27 research outputs found

    Exotics-bearing layer in the Oligocene flysch of the Krosno Beds in the Fore-Dukla zone (Silesian Nappe, Outer Carpathians), Poland

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    A layer with exotic blocks has been found in the flysch of the Krosno Beds, in the Fore-Dukla Zone (the southernmost part of the Silesian Nappe in the Bieszczady Mts, Polish Outer Carpathians). It has been traced over a distance of 1 km near Wetlina (the Bieszczady Mts), in the southernmost exposed tectonic slice. The exotic blocks include crystalline schist (quartz-chlorite-muscovite-orthoclase schist with tourmaline and garnet) and three types of limestones: 1/ massive, sparitic, partly siliceous limestone, with numerous calcite veins; 2/ micritic limestone with rare planktic (Globigerina-like) foraminiferal tests; 3/ bioclastic limestone with numerous tests of small and large foraminifers, coralline algae (Rhodophyta), bivalves, bryozoans and rare echinoid spines. The exotics are embedded in light- and dark-grey argillaceous, partly sandy, calcareous matrix, together with a few small angular pebbles of grey mudstones and very fine-grained sandstones, which resemble lithological types of the Krosno Beds. The described rocks are similar to those found as exotic blocks in the Krosno Beds in neighbouring areas (Roztoki Dolne and Ustrzyki Górne) of the Central Carpathian Depression (Silesian Nappe). Calcareous nannoplankton from the exotic-bearing layer and neighbouring deposits show that they are not older than the NP24 Zone (late Kiscellian), below the isochronous marker horizon of the Jaslo Limestone. It may correspond to the Tenuitella munda Zone of Olszewska (1997, 1998), proposed for the Polish part of the Central Paratethys. The source area of the layer with exotics (islands with narrow shelf mafgins), probably lay to the south and south-east, was built mainly of crystalline rocks, and partly covered by various types of carbonate Eocene-Oligocene rocks. The deeper parts of the island slopes were covered with Cretaceous-Paleogene sediments, related to deep-water sedimentation in the marginal zone between the Dukla and Silesian subbasins. These deep-water deposits have been partly eroded during the submarine mass movements descending to the Silesian Subbasin

    The position and age of flysch deposits in the Crimean Mountains (Southern Ukraine)

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    The Crimean Mountains (CM) are regarded as part of the Alpine-Himalaya orogenic belt related to the collision of the Eurasian and African plates. Our research in the CM has allowed confirming the existence of at least two flysch formations of different ages: the Taurida Flysch Formation (Upper Triassic/Lower-? Middle Jurassic) and the Sudak Formation (uppermost Jurassic/Lower Cretaceous) in the western and eastern sectors of the CM, respectively. After the Middle Jurassic volcanism, the freshwater claystones with coal-bearing intercalations, as well as local alluvial fan conglomerates were deposited. Then, following the Oxfordian/Kimmeridgian marine transgression, three separated Tithonian/Berriasian carbonate platforms developed: Baydarska, Chatyr-Dag and Demerji/Karabi. At the turn of the Late Jurassic, the deep-water Sudak Basin (eastern sector of the CM) began to develop in the eastern periphery of the Demerji/Karabi carbonate platform. This basin, dominated by turbiditic deposition, was probably connected with the Great Caucasus sedimentary system. Finally, distal flysch sedimentation in the Sudak Basin was followed by debris-flow deposits, with huge blocks of Upper Jurassic limestones. These blocks were derived from destruction of the Karabi carbonate platform. During the Berriasian/Valanginian, the eastern sector of the CM began to subside. As a result, both carbonate platforms (western CM) and the debris flow fans of the Sudak Basin (eastern CM) were overlain by marly shales and/or distal turbidites. This type of deposition lasted until the Aptian/Albian. In the post-Albian period, the Alushta-Salgir tectonic zone was transformed into a SE-dipping thrust fault with at least 10 km amplitude of overthrusting

    Paleogene microfossils from the submarine debris flows in the Skole basin (Polish and Ukraine Outer Carpathians)

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    Biostratigraphic analysis of fossils material has allowed the documentation of sediment gravity flows in the Skole basin during the Paleocene and Eocene times, and also in the Eocene-Oligocene transition. This most external basin of the NE Outer Carpathians was a marginal sea especially sensitive to geotectonic instability and relative sea-level change, favoring the development of down slope movements at these times. The dominance of calcareous forms in foraminifera, and a large share of redeposited species among the nanno- and microfossils indicate a close relationship of sediments containing them with the shelf environment and documents not too long transport. Additionally the recycled forms are often well preserved, indicating that the rock contained in flows were only plasticized and hydrated while the material itself was not a subject of significant mechanical processing in contrast to that one, which directly documented down slope moving. The latter forms are bad preserved and their fossil remains are usually corroded, partially dissolved and broken during this process. In addition, the planktonic forms including foraminifera, calcareous dinocysts and nannoplankton allow documenting the time of the final deposition of the sediment transported on slope

