10 research outputs found

    Carreteras-planeamiento: algunas claves de la evolución histórica de una relación imperfecta

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    El artículo revisa de manera general, la evolución de la forma de trazar carreteras desde las antiguas carreteras construidas antes de la aparición del automóvil hasta las modernas autopistas de acceso restringido. Los efectos de las carreteras son muy diversos, variables en el tiempo y diferentes para cada tipo de carretera. Si antes de la aparición del automóvil las carreteras tenían efectos de pequeña escala, el nuevo modo de locomoción revolucionará su papel en el territorio. La accesibilidad se convertirá en un factor esencial y las carreteras en lugares donde edificar. En este contexto, aparecen las primeras propuestas orientadas a ordenar las carreteras y los usos contiguos: la Town/ess Highway de Benton Mackaye y la autopista colonizadora de Hilarión González del Castillo. El desarrollo imparable del automóvil y las técnicas de trazado de carreteras harán que la concepción de éstas se convierta en una actividad exclusiva de los ingenieros de carreteras, bendecida por el movimiento moderno que segregará de este tipo de vías de los desarrollos urbanos. Las carreteras someterán entonces a las ciudades existentes, convirtiendo incluso sus verdes bulevares en vías urbanas de alta capacidad En la actualidad, las carreteras tienden a alejarse de los núcleos de población, con la intención de evitar verse superadas por su crecimiento. Por su parte, los planificadores tienden a considerarlas como límites u objetivos a alcanzar, integrándolas en el planeamiento, y convirtiendo en ley urbanística decisiones de trazado tomadas por ingenieros de carreteras.The article reviews the evolution on the highway design criteria from the first roads built before the automobile age till the modem access controlled motorways. The effects of the roads are very diverse, time-varying and different for each type of rood. If before the advent of automobile roads used to have small-scale effects, the new mode of locomotion would revolutionize its role in the territory. The accessibility became a key factor and, as a consequence, road adjacent land were colonised by urban activities and buildings (ribbon development). In this context, first proposals aimed at managing roads and adjacent uses appeared: Benton's Mackay Townless Highway and Hilarion González del Castillo's Colonising Highway. With the unstoppable growth of the automobile and the evolution of the highway techniques, its design became an activity exclusive of traffic engineers, as modem movement urbanism segregated such infrastructures from urban developments. The motorways where introduced in the existing cities trough the construction of expressways and by converting green boulevards into high-capacity urban streets. At present, new highways tend to move away from populated areas, trying to escape from being involved in their growth. On the other hand, urban planners tend to regard them as limits or targets to achieve, by integrating them into the planning schemes. In this way, design decisions taken by road engineers become urban law

    Carreteras – planeamiento. Algunas claves de la evolución histórica de una relación imperfecta

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    The article reviews the evolution on the highway design criteria from the first roads built before the automobile age till the modern access controlled motorways. The effects of the roads are very diverse, timevarying and different for each type of road. If before the advent of automobile roads used to have small-scale effects, the new mode of locomotion would revolutionize its role in the territory. The accessibility became a key factor and, as a consequence, road adjacent land were colonised by urban activities and buildings (ribbon development). In this context, first proposals aimed at managing roads and adjacent uses appeared: Benton’s Mackay Townless Highway and Hilarion Gonzalez del Castillo’s Colonising Highway.With the unstoppable growth of the automobile and the evolution of the highway techniques, its design became an activity exclusive of traffic engineers, as modern movement urbanism segregated such infrastructures from urban developments. The motorways where introduced in the existing cities trough the construction of expressways and by converting green boulevards into high-capacity urban streets. At present, new highways tend to move away from populated areas, trying to escape from being involved in their growth. On the other hand, urban planners tend to regard them as limits or targets to achieve, by integrating them into the planning schemes. In this way, design decisions taken by road engineers become urban law.El artículo revisa de manera general, la evolución de la forma de trazar carreteras desde las antiguas carreteras construidas antes de la aparición del automóvil hasta las modernas autopistas de acceso restringido. Los efectos de las carreteras son muy diversos, variables en el tiempo y diferentes para cada tipo de carretera. Si antes de la aparición del automóvil las carreteras tenían efectos de pequeña escala, el nuevo modo de locomoción revolucionará su papel en el territorio. La accesibilidad se convertirá en un factor esencial y las carreteras en lugares donde edificar. En este contexto, aparecen las primeras propuestas orientadas a ordenar las carreteras y los usos contiguos: la Townless Highway de Benton Mackaye y la autopista colonizadora de Hilarión González del Castillo.El desarrollo imparable del automóvil y las técnicas de trazado de carreteras harán que la concepción de éstas se convierta en una actividad exclusiva de los ingenieros de carreteras, bendecida por el movimiento moderno que segregará de este tipo de vías de los desarrollos urbanos. Las carreteras someterán entonces a las ciudades existentes, convirtiendo incluso sus verdes bulevares en vías urbanas de alta capacidad. En la actualidad, las carreteras tienden a alejarse de los núcleos de población, con la intención de evitar verse superadas por su crecimiento. Por su parte, los planificadores tienden a considerarlas como límites u objetivos a alcanzar, integrándolas en el planeamiento, y convirtiendo en ley urbanística decisiones de trazado tomadas por ingenieros de carreteras

