683 research outputs found

    How can private standard accelerate the development of organic production?

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    It is possible to use private standards to increase the speed in development of organic production in a wide range of areas and to do that on a solid scientific basis. KRAV has recently improved the standard performance in reducing climate impact of the production and the methodology from this work will be possible to use in several areas such as reduction of environmental impact, animal welfare and reduction of health risk for consumers It is obvious, though, that we need to get more knowledge on how consumers value our extra requirements in the standard and their willingness to pay for these since this is of crucial importance to motivate the producers to accept more stringent standards

    TCP over High Speed Variable Capacity Links: A Simulation Study for Bandwidth Allocation

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    New optical network technologies provide opportunities for fast, controllable bandwidth management. These technologies can now explicitly provide resources to data paths, creating demand driven bandwidth reservation across networks where an applications bandwidth needs can be meet almost exactly. Dynamic synchronous Transfer Mode (DTM) is a gigabit network technology that provides channels with dynamically adjustable capacity. TCP is a reliable end-to-end transport protocol that adapts its rate to the available capacity. Both TCP and the DTM bandwidth can react to changes in the network load, creating a complex system with inter-dependent feedback mechanisms. The contribution of this work is an assessment of a bandwidth allocation scheme for TCP flows on variable capacity technologies. We have created a simulation environment using ns-2 and our results indicate that the allocation of bandwidth maximises TCP throughput for most flows, thus saving valuable capacity when compared to a scheme such as link over-provisioning. We highlight one situation where the allocation scheme might have some deficiencies against the static reservation of resources, and describe its causes. This type of situation warrants further investigation to understand how the algorithm can be modified to achieve performance similar to that of the fixed bandwidth case

    The territoriality of urban voids : a study of the complexity of three urban voids

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    Runt om i städer finns oklara och diffusa markområden som kan förbrylla människan. Det kan vara övergivna tomter och strukturer som inte längre används. Ändå är de en väsentlig del av stadslandskapet. Dessa till synes öde platser - de urbana tomrummen - är de stadsrum studien rör sig inom. På dessa platser finns det en mängd attribut som påvisar en typ av territorialisering signerade såväl individer som myndigheter. Denna studie undersöker därför de urbana tomrummen och dess territorialitet. För att skapa den förståelse som krävs för de urbana tomrummen menar studien att närvaro är av högsta betydelse. Därför är studiens metodval grundad på tillvägagångssätt som främjar denna närvaro. Empirin har skapats genom en fallstudie och använder såväl vandringsmetod som, mer konventionella verktyg som, dokumentstudie, intervjustudie och platsbesök. Med studien finns en förhoppning om att skapa en djupare förståelse för de urbana tomrummens territorialisering, komplexitet och hur de begrips av såväl användare som av kommunala tjänstepersoner. Tomrummen kan ses som biprodukter av den samtida stadens utvecklingstrender och ekonomiska omstruktureringar. De urbana tomrummen har en karaktär som är flytande och obestämd, och har i många fall en svag identitet i förhållande till stadens mer kontrollerade och tillrättalagda rum. Obestämdheten och den svaga identiteten medför att tomrummen ses som naturliga platser för exploatering, vilket synliggör deras skörhet. Trots den rådande planeringsdiskursen menar denna studie att det finns styrkor och värden som bör beaktas i framtida stadsförnyelseprojekt som gör anspråk på urbana tomrum. De urbana tomrummen påstås ha en låg komplexitet på grund av dess brist på resurser och positiva associationer. Studien visar dock det motsatta. Den territoriella komplexiteten varierar mellan de undersökta platserna men något som knyter dem samman är att komplexiteten är närvarande på samtliga. Att beskriva urbana tomrum som tomma och innehållslösa är med andra ord en förenkling och ger en felaktig bild av dem. Att knyta samman urbana tomrum med territorialisering bidrar med ett perspektiv som synliggör platsernas komplexitet och ger en mer nyanserad bild på de urbana tomrummen. Ur ett hållbarhetsperspektiv bör hänsyn tas till tomrummens komplexitet för att eliminera risken att radera naturligt uppkomna värden som inte går att återskapa.Urban void spaces are enigmatic and ambiguous areas within cities that often confuse individuals. These spaces encompass abandoned lots and structures that are no longer in use, yet they remain integral parts of the urban landscape. These seemingly deserted places, referred to as urban void spaces, are the focus of this study. These spaces exhibit a range of attributes that indicate a form of territorialization by both individuals and authorities. The aim of this study is to explore urban void spaces and their territoriality. To develop a comprehensive understanding of urban void spaces, the study emphasizes the importance of presence. Therefore, the research methodology is grounded in approaches that facilitate this presence. Empirical data is collected through a case study, utilizing methods such as walking surveys, as well as more conventional tools including document analysis, interviews, and site visits. Urban void spaces can be seen as byproducts of contemporary urban development trends and economic restructuring. These spaces possess a fluid and indefinite nature, often lacking a strong identity compared to the more controlled and organized spaces within the city. The ambiguity and weak identity of void spaces make them susceptible to exploitation, thereby highlighting their fragility. Despite prevailing planning discourses, this study argues that there are strengths and values associated with urban void spaces that should be considered in future urban renewal projects that lay claim to these areas. Contrary to the assumption that urban void spaces have low complexity due to their lack of resources and positive associations, this study reveals the opposite. The territorial complexity varies among the examined sites, but what unites them is the presence of complexity in all cases. Describing urban void spaces as empty and devoid of content oversimplifies their nature and provides a distorted image. Linking urban void spaces to territoriality offers a perspective that unveils the complexity of these places, providing a more nuanced understanding. From a sustainability perspective, acknowledging the complexity of void spaces is crucial to avoid erasing naturally occurring values that cannot be replicated

