47 research outputs found

    Influence of tricalcium silicate on course of traumatic pulpitis

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    The use of Tricalcium Silicate (TS) as an odontotropic preparation makes it possible to create a hermetic crown restoration with a high degree of adhesion. However, the use of TS silicate by direct pulp capping remains disputable. The aim of this study was to determine the effects of TS on course of traumatic pulpitis by detection of morpho-functional peculiarities of changes in pulp tissue. We performed experimental investigation (on rabbits, males, aging three-month) for study of the morphofunctional changes of the pulp tissues with modeling of traumatic pulpitis and direct pulp capping with TS preparation (8 animals, investigated group) and calcium hydroxide (Calasept, NORDISKA DENTAL) preparation (8 animals, comparison group). After 2nd and 6th weeks tissues of tooth were fixed in 10% formalin with performing routine proceeding after decalcification and making histological slides which were investigated. Manifestations of protective adaptive mechanisms have been revealed in the form of inflammatory process two weeks after the injury in the pulp tissue with its resolution six weeks after performing of direct pulp capping with TS with replacement of necrotic area by connective tissue with their delimitation from viable pulp tissue against a background of intensive formation of capillaries. Morphometric study proved dynamical changes of vascular number cross-sections per 1 mm2 from 69.31±4.76 (2 weeks) to 47.38±4.12 (6 weeks) with 49.2±3.47 vascular density in intact group. Cellular density of odontoblasts as changed from 3.92±1.03 x103 per 1 mm2 (2 weeks) to 7.49±1.51 x103 per 1 mm2 (6 weeks) with 8.3±1.02 x103 per 1 mm2 cellular density in intact group. Thus it can be argued that the use of TS as a material for direct pulp capping promotes more active regeneration processes. Целью исследования явилось определение влияния трикальцийсиликата на течение травматического пульпита. Поставлен эксперимент на 3-месячных кроликахсамцах для изучения морфофункциональных изменений ткани пульпы с моделированием травматического пульпита и прямым покрытием пульпы трикальцийсиликатом (8 животных, исследуемая группа) и гидроксидом кальция (Calasept, NORDISKA DENTAL) (8 животных, группа сравнения). Спустя 2 и 6 недели ткани зуба фиксировали в 10% формалине и после декальцификации и рутинной проводки исследовали гистологические препараты. Спустя 2 недели после нанесения травмы в ткани пульпы обнаружены проявления защитно-приспособительных механизмов в виде воспалительного процесса с его разрешением, при котором наблюдается замещение зоны некроза соединительной тканью на фоне интенсивного новообразования капилляров, что характеризуется изменением плотности сосудов микроциркуляторного русла. Морфометрическое исследование показало динамические изменения количества сосудистых сечений с 69,31±4,76/мм2 (2 недели) до 47,38±4,12/мм2 (6 недель) при 49,2±3,47/мм2 в интактной группе. Плотность одонтобластов изменилась с 3,92±1,03×103/мм2 (2 недели) до 7,49±1,51×103/мм2 (6 недель) при 8,3±1,02×103/мм2 клеточной плотности в интактной группе. Таким образом, следует предположить, что использование трикальцийсиликата в качестве материала для прямого покрытия пульпы способствует более активным процессам регенерации

    Consequences of microsequences of microcirculatory distrurbances of oral mucosa in modeling of rheumatoid arthritis

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    Ревматоидный артрит (РА) является хроническим воспалительным аутоимунным заболеванием, характеризуется синвиальной гиперплазией и разрушением хряща и кости с неясным морфогенезом патологических изменений в полости рта. Нарушение микроциркуляции является значимым звеном патогенеза при многих патологических состояниях полости рта с воспалительными последствиями. Целью данного исследования явилось определение значения нарушения микроциркуляции слизистой оболочки полости рта при моделировании ревматоидного артрита

    Rare neurogenic retinal tumors in adults: morphological features and diagnostic challenges

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    The histological diagnosis of neurogenic tumors remains a challenge, which may be indicated particularly by the fact that new entities appeared in the new edition of the World Health organization (WHO) classification. Purpose: To review the histomorphologic and immunohistochemic features of rare variants of neurogenic ocular (retinal) tumors in adults. Material and Methods: Six rare ocular tumors were selected for the study from all clinical material submitted for pathohistological examination from 2017 to 2020 based on the presence of morphological evidence of neurogenic differentiation. Results: The study sample of six rare neurogenic retinal tumors in adults was conventionally divided into three types: (1) retinal tumors immunohistochemically similar to cellular ependymoma, but histologically similar to retinoblastoma; (2) tumors showing no histological pattern characteristic for dictyoma, but the immunohistochemical features of neuroepithelial differentiation; and (3) tumors showing histological patterns similar to medulloepithelioma, but the immunohistochemical features of glial markers. Conclusion: Obviously, when dividing these tumors into histogenetic groups, not only the histological structure and immunohistochemical profile, but also tumor location and typical patient age should be taken into account

