8,641 research outputs found

    Revisiting the demand of agricultural insurance: The case of Spain

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    We use the actual insurance records of 52,300 farmers and 11 years to estimate two sets of insurance demands. We define measures of insurance's expected returns, variance and third moment, based on observed insurance data, and infer the expected returns for those farmers that have never had an indemnity. We estimate several probit models and count models for the insuring vs non-insuring strategies, in which the economic returns of insurance and its two measures of dispersion enter as explanatory variables. Results show that farmers' insurance strategies are largely explained by their actual insurance experience as captured by these three variables. Individuals with loss rations greater than 1 do not show more responsiveness that those facing more balanced premium charges. Results show that adverse selection may not be a major source of inefficiency in the Spanish insurance system.Agricultural insurance, insurance demand models, Spain, Risk and Uncertainty, G22, Q12, Q14,

    Principio y final del sesgo de género

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    Conferencia realizada en el acto de defensa de TFM del Master de Igualdad y Género en mayo 2015Tras un monopolio casi exclusivo de los conocimientos y aprendizajes puramente académicos, la llegada en el currículo de los contenidos relacionados con valores como la convivencia y la igualdad no ha sucedido de forma rápida ni apacible, que digamos. Aún en la actualidad, y a pesar de que figuran ya de forma explícita en las distintas normativas, hay sectores de profesorado, afortunadamente cada día más reducidos, que muestran su desagrado e incomodidad con el deber de asumir la responsabilidad de esta faceta educativa aduciendo que va en detrimento de la calidad de la enseñanza académica porque, dicen, “lastra” el avance del selecto grupo de alumnado exitosoUniversidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Electric measurements on crystaline silicon concentration cells

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    Projecte final de carrera realitzat en col.laboraciĂł amb Slovak University of Technology Bratislav

    An UHF frequency-modulated continuous wave wind profiler - receiver and audio module development

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    Projecte final de carrera fet en col.laboraciĂł amb University of Massachusetts - Amherst, the Microwave Sensing Laboratory (MIRSL)The measurement of winds and processes taking place in the atmosphere is a fun- damental requirement in both research and operational meteorology. This project is focused on the processes taking place in the lower troposphere called the atmospheric boundary layer (ABL). The ABL is important meteorologically in terms of assessing of convective instability. The entrainment zone at the top of the ABL acts as a lid on rising (and cooling) air parcels due to the temperature inversion. An external mechanism such as geographically forced uplift, vigorous surface heating or drylines, can break the entrainment layer, allowing the capped air parcels to rise freely. As a result, vigorous convection will begin producing severe thunderstorms. ABL research and studies help (i) develop and improve existing numerical weather prediction models, (ii) understand the transfer of hear, water vapor and momentum between the Earth and the atmosphere, (iii) re ne the analytical description of tur- bulent processes and (iv) quantify the absorption and emission in the troposphere, which is a major factor in shaping climate on Earth. The e ect of the troposphere on wave propagation has also been studied extensively for the purposes of improving radio communications.The main reason for the radar development is the need of continous monitoring of the winds and elds in the atmosphere, improving the in-situ measurements. Conven- tional radar pro ler technologies usually are able to make atmospheric measurements of the boundary layer, but precluding the lower part of the ABL, (around 150 meters). The Frequency Modulated Continuous Wave, Spaced Antenna (FMCW-SA) Radar, that is being developed in University of Massachusetts - Amherst, at the Microwave Sensing Laboratory (MIRSL), will allow measurements of the lower part of the ABL. The use of FMCW radars is introduced in order to improved the limitations of pulsed radars. Pulsed radars are limited by the pulse-width and switching speed of the transmit-receive switches because of the use of a common antennas for both functions. The pulsed nature of the radar dictates a high transmitter power, and consequently the need for switches that are both faster and high powered. FMCW radar alleviate this problem by using separate antennas for transmit and receive, also being able to be used at short ranges. The problem in dual-antenna systems is parallax at low altitudes due to the spatially separated antenna apertures, and some uncertainty in the actual sampling volume. The primary objective of this thesis, is to explain the previous results and the problems encountered on the FMCW Wind Pro ler Radar, and to provide a detailed account of the work one in order to x remaining issues. Several problems were encountered on the radar's receiver. Noise and leakage were still not allowing the radar to achieve sensitivity enough to work properly. To solve it, the receiver was modi ed. This thesis, provides a detailed account of modi cations including a new audio-module, modi ed FPGA and tests to report conclusions

    Comparative transcriptomics reveals key differences in the response to milk oligosaccharides of infant gut-associated bifidobacteria.