    Delays in subsidy payments from the common agriculture policy of the European Union : a qualitative study of some ruminant farmers in Uppsala county, Sweden

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    This Master's thesis is about how some farmers in Uppsala County experience delays in subsidy payments from the Swedish Board of Agriculture (SBA). This topic falls within the field of rural development as farms are in rural areas and are essential for society as they provide food and other agricultural goods. As farms are essential, it is important that the SBA is efficient. The research material consists of qualitative interviews of ruminant farmers in Uppsala County and a literature review of how the rural development programme (RDP) is designed and evaluated. This study shows that farmers experience delays in subsidy payments from the SBA similarly but how they cope with the delays varies.Detta examensarbete handlar om hur några lantbrukare i Uppsala län har upplevt förseningar av jordbruksstöd från Jordbruksverket (SJV). Detta ämne passar in på området landsbygdsutveckling på grund av att lantbrukare verkar på landsbygden och är viktiga för hela samhället när det gäller mat och andra jordbruksprodukter, vilket också är varför denna myndighet måste fungera. Materialet består av kvalitativa intervjuer med lantbrukare i Uppsala län som håller idisslare och litteraturstudier om hur landsbygdsprogrammet är utformat och utvärderat. Vad denna studie visar är att lantbrukare upplevt förseningarna från SJV på liknande sätt men att hanteringen av dessa förseningar varierar

    “We are our own world” : how social dances are manifested in Sweden

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    Denna uppsats handlar om fenomenet socialdans och hur den kan förstås som en subkultur. Bakgrunden till fältet inom landsbygdsutveckling, är att det finns uppfattningar om att dansbandskulturen och därmed socialdansen, är förknippad med landsbygd och ofta i negativ bemärkelse. Materialet uppsatsen bygger på, är av olika karaktär. Dels intervjuer med utgångspunkt Gävlemaran, ett etablerat dansevenemang i Sverige. Dels mina egna erfarenheter som socialdansare. Studien visar att socialdansen har förändrats men att en gemenskap som finns inom socialdansen överbryggar dessa uppfattade motsättningar.This essay is about the phenomenon of social dance and how it can be understood as a subculture. The background to the field of rural development is that there is perception that the dance band culture and hence social dances are associated with rural areas and often in a negative sense. The material the essay is based on is of a different nature. Based on Gävlemaran, an established dance event in Sweden. Partly on my own experience as a social dancer. The study shows that social dances have changed but that a community in social dances bridges these perceptions of opposition