    Multiple low-temperature thermochronology constraints on exhumation of the Tatra Mountains: New implication for the complex evolution of the Western Carpathians in the Cenozoic

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    The tectonothermal evolution of the highest mountain range in the Carpathian arc—the Tatra Mountains— is investigated by zircon and apatite fission track and zircon (U-Th)/He (ZHe) dating methods in order to unravel the disputed exhumation and geodynamic processes in the Western Carpathians. Our data in combination with geological evidences reveal a complex Cenozoic history, with four major tectonothermal events: (i) a very low grade metamorphism of the crystalline basement at temperatures >240°C due to tectonic burial during the Eo-Alpine collision in the Late Cretaceous (~80 Ma); (ii) exhumation and cooling of the basement to temperatures 150°C after burial to 5–9 km depths by the Paleogene fore-arc basin; (iv) final exhumation of the segmented basement blocks during Oligocene-Miocene (32–11 Ma) owing to lateral extrusion of the North Pannonian plate and its collision with the European foreland. The spatial pattern of thermochronological data suggests asymmetric exhumation of the Tatra Mountains, beginning in the northwest at ~30–20 Ma with low cooling rates (~1–5°C/Ma) and propagating toward the major fault bounding the range in the south, where the youngest cooling ages (16–9 Ma) and fastest cooling rates (~10–20°C/Ma) are found. Our data prove that the Tatra Mountains shared Cenozoic evolution of other crystalline core mountains in the Western Carpathians. However, the Miocene ZHe ages suggest that the Tatra Mountains were buried to the greatest depths in the Paleogene-Early Miocene and experienced the greatest amount of Miocene exhumation

    Zapis zmian w oligoceńsko-mioceńskich utworach serii menilitowo-krośnieńskiej jednostki skolskiej na podstawie nanoplanktonu wapiennego – biostratygrafia i uwarunkowania paleogeograficzne (polskie Karpaty zewnętrzne)

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    The biostratigraphic investigation included the Menilite–Krosno Series of the Skole Unit overlying the Globigerina Marls. Seven calcareous nannoplankton zones (sensu Martini, 1971) were distinguished in these sediments: NP23, NP24, NP25, NN1, NN2, NN3? and NN4. Based on the species diversity of the assemblage, their abundances and preservation, as well as palaeoenvironmental and palaeoclimatic conditions that controlled the basin during deposition of the Menilite and Krosno Beds have been identified. The Skole region was located at the periphery of the Paratethys basin during Late Oligocene–Early Miocene times. Based on the calcareous nannoplankton assemblage, the phase of isolation of the Paratethys (NP23) from the Mediterranean was documented. The restoration of normal marine conditions (NP24–NP25), sea-level fluctuations (sea-level fall?) at the Oligocene–Miocene boundary (uppermost part of the NP25–NN1), a phase of relative sea-level rise (NN2, NN3?, NN4) and the end of flysch sedimentation in the Skole Unit in the NN4 Calcareous Nannoplankton Zone were also identified.Badaniami biostratygraficznymi objęto utwory serii menilitowo-krośnieńskiej jednostki skolskiej położone w profilu powyżej poziomu margli globigerynowych. W obrębie utworów tej serii wyróżniono siedem poziomów nanoplanktonowych sensu Martini (1971): NP23, NP24, NP25, NN1, NN2, NN3? i NN4. Na podstawie składu zespołu nanoplanktonu wapiennego, jego zróżnicowania gatunkowego, liczebności i stanu zachowania podjęto próbę określenia warunków paleośrodowiskowych i paleoklimatycznych w czasie osadzania warstw menilitowych i krośnieńskich jednostki skolskiej. Są one ściśle związane z warunkami, jakie panowały w późnym oligocenie–wczesnym miocenie w basenach Paratetydy i z położeniem rejonu skolskiego na peryferiach tego basenu. Udokumentowano etap odizolowania basenu Paratetydy (NP23) od innych jego rejonów, etap warunków normalno-morskich, a więc odzyskania połączeń z otwartym morzem (NP24–NP25), wahania poziomu morza na pograniczu późnego oligocenu i wczesnego miocenu (najwyższa część NP25–NN1), etap względnego podniesienia poziomu morza, transgresji (NN2, NN3?, NN4) i końca sedymentacji fliszowej w basenie skolskim w poziomie NN4


