stand-level measurements, while high-quality representative wall-to-wall reference data for end-to-end training of DL models are rarely available. Transfer learning facilitates expansion of the use of deep learning models into areas with sub-optimal training data by allowing pretraining of the model in areas where high-quality teaching data are available. In this study, we perform a “model transfer” (or domain adaptation) of a pretrained DL model into a target area using plot-level measurements and compare performance versus other machine learning models. We use an earlier developed UNet based model (SeUNet) to demonstrate the approach on two distinct taiga sites with varying forest structure and composition. The examined SeUNet model uses multi-source EO data to predict forest height. Here, EO data are represented by a combination of Copernicus Sentinel-1 C-band SAR and Sentinel-2 multispectral images, ALOS-2 PALSAR-2 SAR mosaics and TanDEM-X bistatic interferometric radar data. The training study site is located in Finnish Lapland, while the target site is located in Southern Finland. By leveraging transfer learning, the SeUNet prediction achieved root mean squared error (RMSE) of (Formula presented.) m and R2 of 0.882, considerably more accurate than traditional benchmark methods. We expect such forest-specific DL model transfer can be suitable also for other forest variables and other EO data sources that are sensitive to forest structure.</p

    Semi-Supervised Deep Learning Representations in Earth Observation Based Forest Management

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    In this study, we examine the potential of several self-supervised deep learning models in predicting forest attributes and detecting forest changes using ESA Sentinel-1 and Sentinel-2 images. The performance of the proposed deep learning models is compared to established conventional machine learning approaches. Studied use-cases include mapping of forest disturbance (windthrown forests, snowload damages) using deep change vector analysis, forest height mapping using UNet+ based models, Momentum contrast and regression modeling. Study areas were represented by several boreal forest sites in Finland. Our results indicate that developed methods allow to achieve superior classification and prediction accuracies compared to traditional methodologies and mimimize the amount of necessary in-situ forestry data

    Improved semi-supervised UNet deep learning model for forest height mapping with satellite SAR and optical data

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    Lataa julkaisu, kun saatavilla.In this study, we introduce an improved semisupervised deep learning approach, and demonstrate its suitability for modeling the relationship between forest structural parameters and satellite remote sensing imagery and producing forest maps. The improved approach is based on a popular UNet model, modified and fine-tuned to improve the forest parameter prediction performance. Within the improved model, squeeze-and-excitation blocks are embedded to recalibrate the multisource features via retrieved channel-wise self-attention and a novel cross-pseudo regression strategy is implemented to train the model in a semisupervised way. The improvement imposes consistency learning on two perturbed network branches: 1) generating regression pseudo-reference; 2) expanding the dataset size. For demonstration, we used satellite synthetic aperture radar (SAR) Sentinel-1 and multispectral optical Sentinel-2 images as remote sensing data, complemented with reference data represented by forest tree height as one of the key forest structural variables. The study area is located in a boreal forestland in Central Finland. Proposed approach showed larger accuracy compared to traditional machine learning methods such as random forests and boosting trees, and baseline UNet model. Best accuracy figures for forest tree height were achieved with combined SAR and optical imagery and were as small as 24.1% root-mean-square error (RMSE) on pixel-level and 15.4% RMSE on forest stand level.Peer reviewe

    Deep recurrent neural networks for land-cover classification using sentinel-1 insar time series

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    Improved LSTM Model for Boreal Forest Height Mapping Using Sentinel-1 Time Series

