78 research outputs found

    2. La ceramica di Velia nel IV e III sec. a. C

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    In the 4th and 3rd c. BC Velia represents the most important Greek center in North-Western Lucania and therefore its pottery might serve as point of comparison for the Lucanian settlements of the region, though we have to take into consideration the fact that the idea of a unmixed Greek polis has been challenged recently. The paper presents an overview over the pottery of Velia in this period, considering glazed ware, kitchen ware and amphorae

    Imprecision and DNA break repair biased towards incompatible end joining in leukemia

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    Cancer is a genetic disease caused by mutations and chromosomal abnormalities that contribute to uncontrolled cell growth. In addition, cancer cells can rapidly respond to conventional and targeted therapies by accumulating novel and often specific genetic lesions leading to acquired drug resistance and relapsing disease. In chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL), however, diverse chromosomal aberrations often occur. In many cases, improper repair of DNA double-strand breaks (DSB) is a major source for genomic abnormalities. Therefore, this study examined the repair of DNA DSBs by nonhomologous end joining (NHEJ) in CLL by performing plasmid-based repair assays in primary CLL cells and normal B cells, isolated from patients, as well as TALEN/Cas9–induced chromosomal deletions in the CLL cell line Mec1. It is demonstrated that DNA repair is aberrant in CLL cells, featuring perturbed DNA break structure preference with efficient joining of noncohesive ends and more deletions at repair junctions. In addition, increased microhomology-mediated end joining (MMEJ) of DNA substrates was observed in CLL together with increased expression of MMEJ-specific repair factors. In summary, these data identify major differences in DNA repair efficiency between CLL cells and normal B cells isolated from patients

    Early Allograft Dysfunction Increases Hospital Associated Costs After Liver Transplantation—A Propensity Score–Matched Analysis

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    Concepts to ameliorate the continued mismatch between demand for liver allografts and supply include the acceptance of allografts that meet extended donor criteria (ECD). ECD grafts are generally associated with an increased rate of complications such as early allograft dysfunction (EAD). The costs of liver transplantation for the health care system with respect to specific risk factors remain unclear and are subject to change. We analyzed 317 liver transplant recipients from 2013 to 2018 for outcome after liver transplantation and hospital costs in a German transplant center. In our study period, 1-year survival after transplantation was 80.1% (95% confidence interval: 75.8%-84.6%) and median hospital stay was 33 days (interquartile rage: 24), with mean hospital costs of euro115,924 (SD euro113,347). There was a positive correlation between costs and laboratory Model for End-Stage Liver Disease score (r(s) = 0.48, P < 0.001), and the development of EAD increased hospital costs by euro26,229. ECD grafts were not associated with a higher risk of EAD in our cohort. When adjusting for recipient-associated risk factors such as laboratory Model for End-Stage Liver Disease score, recipient age, and split liver transplantation with propensity score matching, only EAD and cold ischemia increased total costs. Conclusion: Our data show that EAD leads to significantly higher hospital costs for liver transplantation, which are primarily attributed to recipient health status. Strategies to reduce the incidence of EAD are needed to control costs in liver transplantation

    A compreensão das práticas de contabilidade gerencial à luz do paradigma espiritual: uma lente alternativa ao pensamento econômico-racionalista

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    O presente ensaio teórico objetivou fornecer elementos que contribuam para a compreensão das práticas contábeis gerenciais por meio dos conceitos preconizados pelo paradigma espiritual, buscando compartilhar lentes alternativas que possam propiciar visões diferenciadas da contabilidade gerencial que sejam mais contributivas à gestão empresarial. Para tanto, foram discutidos os pilares fundamentais da espiritualidade no ambiente da contabilidade gerencial, mediante a análise de alguns valores espirituais que podem auxiliar na criação de um ambiente de trabalho mais propício para que o profissional em contabilidade gerencial possa executar suas funções de forma a ampliar o número de variáveis intervenientes no processo de tomada de decisão empresarial, assistindo assim o gestor com informações úteis. Pôde-se depreender que em ambientes organizacionais mais espiritualizados, nos quais os profissionais (tanto contadores, quanto gestores e colaboradores) utilizam-se dos valores espirituais citados no presente estudo; os instrumentos de contabilidade gerencial podem ser viabilizados de forma mais consciente, a fim de demonstrarem a real situação empresarial, visto que quem decide ou não por sua utilização, possui dentro de si esses valores, praticando-os habitualmente. Salienta-se que os valores abordados neste ensaio, não devem ser visualizados como sendo individualizados, pois, ao serem praticados em conjunto, potencializam-se e formam uma "teia virtuosa" ou um sistema de cooperação mútua entre todos os participantes da equipe empresarial em prol de um objetivo comum maior.This paper aimed to provide theoretical elements that contribute to understanding the management accounting practices using the concepts advocated by spiritual paradigm, seeking to share alternative lens that can provide different views of managerial accounting that are most contributory to management. Thus, we discussed the fundamental pillars of spirituality in the environment of management accounting through the analysis of some spiritual values that can assist in creating a job environment more favorable for the management accounting professional can perform their tasks in order to extend the number of variables involved in decision-making business, thereby assisting the manager with useful information. It might be inferred that at the workplace more spiritual, in which the professionals (both accountants and managers and employees) are used for spiritual values cited in this study, the management accounting practices can be attained in a more conscious, in order to demonstrate the real business situation, because the person who decides whether or not its use, has within himself these values by practicing them regularly. It is noted that the values discussed in this essay should not be viewed as individual, therefore, to be taken together, lead to and form a "virtuous web" or a system of mutual cooperation between all participants in the team´s business towards a common goal greater

