44 research outputs found

    PferdegestĂĽtzte Verhaltenstherapie fĂĽr hyperaktive Kinder

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    Es wird der Einsatz von Pferden als Mediatoren in der Verhaltenstherapie mit hyperaktiven Kindern im Pferdeprojekt der FU Berlin beschrieben.Presentation of a program for the use of horses as mediators in behavior therapy with hyperactive children in the socalled Horseproject of the Free University Berli

    Eine Einrichtung fĂĽr Kinder- und Jugendlichenpsychotherapie mitten in der GroĂźstadt

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    Das Pferdeprojekt, eine Einrichtung des Psychologischen Instituts der Freien Universität Berlin, zum Einsatz von Pferden in der Kinder- und Jugendlichenpsychotherapie wird vorgestellt - insbesondere der zugrundeliegende Ansatz von Pferden als Mediatoren in der Psychotherapie und in der vorzugsweise hier angewandten Pädagogisch-Psychologischen Therapie.The "Pferdeprojekt" - a facility of the Psychological Institute of the Free University Berlin for the utilization of horses in child and youth psychotherapy as well as for research and for instruction of students in psychology will be introduced here with particular emphasis on the fundamentals of the approach utilizing horses as mediators in psychotherapy and Pedagogic-Psychological Therapy, the model in use here


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    Abstrak Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk 1) deskripsi pemecahan masalah matematika ditinjau dari gaya kognitif field-independent (FI) dan kecemasan matematis rendah dan tinggi, 2) deskripsi pemecahan masalah matematika ditinjau dari gaya kognitif field-dependent (FD) dan kecemasan matematis rendah dan tinggi. Jenis penelitian deskriptif kualitatif. Instrument dan pengumpulan data yang digunakan berupa Tes GEFT, angket kecemasan, tes matematika dan wawancara. Teknik analisis data yang digunakan yaitu reduksi data, penyajian data, verifikasi data dan penarikan kesimpulan. Hasil penelitian: 1) Subjek yang bergaya kognitif FI kemampuannya dalam menyelesaikan masalah yakni analitis dan jelas, namun ada kekeliruan pada langkah penyelesaian disebabkan kecemasan yang tinggi. 2) Subjek FD dalam menyelesaikan masalah yakni berpikir menyeluruh karena kecemasan rendah mampu menyelesaikan masalah namun belum tuntas sedangkan kecemasan tinggi masih berpikir mencoba-coba sehingga tidak dapat menyelesaikan masalah secara tuntas. 3) keterkaitan antara gaya kognitif dan kecemasan matematis terlihat dalam menyelesaikan masalah yakni pada kebenaran perhitungan dan langkah-langkah penyelesainnya. Sedangkan kecemasan matematis dipengaruhi oleh gaya kognitif FI dan FD terlihat dalam menyelesaikan masalah yaitu, subjek FI yang analitis dan mempunyai persepsi luas sehingga mampu menyelesaikan masalah, sedangkan subjek FD lebih intuitif, presepsi sempit dan tidak mampu menyelesaikan masalah dengan tuntas. Kata kunci: pemecahan masalah matematika, gaya kognitif dan kecemasan matematis. Abstrack This study aims to 1) description of the mathematical problem solving in terms of cognitive style field-independent (FI) mathematical anxiety and low and high, 2) description of mathematical problem solving in terms of cognitive style field-dependent (FD) and mathematical low and high anxiety. Type a descriptive qualitative research. Instrument and data collection that is used in the form of Test anxiety now, GEFT, math test and interview. Data analysis techniques used, namely the reduction of data, data presentation, data verification and withdrawal of the conclusion. Research results: 1) the stylish Subject of cognitive ability in resolving the problem FI i.e. analytical and clear, but there is confusion on step completion caused high anxiety. 2) FD Subject in resolving problems i.e. thorough thinking because anxiety low was able to complete the issue hadn't yet high anxiety while still think dabble so can not solve the problem completely. 3) link between cognitive style and anxiety seen in a mathematically solve problems I on righteousness calculations and measures penyelesainnya. While the mathematical anxiety cognitive style is influenced by the FI and FD is seen in resolving problems, a subject that has broad perceptions of analytic and so was able to resolve the problem, while the subject is more intuitive, FD presepsi narrow and unable to resolve the problem completely. Keywords: mathematical problem solving, cognitive style and anxiety mathematically

