20 research outputs found

    Estudio Comparativo de la Capacidad de Acumulación para Cadmio y Plomo de Scirpus Californicus (Totora) y Stypa Ichu (Ichu) Bajo Condiciones Hidropónicas

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    En este trabajo se presenta un estudio comparativo de la capacidad de acumulación para cadmio y plomo de Scirpus Californicus (Totora) y Stipa Ichu (Ichu) bajo condiciones hidropónicas. El objetivo fue evaluar la capacidad de retención de Pb, Cd y Pb/Cd juntos en 2 tipos de muestra, i) raíces y ii) hojas y tallos, de las especies antes mencionadas y a diferentes concentraciones (20, 50 y 80 ppm) para conocer la eficacia en los medios contaminados con estos metales como también determinar en qué parte de las plantas existe mayor retención. Los resultados obtenidos, por medio de la técnica de espectrofotometría de absorción atómica, indican que la retención de Pb fue mejor en Totora a una concentración de 20 ppm llegando a retener 5.924 % (1.185 ppm) de la concentración. El Ichu en un sistema hidropónico presenta características pobres para la acumulación de Pb y Cd generando bajos niveles de acumulación. PALABRAS CLAVE Fitorremediación, Ichu, Stipa Ichu, Totora, Scirpus Californicus, metales pesados, plomo (Pb), cadmio (Cd)

    Белково-липидный состав пыльцы березы бородавчатой (Betula verrucosa) и ее антиоксидантная активность в зависимости от места произрастания

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    Pollen has various effects on the human body. In order to study and compare the biological activity of the mature pollen grains of Betula verrucosa Ehrh. we investigated the protein-lipid composition and total antioxidant activity (TAA) of 10 samples from different habitats in the territory of Ukraine and the Slovak Republic. The collection sites are near highways and apartment blocks, as well as a nature reserve, forest and botanical garden. The protein content was determined by the Kjeldahl method. A chromatographic analysis of fatty acids from lipids was performed using a “Cvet 500” gas chromatograph, equipped with a flame-ionization detector in the isothermal mode. The bioactivity of aqueous, ethanol and methanol extracts of pollen grains was evaluated by the DPPH free radical scavenging method (2,2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl) by means spectrophotometry in vitro. The protein content of the pollen of B. verrucosa ranged from 17.9% to 25.6%, depending on the habitat. Unsaturated fatty acids were found in higher amounts than saturated fatty acids. The profile of fatty acids indicates a higher content of palmitic (33.9%), oleic (29.5%) and linoleic (27.8%) acids and a low content of arachidonic (0.4%) and pentadecanoic (0.8%) acids. We also established that silver birch pollen is characterized by high antioxidant activity. The measured value of TAA for aqueous pollen extracts was within 74.8–85.5%. For the ethanol extracts it was quantified within 60.3–95.0% and for the methanol extracts – 46.1–92.6%. The Tukey test was used to determine the differences between the means at a level of P < 0.05. A strong correlation coefficient (0.70) was defined between the protein content and the TAA of aqueous extracts. In general, the Ukrainian and Slovak samples of pollen differ in the fatty acid composition of lipids and aqueous and ethanol TAA extracts. Pollen of B. verrucosa should be used for diagnostic, therapeutic and prophylactic purposes as close as possible to the place of origin. Исследованы белковый и липидный состав и биологическая активность 10 образцов пыльцы Betula verrucosa Ehrh. из разных мест произрастания на территории Украины и Словакии. Определено содержание белков (17,9–25,6%) и 8 жирных кислот (с числом углеродных атомов от 14 до 20) в составе липидов. Выявлено преобладание ненасыщенных жирных кислот (58,6%) с доминированием пальмитиновой (33,9%), олеиновой (29,5%) и линолевой (27,8%). Оценена общая антиоксидантная активность водных, этаноловых и метаноловых экстрактов пыльцы березы бородавчатой с использованием свободного стабильного радикала дифенил­пикрилгидразила колориметрически в реакции in vitro. Установлены статистически достоверные различия между образцами как внутри украинских и словацких генотипов, так и между ними. Рассматриваются факторы влияния на вариации белково-липидного состава пыльцы и ее биологической активности.Исследованы белковый и липидный состав и биологическая активность 10 образцов пыльцы Betula verrucosa Ehrh. из разных мест произрастания на территории Украины и Словакии. Определено содержание белков (17,9–25,6%) и 8 жирных кислот (с числом углеродных атомов от 14 до 20) в составе липидов. Выявлено преобладание ненасыщенных жирных кислот (58,6%) с доминированием пальмитиновой (33,9%), олеиновой (29,5%) и линолевой (27,8%). Оценена общая антиоксидантная активность водных, этаноловых и метаноловых экстрактов пыльцы березы бородавчатой с использованием свободного стабильного радикала дифенил­пикрилгидразила колориметрически в реакции in vitro. Установлены статистически достоверные различия между образцами как внутри украинских и словацких генотипов, так и между ними. Рассматриваются факторы влияния на вариации белково-липидного состава пыльцы и ее биологической активности

    Evaluation and managing wheat seed-borne diseases: Options and suggestions from the case of Tajikistan