    RNA editing contributes to epitranscriptome diversity in chronic lymphocytic leukemia

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    RNA editing—primarily conversion of adenosine to inosine (A > I)—is a widespread posttranscriptional mechanism, mediated by Adenosine Deaminases acting on RNA (ADAR) enzymes to alter the RNA sequence of primary transcripts. Hence, in addition to somatic mutations and alternative RNA splicing, RNA editing can be a further source for recoding events. Although RNA editing has been detected in many solid cancers and normal tissue, RNA editing in chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL) has not been addressed so far. We determined global RNA editing and recurrent, recoding RNA editing events from matched RNA-sequencing and whole exome sequencing data in CLL samples from 45 untreated patients. RNA editing was verified in a validation cohort of 98 CLL patients and revealed substantially altered RNA editing profiles in CLL compared with normal B cells. We further found that RNA editing patterns were prognostically relevant. Finally, we showed that ADAR knockout decreased steady state viability of MEC1 cells and made them more susceptible to treatment with fludarabine and ibrutinib in vitro. We propose that RNA editing contributes to the pathophysiology of CLL and targeting the RNA editing machinery could be a future strategy to maximize treatment efficacy

    Mutations in GDF5 Reveal a Key Residue Mediating BMP Inhibition by NOGGIN

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    Signaling output of bone morphogenetic proteins (BMPs) is determined by two sets of opposing interactions, one with heterotetrameric complexes of cell surface receptors, the other with secreted antagonists that act as ligand traps. We identified two mutations (N445K,T) in patients with multiple synostosis syndrome (SYM1) in the BMP–related ligand GDF5. Functional studies of both mutants in chicken micromass culture demonstrated a gain of function caused by a resistance to the BMP–inhibitor NOGGIN and an altered signaling effect. Residue N445, situated within overlapping receptor and antagonist interfaces, is highly conserved among the BMP family with the exception of BMP9 and BMP10, in which it is substituted with lysine. Like the mutant GDF5, both BMPs are insensitive to NOGGIN and show a high chondrogenic activity. Ectopic expression of BMP9 or the GDF5 mutants resulted in massive induction of cartilage in an in vivo chick model presumably by bypassing the feedback inhibition imposed by endogenous NOGGIN. Swapping residues at the mutation site alone was not sufficient to render Bmp9 NOG-sensitive; however, successive introduction of two additional substitutions imparted high to total sensitivity on customized variants of Bmp9. In conclusion, we show a new mechanism for abnormal joint development that interferes with a naturally occurring regulatory mechanism of BMP signaling

    A microRNA Cluster Controls Fat Cell Differentiation and Adipose Tissue Expansion By Regulating SNCG

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    The H19X-encoded miR-424(322)/503 cluster regulates multiple cellular functions. Here, it is reported for the first time that it is also a critical linchpin of fat mass expansion. Deletion of this miRNA cluster in mice results in obesity, while increasing the pool of early adipocyte progenitors and hypertrophied adipocytes. Complementary loss and gain of function experiments and RNA sequencing demonstrate that miR-424(322)/503 regulates a conserved genetic program involved in the differentiation and commitment of white adipocytes. Mechanistically, it is demonstrated that miR-424(322)/503 targets gamma-Synuclein (SNCG), a factor that mediates this program rearrangement by controlling metabolic functions in fat cells, allowing adipocyte differentiation and adipose tissue enlargement. Accordingly, diminished miR-424(322) in mice and obese humans co-segregate with increased SNCG in fat and peripheral blood as mutually exclusive features of obesity, being normalized upon weight loss. The data unveil a previously unknown regulatory mechanism offat mass expansion tightly controlled by the miR-424(322)/503 through SNCG.Peer reviewe

    Generation and integrated analysis of advanced patient-derived orthoxenograft models (PDOX) for the rational assessment of targeted therapies in endometrial cancer

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    Clinical management of endometrial cancer (EC) is handicapped by the limited availability of second line treatments and bona fide molecular biomarkers to predict recurrence. These limitations have hampered the treatment of these patients, whose survival rates have not improved over the last four decades. The advent of coordinated studies such as The Cancer Genome Atlas Uterine Corpus Endometrial Carcinoma (TCGA_UCEC) has partially solved this issue, but the lack of proper experimental systems still represents a bottleneck that precludes translational studies from successful clinical testing in EC patients. Within this context, the first study reporting the generation of a collection of endometrioid-EC-patient-derived orthoxenograft (PDOX) mouse models is presented that is believed to overcome these experimental constraints and pave the way toward state-of-the-art precision medicine in EC. The collection of primary tumors and derived PDOXs is characterized through an integrative approach based on transcriptomics, mutational profiles, and morphological analysis; and it is demonstrated that EC tumors engrafted in the mouse uterus retain the main molecular and morphological features from analogous tumor donors. Finally, the molecular properties of these tumors are harnessed to assess the therapeutic potential of trastuzumab, a human epidermal growth factor receptor 2 (HER2) inhibitor with growing interest in EC, using patient-derived organotypic multicellular tumor spheroids and in vivo experiments
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