25 research outputs found

    The Epidemiology, treatment, and complication of ameloblastoma in East-Indonesia : 6 years retrospective study

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    Ameloblastoma is a neoplasm classified as a benign epithelial odontogenic tumor of the jaws, grow slowly and are locally invasive. The aim of the present study was to investigate the incidence, treatment, and complication of patients with ameloblastoma in East-Indonesia during six years retrospective study. This retrospective study included 84 patients who were diagnosed with ameloblastoma from 2011 to 2016. There were 56 patients with treatment data available. Data from each patient, including gender, age, histologic type, the size of the tumor, radiologic form, tumor location, type of treatment, and complication were reviewed and analyzed retrospectively. Fourteen patients were diagnosed with unicystic ameloblastoma (25%), thirty two patients with multicystic follicular ameloblastoma (57%) and ten patients with an unspecified multicystic ameloblastoma (18%). A total of about 35 patients were treated conservatively (62.5%) and 21 patients were treated radically (37.5%). Swelling was present as a pre-operative complication in all 56 cases (100%). There were no complaints concerning speech. The majority findings of the histologic type were multicystic ameloblastoma and their location were in the mandible. Most ameloblastoma were treated conservatively and reconstructions were made with only titanium plates and not bone graft

    A systematic review of physical activity and sedentary behaviour research in the oil-producing countries of the Arabian Peninsula

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    TCTEX1D2 mutations underlie Jeune asphyxiating thoracic dystrophy with impaired retrograde intraflagellar transport

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    Tiina Paunio on työryhmän UK10K jäsen.The analysis of individuals with ciliary chondrodysplasias can shed light on sensitive mechanisms controlling ciliogenesis and cell signalling that are essential to embryonic development and survival. Here we identify TCTEX1D2 mutations causing Jeune asphyxiating thoracic dystrophy with partially penetrant inheritance. Loss of TCTEX1D2 impairs retrograde intraflagellar transport (IFT) in humans and the protist Chlamydomonas, accompanied by destabilization of the retrograde IFT dynein motor. We thus define TCTEX1D2 as an integral component of the evolutionarily conserved retrograde IFT machinery. In complex with several IFT dynein light chains, it is required for correct vertebrate skeletal formation but may be functionally redundant under certain conditions.Peer reviewe

    Doktrin Pesantren terhadap Perempuan (Kajian terhadap Kitab-kitab dan Realitas Perempuan di dalam Pesantren)

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    Penelitian ini menemukan bahwa Pesantren cenderung menggunakan perawatan preventif dalam menanggapi permasalahan perempuan, dengan berusaha mempertahankan tradisi dan kitab-kitab yang telah diterapkan di pesantren sejak lama. Penelitian ini tampaknya bertolak belakang dengan Yunahar Ilyas (2015) yang menyatakan bahwa para ulama tidak sepenuhnya sepaham dengan konsep penciptaan manusia, pokok perselisihannya terdapat pada kalimat nafs wahidah dan minha dalam surah an-Nisa ayat 1, serta seperti perbedaan dalam menilai kualitas hadits tentang penciptaan Hawa dari tulang rusuk. Yunahar lebih condong pada argumentasi yang menyatakan bahwa penciptaan wanita adalah dari tulang rusuk. Sedangkan Khuzaemah T. Yanggo (2010) menyatakan bahwa seorang perempuan tidak boleh mengingkari kewajiban domestiknya, sekalipun mereka memilih untuk bekerja di luar rumah seperti yang dilakukan laki-laki. Menurut Khuzaemah, ini adalah ketentuan Syariah Islam yang harus dipatuhi oleh setiap wanita muslim. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kepustakaan. Pendekatan yang digunakan adalah pendekatan sosio-historis. Data primer penelitian ini adalah kitab-kitab utama yang dijadikan rujukan oleh pesantren, antara lain Riyadu al-Salihin, Subulus Salam, Fath al-Qarib, Fath al-Baari, Fath al-Mu'in dll. Sedangkan sumber sekunder adalah kitab-kitab kitab-kitab hadits dan fiqh, hadits sharh dan sirah al-Nabawiyah khususnya kitab-kitab yang berkaitan dengan masalah wanit

    Faktor Penghambat Keanggotaan Turki Dalam Uni Eropa

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    Toraja Wiran Dunia

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    xii + 348 hlm.; 1 jil.; 23 cm


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    One of the most visited tourist attractions in Nagan Raya Regency is the Naga Permai beach area. The beautiful natural panorama makes the Naga Permai beach area a tourist attraction. The high number of tourists is inversely proportional to the quality of the coastline which is increasingly being eroded by abrasion, so more efforts are needed from the local government and also the community in protecting the coast from the threat of increasingly severe abrasion. The purpose of this activity is to provide socialization about the importance of managing coastal areas from the threat of large waves and fast coastal currents, as well as to provide an overview and consequences that will arise in the future if large waves and heavy currents are not anticipated and watched out for and provide direct examples to the community on how to maintain coastal areas in order to reduce the impact of abrasion. This service will be carried out using an approach method with lectures / mentoring. While the steps to solve these problems are by doing examples of social service. The output obtained is the emergence of awareness and initiative from café owners and visitors to maintain and preserve the shoreline from abrasion