117 research outputs found

    Alterations of Na, K and Rb concentrations in Mycenaean pottery and a proposed explanation using X-ray diffraction

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    One of the most important reference groups for Mycenaean pottery is the Mycenae/Berbati (MB). In several studies, a second group has been identified (MBKR). The chemical compositions were similar to MB, but with important differences in the Na, K and Rb contents. The present study suggests that these differences are due to selective alteration and contamination processes that are indirectly determined by the original firing temperature. Therefore, groups MB and MBKR should be considered as a single reference group

    Morphometrics and compositional classes. The stuy of anthropomorphic sculptures from Teotihuacan (México)

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    Morphometry is defined as the measurement of the external and perceptible characteristics, i.e., in a first approximation, of the shape or morphology of an object. It includes information related to the object’s appearance as well as to its physical and diachronic constitution (Verrecchia, 2003). Morphometric studies attempt to describe this form or shape through mathematical relationships that allow numerical data, and this can be achieved in different ways. In general, tow main types of analysis can be performed whether they are or they are not based on the study of the contourn. In several instances, the actual contourn is not supposed to be really informative. Instead, elementary Euclidean geometrical measurements or the definition of significant points (landmarks or semi-landmarks), referenced in coordinates systems, are used

    New Self-Sufficient Shelter Solutions for Big Cities’ Collapsed Rental Markets

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    Nowadays, there is a wide variety of problems in the big cities related to the urban frame and to housing. Architects have to provide solutions that not only improve people’s well-being but also have to be efficient during the building’s entire life cycle. Within the European context, big cities like Paris, Berlin and Amsterdam have a huge demand for housing coming mainly from two different groups: people looking for temporary shelter and people looking for a more stable situation. In both cases, the need for new housing have resulted in inefficient urban developments, collapsed city centres and developed satellite cities where low and medium class people have tried to find somewhere to live, running away from infra-housing. In Paris, urban regulations set the minimum area for a rented apartment as 10m2. The research described in this paper analyzes the current situation in big cities from two points of view: apartment sizes and medium fees for temporary shelter. It defines the average architectural conditions of the “affordable” shelter and with this data; an experimental approach for a new completely self-sufficient housing module is provided, placed in a worthless space of existing buildings (roofs). This new module is defined by its sustainability and self-sufficiency and it gives the rental market an opportunity to increase the offer of shelter to rent in the big cities. At the end of the research, the development of an analysis of life cost cycle of the new module shows it as an alternative to the existing examples of infra housing with very short periods for recovering the investment

    More aware, more protected: a cross-sectional study on road safety skills predicting the use of passive safety elements among Spanish teenagers

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    Objective This study had two objectives: first, to test the effects of sociodemographic variables, and the effects of three key road safety skills (knowledge-risk perception-attitudes) on the use of passive safety elements (PSEs) among teenagers; and second, to assess the differential impact of the study variables on PSEs use from a gender-based perspective. Setting and participants This cross-sectional study was framed in the paradigm of primary care, and it involved students from several educational centres in Spain. A sample of 827 Spanish teenagers (52.4% females and 47.6% males) with a mean age of M=14.41-7 (12-19) years was used. Results Through SEM modelling, we found that the use of PSEs is largely explained by psychosocial variables through the mediation of three road safety skills: risk perception (β=0.103***), rule knowledge (β=0.095*) and attitudes towards road safety (β=0.186***). Furthermore, multigroup analyses showed that, although most variables explain the use of PSEs among teenagers in a similar way, key gender-based differences exist in this regard. Conclusions Road safety skills have a significant effect on the use of PSEs among Spanish teenagers, and gender explains some differences in the mechanisms which predict them. Also, in the study we discuss the need for strengthening school-based interventions aimed at helping this vulnerable group of road users acquire and develop positive behavioural competences

    Standardisation of elemental analytical techniques applied to provenance studies of archaeological ceramics: an inter laboratory calibration study

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    Chemical analysis is a well-established procedure for the provenancing of archaeological ceramics. Various analytical techniques are routinely used and large amounts of data have been accumulated so far in data banks. However, in order to exchange results obtained by different laboratories, the respective analytical procedures need to be tested in terms of their inter-comparability. In this study, the schemes of analysis used in four laboratories that are involved in archaeological pottery studies on a routine basis were compared. The techniques investigated were neutron activation analysis (NAA), X-ray fluorescence analysis (XRF), inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectrometry (ICP-OES) and inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS). For this comparison series of measurements on different geological standard reference materials (SRM) were carried out and the results were statistically evaluated. An attempt was also made towards the establishment of calibration factors between pairs of analytical setups in order to smooth the systematic differences among the results

