27 research outputs found

    Reforming water allocation policy through markets in tradable water rights: lessons from Chile, Mexico, and California

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    Increasing water scarcity, rising costs of irrigation subsidies, and general economic liberalization are creating strong incentives for comprehensive water reform with establishment of tradable water rights and the development of markets in these rights. Experiences in Chile, Mexico, and California indicate that water allocation through markets in tradable water rights offers a viable approach to improving the efficiency of water allocation, and should receive serious consideration from developing country policy makers. Laws establishing tradable rights should be simple and comprehensive, should clearly define the characteristics of water rights and the conditions and regulations governing the trade of water rights; should establish and implement water rights registers; delineate the roles of the government, institutions, and individuals involved in water allocation and the ways of solving conflicts between them; and provide cost-effective protection against negative third party and environmental effects which can arise from water trades.Water-supply Management., Irrigation., Right of property., Water rights., Trade regulation.,

    Reforming Water Allocation Policy Through Markets in Tradable Water Rights: Lessons from Chile, Mexico and California

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    Increasing water scarcity, rising costs of irrigation subsidies, and general economic liberalization are creating strong incentives for comprehensive water reform with establishment of tradable water rights and the development of markets in these rights.

    Tese por compêndio de doutorado em ciências sociais e educação: Vantagens, riscos e propostas

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    O objetivo deste artigo é analisar as vantagens e os riscos da implementação de Teses por Compêndio de Publicações (TCP) em programas de doutorado em ciências sociais e de educação. Para isso, foram comparados os requisitos e características dos TCPs em 13 programas de doutorado chilenos e internacionais, e foram realizadas quatro entrevistas em profundidade com alunos que fizeram ou estão fazendo suas teses neste formato. Por fim, apresentamos um conjunto de propostas ou critérios a ter em consideração na implementação da opção TCP, com o propósito de salvaguardar a qualidade, pertinência e diversidade dos processos de formação dos estudantes

    Friedrich Hayek and his visits to Chile

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    F. A. Hayek took two trips to Chile, the first in 1977, the second in 1981. The visits were controversial. On the first trip he met with General Augusto Pinochet, who had led a coup that overthrew Salvador Allende in 1973. During his 1981 visit, Hayek gave interviews that were published in the Chilean newspaper El Mercurio and in which he discussed authoritarian regimes and the problem of unlimited democracy. After each trip, he complained that the western press had painted an unfair picture of the economic situation under the Pinochet regime. Drawing on archival material, interviews, and past research, we provide a full account of this controversial episode in Hayek’s life

    Conceptos básicos en políticas de agua basadas en el mercado

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    La construcción ideológica del currículum chileno de Historia y Ciencias Sociales