    Modulation of intestinal microbiota and immunometabolic parameters by caloric restriction and lactic acid bacteria

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    The objective of this work was to evaluate the effect of a caloric restriction diet with and without the administration of Lactobacillus fermentum CRL1446, Lactobacillus casei CRL431 and Lactococcus lactis CRL1434, on immunemetabolic parameters and the composition of intestinal microbiota in mice. The supplementation of the caloric restriction diet with L. fermentum CRL1446 showed a bifidogenic effect and was able to maintain the abundance of the genus Lactobacillus over time. On the other hand, this strain showed hypocholesterolemic and hypoglycemic properties as well as inducing a decrease in plasma leptin levels. L. casei CRL431 administration increased the abundance of the Lactobacillus genera in the intestinal microbiota, which would improve the absorption of nutrients from the diet. This strain restores glucose values decreased by the diet in addition to inducing an increase in leptin and cytokines. Lac. lactis CRL1434 showed greater immunomodulatory capacity, without significantly affecting the composition of the intestinal microbiota. It had hypoglycemic properties and induced a decrease in leptin concentrations. L. fermentum CRL1446 and Lac. lactis CRL1434 could be potentially probiotic strains useful to correct the immuno-metabolic alterations associated with obesity, while L. casei CRL431 is a more suitable strain to be used in cases of malnutrition where it is sought to improve the absorption of nutrients and protection against infections, in addition to the stimulation of the immune system.Fil: Fabersani Marrades, Mario Emanuel. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Tucumán. Centro de Referencia para Lactobacilos; Argentina. Universidad Nacional de Tucumán; ArgentinaFil: Russo, Matias Irineo. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Tucumán. Centro de Referencia para Lactobacilos; ArgentinaFil: Márquez, María Antonela. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Tucumán. Centro de Referencia para Lactobacilos; ArgentinaFil: Abeijon Mukdsi, Maria Claudia. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Tucumán. Centro de Referencia para Lactobacilos; Argentina. Universidad del Norte Santo Tomás de Aquino; ArgentinaFil: Medina, Roxana Beatriz. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Tucumán. Centro de Referencia para Lactobacilos; Argentina. Universidad Nacional de Tucumán; Argentina. Universidad del Norte Santo Tomás de Aquino; ArgentinaFil: Gauffin Cano, María Paola. Universidad del Norte Santo Tomás de Aquino; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Tucumán. Centro de Referencia para Lactobacilos; Argentin

    Embodiment of inequality : the translation of childhood social inequality to alcohol related health disparities later in life

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    This thesis aims to increase knowledge regarding the translation of childhood social inequality to alcohol related disparities later in life. Four empirical studies focus on different dimensions of childhood social inequality and identify a clear connection between childhood social disadvantage and alcohol related disorders in young adulthood. The studies are based on data from Swedish national registers which include a large number of social, demographic and health related variables for the entire population born between 1973 and 1984 (n= 948 518). This cohort is followed from birth to adulthood using Cox and logistic regression analyses to measure the association between the childhood factors and alcohol related hospital care later in life. Low socioeconomic position, low school performance and experience of childhood household dysfunction were associated with alcohol related disorders to varying degrees in both men and women. School performance in particular was strongly related to the outcome and adjustment for school marks led to a complete attenuation of the socioeconomic gradient in alcohol related disorders. Alcohol related disorders result from a combination of two factors: high exposure and high vulnerability to alcohol. National public health surveys report very modest socioeconomic differences in total consumption levels and prevalence of binge drinking, which does not reflect the large alcohol related health inequalities presented and discussed in this thesis. Instead, this thesis emphasises social inequality in vulnerability to alcohol as a plausible mechanism explaining the results. A privileged socioeconomic background without any experience of household dysfunction provides children with good opportunities for school success, which paves the way for a good higher education and a well-paid profession. The many resources that such a person accumulates over the lifetime may serve as a buffer that compensates for the potentially adverse health effects of high alcohol consumption. In contrast, a person from disadvantaged social circumstances may be more likely to face poverty, stress and general health problems which can increase the probability that high alcohol consumption will lead to illness. The relationship between childhood social inequality and alcohol related health disparities later in life can be conceptualised as a form of embodiment of social privilege and disadvantage. During this process the physical and social environment is biologically incorporated and may materialise as health conditions. The embodiment of inequality makes individuals more or less vulnerable to the adverse consequences of alcohol and may partly explain the alcohol related health inequalities found in Sweden

