155 research outputs found

    Capacitance study of thin film SnO2:F/p-type a-Si:H heterojunctions

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    Abstract We characterized SnO 2 :F/p-type a-Si:H heterojunctions by current-voltage (I-V) and capacitance-voltage (C-V) measurements at room temperature to determine the junction parameters. Samples with circular geometry and different diameters were characterized. The current scales with the junction area, and the current density J as a function of the voltage V is a slightly asymmetric curve with a super-linear behaviour (cubic law) for high voltages. Using a transmission line model valid for devices with circular geometry, we studied the effects of the SnO 2 :F resistivity on the measured capacitance when the SnO2:F layer works as an electrical contact. The measured C-V curve allows us to determine junction parameters as doping of p-type a-Si:H, built-in potential and depletion width for the heterojunction with the smallest diameters, demonstrating that for these samples the TCO effects can be neglected. We compared theoretical and measured data to explain qualitatively the transport mechanism in this heterojunction

    A non-contact optical technique for vehicle tracking along bounded trajectories

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    This paper presents a method for measuring the non-controlled trajectory of a cart along a bounded rectilinear path. The method uses non-contact measurement devices to identify the position of a movable laser scanner working in helical mode in order to reconstruct the 3D model of bridges. The main idea of the proposed method is to use vision systems in order to identify the coordinates of the laser scanner placed on the cart with respect to the global reference system. A fit-to-purpose vision system has been implemented: the system uses three CCD's cameras mounted on the cart to identify the relative rotations with respect to the environment. Two lasers pointers and a laser distance meter are fixed at the starting point of the trajectory and pointing in the direction of motion of the cart, creating three dots on a plane placed on the cart. One of the camera detects the cart displacements and rotations in the plane using a blob analysis procedure. The method described in this paper has a constant uncertainty and the measurement range only depends on the lasers power. The theoretical accuracy of the measurement system is close to 1 mm for the translation along the motion direction and around 0.5 mm along the other two directions. Orientations measurement have a theoretical accuracy of less than 0.1 °. The solution has been implemented for the 3D reconstruction of concrete bridge; preliminary experimental results are presented and discussed

    High Grade Glioma Treatment in Elderly People: Is It Different Than in Younger Patients? Analysis of Surgical Management Guided by an Intraoperative Multimodal Approach and Its Impact on Clinical Outcome

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    Objective: Age is considered a negative prognostic factor for High Grade Gliomas (HGGs) and many neurosurgeons remain skeptical about the benefits of aggressive treatment. New surgical and technological improvements may allow extended safe resection, with lower level of post-operative complications. This opportunity opens the unsolved question about the most appropriate HGG treatment in elderly patients. The aim of this study is to analyze if HGG maximal safe resection guided by an intraoperative multimodal imaging protocol coupled with neuromonitoring is associated with differences in outcome in elderly patients versus younger ones. Methods: We reviewed 100 patients, 53 (53%) males and 47 (47%) females, with median (IQR) age of 64 (57; 72) years. Eight patients were diagnosed with Anaplastic Astrocytoma (AA), 92 with Glioblastoma (GBM). Surgery was aimed to achieve safe maximal resection. An intraoperative multimodal imaging protocol, including neuronavigation, neurophysiological monitoring, 5-ALA fluorescence, 11C MET-PET, navigated i-US system and i-CT, was used, and its impact on EOTR and clinical outcome in elderly patients was analyzed. We divided patients in two groups according to their age: 65 years, and surgical and clinical results (EOTR, post-operative KPS, OS and PFS) were compared. Yet, to better understand age-related differences, the same patient cohort was also divided into 70 years and all the above data reanalyzed. Results: In the first cohort division, we did not found KPS difference over time and survival analysis did not show significant difference between the two groups (p = 0.36 for OS and p = 0.49 for PFS). Same results were obtained increasing the age cut-off for age up to 70 years (p = 0.52 for OS and p = 0.92 for PFS). Conclusions: Our data demonstrate that there is not statistically significant difference in post-operative EOTR, KPS, OS, and PFS between younger and elderly patients treated with extensive tumor resection aided by a intraoperative multimodal protocol

    Post-mortem findings in vaccine-induced thrombotic thombocytopenia

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    Greinacher et al.1 and Schultz et al.2 were the first to independently report the main clinical and laboratory features of 11 and five respective patients from Germany, Austria and Norway who developed life-threatening thrombohemorrhagic complications 5 to 16 days after the administration of the first dose of the chimpanzee adenoviral vector vaccine ChAdOx1nCoV-19 against SARS-CoV-2 and COVID-19. Subsequently Scully et al.3 reported similar findings in 23 patients treated with the same vaccine in the United Kingdom. More recently, See et al.4 reported a case series of 12 patients from the USA with cerebral venous sinus thrombosis following the vaccination with Ad26.CoV2.S employing a human adenoviral vector. The main post-vaccination features common to the case series were the occurrence of venous thromboembolism mainly in unusual sites (cerebral and abdominal veins) and the concomitant presence of bleeding symptoms associated with severe thrombocytopenia, often accompanied by laboratory signs of consumption coagulopathy with low plasma fibrinogen and hugely increased levels of D-dimer. The majority of reported patients reacted positively for serum immunoglobulin G (IgG) antibodies to the platelet factor 4 PF4/heparin complex. 1-4 Another common feature was the high mortality rate. The mechanism of this very rare thrombohemorrhagic syndrome was postulated to be a vaccine-triggered autoimmune reaction, with the development of antibodies against a still ill-defined PF4/polyanion complex that causes platelet activation as in heparin-induced thrombocytopenia (HIT),1-4 notwithstanding the fact that no cases were exposed to heparin before the onset of thrombosis and thrombocytopenia. We report herewith the detailed post-mortem macroscopic and microscopic findings in two similar cases that occurred in the Italian region of Sicily