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    En esta investigación doctoral se intenta sistematizar e interpretar la construcción ideológica del currículum chileno de Historia y Ciencias Sociales en las dos últimas décadas. Con ese objetivo, primero se identifican los diferentes actores y agencias que efectivamente participan del proceso de debate y negociación del currículum común en esta área del aprendizaje, así como los principales ámbitos o campos de influencia desde los que estos actores proceden. Junto con eso, se caracterizan los escenarios donde se produce este proceso de debate y negociación curricular. Luego, en segundo lugar, se postula un esquema o modelo de Ideologías Curriculares en Historia y Ciencias Sociales. Estas ideologías son entendidas como aquellos esquemas de pensamiento sobre la historia, la sociedad y la ciudadanía que permean la visión de estos actores y agencias sobre el currículum y la enseñanza. Este esquema o modelo fue desarrollado a partir de una triangulación metodológica que consideró un análisis documental, la aplicación de cuestionarios y la realización de entrevista a una selección de actores. A partir de este ejercicio se identificaron cinco ideologías curriculares: la ideología neoliberal, la ideología conservadora, la ideología liberal y dos ideologías críticas, la ideología crítico-disciplinar y la ideología críticopedagógica. Cada una de estas ideologías describe postulados distintivos sobre las distintas dimensiones o componentes del currículum de Historia y Ciencias Sociales Finalmente, utilizando este modelo como referencia, se intenta ponderar qué ideologías predominan, cuáles son consideradas y cuáles excluidas en los principales referentes nacionales u oficiales para la enseñanza de la Historia y las Ciencias Sociales: en el currículum común y en las principales pruebas estandarizadas que evalúan a los centros educativos, a los docentes y a los estudiantes en esta área del aprendizaje. Para eso se analizan las tres últimas versiones del currículum común y las dos principales pruebas estandarizadas: las del Sistema de Medición de la Calidad de la Educación (SIMCE), y la Prueba de Selección Universitaria (PSU). Una de las principales conclusiones de esta investigación es que el Estado chileno promueve dos discursos curriculares en Historia y Ciencias Sociales, contradictorios entre sí. Uno, a través del currículum común, que se negocia y define en forma pública, que señala que la principal finalidad de la Historia y las Ciencias Sociales es que los estudiantes comprendan la sociedad y desarrollen competencias ciudadanas. Y otro paralelo, que se define en forma reservada, en espacios técnicos, en el que los criterios didácticos y disciplinarios son subordinados a prioridades de orden estadístico, que promueve un mensaje curricular que reduce el aprendizaje de la Historia y las Ciencias Sociales a la memorización de información y al desarrollo de un conocimiento enciclopédico.This doctoral dissertation attempts to systematize and interpret the ideological construction of the chilean Social Studies curriculum, during the last two decades. To this end, it first identifies the different actors and agencies who actually partake in the process of discussion and negotiation of the common curriculum in this subject, as well as the main fields of influence from which they come. Along with that, it characterize the scenarios where this process of discussion and negotiation occurs. Then, in second place, , it proposes a scheme or model of Curricular Ideologies in Social Studies. These ideologies are understood as schemes of thinking about the history, the society and the citizenship that permeate the vision of these actors and agencies about curriculum and teaching. This scheme or model was developed using a methodological triangulation based on documentary analysis, the use of questionnaires and interviews. This work has allowed identifying five curriculum ideologies: neoliberal, conservative, and liberal, plus two critical ideologies, the critical-disciplinary and critical-pedagogical. These five ideologies are described in terms of how they conceive the different dimension contained in Social Studies curriculum. Finally, using this model, it analyze which ideologies have prevailed, which have been considered, and which ones have been excluded from major national or official references for teaching Social Studies: the national curriculum and the standardized tests used to evaluate the schools, the teachers and students in this learning area. In order to accomplish this, it analyzes the three latest versions of common curriculum and the two major standardized tests: the ones from the Sistema de Medición de la Calidad de la Educación (SIMCE), and the Prueba de Selección Universitaria (PSU). One of the main conclusions of this research is that the chilean State promotes two competing and contradictory curriculum messages in Social Studies. The first one, publicly negotiated and defined, states that the main purpose of Social Studies, is that students understand their society and develop civic skills. And the second one, defined behind closed doors, where pedagocial and disciplinary criteria are subordinate to priorities of statistical nature, that reduce learning of Social Studies, to the memorization of information and the development of an encyclopedic knowledge

    Reforming Water Allocation Policy Through Markets in Tradable Water Rights: Lessons From Chile, Mexico, and California

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    Increasing water scarcity, rising costs of irrigation subsidies, and general economic liberalization are creating strong incentives for comprehensive water reform with establishment of tradable water rights and the development of markets in these rights. Experiences in Chile, Mexico, and California indicate that water allocation through markets in tradable water rights offers a viable approach to improving the efficiency of water allocation, and should receive serious consideration from developing country policy makers. Laws establishing tradable rights should be simple and comprehensive, should clearly define the characteristics of water rights and the conditions and regulations governing the trade of water rights; should establish and implement water rights registers; delineate the roles of the government, institutions, and individuals involved in water allocation and the ways of solving conflicts between them; and provide cost-effective protection against negative third party and environmental effects which can arise from water trade