69 research outputs found

    Du jeu des identités à la transformation de réalités partagées : un programme d’ateliers d’expression théâtrale pour adolescents immigrants et réfugiés

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    La migration à l’adolescence est particulièrement délicate à cause du fardeau conjugué que représente à ce stade de la vie l’intégration des multiples pertes associées à la migration et l’adaptation au statut de jeune adulte. Le programme d’ateliers d’expression théâtrale vise à faciliter l’adaptation des adolescents immigrants et réfugiés à leur nouvel environnement à partir d’un travail créatif autour des enjeux identitaires liés à la migration et à un statut de minorité. Ces ateliers conjuguent une approche inspirée du théâtre playback qui permet une mise en scène du vécu personnel et le théâtre forum de Boal qui met l’accent sur la transformation collective de l’expérience. Les résultats d’une évaluation qualitative des ateliers d’expression théâtrale suggèrent que ceux-ci constituent un lieu d’expression ou les participants se sentent en sécurité et soutenus par l’équipe ainsi que par le caractère rituel du jeu théâtral. Les ateliers permettent de représenter la multiplicité des valeurs et des références internes et externes de l’adolescent et de les renégocier sans dichotomiser le « eux » et le « nous », en s’adressant aux questions de justice sociale qui se posent à la collectivité. Ils favorisent aussi l’élaboration des transitions de l’adolescence en permettant l’évocation des pertes de la migration et le passage vers une identité hybride.Migration during adolescence represents a challenge for the youth who need to simultaneously work through the multiple losses associated with the migratory journey and adapt to a young adult status. The drama workshop program described here was designed to facilitate the adjustment of newly arrived immigrant teens. The aim of the program is to make it easier for adolescents to adjust to their new environment through creative group work around identity issues. The program also seeks to improve intergroup relations in multiethnic schools. The workshops are inspired both from playback theater and from Boal’s form theater which emphasizes the collective transformation of the singular experience. The qualitative assessment of the program effects on the adolescents suggests that the workshops constitute a safe space of expression, in which the team and the ritual nature of the play hold the participants. The workshops facilitate the representation of the multiplicity of values in the adolescent world and invite them to reconsider the way in which they interact, with their environment, without splitting between “us” and “them,” but rather creating solidarities around issues of social justice. The workshops also address the life transformation associated both with adolescence and migration and help the elaboration of the losses linked to the migratory journey and the construction of a hybrid identity.La migración en la adolescencia es particularmente delicada a causa de la carga conjunta que representa en esta etapa de la vida la integración de las múltiples pérdidas asociadas a la migración y la adaptación a un estatus de joven adulto. El programa de talleres de expresión teatral busca facilitar la adaptación de los adolescentes inmigrantes y refugiados a su nuevo entorno, a partir de un trabajo creativo relacionado con las cuestiones de identidad ligadas a la migración y a un estatus de minoría. Estos talleres conjugan un enfoque inspirado del teatro playback, que permite una puesta en escena de una experiencia personal, y el teatro forum de Boal, que pone el acento en la transformación colectiva de la experiencia. Los resultados de una evaluación cualitativa de los talleres de expresión teatral sugieren que éstos constituyen un lugar de expresión en el que los participantes se sienten seguros y apoyados por el equipo, así como por el carácter ritual de la representación teatral. Los talleres permiten representar la multiplicidad de los valores y referencias internas y externas del adolescente, y renegociarlos sin crear una dicotomía entre el “ellos” y “nosotros” al tratar cuestiones de justicia social que se plantean a la colectividad. Favorecen también la elaboración de las transiciones de la adolescencia al permitir la evocación de las pérdidas de la migración y el paso hacia una identidad híbrida.A imigração na adolescência é especialmente delicada, por causa do fardo conjugado que representa, neste ponto da vida, a integração das múltiplas perdas associadas à imigração e à adaptação ao estatuto de jovem adulto. O programa de ateliês de expressão teatral visa facilitar a adaptação dos adolescentes imigrantes e refugiados ao seu novo ambiente, a partir de um trabalho criativo a respeito das preocupações identitárias relacionadas à imigração e a um estatuto de minoria. Estes ateliês conjugam uma abordagem inspirada no teatro playback, que permite uma representação da vivência pessoal, e no teatro fórum de Boal, que ressalta a transformação coletiva da experiência. Os resultados de uma avaliação qualitativa dos ateliês de expressão teatral sugerem que estes continuam sendo um lugar de expressão onde os participantes sentem-se em segurança e apoiados pela equipe e pelo caráter ritual da representação teatral. Os ateliês permitem representar a multiplicidade dos valores e das referências internas e externas do adolescente e renegociá-los sem dicotomizar o “eles” e o “nós”, falando sobre questões de justiça social que são colocadas à coletividade. Os ateliês favorecem também a elaboração das transições da adolescência permitindo a evocação das perdas da imigração e a passagem para uma identidade híbrida