    Patrol Role of the Directorate of Water Police in Prevention of Illegal Fishing by Foreign Ship

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    The purpose of this paper is to examine and analyze the role of the Indonesian Water Police in preventing illegal fishing in the Natuna waters .In this paper, the author uses a normative juridical method. In the conclusion of the discussion, in addition to international law which regulates law enforcement against IUU Fishing in the Exclusive Economic Zone, in Indonesia itself it is also regulated regarding law enforcement against IUU Fishing. In relation to national law enforcement regarding IUU Fishing, it has been contained in Act No. 5 of 1983 concerning the Indonesian Exclusive Economic Zone in Article 13. The stop and inspection of foreign vessels caught by the Water Police will be processed to obtain sufficient evidence. The process is in the form of checking permit documents from the Indonesian government, fishing gear used, fish caught, and communication tools. After being processed by the arresting agency, foreign ships will be ad hoc and escorted to the base for inspection and investigation. The investigation process is carried out by Civil Servant Investigators or Polda Water Police to the captain and crew (ABK) for questioning

    A fractional Brownian motion model for the turbulent refractive index in lightwave propagation

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    It is discussed the limitations of the widely used markovian approximation applied to model the turbulent refractive index in lightwave propagation. It is well-known the index is a passive scalar field. Thus, the actual knowledge about these quantities is used to propose an alternative stochastic process to the markovian approximation: the fractional Brownian motion. This generalizes the former introducing memory; that is, there is correlation along the propagation path.Comment: 11 pages, no figures. Submitted and revised for Optics Communication

    Active and passive fields face to face

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    The statistical properties of active and passive scalar fields transported by the same turbulent flow are investigated. Four examples of active scalar have been considered: temperature in thermal convection, magnetic potential in two-dimensional magnetohydrodynamics, vorticity in two-dimensional Ekman turbulence and potential temperature in surface flows. In the cases of temperature and vorticity, it is found that the active scalar behavior is akin to that of its co-evolving passive counterpart. The two other cases indicate that this similarity is in fact not generic and differences between passive and active fields can be striking: in two-dimensional magnetohydrodynamics the magnetic potential performs an inverse cascade while the passive scalar cascades toward the small-scales; in surface flows, albeit both perform a direct cascade, the potential temperature and the passive scalar have different scaling laws already at the level of low-order statistical objects. These dramatic differences are rooted in the correlations between the active scalar input and the particle trajectories. The role of such correlations in the issue of universality in active scalar transport and the behavior of dissipative anomalies is addressed.Comment: 36 pages, 20 eps figures, for the published version see http://www.iop.org/EJ/abstract/1367-2630/6/1/07

    Canonical quantization of the boundary Wess-Zumino-Witten model

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    We present an analysis of the canonical structure of the WZW theory with untwisted conformal boundary conditions. The phase space of the boundary theory on a strip is shown to coincide with the phase space of the Chern-Simons theory on a solid cylinder (a disc times a line) with two Wilson lines. This reveals a new aspect of the relation between two-dimensional boundary conformal field theories and three-dimensional topological theories. A decomposition of the Chern-Simons phase space on a punctured disc in terms of the one on a punctured sphere and of coadjoint orbits of the loop group easily lends itself to quantization, providing at the same time a quantization of the boundary WZW model.Comment: 49 pages, latex, 5 figur

    Quantum matrix algebra for the SU(n) WZNW model

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    The zero modes of the chiral SU(n) WZNW model give rise to an intertwining quantum matrix algebra A generated by an n x n matrix a=(a^i_\alpha) (with noncommuting entries) and by rational functions of n commuting elements q^{p_i}. We study a generalization of the Fock space (F) representation of A for generic q (q not a root of unity) and demonstrate that it gives rise to a model of the quantum universal enveloping algebra U_q(sl_n), each irreducible representation entering F with multiplicity 1. For an integer level k the complex parameter q is an even root of unity, q^h=-1 (h=k+n) and the algebra A has an ideal I_h such that the factor algebra A_h = A/I_h is finite dimensional.Comment: 48 pages, LaTeX, uses amsfonts; final version to appear in J. Phys.