    Lipopolysaccharide from Gut-Associated Lymphoid-Tissue-Resident Alcaligenes faecalis: Complete Structure Determination and Chemical Synthesis of Its Lipid A

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    Alcaligenes faecalis is the predominant Gram-negative bacterium inhabiting gut-associated lymphoid tissues, Peyer's patches. We previously reported that an A. faecalis lipopolysaccharide (LPS) acted as a weak agonist for Toll-like receptor 4 (TLR4)/myeloid differentiation factor-2 (MD-2) receptor as well as a potent inducer of IgA without excessive inflammation, thus suggesting that A. faecalis LPS might be used as a safe adjuvant. In this study, we characterized the structure of both the lipooligosaccharide (LOS) and LPS from A. faecalis. We synthesized three lipid A molecules with different degrees of acylation by an efficient route involving the simultaneous introduction of 1- and 4′-phosphates. Hexaacylated A. faecalis lipid A showed moderate agonistic activity towards TLR4-mediated signaling and the ability to elicit a discrete interleukin-6 release in human cell lines and mice. It was thus found to be the active principle of the LOS/LPS and a promising vaccine adjuvant candidate

    CID: Chemistry in disks VI.sulfur-bearing molecules in the protoplanetary disks surrounding LkCa15, MWC480, DM Tau, and GO Tau

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    We study the content in S-bearing molecules of protoplanetary disks around low-mass stars. We used the new IRAM 30-m receiver EMIR to perform simultaneous observations of the 1101011_{10}-1_{01} line of H2_2S at 168.8 GHz and 2231122_{23}-1_{12} line of SO at 99.3 GHz. We compared the observational results with predictions coming from the astrochemical code NAUTILUS, which has been adapted to protoplanetary disks. The data were analyzed together with existing CS J=3-2 observations. We fail to detect the SO and H2_2S lines, although CS is detected in LkCa15, DM\,Tau, and GO\,Tau but not in MWC\,480. However, our new upper limits are significantly better than previous ones and allow us to put some interesting constraints on the sulfur chemistry. Our best modeling of disks is obtained for a C/O ratio of 1.2, starting from initial cloud conditions of H density of 2×1052\times 10^5 cm3^{-3} and age of 10610^6 yr. The results agree with the CS data and are compatible with the SO upper limits, but fail to reproduce the H2_2S upper limits. The predicted H2_2S column densities are too high by at least one order of magnitude. H2_2S may remain locked onto grain surfaces and react with other species, thereby preventing the desorption of H2_2S

    Characterization and performance of the ASIC (CITIROC) front-end of the ASTRI camera

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    The Cherenkov Imaging Telescope Integrated Read Out Chip, CITIROC, is a chip adopted as the front-end of the camera at the focal plane of the imaging Cherenkov ASTRI dual-mirror small size telescope (ASTRI SST-2M) prototype. This paper presents the results of the measurements performed to characterize CITIROC tailored for the ASTRI SST-2M focal plane requirements. In particular, we investigated the trigger linearity and efficiency, as a function of the pulse amplitude. Moreover, we tested its response by performing a set of measurements using a silicon photomultiplier (SiPM) in dark conditions and under light pulse illumination. The CITIROC output signal is found to vary linearly as a function of the input pulse amplitude. Our results show that it is suitable for the ASTRI SST-2M camera. <P /

    The Muon Portal Double Tracker for the Inspection of Travelling Containers

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    The Muon Portal Project has as its goal the design and construction of a real-size working detector prototype in scale 1:1, to inspect the content of travelling containers by means of the secondary cosmic-ray muon radiation and to recognize high-Z hidden materials (i.e. U, Pu). The tomographic image is obtained by reconstructing the input and output trajectories of each muon when it crosses the container and, consequently, the scattering angle, making use of two trackers placed above and below the container. The scan is performed without adding any external radiation, in a reasonable time (few minutes) and with a good spatial and angular resolution. The detector consists of 8 planes each segmented in 6 identical modules. Each module is made of scintillating strips with two WaveLength Shifting fibers (WLS) inside, coupled to Silicon photomultipliers. The customized read-out electronics employs programmable boards. Thanks to a smart read-out system, the number of output channels is reduced by a factor 10. The signals from the front-end modules are sent to the read-out boards, in order to convert analog signals to digital ones, by comparison with a threshold. The data are pre-analyzed and stored into a data acquisition PC. After an intense measurement and simulation campaign to carefully characterize the detector components, the first detection modules ( 1 ×3 m2) have been already built. In this paper the detector architecture, particularly focusing on the used electronics and the main preliminary results will be presented. <P /