    EnTICine: enseñanza con TIC y cine en humanidades

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    [SPA]El Proyecto de Innovación Docente titulado: “Las TIC en la enseñanza virtual de Humanidades: el cine como herramienta de aprendizaje en los Grados en Historia y en Lengua y Literatura Españolas” (EnTICine), ha sido desarrollado durante el curso académico 2010-11 en la Facultad de Letras de la Universidad de Murcia. Su objetivo fundamental es facilitar el aprendizaje en un entorno virtual de contenidos interdisciplinares de Humanidades, lo que sirve, secundariamente, a la promoción de las TIC en la enseñanza de los contenidos de los nuevos Grados. El cine como recurso cultural propicia el pensamiento crítico y la creatividad en los procesos educativos y su aprovechamiento en una plataforma virtual permite superar las restricciones del aula para la interacción entre los alumnos y entre estos y el profesor. La herramienta de aprendizaje virtual diseñada integra la participación de los alumnos a través de la red social Facebook, que constituye el espacio de debate del Cine-Fórum que se propone para conectar los distintos contenidos de las asignaturas implicadas en el proyecto. [ENG]Teaching Innovation Project entitled: "ICT in virtual learning Humanities: cinema as a learning tool in the degrees of History and Spanish Philology" (EnTICine) has been developed during the academic year 2010-11 in the Facultad de Letras at the University of Murcia. Its main objective is to facilitate learning in a virtual environment of interdisciplinary contents in Humanities, which serves secondarily to promote the use of ICT in the teaching of the contents of new degrees. Cinema, as a cultural resource, promotes critical thinking and creativity in education and its use in a virtual platform can overcome the constraints of the classroom for interaction among students and between 1644 them and the teacher. The virtual learning tool which has been designed encourages student participation through the social networking site Facebook. This is the location of the Cine-Forum discussion and aims to connect the various content of the subjects involved in the project.Campus Mare Nostrum, Universidad Politécnica de Cartagena, Universidad de Murcia, Región de Murci

    Las cerámicas aborígenes de Gran Canaria (Islas Canarias) a través del yacimiento de La Cerera: materias primas, tecnología y función

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    [spa] Se analizan los materiales cerámicos prehispánicos del yacimiento de La Cerera en Gran Canaria (siglos VII-XIII D.C.). Se integra la clasificación morfotécnica y funcional, y la caracterización instrumental mediante fluorescencia de rayos X (FRX), difracción de rayos X (DRX), petrografía óptica (PO) y microscopía electrónica de barrido (MEB) relacionando cada nivel de estudio aplicado. Comoresultado se detectaron diferentes cadenas operativas, conectadas con la función de los vasos y su cronología. Además se observaron importantes cambios diacrónicos en las características del material. Estos parecen coincidir con otros identificados en el registro del propio yacimiento y en otros sitios de la isla. También se discuten los posibles efectos de la intensificación de la producción sobre la homogeneidad de las fábricas cerámicas. [eng] Pre-Hispanic ceramics from the site of La Cerera at Gran Canaria are studied in this paper (7th century cal AD - 13th century cal AD). An integrated approach combining various levels of analysis has been carried out, employing morphological, technical and functional analysis of the pots, as well as instrumental characterization: X-ray fluorescence, X-ray diffraction, optical petrography and scanning electron microscopy. As result, different operative chains have been detected, linked to pots function and chronology. Other differences were observed, as important changes in the characteristics of the archaeological materials through time. Those transformations seem to coincide with others changes already observed for different elements of the aboriginal material culture at the site, as well as at other parts of the island. Effects of production intensification over the homogeneity of ceramic fabrics are also discussed

    Cerámica y climatización saludable: paneles cerámicos radiantes en edificios. Condiciones de confort y demanda energética frente a sistemas convectivos

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    Porcelain stoneware is a widely used building material. In recent years, its range of uses has expanded to encompass a new spectrum of innovative and inventive applications in architecture. In this research, we analysed the patented Thermal Ceramic Panel. This consists of a thin porcelain stoneware panel that incorporates a capillary system of polypropylene tubes measuring 3.5 mm in diameter embedded in a conductive ceramic interface. The system works with hot or cold water, producing healthy heating and cooling by means of radiant surfaces. Following an initial prototype test in which panels were placed on the walls of an office, we conducted simulations at the University of Alicante Museum using wall, ceiling and baffle panels, having previously monitored the state of the building. Thermal behaviour parameters were analysed and compared with those of other standard finishing materials, obtaining results for thermal comfort and energy savings in comparison with all-air systems.El gres porcelánico es un material ampliamente utilizado en edificación. En los últimos años su uso ha experimentado un nuevo espectro de líneas de innovación e invención en sus aplicaciones en la arquitectura. En esta investigación de analiza la patente Panel de Acondicionamiento Térmico Cerámico, consistente en piezas de gres porcelánico de bajo espesor, que contienen tramas capilares a base de tubos de polipropileno de 3,5 mm de diámetro, e interfaz de pasta conductora. Estos sistemas trabajan con agua fría o caliente produciendo una climatización saludable por superficies radiantes. Tras una primera experiencia de prototipado y colocación de paneles en pared en un despacho de oficina, se han realizado simulaciones en el Museo de la Universidad de Alicante, colocando los paneles en pared, techo o tipo bafle, previa monitorización del estado actual del edificio. Se han analizado los parámetros de comportamiento térmico y se han comparado con otros materiales de acabado habituales. Se han obtenido resultados de confort térmico y ahorros energéticos de forma comparativa frente a sistemas todo-aire

    Gitana: a SQL-based Git Repository Inspector

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    International audienceSoftware development projects are notoriously complex and difficult to deal with. Several support tools such as issue tracking, code review and Source Control Management (SCM) systems have been introduced in the past decades to ease development activities. While such tools efficiently track the evolution of a given aspect of the project (e.g., bug reports), they provide just a partial view of the project and often lack of advanced querying mechanisms limiting themselves to command line or simple GUI support. This is particularly true for projects that rely on Git, the most popular SCM system today. In this paper, we propose a conceptual schema for Git and an approach that, given a Git repository, exports its data to a relational database in order to (1) promote data integration with other existing SCM tools and (2) enable writing queries on Git data using standard SQL syntax. To ensure efficiency, our approach comes with an incremental propagation mechanism that refreshes the database content with the latest modifications. We have implemented our approach in Gitana, an open-source tool available on GitHub