13 research outputs found

    Diskurtso erreferituaren erabilera jendaurreko debateetan

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    Debates have been limited and assessed within a socio-discursive perspective of the language (Bronckart 1996). There are three main areas of interest described in this research: the first one is didactic, making a proposal for the teaching of debates. The second one is linguistic, analysing debates from a discursive and pragmatic point of view. Finally, the third one is psycholinguistic, trying to analyse the different linguistic resources used by 12-14 year-old teenagers when taking part in a public debate.Once explained our interpretation of oral and debate, a special feature of debate itself has been analysed: reported speech. It is absolutely essential to bring the others' voices into the practice of debate. Reported speech is a very valuable resource to be able to do that. Reflection on heterogeneous declarative discourse has been carried out, setting up reported speech.This research has been carried out with empirical texts. Its corpus has consisted of six different debates, one corresponding to adult-experts and five to teenagers. Within them reported speech has been analysed: what its main characteristics are, when and how it is used, differences between adults and teenagers, if any, etc.It has been proved that reported speech in debates has its own use and functions, which are hardly definable only taking syntax into account. Apart from that, it has been demonstrated that teenagers and adults do not use the previously mentioned resource in the same way

    Diskurtso erreferituaren erabilera jendaurreko debateetan

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    Debates have been limited and assessed within a socio-discursive perspective of the language (Bronckart 1996). There are three main areas of interest described in this research: the first one is didactic, making a proposal for the teaching of debates. The second one is linguistic, analysing debates from a discursive and pragmatic point of view. Finally, the third one is psycholinguistic, trying to analyse the different linguistic resources used by 12-14 year-old teenagers when taking part in a public debate.Once explained our interpretation of oral and debate, a special feature of debate itself has been analysed: reported speech. It is absolutely essential to bring the others' voices into the practice of debate. Reported speech is a very valuable resource to be able to do that. Reflection on heterogeneous declarative discourse has been carried out, setting up reported speech.This research has been carried out with empirical texts. Its corpus has consisted of six different debates, one corresponding to adult-experts and five to teenagers. Within them reported speech has been analysed: what its main characteristics are, when and how it is used, differences between adults and teenagers, if any, etc.It has been proved that reported speech in debates has its own use and functions, which are hardly definable only taking syntax into account. Apart from that, it has been demonstrated that teenagers and adults do not use the previously mentioned resource in the same way

    Perceptions towards Multilingual Practices in Teacher Education

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    Higher Education (HE) in Europe has been attributed an important role in fostering multilingualism and therefore, universities in Europe have developed policies (Extra & Yagmur, 2012; Fortanet-Gómez, 2013; Pavón, Lancaster & Bretones, 2019) and reflected on practices that could promote multilingualism in the last few years. In that line, approaches such as CLIL or EMI have also become common practices in some contexts. However, most of the experiences carried out in HE have proved not to be sufficient (Fortanet-Gómez, 2013) to reach the aims and thus, further research is needed (Dafouz & Smit, 2014). Focusing on Teacher Education, the intent of this chapter is to examine critically the practices carried out in Teacher Education at the Faculty of Humanities and Education of Mondragon University. The study was carried out by means of focus groups with student teachers and semi-structured interviews with teacher educator to analyse the existing perceptions towards multilingual practices at the Faculty of Humanities and Education from an ecological perspective (van Lier, 1998, 2004). Results show that the practices conducted are perceived as meaningful by the participants as a way to foster multilingualism. Moreover, results of this study call for a new step towards Pluriliteracies Teacher for Learning Approach to develop a more holistic and ecological perspective. However, conducting similar research studies in other contexts is needed due to the fact that to our knowledge, very few research studies have been carried out in HE to examine critically the practices carried out

    Búsqueda, evaluación y selección de información digital en un aula de secundaria: Tensiones entre la práctica y el discurso del profesorado y el alumnado