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    Pētījuma mērķis ir noskaidrot raksturīgākās iezīmes haiku ilustrācijās un dizainā, apzināt tās attīstību gaitu, kā arī analizēt Latvijas un pasaules haiku izdevumu dizaina paraugus. Darbs sastāv no trijām daļām: teorētiskās, empīriskās un radošās daļas. Lai gūtu pilnvērtīgāku izpratni, teorētiskajā daļā autore sniedz priekšstatu par to, kas ir haiku, tās rašanās īsu izklāstu, literāro uzbūvi. Tiek apskatīti haiku vizuālie aspekti, kā arī reliģijas ietekmes nozīme. Plašāk tiek apskatīta un analizēta japāņu haiku izdevumu dizaina un ilustrāciju attīstība gadsimtu gaitā, kas ir sadalīti laika periodos. Empīriskajā daļā autore veic dizaina paraugu salīdzināšanu un analīzi par 21. gs. atlasītajiem paraugiem Latvijā un pasaulē. Radošajā daļā tiek izstrādātas ilustrācijas un veidots grāmatas dizains, ar autores izveidoto haiku dzejas izlasi. Darba gaitā secināts, ka haiku dzejas mākslas (haiga) aizsākumi ir meklējami sākot ar 16. gadsimtu, un tās izveidošanā lielu ietekmi ir atstājusi Ķīna. Ilustrācijās un dizainā visbiežāk tiek izcelta daba, kur sākotnēji izmantoja tušu, taču vēlākos gadsimtos- fotogrāfiju, dažādas grafikas tehnikas. Darbs satur: 86 lapas, 82 attēlus. Atslēgas vārdi: haiku ilustrācija, haiga, Japānas māksla, daba, haikuThe aim of the research is to find out the most characteristic features of haiku illustrations and design, as well as to analyze the progress of its development, as well as to analyze the design patterns of Latvian and world haiku publications. The work consists of three parts: theoretical, empirical and creative parts. In order to gain a better understanding, in the theoretical part the author gives an idea of what is haiku, its short presentation, and the literary structure. The visual aspects of haiku, as well as the significance of religious influence, are examined. More overviews and analyzes of the development of designs and illustrations of Japanese haiku publications over the centuries, which are divided into periods of time. In the empirical part, the author carries out design comparisons and analysis of the 21st century selected samples in Latvia and in the world. The creative part is devoted to illustrations and design of the book, with a selection of poems by author. The work concludes that the beginnings of haiku poetry art (haiga) dates back to the 16th century, and China has been greatly influenced by its creation. In the illustrations and design, the most commonly highlighted the nature where the ink was originally used, but later centuries, photography, various graphic techniques, the nature of the first use of ink, but in later centuries, photographs and graphic elements. The work contains: 86 pages, 82 images. Keywords: haiku painting, haiga, Japanese art, nature, haik

    Biostratigraphy of Middle Miocene deposits in the Trojanowice 2 borehole based on calcareous nannoplankton investigations

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    Celem opracowania jest rozpoziomowanie utworów miocenu środkowego w profilu Trojanowice 2 na podstawie zespołów nanoplanktonu wapiennego. W zespołach nanoplanktonu dominują gatunki długowieczne należące do Coccolithaceae i Prinsiaceae. Mniej licznie występują: Helicosphaeraceae, Sphenolithaceae i Discoasteraceae. Na podstawie oznaczonych w próbkach gatunków: Sphenolithus heteromorphus, S. abies, Helicosphaera walbersdorfensis, Discoaster exilis, Calcidiscus macintyrei, Cyclicargolithus floridanus, Reticulofenestra pseudoumbilica, Umbilicosphaera rotula oraz niewielkich rozmiarów form należących do rodzajów Reticulofenestra i Helicosphaera badane utwory odniesiono do poziomów kokolitowych NN5 i NN6 w standardowej zonacji Martiniego.The aim of the study was to establish the zonation of Middle Miocene sediments in the Trojanowice 2 borehole, based on calcareous nannoplankton investigations. Long-ranging families are dominant, representing Coccolithaceae (Coccolithus pelagicus) and Prinsiaceae (small reticulofenestrids, R. pseudoumbilica). Helicosphaeraceae (small helicosphaerids, H. kamptneri), Sphenolithaceae and Discoasteraceae, which are important for stratigraphic conclusions, occur less frequently. Based on the co-occurrence of Sphenolithus heteromorphus, S. abies, Helicosphaera walbersdorfensis, Discoaster exilis, Calcidiscus macintyrei, Cyclicargolithus floridanus, Reticulofenestra pseudoumbilica, Umbilicosphaera rotula and small forms belonging to the Reticulofenestra and Helicosphaera species, the sediments are included into NN5 and NN6 calcareous nannoplankton zones sensu Martini