    Essentials of pathology

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    This manual was written in conformance with training program in Pathomorphology for higher educational establishments and based on European credit-transfer system principles. Its first part covers one module - general pathologic processes and tumors growth, second part covers systematic and infectious pathology. Notional modules include theoretical knowledge of pathologic processes macroscopic and microscopic manifestations. The aim of the book is clearly and easily assist student to acquire habits of synthetic generalization of pathologic processes demonstration and their interpretation in cause-effect correlations

    Triple-negative Transformation of the Endometrium, Cervix and Mammary Gland on the Background of Immunodeficiency

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    Precancerous processes of the female reproductive system continue to be an issue that is being actively studied, despite the successes of recent years. One of the key prognostic factors is the characterization of the receptor set, primarily the mammary gland and endometrium, namely estrogen (ER), progesterone (PR), epidermal growth factor-2 (HER2) receptors. Purpose – to identify the features of the distribution of estrogen, progesterone and epidermal growth factor receptors in the tissues of the endometrium, cervix and mammary gland with a combination of HIV infection and alcohol abuse. Fifty women of reproductive age from 20 to 40 years were studied. After routine conduction and immunohistochemical staining, ER and PR expression were determined by a modified D.Allred scale. HER2 expression was determined by a semi-quantitative method. The obtained digital data were statistically processed. A morphometric study indicates that the combination of HIV infection and alcohol abuse significantly affects the distribution of receptors in the female reproductive system. To a greater extent, the overall score is reduced by reducing the number of cellular elements with the expression of ER and PR. HER2 receptor expression is significantly reduced in the endometrium and mammary gland. These changes may be facilitated by atrophic changes in these organs, which occurs in immunodeficiency. According to the D.Allred scale, the mean score decreases from 5.45±0.63 to 3.10±0.88 in the endometrium, from 4.68±0.65 to 2.47±0.58 in the cervix, from 6.57±0.67 to 3.57±0.77 in the mammary gland (p<0.05). HER2 expression decreased from 3.24±0.47 to 2.21±0.23 in the endometrium, from 3.43±0.66 to 2.36±0.32 in the mammary gland (p<0.05). The development of immunodeficiency is characterized by the restructuring of female reproductive organs with a change in the receptor set of the endometrium, cervix and mammary gland and a decrease in both the qualitative and quantitative composition of the receptors, which may serve as a prerequisite for the development of a triple-negative phenomenon in tumors of these organs

    Cervical transformation in alcohol abuse patients

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    Patients with alcohol consumption have unclear risk of developing cervical cancer. The purpose of our work was detection of cervical neoplastic transformation in women with alcohol abuse. We investigated 13 cases of cervical neoplastic transformation (5 cases of invasive carcinoma and 8 case of cervical intraepithelial neoplasia (CIN)) which where detected occasionally during autopsy of alcohol abuse women. Microscopic investigation with immunohistochemistry (IHC) was performed indirect to Ki-67, p16. There are some peculiarities in development of cervical cancer in women with alcohol consumption. Level of cellular proliferation is signifcantly higher with positive staining Ki67 ranged from 29.1% to 89.7% in alcohol abuse group despite ranged from 27.41% to 75.3% in comparison group depend of transformation stage. Simultaneously, positive staining p16 was ranged from 26.2% to 94.8 % in alcohol abuse group despite ranged from 16.1% to 93.7% in comparison group. Diffuse staining with p16, specifc gravity of cells with positive IHC reaction with this protein and high reaction intensity can be used as a specifc and sensitive method for detecting CIN III and invasive carcinoma in alcohol abuse.Риск развития рака шейки матки у лиц, злоупотребляющих алкоголем, по сей день остается дискутабельным. Целью исследования явилось изучение опухолевой трансформации шейки матки у женщин, злоупотребляющих алкоголем. Исследовано 13 случаев цервикальной неопластической трансформации (5 случаев инвазивной карциномы и 8 - цервикальной интраэпителиальной неоплазии - CIN), которые случайно выявлены во время вскрытия женщин, злоупотреблявших алкоголем. Проведено микроскопическое исследование Ki-67, p16 с использованием иммуногистохимии (ИГХ). У женщин, злоупотреблявших алкоголем, развитие рака шейки матки характеризуется особенностями. Уровень клеточной пролиферации у них значительно выше с положительным окрашиванием Ki-67 в диапазоне от 29,1% до 89,7%, в группе сравнения этот показатель находится в пределах 27,41%-75,3% в зависимости от стадии трансформации. Положительное окрашивание p16 в основной группе варьирует от 26,2% до 94,8%, в группе сравнения - 16,1-93,7%. Диффузное окрашивание p16, удельный вес клеток с положительной ИГХ реакцией на этот рецептор и высокая интенсивность реакции могут быть использованы как специфический маркер выявления цервикальной интраэпителиальной неоплазии и инвазивной карциномы шейки матки при злоупотреблении алкоголем

    Pathological changes in mucous membrane and microcirculatory bed vessels of rats oral cavity at modeling of diabetes mellitus