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    Wheat seed-borne diseases are among the major constraints reducing crop yield and the quality of seed and grain. In this study we aimed to evaluate the type and prevalence of fungal seed-borne diseases in Tajik wheat seed samples. Particular emphasis was given to common bunt resistance in advanced wheat breeding materials. Furthermore, we aimed to identify options for improving the seed quality. Seed samples collected from two different locations in Tajikistan were tested by conventional seed-health testing methods for presence of seed-borne diseases. Nineteen advanced wheat breeding lines and three varieties collected from the Tajik wheat breeding program were screened using an artificial inoculation test for their response to common bunt. Significant differences were found between the locations and genotypes concerning presence of common bunt and black point. Fourteen fungal species, where most of them are pathogenic for wheat, were identified in the seed samples. Tilletia laevis, T. tritici, Bipolaris sorokiniana, Stemphylium spp., and Drechslera spp. were the major pathogenic fungi observed in collected wheat samples. Common bunt was predominantly represented by T. laevis. No strong resistance was found in the studied Tajik wheat material, although a low percentage of infection was found in one line (SHARK/ F4105W2.1), while the material was evaluated for common bunt resistance. In managing seed-borne diseases, breeding of resistant varieties should be given a priority, while cultural practices such as preventing contamination and monitoring seed health status should also be considered, as a last resort the use of chemical seed treatments are advised

    On-Farm Diversity of Date Palm (Phoenix dactylifera L) in Sudan: A Potential Genetic Resources Conservation Strategy

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    Although the main goal of traditional farming is to produce food, it can play an important role in conservation of genetic resources. This paper reports a study, which explored the diversity of date palm (Phoenix dactylifera L.) cultivars grown by farmers and their preferences for different cultivars. The possibilities of using farms as sites for conserving genetic resources are discussed. The data for the study were collected from personal interviews that involved randomly selected date palm farmers in the Northern State and River Nile State, Sudan. Ordered and binary logit models were used to account for possible factors influencing the diversity of cultivars grown by farmers and preferences for different cultivars, respectively. The results showed that the cultivars grown by the respondents vary widely. On average, the Northern State respondents grew twice the number of cultivars as those in the River Nile State. Of all the date palm cultivars, the Barakawi was the most preferred. The diversity of the cultivars grown by the respondents and their preferences were mainly influenced by factors, such as farm location, drought, uses of date palm, years of farming experience, education, income from date palm and household size. The findings will help in designing a more sustainable date palm breeding program, as well as a genetic resources conservation strategy

    Белково-липидный состав пыльцы березы бородавчатой (Betula verrucosa) и ее антиоксидантная активность в зависимости от места произрастания

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    Pollen has various effects on the human body. In order to study and compare the biological activity of the mature pollen grains of Betula verrucosa Ehrh. we investigated the protein-lipid composition and total antioxidant activity (TAA) of 10 samples from different habitats in the territory of Ukraine and the Slovak Republic. The collection sites are near highways and apartment blocks, as well as a nature reserve, forest and botanical garden. The protein content was determined by the Kjeldahl method. A chromatographic analysis of fatty acids from lipids was performed using a “Cvet 500” gas chromatograph, equipped with a flame-ionization detector in the isothermal mode. The bioactivity of aqueous, ethanol and methanol extracts of pollen grains was evaluated by the DPPH free radical scavenging method (2,2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl) by means spectrophotometry in vitro. The protein content of the pollen of B. verrucosa ranged from 17.9% to 25.6%, depending on the habitat. Unsaturated fatty acids were found in higher amounts than saturated fatty acids. The profile of fatty acids indicates a higher content of palmitic (33.9%), oleic (29.5%) and linoleic (27.8%) acids and a low content of arachidonic (0.4%) and pentadecanoic (0.8%) acids. We also established that silver birch pollen is characterized by high antioxidant activity. The measured value of TAA for aqueous pollen extracts was within 74.8–85.5%. For the ethanol extracts it was quantified within 60.3–95.0% and for the methanol extracts – 46.1–92.6%. The Tukey test was used to determine the differences between the means at a level of P < 0.05. A strong correlation coefficient (0.70) was defined between the protein content and the TAA of aqueous extracts. In general, the Ukrainian and Slovak samples of pollen differ in the fatty acid composition of lipids and aqueous and ethanol TAA extracts. Pollen of B. verrucosa should be used for diagnostic, therapeutic and prophylactic purposes as close as possible to the place of origin

    Approaches for evaluation of resistance to European canker (Neonectria ditissima) in apple

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    European canker is caused by the fungus Neonectria ditissima (Neonectria galligena, formerly Nectria galligena). The disease causes significant losses to apple production in Sweden and many other countries with a temperate wet climate. Application of fungicides and good horticultural practices do not prevent canker damage in nurseries and orchards. Disease outbreaks damage and even completely destroy trees. To date, complete resistance to N. ditissima is not known in apple, but cultivars differ considerably in their level of partial resistance. To be able to conduct breeding for resistance to European canker, reliable plant tests are urgently needed. Differences in resistance to N. ditissima (colonization rate; CR) in apple cultivars were evaluated by wound inoculations with a standardized number of conidia on cut shoots from mature trees placed in a climate chamber and on potted trees in an unheated greenhouse. Infection percentage (Inf%) was assessed by 'natural' inoculations in leaf scars under high infection pressure in the field. All the experiments were carried out over 2 years. Lengths of lesions were measured at regular time intervals on five occasions for shoots and seven occasions for trees. Considerable differences in CR and Inf% were found among the cultivars. The relative levels of resistance obtained are consistent with previous reports for most cultivars. Assessment of CR (area under curve) and Inf% thus proved to be useful tools for evaluation of resistance to European canker. Also, some potentially new sources of resistance were identified.</p