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    En un contexto comunicativo donde cada vez hay más información disponible, uno de los objetivos de la escuela es que el alumnado desarrolle una actitud crítica. Los estudios sobre alfabetización informacional en las aulas han observado inconsistencias entre el discurso y la práctica didáctica, y entre el uso previsto y el real de las TIC. Este estudio busca contrastar el discurso y la práctica del alumnado y del profesorado al buscar, evaluar y seleccionar información digital en un aula de secundaria. Se ha utilizado una triangulación de datos multifuente (grupos de discusión, registro de clases, autoconfontación). Los resultados señalan que el alumnado muestra interés por la tarea, si bien su percepción se ve condiciona por los adultos. Los estudiantes tienen dificultades en la interpretación de vídeos y gráficos y le dan poco valor a la autoría del texto. Por otro lado, los docentes ven cuestionado su rol y aunque son conscientes de las carencias del alumnado se muestran reticentes a trabajarlas en el aula. Las conclusiones apuntan que es necesaria una didáctica de la alfabetización informacional que parta de las prácticas reales e intereses del alumnado. Para ello, se requiere un cambio de rol y de creencias del profesorado

    Search, evaluation and selection of digital information in a secondary classroom: Tensions between the practice and the discourse of teachers and students

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    En un contexto comunicativo donde cada vez hay más información disponible, uno de los objetivos de la escuela es que el alumnado desarrolle una actitud crítica. Los estudios sobre alfabetización informacional en las aulas han observado inconsistencias entre el discurso y la práctica didáctica, y entre el uso previsto y el real de las TIC. Este estudio busca contrastar el discurso y la práctica del alumnado y del profesorado al buscar, evaluar y seleccionar información digital en un aula de secundaria. Se ha utilizado una triangulación de datos multifuente (grupos de discusión, registro de clases, autoconfontación). Los resultados señalan que el alumnado muestra interés por la tarea, si bien su percepción se ve condiciona por los adultos. Los estudiantes tienen dificultades en la interpretación de vídeos y gráficos y le dan poco valor a la autoría del texto. Por otro lado, los docentes ven cuestionado su rol y aunque son conscientes de las carencias del alumnado se muestran reticentes a trabajarlas en el aula. Las conclusiones apuntan que es necesaria una didáctica de la alfabetización informacional que parta de las prácticas reales e intereses del alumnado. Para ello, se requiere un cambio de rol y de creencias del profesorado.In a communicative context where more and more information is available, one of the objectives of the school is for the students to develop a critical attitude. Studies on information literacy in classrooms have observed inconsistencies between discourse and didactic practice, and a significant distance between the intended and actual use of ICT in class. Therefore, this study seeks to contrast the discourse and practice of both students and teachers when searching, evaluating and selecting digital information in a secondary classroom. This is a case study that has used a multi-source data triangulation (discussion groups, activity record, self-confrontation). The results indicate that the students show interest in the task, although their perception is conditioned by the adults. Students have difficulties in interpreting videos and graphics and give little value to the authorship of the text. On the other hand, teachers have questioned their role and although they are aware of the lacks of students, teachers are reluctant to work in the classroom. The conclusions suggest that it is necessary to develop a didactic of informational literacy based on the real practices and interests of the students. For this, a change of role and beliefs of the teaching staff is required

    Elkarrizketak irakasleen prestakuntzarako bitarteko: irakasle-bideratzaileen jarduna ezaugarritzen