    Mielenterveyshoidon laadun arviointi avoimen dialogin hoitomallin periaatteiden mukaisesti : kyselytutkimus laatumittariston käyttökelpoisuudesta

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    Tässä pro gradu -tutkielmassa tarkastellaan avoimen dialogin periaatteiden kanssa yhteensopivan mielenterveyshoidon laatumittariston käyttökelpoisuutta mielenterveyshoidon laadun arviointiin mielenterveyspalvelujen käyttäjien, mielenterveyspalvelujen käyttäjien omaisten sekä avoimen dialogin hoitomallin asiantuntijoiden näkökulmasta. Tarkoituksena on selvittää, muodostaisiko tutkielmassa esitettävä mielenterveyshoidon laatumittaristo hyväksyttävän pohjan mielenterveyshoidon laadun arviointiin tutkimukseen vastanneiden näkökulmasta. Lisäksi tutkitaan, eroavatko mielenterveyspalvelujen palvelujen käyttäjien, omaisten ja avoimen dialogin hoitomallin asiantuntijoiden näkemykset toisistaan mittariston käyttökelpoisuuden suhteen ja sitä, miten laatumittaristoa tulisi vastaajien näkökulmasta jatkossa kehittää. Toissijaisesti tutkitaan kyselylomakkeiden reliabiliteettia ja rakenteen validiteettia, jotta varsinaisten tutkimustulosten luotettavuutta pystytään arvioimaan. Tutkielman aineisto on kerätty kolmella kyselylomakkeella. Kyselyyn toivottiin vastauksia täysi-ikäisiltä henkilöiltä, jotka tulkitsivat kuuluvansa opinnäytetutkimuksen kohderyhmään. Lopullinen aineisto muodostuu 66 mielenterveyspalvelujen käyttäjän, 29 omaisen sekä 14 avoimen dialogin hoitomallin asiantuntijan vastauksista. Määrällisen aineiston analyysissä käytettiin tilastollisia menetelmiä ja tekstiaineiston analyysimenetelmä oli laadullinen sisällönanalyysi. Opinnäytetutkimuksen teoriaosuuden ensimmäisessä pääluvussa esitellään avoimen dialogin hoitomallia osana tarpeenmukaisen hoidon perinnettä sekä avoimen dialogin hoitomallin edistämisen teoreettisia ja empiirisiä perusteluita. Toisessa pääluvussa yhdistetään teoria terveydenhuollon laadusta avoimen dialogin hoitomallin periaatteisiin, mikä luo pohjan tutkimuslomakkeiden laatumittareiden operationalisoinnille. Aineiston analyysin perusteella selvä enemmistö mielenterveyspalvelujen käyttäjistä, mielenterveyspalvelujen käyttäjien omaisista sekä avoimen dialogin hoitomallin asiantuntijoista piti tutkimuslomakkeiden laatumittaristoa käyttökelpoisena mielenterveyshoidon laadun arviointiin. Käyttökelpoisimpana laatumittaristoa pitivät avoimen dialogin hoitomallin asiantuntijat ja vähiten käyttökelpoisena mielenterveyspalvelujen käyttäjät. Sisällönanalyysin tulokset tukivat tilastollisen analyysin tuloksia ja tuottivat tietoa mittariston jatkokehittämisen tarpeisiin. Tutkimuslomakkeet muodostivat tulosten perusteella reliaabelin ja rakenteeltaan validin työkalun tutkimusaineiston keräämiseksi. Tuloksista voidaan päätellä, että tässä opinnäytetutkielmassa muodostettu mielenterveyshoidon laatumittaristo saattaisi olla käyttökelpoinen kehittämisen ja jatkotutkimuksen kohde. Mittariston jatkokehittämisen myötä mielenterveyspalvelujen käyttäjille ja heidän omaisilleen voitaisiin mahdollisesti kehittää entistä paremmin heidän tarpeisiinsa vastaavaa hoitoa. Jatkotutkimuksessa mittariston teoriapohjaa tulisi täsmentää ja implementoinnin edellytyksiä tutkia. Lisäksi tietoa mittariston psykometrisistä ominaisuuksista tarvittaisiin lisää, jotta mittaristo voitaisiin ottaa käyttöön mielenterveyshoidon laadun arvioinnissa

