20 research outputs found

    Mental stress detection using cardiorespiratory wavelet cross-bispectrum

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    In this work quadratic phase coupling between respiration and heart rate variability (HRV) has been studied during emotional and mental stress using wavelet crossbispectrum (WCB). A total of 80 healthy volunteers subjected to a standard stress protocol have been analyzed. Some features derived from the WCB, such as the frequencies at which the maximum peak is located, the distribution of the dominant peaks and the phase entropy have shown statistical significant differences between stress and relax stages. A support vector machine classifier based on these features discriminates stress stages from relax ones with an accuracy ranging from 68 to 89%, suggesting that the interactions between respiration and HRV are altered during stress and may be used to assess it

    MicroRNAs in Human Diseases: From Cancer to Cardiovascular Disease

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    The great discovery of microRNAs (miRNAs) has revolutionized current cell biology and medical science. miRNAs are small conserved non-coding RNA molecules that post-transcriptionally regulate gene expression by targeting the 3' untranslated region of specific messenger RNAs for degradation or translational repression. New members of the miRNA family are being discovered on a daily basis and emerging evidence has demonstrated that miRNAs play a major role in a wide range of developmental process including cell proliferation, cell cycle, cell differentiation, metabolism, apoptosis, developmental timing, neuronal cell fate, neuronal gene expression, brain morphogenesis, muscle differentiation and stem cell division. Moreover, a large number of studies have reported links between alterations of miRNA homeostasis and pathological conditions such as cancer, psychiatric and neurological diseases, cardiovascular disease, and autoimmune disease. Interestingly, in addition, miRNA deficiencies or excesses have been correlated with a number of clinically important diseases ranging from cancer to myocardial infarction. miRNAs can repress the gene translation of hundreds of their targets and are therefore well-positioned to target a multitude of cellular mechanisms. As a consequence of extensive participation in normal functions, it is quite logical to ask the question if abnormalities in miRNAs should have importance in human diseases. Great discoveries and rapid progress in the past few years on miRNAs provide the hope that miRNAs will in the near future have a great potential in the diagnosis and treatment of many diseases. Currently, an explosive literature has focussed on the role of miRNA in human cancer and cardiovascular disease. In this review, I briefly summarize the explosive current studies about involvement of miRNA in various human cancers and cardiovascular disease

    The Role of MicroRNAs in Regulatory T Cells and in the Immune Response

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    The discovery of microRNA (miRNA) is one of the major scientific breakthroughs in recent years and has revolutionized current cell biology and medical science. miRNAs are small (19~25nt) noncoding RNA molecules that post-transcriptionally regulate gene expression by targeting the 3' untranslated region (3'UTR) of specific messenger RNAs (mRNAs) for degradation of translation repression. Genetic ablation of the miRNA machinery, as well as loss or degradation of certain individual miRNAs, severely compromises immune development and response, and can lead to immune disorders. Several sophisticated regulatory mechanisms are used to maintain immune homeostasis. Regulatory T (Treg) cells are essential for maintaining peripheral tolerance, preventing autoimmune diseases and limiting chronic inflammatory diseases. Recent publications have provided compelling evidence that miRNAs are highly expressed in Treg cells, that the expression of Foxp3 is controlled by miRNAs and that a range of miRNAs are involved in the regulation of immunity. A large number of studies have reported links between alterations of miRNA homeostasis and pathological conditions such as cancer, cardiovascular disease and diabetes, as well as psychiatric and neurological diseases. Although it is still unclear how miRNA controls Treg cell development and function, recent studies certainly indicate that this topic will be the subject of further research. The specific circulating miRNA species may also be useful for the diagnosis, classification, prognosis of diseases and prediction of the therapeutic response. An explosive literature has focussed on the role of miRNA. In this review, I briefly summarize the current studies about the role of miRNAs in Treg cells and in the regulation of the innate and adaptive immune response. I also review the explosive current studies about clinical application of miRNA