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    Funding Information: This study was supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 62001229, 62101264, 62101260) and by China Postdoctoral Science Foundation (Grant No. 2020M681604). O.A. was supported by Multico project funded by Business Finland and Forest Carbon Monitoring project funded by European Space Agency. Publisher Copyright: © 2022 by the authors.Time series of SAR imagery combined with reference ground data can be suitable for producing forest inventories. Copernicus Sentinel-1 imagery is particularly interesting for forest mapping because of its free availability to data users; however, temporal dependencies within SAR time series that can potentially improve mapping accuracy are rarely explored. In this study, we introduce a novel semi-supervised Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) model, CrsHelix-LSTM, and demonstrate its utility for predicting forest tree height using time series of Sentinel-1 images. The model brings three important modifications to the conventional LSTM model. Firstly, it uses a Helix-Elapse (HE) projection to capture the relationship between forest temporal patterns and Sentinel-1 time series, when time intervals between datatakes are irregular. A skip-link based LSTM block is introduced and a novel backbone network, Helix-LSTM, is proposed to retrieve temporal features at different receptive scales. Finally, a novel semisupervised strategy, Cross-Pseudo Regression, is employed to achieve better model performance when reference training data are limited. CrsHelix-LSTM model is demonstrated over a representative boreal forest site located in Central Finland. A time series of 96 Sentinel-1 images are used in the study. The developed model is compared with basic LSTM model, attention-based bidirectional LSTM and several other established regression approaches used in forest variable mapping, demonstrating consistent improvement of forest height prediction accuracy. At best, the achieved accuracy of forest height mapping was 28.3% relative root mean squared error (rRMSE) for pixel-level predictions and 18.0% rRMSE on stand level. We expect that the developed model can also be used for modeling relationships between other forest variables and satellite image time series.Peer reviewe

    Deep Learning Models in Forest Mapping Using Multitemporal SAR and Optical Satellite Data

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    Sentinel-1 Time Series for Predicting Growing Stock Volume of Boreal Forest: Multitemporal Analysis and Feature Selection

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    Copernicus Sentinel-1 images are widely used for forest mapping and predicting forest growing stock volume (GSV) due to their accessibility. However, certain important aspects related to the use of Sentinel-1 time series have not been thoroughly explored in the literature. These include the impact of image time series length on prediction accuracy, the optimal feature selection approaches, and the best prediction methods. In this study, we conduct an in-depth exploration of the potential of long time series of Sentinel-1 SAR data to predict forest GSV and evaluate the temporal dynamics of the predictions using extensive reference data. Our boreal coniferous forests study site is located near the Hyytiälä forest station in central Finland and covers an area of 2500 km2 with nearly 17,000 stands. We considered several prediction approaches and fine-tuned them to predict GSV in various evaluation scenarios. Our analyses used 96 Sentinel-1 images acquired over three years. Different approaches for aggregating SAR images and choosing feature (predictor) variables were evaluated. Our results demonstrate a considerable decrease in the root mean squared errors (RMSEs) of GSV predictions as the number of images increases. While prediction accuracy using individual Sentinel-1 images varied from 85 to 91 m3/ha RMSE, prediction accuracy with combined images decreased to 75.6 m3/ha. Feature extraction and dimension reduction techniques facilitated the achievement of near-optimal prediction accuracy using only 8–10 images. Examined methods included radiometric contrast, mutual information, improved k-Nearest Neighbors, random forests selection, Lasso, and Wrapper approaches. Lasso was the most optimal, with RMSE reaching 77.1 m3/ha. Finally, we found that using assemblages of eight consecutive images resulted in the greatest accuracy in predicting GSV when initial acquisitions started between September and January

    Sentinel-1 InSAR Coherence for Land Cover Mapping: A Comparison of Multiple Feature-Based Classifiers

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    This article investigates and demonstrates the suitability of the Sentinel-1 interferometric coherence for land cover and vegetation mapping. In addition, this study analyzes the performance of this feature along with polarization and intensity products according to different classification strategies and algorithms. Seven different classification workflows were evaluated, covering pixel- and object-based analyses, unsupervised and supervised classification, different machine-learning classifiers, and the various effects of distinct input features in the SAR domain - interferometric coherence, backscattered intensities, and polarization. All classifications followed the Corine land cover nomenclature. Three different study areas in Europe were selected during 2015 and 2016 campaigns to maximize diversity of land cover. Overall accuracies (OA), ranging from 70% to 90%, were achieved depending on the study area and methodology, considering between 9 and 15 classes. The best results were achieved in the rather flat area of Doñana wetlands National Park in Spain (OA 90%), but even the challenging alpine terrain around the city of Merano in northern Italy (OA 77%) obtained promising results. The overall potential of Sentinel-1 interferometric coherence for land cover mapping was evaluated as very good. In all cases, coherence-based results provided higher accuracies than intensity-based strategies, considering 12 days of temporal sampling of the Sentinel-1 A stack. Both coherence and intensity prove to be complementary observables, increasing the overall accuracies in a combined strategy. The accuracy is expected to increase when Sentinel-1 A/B stacks, i.e., six-day sampling, are considered.Peer reviewe