    Prevalence and compatibility of Shalom Schwartz's value types in Foundations of the Basic Education Curriculum 2014 and Foundations of the Elementary School Curriculum 1994

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    Schwartz theory of basic human values is a globally used and recognized theory that is also used in Finnish research. The theory includes 10 values ​​that can be considered globally prevalent. The theory is divided into four categories: conservation, self-transcendence, self-enhancement, openness to change. In addition, the underlying motivation for the different values ​​is divided into individual, collective and mixed interests. In this research the aim is to analyze which of Schwartz's values ​​appear in the national curriculum of 1994 and 2014 and look at changes in values ​​between the years 1994 and 2014. There seems to be a need to examine the value base in the national curriculum to better understand which values ​​form the basis for the big autonomy that is given to schools and teachers in the curriculum. Previous research shows that conservation and self-transcending values ​​have been strongly prevalent in basic education. The survey's research data consisted of the value-based chapters in the national curriculum of 1994 and 2014. Schwartz theory of basic human values and Schwartz Value Survey (SVS) were used as a theoretical reference framework and analysis tools. The investigation was carried out according to mixed methods, where a qualitative interpretive deductive text analysis constituted the main research method, with a quantitatively measuring deductive text analysis as a supplementary analysis method. In the results section, the survey showed universalism as by far the most prevalent value in the curricula. Major changes found were that the value tradition's high occurrence in the national curriculum of 1994 had been replaced by power in 2014. Self-direction showed a high occurrence, and the compatibility between universalism and self-direction can be seen as strong and in line with the curricula. The expressions of values ​​showed a big change between the years 1994 and 2014, described by the fact that diversity and multilingualism as expressions of values ​​appeared strongly in the national curriculum of 2014. Self-transcending values ​​and values ​​with openness to change were most prevalent with individual and mixed interests as the underlying motivation. The result suggests that collective interests and values ​​that are conservation and self-enhancing are not well represented in the national curriculum of 2014, and possibly need to be taken into account.Schwartz värdegrundsteori är en globalt använd och erkänd teori som också används inom finländsk forskning. Teorin innefattar 10 värden som kan anses vara globalt förekommande. Teorin delas in i fyra överkategorier: bevarande, självöverskridande, självförstärkande, öppenhet för förändring. Därtill delas bakomliggande motivation för de olika värdena in i individuella-, kollektiva- och blandade intressen. Den här undersökningen går ut på att analysera vilka av Schwartz värden som förekommer i Ggl 1994 och Glgu 2014 och se på förändringar i värden mellan år 1994 och 2014. Det verkar finnas behov av att undersöka värdegrunden i läroplanen för att förstå vilka värden som utgör grunden för det stora tolkningsutrymme som i läroplanen ges åt skola och lärare. Tidigare forskning visar på att bevarande och självöverskridande värden varit starkt förekommande inom den grundläggande utbildningen. Undersökningens forskningsdata bestod av värdegrundskapitlen i Ggl 1994 och Glgu 2014. Som teoretisk referensram och senare analysverktyg användes Schwartz värdegrundsteori och värdegrundsenkät SVS. Undersökningen utfördes enligt blandade metoder, där en kvalitativt tolkande deduktiv textanalys utgjorde den huvudsakliga forskningsmetoden, med en kvantitativt mätande deduktiv textanalys som kompletterande analysmetod. Undersökningen visade i resultatdelen på universalism som det klart mest förekommande värdet i läroplanerna. Stora förändringar som hittades var att värdet traditions stora förekomst i Ggl 1994 hade ersatts av makt i Glgu 2014. Självriktning visade på en stor förekomst, och förenligheten mellan universalism och självriktning kan ses som stark och i linje med läroplanerna. Värdeuttrycken visade på en stor förändring mellan år 1994 och 2014 beskrivet av att mångfald och flerspråkighet som värdeuttryck förekom starkt i Glgu 2014. Självöverskridande värden och värden med öppenhet för förändring var mest förekommande i Glgu 2014, med individuella och blandade intressen som bakomliggande motivation. Resultatet tyder på att kollektiva intressen och värden som är bevarande och självförstärkande inte är välrepresenterade i Glgu 2014, och eventuellt behöver beaktas