    Emprendimiento En Acción: Potenciando Con Conocimientos Administrativos

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    El proyecto "Imparables" permite fomentar el crecimiento personal y profesional de las niñas y jóvenes en Colombia que se encuentran en situaciones desafortunadas de no estar en su hogar de manera voluntaria. En el mundo actual, es imprescindible contar con un desarrollo tanto personal como profesional, ya que se requiere adquirir habilidades y competencias fundamentales para alcanzar el éxito en todas las áreas de la vida. De acuerdo con esta premisa, el proyecto se compromete a ofrecer capacitación en emprendimiento y liderazgo, asesoramiento laboral y educación financiera, reconocidas como áreas fundamentales para el éxito personal y profesional. En Colombia, las niñas y los jóvenes enfrentan muchos obstáculos, incluida la pobreza, la violencia y los prejuicios de género, que limitan su acceso a la educación y su capacidad para alcanzar su máximo potencial. Sin embargo, Proyecto ‘’imparables’’ tiene como objetivo abordar estos desafíos brindando capacitación accesible y de alta calidad a todas las partes interesadas, con la esperanza de empoderarlos y capacitarlos para superar los obstáculos que presenta su entorno.The "Unstoppable" project promotes the personal and professional growth of girls and young women in Colombia who find themselves in unfortunate situations of not being at home voluntarily. In today's world, it is essential to have both personal and professional development, since it is necessary to acquire fundamental skills and competencies to achieve success in all areas of life. In accordance with this premise, the project is committed to offering training in entrepreneurship and leadership, career advice and financial education, recognized as fundamental areas for personal and professional success. In Colombia, girls and young people face many obstacles, including poverty, violence and gender bias, that limit their access to education and their ability to reach their full potential. However, Project “Unstoppable” aims to address these challenges by providing accessible, high-quality training to all stakeholders, in the hopes of empowering and enabling them to overcome the obstacles presented by their environment.Prologo. -- Emprendimiento en Acción: Potenciando con Conocimientos Administrativos. -- Introducción. -- Justificación. -- Carácter Situacional comunidad a intervenir. -- Reseña Histórica. -- Visión. -- Misión. -- Tipo de influencia. -- Tipo de actividad. -- Cobertura de la actividad. -- Estructura y tamaño de la empresa. -- Antecedentes. -- Planteamiento del problema. -- Objetivos. -- Objetivo General. -- Diseñar métodos efectivos para adquirir conocimientos teóricos y prácticos en temas administrativos, modelo Canvas, gestión de costos y finanzas personales para promover la creación de emprendimientos exitosos. -- Objetivos Específicos. -- Diagnóstico organización y/o comunidad. -- Análisis del entorno de la organización y/o comunidad. -- Análisis del entorno. -- Fundamento Teórico. -- Marco de referencia. -- Marco conceptual. -- Marco normativo. -- Fundación junior Achievement. -- Fundación Jorge Vergara. -- Plan de Trabajo. -- Análisis de necesidades. -- Diseño del programa de capacitación. -- Planificación de sesiones de capacitación. -- Implementación del programa de capacitación. -- Seguimiento y evaluación. -- Aplicación de habilidades adquiridas. -- Evaluación de resultados. -- Informe final y recomendaciones. -- Cronograma. -- Semana 1, Análisis de necesidades. -- Semana 2, Ejecución y realimentación del manual, mujeres emprendedoras. -- Semana 3, Comprender y aplicar eficazmente conceptos administrativos en la gestión de emprendimiento. -- Semana 4, estructuración y diseño de planes de negocio sólidos que contemplen objetivos claros, análisis de competidores, estrategias de marketing y proyecciones financieras realistas. -- Semana 5, Comprender principios fundamentales de planificación financiera. -- Semana 6, Desarrollo de habilidades creativas y analíticas en la resolución de desafíos comunes. -- Semana 7, Construcción de hábitos financieros saludables. -- Semana 8, Seguimiento y acompañamiento en la entrega final. -- Proceso de Trabajo de campo y ejecución de la práctica. -- Descripción de resultados. -- Logros. -- Indicadores clave. -- Indicadores de aprendizaje. -- Indicadores de gestión. -- Impacto en la organización. -- Conclusiones. -- Recomendaciones. -- [email protected]@campusucc.edu.c

    Plan de gestión integral de residuos sólidos en la planta de beneficio animal ubicada en el municipio de san José del Guaviare