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    At experimental modeling of diabetes mellitus type II in rats, ischemic and dystrophic processes develop in periodontal tissues. It leads to emergence of destructive-inflammatory processes in animals and one of their pathogenic factors is apoptosis activation and compensatory activation of angiogenesis as evidenced by 1.81 times increase of monoclone BAX and 2.89 times increase of VEGF. The pathological processes mentioned should be taken into account in the development of therapeutic and prophylactic complexes of accompanying orthopedic treatment for diabetes mellitus patients

    Implementation and analysis of Babesia immunoassay testing

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    Lifelong withdrawal from the donor population of those who have been diagnosed with babesiosis must be used for transmission prevention. The aim of the study was a detection of Babesia antibodies level with the usage of experimental Babesia divergens whole-cell slide antigen and commercial B. microti immunofluorescence assay substrate slide (Fuller Laboratories, USA). Methods. Experimental B. divergens whole-cell slide antigen in addition to commercial B. microti IFA substrate slide was used to create a diagnostic kit for serum Babesia antibodies level detecting, as well as for a babesiosis serodiagnosis clinical trial of different origins blood samples (patients with Lyme disease, rheumatoid arthritis and toxoplasmosis; human blood donors; cattle). Results. Antibodies to B. divergens (5.4%) and B. microti (2.3%) were detected with higher (p <0.05) frequency at Lyme disease patients (16.7%) than at blood donors (1.7%). Diagnostically significant IgG titres (= 1:128) were found in 13.3% of blood samples from Lyme disease patients and 1.7% from blood donors. Specific IgM were also found in 13.3% blood samples from Lyme disease patients. Among blood samples from Lyme disease patients, in which diagnostically significant titres of Babesia antibodies were detected (16.7%), 60% of them were represented by IgG and IgM (rA= 0.63), and in 40% only one of them reached diagnostically significant titre. Conclusions. Advantages of babesiosis IFA diagnostics are combined with its significant disadvantages (principle of evaluation, low sensitivity in the initial period of the disease, probability of false positives, absence of validated test systems and research protocols for B. divergens and B. divergens-like species)


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    It has been established that in children with intrauterine growth retardation (IUGR) a deficit of the heart weight, a decrease of the thickness of the left and right ventricular wall are marked. Morphofunctional changes are most pronounced in case of an asymmetric variant of IUGR in comparison with the symmetric one.Установлено, что у детей с задержкой внутриутробного развития (ЗВУР) отмечается дефицит массы сердца, снижение толщины стенки левого и правого желудочков. Морфофункциональные изменения наиболее выражены при асимметричном варианте ЗВУР по сравнению с симметричным.Установлено, що в дітей із затримкою внутрішньоутробного розвитку (ЗВУР) спостерігається дефіцит маси серця, зниження товщини стінки лівого та правого шлуночків. Морфофункціональні зміни найбільш виражені при асиметричному варіанті ЗВУР у порівнянні з симетричним

    Tissue nitric oxide synthase activity in the oral cavity in atopic disease.

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    Background. Today there is a necessity for significant clinical and experimental studies considering the pathogenesis of atopic diseases development in view of their increasing frequency, including children. Objective. The aim of this study was to identify the activity of endothelial and inducible nitric oxide synthase (eNOs and iNOs) in soft tissues of the oral cavity of experimental animals in the simulation of atopic disease. Methods. Experimental study was performed with sensitization of animals by ovalbumin for modeling the atopic process. Histological and immunohistochemical studies were performed for detection the activity of eNOs and iNOs in soft tissue of oral cavity. Results. There is a pronounced uneven thickness of squamous layer with the presence of intraepithelial lymphocytes, eosinophils, focal erosion, areas of necrosis, proliferation of basal layer of the epithelium of oral cavity in animals with atopy. Formation of perivascular inflammatory infiltrates, diffuse distribution of eosinophils, swelling of connective tissue fibers are observed in the lamina propria. eNOs immunoreactivity is detected in altered and unaltered areas in the mucous membrane of the oral cavity with appearance of extravascular localization in atopic animals. Morphometric studies revealed that the level of activity of eNOs is not significantly different for vascular wall in different groups of animals, while extravascular localization of eNOs significantly higher in the group of experimental animals. The results of the iNOs detection in the group of animals with experimental atopy showed more pronounced intensity. There are areas with a diffuse and focal increase of immunopositive staining tissue. The presence of such zones can be attributed to the interaction of the immunomodulatory fraction of nitric oxide synthase and inflammatory cells. The most pronounced activity of iNOs is detected in the affected areas and associated with focal perivascular inflammatory infiltration and intensity of immunoreactivity associated with the quantitative and qualitative composition of the cell infiltration in tissues with atopy. Conclusion. It was established that in atopic processes in the oral cavity morphological picture is characterized by inflammatory, degenerative, dyscirculatory changes which are accompanied by disturbance of nitric oxide synthase metabolism. It is characterized by more than doubled increase in activity of inducible nitric oxide synthase and increased activity of endothelial nitric oxide synthase in the extravascular space