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    Lan honen helburua da aztertzea eta ezaugarritzea unibertsitateko irakasle-bideratzaileek zer nolako bidaidetza mota egiten duten etorkizuneko irakasleekin euren praktikaren analisia bideoaren aurreko autokonfrontazio elkarrizketak egiten ari direnean. 5 irakasle-bideratzailek egindako 10 autokonfrontazio elkarrizketak osatutako corpusean,. aztertu da irakasle-bideratzaile horien rola ikasleekin egindako autokonfrontazio elkarrizketen transkribapenetan eta euren jarduna 9 kategoriatan banatu da. Horietatik bi zehaztapenak eskatzea eta kontrobertsia sortzea, dira elkarrizketetan erabilienak. Irakasle-bideratzailearen profilaren arabera, ordea, ezberdintasunak sumatu dira jarduteko moduetan eta, ondorioz, prestakuntza eredua partekatua izan dadin irakasle-bideratzaileen prestakuntzan sakondu beharko litzateke.The aim of the present paper is to analyse and characterise the way in which teacher educators work with student teachers when conducting analyses of their own practice by means of selfconfrontation interviews. The corpus of this work consists of 10 self-confrontation interviews carried out by 5 teacher educators. The role of those teacher educators was analysed using the transcriptions of the interviews and 9 categories were identified. Two categories were found to be the most common: demanding specifications and creating controversy. Differences were also found as regards teacher educators' profile. As a result, in-depth training for teacher educators has been considered as needed

    AICLE - CLIL - EMILE : educació plurilingüe. Experiencias, research & polítiques

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    Aquest volum és resultat del projecte R+D+i EDU2010-15783 Discurso Académico en lengua extranjera: Aprendizaje y evaluación de contenidos científicos en el aula multilingüe, finançat pel MICINN.El present volum és el resultat de la selecció de les millors comunicacions presentades en la primera Taula Rodona Internacional TRI-CLIL sobre Aprenentatge Integrat de Continguts i Llengües (AICLE). El congrés va aconseguir reunir professionals de la docència i de la recerca, tant de matèries escolars, llengües estrangeres i llengües considerades oficials o co-oficials a diferents territoris, que esdevenen llengües addicionals per a la població escolar migrada

    Debateak 10 urteko bi ikasle talde elebidunetan: Azterketa eta didaktika

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    En este trabajo se comparan debates realizados en euskera de dos grupos-clase cuya competencia en esta lengua es diferente. Se analiza la manera de integrar la "palabra del otro" en el propio discurso. Los recursos para establecer referencias o atribuciones son bastante elementales. No obstante, el grupo de modelo B, aunque tiene más dificultades en euskera, manifiesta mayor competencia discursiva que el otro grupo (de modelo D). Estas diferencias pueden explicarse porqueel grupo B ha trabajado el debate previamente en la escuela. También influye en la calidad del debate el tema que se propone para el mismo.Euskaraz gaitasun desberdina duten bi ikastalderen debateak alderatzen dira lan honetan. Aztergaia bestearen hitza norberarenean txertatzeko erabilitako trebezietan datza. Nahiko urriak dira agertzen diren erreferentzia eta atribuzio baliabideak. Halere, talde batek, B eredukoak, euskaraz zailtasun handiagoak izan arren debaterako gaitasun diskurtsibo handiagoa erakusten du besteak baino (azken hau, D eredukoa). Ezberdintasuna B taldeak debatea aurrez eskolan landu izanak azal dezake. Debate gaia ere garrantzitsua da saio emankorrak bideratzeko.Dans ce travail on compare les débats de deux groupes d'élèves de capacité d'expression en euskara différente. Le but de l'étude réside dans l'habileté à incorporer "la parole de l.autre" dans le propre discours. Les ressources de référence et d'attribution qui apparaissent sont assez rares. Malgré tout, un groupe, celui du modèle B, bien que présentant de grandes difficultés à s'exprimer en euskara, démontre plus de capacité discursive pour le débat que l'autre groupe (du modèle D). La différence peut s'expliquer par le travail préalable de préparation du débat réalisé par le groupe B. Il est aussi important tenir compte du sujet du débat.The debates in Basque language of two class-groups are compared inthis research work; the language competence is different from one group to another. The way "the other.s word" is integrated in one's own speech is analysed. The resources to establish differences of attributions are rather elementary. Nevertheless, class-group B members, even if they have more difficulties in Basque language, show a greater discourse competence than class-group D members. This can be due to the fact that debates techniques have been previously dealt with in class within group B. The topic subject to debate also influences its quality