    Contacts adhésifs sur surfaces texturées d'élastomères : effet d'échelle

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    Les contacts adhésifs dont une des surfaces est micro-texturée à l'aide de motifs a soulevé une attention considérable ces deux dernières décennies. La compréhension fondamentale de ces contacts est primordiale car elle permettrait de contrôler les propriétés d’adhésion des matériaux par texturation plutôt que par fonctionnalisation chimique. Néanmoins le rôle précis des paramètres majeurs qui gouvernent ce type de contacts reste à identifier clairement. Nous allons discuter les conditions de formation d’un contact entre des hémisphères élastiques en PDMS et des surfaces micro-texturés avec des piliers hexagonaux souples, également en PDMS. Nous avons mis en œuvre le test « JKR » qui relie l’énergie d’adhésion à l'aire de la surface de contact entre l'hémisphère et l'échantillon plan. Toutefois, ce dispositif expérimental permet, outre une utilisation 'quasi-statique' classique, d'explorer en fréquence le comportement du contact : un mode dynamique a été développé à cet effet qui travaille en chargement cyclique. Ceci permet d'analyser l’effet de la sollicitation fréquentielle en fonction des paramètres des surfaces texturées. Dans un contexte de tests statiques, nous décrivons le rôle structural des piliers et discutons un phénomène d’hystérèse de contact après un chargement et un déchargement, exclusivement due au contact entre les plots et sans influence sur le comportement du contact sur plots. Dans un deuxième temps, nous montrons que la variation du rapport d'aspect des motifs de texturation de surface conduit à un comportement invariant lors de la formation d’un contact entre un hémisphère et un substrat souple élastique : l'homothétie géométrique à l'échelle étudiée conduit à des comportements au contact similaires en mode statique ainsi que dynamique

    Quelles influences ont les programmes et les formateurs sur les attitudes des futures enseignantes envers les élèves ayant des difficultés comportementales ?

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    Inclusive education is not always positively experienced by teachers of students with behavioural difficulties (DC); the use of certain practices would be particularly harmful to their success (Payne, 2015). These practices would be associated with teachers’ attitudes, which in turn would be influenced by the training received (Kim, 2011). Based on the tripartite model and a series of regressions, this article examines the attitudes of 1491 preservice teachers and explores the influence of teaching training programs. The results show that these programs positively influence the components of attitude, although the explained variance remains low. Keywords: teacher training, students with emotional and behavioural difficulties, preservice teachers, university trainers, field mentor, mainstreamingL’éducation inclusive n’est pas toujours vécue positivement par les futures enseignantes d’élèves en difficulté de comportement (DC) ; le recours à certaines pratiques serait notamment nuisible à leur réussite (Payne, 2015). Ces pratiques sont associées aux attitudes entretenues par les enseignantes, qui seraient à leur tour influencées par la formation reçue (Kim, 2011). En s’appuyant sur le modèle tripartite et une série de régressions, cet article examine les attitudes de 1 491 futures enseignantes et explore l’influence des programmes de formation initiale à l’enseignement sur celles-ci. Les résultats révèlent que ces programmes influencent positivement les composantes de l’attitude, bien que la variance expliquée demeure faible. Mots-clés : programme de formation à l’enseignement, élèves, difficultés comportementales, futures enseignantes, formatrices et formateurs universitaires, enseignantes associées, classe ordinair

    Awareness Tool for Safe and Responsible Driving (OSCAR) : A Potential Educational Intervention for Increasing Interest, Openness and Knowledge About the Abilities Required and Compensatory Strategies Among Older Drivers

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    Abstract : Objective: This pilot study aimed to verify the impact of the awareness tool for safe and responsible driving (OSCAR) on older adults’ (1) interest, openness, and knowledge about the abilities and compensatory strategies required for safe driving; (2) awareness of changes that have occurred in their own driving abilities; and (3) actual utilization of compensatory strategies. Methods: A preexperimental design, including a pretest (T0) and posttest (T1) 8 to 10 weeks after exposure to the intervention, was used with 48 drivers aged between 67 and 84. The participants had a valid driving license and drove at least once a week. Results: Overall, the results demonstrate that OSCAR increased interest, openness, and knowledge about the abilities and compensatory strategies of older drivers (P < .01). After exposure to OSCAR, the majority of the participants confirmed that changes had occurred in at least one of their abilities. Moreover, half of the older drivers reported having started using 6 or more compensatory strategies. Conclusion: In summary, in addition to increasing older adults’ interest, openness, and knowledge to discussion about driving, OSCAR also improved awareness of the changes that could negatively impact safe driving and enhanced utilization of compensatory strategies. While promoting safe driving and the prevention of crashes and injuries, this intervention could ultimately help older adults maintain or increase their transportation mobility. More studies are needed to further evaluate OSCAR and identify ways to improve its effectiveness

    Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation for Severe Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome associated with COVID-19: An Emulated Target Trial Analysis.