    Bacteroides uniformis CECT 7771 ameliorates metabolic and immunological dysfunction in mice with high-fat-diet induced obesity

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    Background: Associations have been made between obesity and reduced intestinal numbers of members of the phylum Bacteroidetes, but there is no direct evidence of the role these bacteria play in obesity. Herein, the effects of Bacteroides uniformis CECT 7771 on obesity-related metabolic and immune alterations have been evaluated. Methods and Findings: Adult (6–8 week) male wild-type C57BL-6 mice were fed a standard diet or a high-fat-diet HFD to induce obesity, supplemented or not with B. uniformis CECT 7771 for seven weeks. Animal weight was monitored and histologic, biochemical, immunocompetent cell functions, and features of the faecal microbiota were analysed after intervention. The oral administration of B. uniformis CECT 7771 reduced body weight gain, liver steatosis and liver cholesterol and triglyceride concentrations and increased small adipocyte numbers in HFD-fed mice. The strain also reduced serum cholesterol, triglyceride, glucose, insulin and leptin levels, and improved oral tolerance to glucose in HFD fed mice. The bacterial strain also reduced dietary fat absorption, as indicated by the reduced number of fat micelles detected in enterocytes. Moreover, B. uniformis CECT 7771 improved immune defence mechanisms, impaired in obesity. HFD-induced obesity led to a decrease in TNF-a production by peritoneal macrophages stimulated with LPS, conversely, the administration of B. uniformis CECT 7771 increased TNF-a production and phagocytosis. Administering this strain also increased TNF-a production by dendritic cells (DCs) in response to LPS stimulation, which was significantly reduced by HFD. B. uniformis CECT 7771 also restored the capacity of DCs to induce a T-cell proliferation response, which was impaired in obese mice. HFD induced marked changes in gut microbiota composition, which were partially restored by the intervention. Conclusions: Altogether, the findings indicate that administration of B. uniformis CECT 7771 ameliorates HFD-induced metabolic and immune dysfunction associated with intestinal dysbiosis in obese mice.Fil: Gauffin Cano, María Paola. Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas. Instituto de Agroquímica y Tecnología de Alimentos; España. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; ArgentinaFil: Santacruz, Arlette. Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas. Instituto de Agroquímica y Tecnología de Alimentos; EspañaFil: Moya, Angela. Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas. Instituto de Agroquímica y Tecnología de Alimentos; EspañaFil: Sanz, Yolanda. Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas. Instituto de Agroquímica y Tecnología de Alimentos; Españ