    Oligocene/Miocene boundary in the Polish Outer Carpathians based on calcareous nannoplankton

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    Badaniami objęto utwory serii menilitowo-krośnieńskiej jednostek śląskiej i skolskiej wschodniej części polskich Karpat Zewnętrznych powyżej korelacyjnych poziomów wapienia jasielskiego i/lub wapienia z Zagórza. W jednostce śląskiej granica oligocen/miocen przebiega w wyższej części warstw krośnieńskich dolnych, w południowej części jednostki - w otryckim regionie facjalnym, w wyższej części łupkowo-piaskowcowej serii nadotryckiej warstw krośnieńskich dolnych, natomiast w południowej części leskiego regionu facjalnego jednostki śląskiej - w obrębie serii przeławicających się pakietów gruboławicowych piaskowców i drobnorytmicznych osadów turbidytowych warstw krośnieńskich dolnych. W bardziej północnej części jednostki seria ta jest zastępowana przez kompleks gruboławicowych piaskowców facji leskiej i w wyższej części tego wydzielenia stwierdzono obecność gatunków mioceńskich. W jednostce skolskiej, w jej południowej części, granica przebiega w niższej części warstw krośnieńskich dolnych, a w bardziej północnej i zachodniej części tej jednostki - w obrębie warstw menilitowych. Jako gatunki wskaźnikowe dla wyznaczenia granicy oligocen/miocen zaproponowano: Helicosphaera mediterranea Muller, Helicosphaera recta Haq, Helicosphaera scissura Miller, Dictyococcites bisectus (Hay, Mohler et Wade) Bukry et Percival, Zygrhablithus bijugatus Deflandre i Sphenolithus delphix (Bukry).The aim of this work was to establish the Oligocene/Miocene boundary in the eastern part of the Polish Outer Carpathians on the basis of calcareous nannoplankton analysis. The investigations focused on the Menilite-Krosno Series of the Silesian and Skole Units overlying the Jasło and/or Zagórz limestone chronohorizons. In the Silesian Unit, the Oligocene/ Miocene boundary is placed in the upper part of the Lower Krosno Beds. In the Otryt facial region (southern part of the Silesian Unit), this boundary runs within the upper part of the shaly-sandy Supra-Otryt series of the Lower Krosno Beds. In the southern part of the Lesko facial region, the boundary is established within a series of thick-bedded sandstones and fine-rythmical turbidite deposits of the Lower Krosno Beds. In the northern part of this region, the series is replaced by thick-bedded sandstones of the Lesko facies. Miocene taxa were recorded in the upper part of these deposits. In the southern part of the Skole Unit the Oligocene/Miocene boundary runs within the lower part of the Lower Krosno Beds, whereas in the more northern and western parts of the unit - within the Menilite Beds. Among taxa proposed as indicative for the Oligocene/Miocene boundary, Helicosphaera mediterranea Muller, Helicosphaera recta Haq, Helicosphaera scissura Miller, Dictyococcites bisectus (Hay, Mohler et Wade) Bukry et Percival, Zygrhablithus bijugatus Deflandre, Sphenolżthus delphix (Bukry) were recorded

    Correlation of the Middle Miocene deposits in SE Poland and western Ukraine based on foraminifera and calcareous nannoplankton

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    The aim of this study is to compare the assemblages of foraminifera and calcareous nannoplankton from the Middle Miocene sediments from SE Poland and western Ukraine. Detailed investigations revealed a high degree of similarity of foraminiferal assemblages of the Pecten/Spirialis beds of Poland and the Kosiv Formation of Ukraine. Assemblages from both areas are characterized by numerous arenaceous species of foraminifera (Hyperammina granulosa, Ammodiscus miocenicus, Haplophragmoides indentatus, H. laminatus), radiolarians, pteropods and index planktic species Velapertina indigena. High degrees of similarity also display assemblages from the Krakowiec beds (Poland) and the Dashava Formation (Ukraine). The lower parts of both subdivisions are characterized by the presence of Anomalinoides dividens. Saccammina sarmatica, Bolivina sarmatica, Brizalina nisporenica, and Porosononion granosum occur in the upper parts. Chloropycean Halicoryne morelleti is a characteristic element of the assemblages. The calcareous nannoplankton assemblages contain almost identical species. The deposits lying above the evaporites (which belong to the NN6 zone) are included into the NN6, undivided NN6-NN7, and NN7 zones. The gradual impoverishment of the species of the upper part of NN6 and the lower part of NN7 zones is observed. The assemblages of the Krakowiec beds and the upper part of the Kosiv and Dashava formations are of low species diversity and are mainly restricted to a few species with high abundance. The assemblage is composed of placoliths (Coccolithus and Reticulofenestra species), high number of the reworked nannofossils and damaged elements