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    Breast milk enhances the predominance of Bifidobacterium species in the infant gut, probably due to its large concentration of human milk oligosaccharides (HMO). Here we screened infant-gut isolates of Bifidobacterium longum subsp. infantis and Bifidobacterium bifidum using individual HMO, and compared the global transcriptomes of representative isolates on major HMO by RNA-seq. While B. infantis displayed homogeneous HMO-utilization patterns, B. bifidum were more diverse and some strains did not use fucosyllactose (FL) or sialyllactose (SL). Transcriptomes of B. bifidum SC555 and B. infantis ATCC 15697 showed that utilization of pooled HMO is similar to neutral HMO, while transcriptomes for growth on FL were more similar to lactose than HMO in B. bifidum. Genes linked to HMO-utilization were upregulated by neutral HMO and SL, but not by FL in both species. In contrast, FL induced the expression of alternative gene clusters in B. infantis. Results also suggest that B. bifidum SC555 does not utilize fucose or sialic acid from HMO. Surprisingly, expression of orthologous genes differed between both bifidobacteria even when grown on identical substrates. This study highlights two major strategies found in Bifidobacterium species to process HMO, and presents detailed information on the close relationship between HMO and infant-gut bifidobacteria

    Communication Architecture for Tracking and Interoperable Services at Hospitals: A Real Deployment Experience

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    Any new hospital communication architecture has to support existing services, but at the same time new added features should not affect normal tasks. This article deals with issues regarding old and new systems’ interoperability, as well as the effect the human factor has in a deployed architecture. It also presents valuable information, which is a product of a real scenario. Tracking services are also tested in order to monitor and administer several medical resources

    On the Structure of the Global Attractor for Infinite-Dimensional Non-Autonomous Dynamical Systems with Weak Convergence

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    The aim of this paper is to describe the structure of global attractors for infinite-dimensional non-autonomous dynamical systems with recurrent coefficients. We consider a special class of this type of systems (the so–called weak convergent systems). We study this problem in the framework of general non-autonomous dynamical systems (cocycles). In particular, we apply the general results obtained in our previous paper to study the almost periodic (almost automorphic, recurrent, pseudo recurrent) and asymptotically almost periodic (asymptotically almost automorphic, asymptotically recurrent, asymptotically pseudo recurrent) solutions of different classes of differential equations (functional-differential equations, evolution equation with monotone operator, semi-linear parabolic equations)

    Almost periodic and almost automorphic solutions of linear differential/difference equations without Favard's separation condition. II

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    In this paper we continue the research started in a previous paper, where we proved that the linear differential equation (1) x0 = A(t)x + f(t) with Levitan almost periodic coefficients has a unique Levitan almost periodic solution, if it has at least one bounded solution and the bounded solutions of the homogeneous equation (2) x0 = A(t)x are homoclinic to zero (i.e. lim jtj!+1 j'(t)j = 0 for all bounded solution ' of (2)). If the coefficients of (1) are Bohr almost periodic and all bounded solutions of equation (2) are homoclinic to zero, then the equation (1) admits a unique almost automorphic solution. In this second part we first generalise this result for linear functional differential equations (FDEs) of the form (3) x0 = A(t)xt + f(t); as well as for neutral FDEs. Analogous results for functional difference equations with finite delay and some classes of partial differential equations are also given. We study the problem of existence of Bohr/Levitan almost periodic solutions of differential equations of type (3) in the context of general semi-group non-autonomous dynamical systems (cocycles), in contrast with the group non-autonomous dynamical systems framework considered in the first part
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