174 research outputs found

    On outindependent subgraphs of strongly regular graphs

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    An outindependent subgraph of a graph G, with respect to an independent vertex subset C¿¿V, is the subgraph GC induced by the vertices in V\¿C. We study the case when G is strongly regular, where the results of de Caen [1998, The spectra of complementary subgraphs in a strongly regular graph. European Journal of Combinatorics, 19 (5), 559–565.], allow us to derive the whole spectrum of GC . Moreover, when C attains the Hoffman–Lovász bound for the independence number, GC is a regular graph (in fact, distance-regular if G is a Moore graph). This article is mainly devoted to study the non-regular case. As a main result, we characterize the structure of GC when C is the neighborhood of either one vertex or one edge.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Number of walks and degree powers in a graph

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    This letter deals with the relationship between the total number of k-walks in a graph, and the sum of the k-th powers of its vertex degrees. In particular, it is shown that the sum of all k-walks is upper bounded by the sum of the k-th powers of the degrees

    The alternating and adjacency polynomials, and their relation with the spectra and diameters of graphs

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    Let Γ be a graph on n vertices, adjacency matrix A, and distinct eigenvalues λ > λ_1 > λ_2 > · · · > λ_d. For every k = 0,1, . . . ,d −1, the k-alternating polynomial P_k is defined to be the polynomial of degree k and norm |Peer Reviewe

    The geometry of t-cliques in k-walk-regular graphs

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    A graph is walk-regular if the number of cycles of length \ell rooted at a given vertex is a constant through all the vertices. For a walk-regular graph GG with d+1d+1 different eigenvalues and spectrally maximum diameter D=dD=d, we study the geometry of its dd-cliques, that is, the sets of vertices which are mutually at distance dd. When these vertices are projected onto an eigenspace of its adjacency matrix, we show that they form a regular tetrahedron and we compute its parameters. Moreover, the results are generalized to the case of kk-walk-regular graphs, a family which includes both walk-regular and distance-regular graphs, and their tt-cliques or vertices at distance tt from each other

    On t-cliques in k-walk-regular graphs

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    A new approach to the spectral excess theorem for distance-regular graphs

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    The Spectral Excess Theorem provides a quasi-spectral characterization for a (regular) graph Γ\Gamma with d+1d+1 different eigenvalues to be distance-regular graph, in terms of the mean (d-1)-excess of its vertices.\ The original approach, due to Fiol and Garriga in 19971997, was obtained in a wide context from a local point of view, so giving a characterization of the so-called pseudo-distance-regularity around a vertex.\ In this paper we present a new simple method based in a global point of view, and where the mean degree of the distance-dd graph Γd\Gamma_d plays an essential role

    A differential approach for bounding the index of graphs under perturbations

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    This paper presents bounds for the variation of the spectral radius (G) of a graph G after some perturbations or local vertex/edge modifications of G. The perturbations considered here are the connection of a new vertex with, say, g vertices of G, the addition of a pendant edge (the previous case with g = 1) and the addition of an edge. The method proposed here is based on continuous perturbations and the study of their differential inequalities associated. Within rather economical information (namely, the degrees of the vertices involved in the perturbation), the best possible inequalities are obtained. In addition, the cases when equalities are attained are characterized. The asymptotic behavior of the bounds obtained is also discussed.Postprint (published version

    On k-Walk-Regular Graphs

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    Considering a connected graph GG with diameter DD, we say that it is \emph{kk-walk-regular}, for a given integer kk (0kD)(0\leq k \leq D), if the number of walks of length \ell between vertices uu and vv only depends on the distance between them, provided that this distance does not exceed kk. Thus, for k=0k=0, this definition coincides with that of walk-regular graph, where the number of cycles of length \ell rooted at a given vertex is a constant through all the graph. In the other extreme, for k=Dk=D, we get one of the possible definitions for a graph to be distance-regular. In this paper we present some algebraic characterizations of kk-walk-regularity, which are based on the so-called local spectrum and predistance polynomials of GG. Moreover, some results, concerning some parameters of a geometric nature, such as the cosines, and the spectrum of walk-regular graphs are presented

    Moments in graphs

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    Let G be a connected graph with vertex set V and a weight function that assigns a nonnegative number to each of its vertices. Then, the -moment of G at vertex u is de ned to be M G(u) = P v2V (v) dist(u; v), where dist( ; ) stands for the distance function. Adding up all these numbers, we obtain the -moment of G: This parameter generalizes, or it is closely related to, some well-known graph invari- ants, such as the Wiener index W(G), when (u) = 1=2 for every u 2 V , and the degree distance D0(G), obtained when (u) = (u), the degree of vertex u. In this paper we derive some exact formulas for computing the -moment of a graph obtained by a general operation called graft product, which can be seen as a generalization of the hierarchical product, in terms of the corresponding -moments of its factors. As a consequence, we provide a method for obtaining nonisomorphic graphs with the same -moment for every (and hence with equal mean distance, Wiener index, degree distance, etc.). In the case when the factors are trees and/or cycles, techniques from linear algebra allow us to give formulas for the degree distance of their product.Postprint (author’s final draft