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    : figuras ; 28 cmMediante la elaboración de este proyecto se pretendió identificar mediante un diagnostico los cumplimientos en la gestión de los residuos sólidos frente al proceso que se realiza en la planta de beneficio animal con el fin de elaborar el Plan Integral de Gestion de Residuos Sólidos – PGIRS. Entre los resultados se encontró que se cumple parcialmente con los procedimientos establecidos según el Decreto 1713 de 2002, posteriormente al análisis de los resultados se diseñaron una serie de programas que estructuran el Plan de Gestión Integral de Residuos Sólidos-PGIRS enfocados a la generación, separación en la fuente, aprovechamiento adecuado, con el fin de optimizar su manejo bajo la creación de una cultura de preservación ambiental.Consideraciones generales.-- Pregunta de investigación.-- Objetivo de investigación.-- Justificación.-- Marco referencial.-- Metodología.-- Resultados.-- Conclusiones.-- Recomendaciones.-- Bibliografía.EspecializaciónEspecialista en Gestión AmbientalEspecialización en Gestión Ambienta

    Simulation of pandemics in real cities: enhanced and accurate digital laboratories

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    This study develops a modelling framework for simulating the spread of infectious diseases within real cities. Digital copies of Birmingham (UK) and Bogota (Colombia) are generated, reproducing their urban environment, infrastructure and population. The digital inhabitants have the same statistical features of the real population. Their motion is a combination of predictable trips (commute to work, school, etc.) and random walks (shopping, leisure, etc.). Millions of individuals, their encounters and the spread of the disease are simulated by means of high-performance computing and massively parallel algorithms for several months and a time resolution of 1 minute. Simulations accurately reproduce the COVID-19 data for Birmingham and Bogota both before and during the lockdown. The model has only one adjustable parameter calculable in the early stages of the pandemic. Policymakers can use our digital cities as virtual laboratories for testing, predicting and comparing the effects of policies aimed at containing epidemics

    Creación de una empresa de consultorías y asesorías a nivel técnico y administrativo destinada a la pequeña y mediana industria metalúrgica y de materiales, cecamm/hefestos

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    La labor del presente documento, y en general del proyecto, busca generar un proceso en el cual, puedan ofrecerse oportunidades de desarrollo para las empresas del sector metalúrgico y de materiales. En esencia, se pretende crear una organización que cuente con los elementos adecuados para la prestación de asesoría y consultoría a las empresas de este sector. Por lo tanto se trabajó en la conformación de la empresa CECAMM/HEFESTOS que preste apoyo en la parte técnica, administrativa, económica y financiera de las empresas, obedeciendo a las necesidades reales de la industria, tales necesidades han sido estudiadas sistemáticamente de forma que corresponden al sentir de los empresario

    The Incidence of Traumatic Intracranial Hemorrhage in Head-Injured Older Adults Transported by EMS with and without Anticoagulant or Antiplatelet Use

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    Field triage guidelines recommend transport of head-injured patients on anticoagulants or antiplatelets to a higher-level trauma center based on studies suggesting a high incidence of traumatic intracranial hemorrhage (tICH). We compared the incidence of tICH in older adults transported by emergency medical services (EMS) with and without anticoagulation or antiplatelet use and evaluated the accuracies of different sets of field triage criteria to identify tICH. This was a prospective, observational study at five EMS agencies and 11 hospitals. Older adults (≥55 years) with head trauma and transported by EMS from August 2015 to September 2016 were eligible. EMS providers completed standardized data forms and patients were followed through emergency department (ED) or hospital discharge. We enrolled 1304 patients; 1147 (88%) received a cranial computed tomography (CT) scan and were eligible for analysis. Four hundred thirty-four (33%) patients had anticoagulant or antiplatelet use and 112 (10%) had tICH. The incidence of tICH in patients with (11%, 95% confidence interval [CI] 8%-14%) and without (9%, 95% CI 7%-11%) anticoagulant or antiplatelet use was similar. Anticoagulant or antiplatelet use was not predictive of tICH on adjusted analysis. Steps 1-3 criteria alone were not sensitive in identifying tICH (27%), whereas the addition of anticoagulant or antiplatelet criterion improved sensitivity (63%). Other derived sets of triage criteria were highly sensitive (>98%) but poorly specific (<11%). The incidence of tICH was similar between patients with and without anticoagulant or antiplatelet use. Use of anticoagulant or antiplatelet medications was not a risk factor for tICH. We were unable to identify a set of triage criteria that was accurate for trauma center need