    Modelling runoff from permeable pavements: a link to the Curve Number method

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    [EN] Permeable Pavement (PP) models are valuable tools for studying the implementation of PPs in urban environments. However, the runoff simulated by traditional models such as the Curve Number (CN) is different from that created with PP models, as infiltration is computed differently. However, many investigations compare the runoff created by both models to extract broader conclusions without considering how the two models are related. Hence, this research explores the relation between runoff simulated by one general model, selecting the widespread CN model as a baseline, and the PP model provided in the Storm Water Management Model (SWMM). Correlation was set using the hydrograph created with the CN in a single event as a baseline and obtaining the best pavement permeability value from the PP model by calibration. The influence of storm depth, pavement slope, catchment shape, and PP type was also analysed. Calibration was conducted based on the Nash-Sutcliffe coefficient, but peak and volume performances were also studied. The results show that it is possible to link runoff hydrographs computed with the PP model to those created with the CN method, although that relation is not useful for the entire CN range. That relation is practical for CNs higher than 88 and shall be helpful for urban planners and researchers to compare several pervious/impervious scenarios in urban drainage models more robustly. One direct application is to compare the runoff computed by both models without changing the method that simulates runoff. It shall be enough to change a unique parameter that can be linked to a certain imperviousness by the CN.This research was funded by the University of the Basque Country UPV/EHU grant number US22/10.Madrazo-Uribeetxebarria, E.; Garmendia Antín, M.; Almandoz-Berrondo, J.; Andrés-Doménech, I. (2023). Modelling runoff from permeable pavements: a link to the Curve Number method. Water. 15(1). https://doi.org/10.3390/w1501016015

    Análisis de las consecuencias territoriales del AVE en ciudades pequeñas: Ciudad Real y Puertollano

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    RESUMEN. La llegada de una gran infraestructura como el AVE en 1992 a Ciudad Real y Puertollano, ciudades pequeñas tradicionalmente alejadas de los principales corredores de transporte españoles, ha provocado una serie de transformaciones territoriales en ambos núcleos. El artículo trata de descubrir los cambios demográficos, económicos e inmobiliarios a través de datos estadísticos existentes y la comparación, por un lado, con otras ciudades similares españolas que no se han beneficiado aún de esta infraestructura y, por otro lado, con núcleos representativos de la provincia de Ciudad Real. Además, se ha intentado establecer unas pautas de análisis para explorar o predecir los efectos del AVE en otras ciudades pequeñas y medianas parecidas.ABSTRACT. The arrival in 1992 of a large infrastructure, namely the High Speed Train (HST), to Ciudad Real and Puertollano, small cities hitherto distant from the main Spanish transport corridors, has provoked a series of territorial transformations in both towns. This article sets out to reveal the demographic, economic and building changes by the use of the existing statistical data and by comparing these two cities firstly with similar Spanish cities that have not benefited from this infrastructure, and secondly with other towns representative of the province of Ciudad Real. Moreover it has attempted to establish some guidelines of analysis to explore or predict the effects on other small or medium-sized cities

    Sensitivity analysis of permeable pavement hydrological modelling in the Storm Water Management Model

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    [EN] The Storm Water Management Model (SWMM), widely used by engineers to design or analyse stormwater networks, allows to model the so-called Low Impact Development (LID) controls, which reduce the flow conveyed to traditional networks. But, values for LID control parameters are often unknown. Furthermore, it is not always easy to link the cross-section materials to those provided by the model, particularly in the soil layer. This article provides a global sensitivity analysis for the PP type of LID control, in order to support practitioners in calibration tasks. The analysis explores what factors are the most influential and which can be fixed while calibrating a model. In particular, flow volume and peak are studied but the analysis also explores the influence of storm length and drain layer, which is optional. At the end, the most influential parameters, and those that can be neglected are presented, showing that we can focus on quite less parameters than initially given when calibrating a PP model in SWMM.This research was funded by the University of the Basque Country UPV/EHU (US19/17). It also was supported by Donostia/San Sebastian City Council, which we would like to thank for the invaluable assistance provided during the project of which this study is only a first stepMadrazo-Uribeetxebarria, E.; Garmendia Antín, M.; Almandoz Berrondo, J.; Andrés-Doménech, I. (2021). Sensitivity analysis of permeable pavement hydrological modelling in the Storm Water Management Model. Journal of Hydrology. 600:1-10. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jhydrol.2021.126525S11060

    Hydraulic Performance Of Permeable Asphalt And Picp In Swmm, Validated By Laboratory Data