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    RATIONALE: Whether COVID patients may benefit from extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (ECMO) compared with conventional invasive mechanical ventilation (IMV) remains unknown. OBJECTIVES: To estimate the effect of ECMO on 90-Day mortality vs IMV only Methods: Among 4,244 critically ill adult patients with COVID-19 included in a multicenter cohort study, we emulated a target trial comparing the treatment strategies of initiating ECMO vs. no ECMO within 7 days of IMV in patients with severe acute respiratory distress syndrome (PaO2/FiO2 <80 or PaCO2 ≥60 mmHg). We controlled for confounding using a multivariable Cox model based on predefined variables. MAIN RESULTS: 1,235 patients met the full eligibility criteria for the emulated trial, among whom 164 patients initiated ECMO. The ECMO strategy had a higher survival probability at Day-7 from the onset of eligibility criteria (87% vs 83%, risk difference: 4%, 95% CI 0;9%) which decreased during follow-up (survival at Day-90: 63% vs 65%, risk difference: -2%, 95% CI -10;5%). However, ECMO was associated with higher survival when performed in high-volume ECMO centers or in regions where a specific ECMO network organization was set up to handle high demand, and when initiated within the first 4 days of MV and in profoundly hypoxemic patients. CONCLUSIONS: In an emulated trial based on a nationwide COVID-19 cohort, we found differential survival over time of an ECMO compared with a no-ECMO strategy. However, ECMO was consistently associated with better outcomes when performed in high-volume centers and in regions with ECMO capacities specifically organized to handle high demand. This article is open access and distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial No Derivatives License 4.0 (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/)

    Un stage… sur mesure

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    Légitimité territoriale des grandes surfaces alimentaires et vente de produits locaux

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    International audienceLocal food product consumers attend different points of sale including large food retailers. We argue that consumers' behavior could be impacted as retailers are perceived as having a territorial legitimacy in marketing local food. This leads to direct or indirect effects such as: 1) willing to return to this store; 2) recommending their retail store to people they know; 3) willing to purchase their local food products in this retail store in the future.Les consommateurs de produits locaux fréquentent entre autres lieux les grandes surfaces alimentaires. Dans la mesure où ils perçoivent les GSA comme ayant une légitimité territoriale pour proposer cette offre, leur comportement est impacté. Cela implique des effets directs ou indirects : 1) l’intention de revenir dans ce point de vente ; 2) la recommandation de la GSA à leur entourage ; 3) l’intention d’effectuer leurs futurs achats de produits locaux dans ce point de vente

    Méthode de production de protéines recombinantes dans des microalgues vertes

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    publication date: 2011-03-24; filing date: 2010-09-17The present invention relates to a method for the production of recombinant proteins by algal cells, which are fresh water unicellular green microalgae belonging to the order of Sphaeropleales. The present invention further provides recombinant algal cells, wherein said algal cells are fresh water unicellular green microalgae belonging to the order of Sphaeropleales, and wherein said algal cells are capable of producing a recombinant protein. The invention is also directed to a method for selecting recombinant algal cells. The invention also relates to the use of recombinant algal cells as described herein for producing recombinant proteins.Prothea

    Characterization and Cloning of Chitin Deacetylases from Rhizopus Circinans

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    Chitin deacetylase catalyzes hydrolysis of the acetamido groups of N-acetylglucosamine of chitin in fungal cell walls. Here a chitin deacetylase secreted by Rhizopus circinans was purified to homogeneity and partially characterized. The enzyme exhibits an apparent molecular weight of approximately 75kDa. At 37 degrees C it shows optimal activity at pH 5.5-6. Its pH stability and thermal stability are good. Mn(2+) and Mg(2+) slightly enhance the activity of the enzyme and Cu(2+) strongly inhibits it. An R. circinans cDNA library was constructed and screened with a homologous probe synthesized by RT-PCR or with synthetic primers derived from the N-terminal amino-acid sequence of the native purified chitin deacetylase. Three chitin deacetylase cDNAs (RC, D2, and I3/2) were isolated from the cDNA library and sequenced. These cDNAs exhibit features characteristic of chitin deacetylase sequences: the presence of a polysaccharide deacetylase domain, a metal-binding triad, the conserved catalytic residues, and high homology with various chitin deacetylase genes. The cDNAs were cloned in a Pichia pastoris expression system and produced as polyhistidine-tagged proteins. Only one recombinant enzyme (called RC) was active under the tested conditions. It was purified to homogeneity in a single step and further characterized. The protein showed an apparent molecular mass of approximately 75kDa and, like the native enzyme, showed optimal activity at pH 5.5-6 at 37 degrees C. It was strongly inhibited by Cu(2+). The isolation of several chitin deacetylase cDNAs from the same microorganism is discussed

    Virtual Reality Tour of a UNESCO Site: A Promotional Attraction or a Substitute? The Case of the Lascaux Cave (France)

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    International audienceThis ongoing research proposes an evaluation of the impact of 360° virtual reality tour on intention to visit the real site. The specific case of the French Lascaux cave is presented. Based on an extended Rahimizhian et al. 2020 model we test the consumer reaction and propose initial results. An experiment was carried out with 136 consumers aged between 35 and 52. Initial results show the importance of the perceived enjoyment and experience in VR. The intention to visit is significant, but the sample does not allow us to conclude on the distance variable between the place of residence and the tourist site