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    Traditional urban development practices disrupt the natural water cycle, increasing surface runoff volume/velocity and reducing water quality, amongst other impacts. Those negative impacts can be reduced adopting sustainable urban drainage system (SUDS) techniques, such as pervious pavements. porous asphalt (PA) and permeable interlocking clay/concrete pavers (PICP) are two types of pervious pavements. Both are similar to traditional asphalt and pavers, but superficial layer has a high porosity for allowing infiltration of rain, and base/subbase layers contain a high void fraction to allow water retention. In order to analyse these types of pavements and assess how they affect the general urban stormwater network, the SWMM model has been widely used. Even so, more confidence in the selected parameters is needed, especially when modelling homogeneous areas by means of low impact development (LID) units. To do so, laboratory tests have been implemented using a rainfall simulator, testing PICP/PA materials under different slopes (1% and 6%) and rain conditions (35 mm/h and 70 mm/h), and infiltrated water was measured for each layer independently. This paper validates, using the aforementioned laboratory data, the parameters needed for modelling PA and PICP in SWMM, as well as differences between them, showing that SWMM is a convenient tool to model single events on permeable pavements for regular storms

    Modelling Runoff from Permeable Pavements: A Link to the Curve Number Method

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    Permeable Pavement (PP) models are valuable tools for studying the implementation of PPs in urban environments. However, the runoff simulated by traditional models such as the Curve Number (CN) is different from that created with PP models, as infiltration is computed differently. However, many investigations compare the runoff created by both models to extract broader conclusions without considering how the two models are related. Hence, this research explores the relation between runoff simulated by one general model, selecting the widespread CN model as a baseline, and the PP model provided in the Storm Water Management Model (SWMM). Correlation was set using the hydrograph created with the CN in a single event as a baseline and obtaining the best pavement permeability value from the PP model by calibration. The influence of storm depth, pavement slope, catchment shape, and PP type was also analysed. Calibration was conducted based on the Nash–Sutcliffe coefficient, but peak and volume performances were also studied. The results show that it is possible to link runoff hydrographs computed with the PP model to those created with the CN method, although that relation is not useful for the entire CN range. That relation is practical for CNs higher than 88 and shall be helpful for urban planners and researchers to compare several pervious/impervious scenarios in urban drainage models more robustly. One direct application is to compare the runoff computed by both models without changing the method that simulates runoff. It shall be enough to change a unique parameter that can be linked to a certain imperviousness by the CN

    Evaluation of the content of metals and metalloids in permeable pavements and their surroundings

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    [EN] In this work, the content of some metals and metalloids in an area with permeable pavements has been determined. First, urban sediment samples from the permeable and impermeable zones have been analysed and the influence that the antecedent dry period has on the accumulation of metals has been observed. Then, the content of metals in the permeable material has been analysed and finally, urban runoff has been compared with the runoff that has passed through permeable pavements. Sediment results show that temporal variable is not significant for most metals and metalloids; however, differences have been observed between the sediments of permeable and impermeable pavement. Regarding water samples, permeable pavements have provided benefits in the physicochemical properties, especially in the reduction of turbidity and thus, of suspended solids (TSS). In dissolved metals, a decreasing trend have been observed for some metals and metalloids, but not for all. It could be considered to compare several samplings after rainfalls of different intensity to obtain more information about the influence of permeable pavements on the quality of urban runoff.[ES] En este trabajo se ha determinado el contenido de algunos metales y metaloides en un área con pavimentos permeables. Primero, se han analizado las muestras de sedimento urbano en la zona permeable y la impermeable, y se ha observado la medida en que el periodo seco antecedente afecta en la acumulación de metales. Después, se ha analizado el contenido de metales en el propio material permeable y, por último, se ha comparado el agua de escorrentía con el agua que ha atravesado los pavimentos permeables. Los resultados de los sedimentos muestran que la variable temporal no es significativa para la mayoría de metales y metaloides; en cambio, se ha observado diferencias entre los sedimentos del pavimento permeable y el impermeable. Respecto a las aguas, los pavimentos permeables han aportado beneficios en las propiedades fisicoquímicas, sobre todo en la disminución de la turbidez y por tanto de los sólidos en suspensión (SS). En los metales disueltos se ha observado una tendencia de disminución para algunos metales y metaloides, pero no para todos. Sería importante comparar varios muestreos tras precipitaciones de distinta intensidad para obtener más información sobre la influencia de los pavimentos permeables en la calidad de la escorrentía urbana.Este trabajo ha recibido la ayuda del proyecto US22/10 de la Universidad del País Vasco (UPV/EHU) y Ainhoa Lekuona quiere agradecer la ayuda predoctoral de la UPV/EHU. A su vez, los investigadores quieren agradecer al ayuntamiento de Donostia-San Sebastián por toda la ayuda proporcionada en la investigación de los pavimentos permeables.Lekuona-Orkaizagirre, A.; Meaurio, M.; Gredilla, A.; Madrazo-Uribeetxebarria, E.; Carrero, JA.; Garmendia-Antín, M. (2024). Evaluación del contenido de metales y metaloides en pavimentos permeables y sus proximidades. Ingeniería del Agua. 28(2):82-92. https://doi.org/10.4995/ia.2024.21068829228