327 research outputs found

    Resolving Everyday Conflict [review] / Sande, Ken and Kevin Johnson

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    Marbodo di Rennes, Lapidari. La magia delle pietre preziose

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    L’ouvrage offre la première traduction italienne (publiée à partir de l’édition critique présentée par J.M. Riddle, 1977) et le commentaire du De lapidibus et de trois autres brefs lapidaires rédigés par Marbode de Rennes (deux en prose et un en vers). Le De lapidibus est un petit poème didactique en 732 hexamètres latins divisé en soixante chapitres dédiés aux caractéristiques physiques et aux vertus mystérieuses de soixante pierres précieuses différentes; il a été transmis par plus de deux ..

    Le rêve médiéval, Études littéraires réunies par Alain Corbellari et Jean-Yves Tilliette

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    L’objet des onze études réunies dans cet ouvrage est celui d’analyser la vaste matière onirique de la littérature médiévale sans se contenter de focaliser l’attention sur le rêve lui-même, mais en mettant l’accent sur les rêveurs (réels ou fictifs) et sur les discours qu’ils utilisent pour traduire les images nocturnes venues les visiter avec le but de saisir le passage du “rêve” au “récit de rêve”, ou bien à la “littérature”. Ces articles (issus des contributions aux journées d’étude qui se ..

    Gambaran Cakupan Vaksinasi COVID 19 pada Pasien Anak Penderita COVID – 19 Terkonfirmasi di Wilayah Kerja Puskesmas Kecamatan Cempaka Putih

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    Coronavirus (COVID-19) adalah penyakit menular yang disebabkan oleh virus SARS-CoV-2 . Data epidemiologi Dinas Kesehatan Provinsi DKI Jakarta, menyatakan terdapat 4265 orang dewasa dan anak dengan COVID-19 yang dirawat di 55 rumah sakit rujukan COVID-19 selama lima bulan pertama epidemi.Vaksin dianggap sebagai alat untuk pencegahan dari penyakit menular. Vaksinasi anak berkontribusi untuk menghentikan penyebaran COVID-19. Efikasi vaksin dalam mencegah mortalitas pada anak membuat peneliti tertarik melakukan penelitian mengenai gambaran cakupan vaksinasi COVID-19 pada pasien anak penderita COVID-19 terkonfirmasi di wilayah kerja Puskesmas Kecamatan Cempaka Putih. Penelitian cross-sectional ini bertujuan untuk melihat proporsi penerima vaksin COVID-19 pada anak yang terkonfirmasi COVID-19. Penelitian dilaksanakan di Puskesmas Kecamatan Cempaka Putih dengan mengambil data kasus anak COVID-19 dengan rentang usia 6-12 tahun. Berdasarkan hasil data yang didapatkan dari wilayah Kecamatan Cempaka Putih didapatkan bahwa Penelitian terdiri dari 366 responden dengan laki-laki 193 (52,7%) dan perempuan 173 (47,3%) serta rerata usia 9,52 (1,90) tahun. Tanda dan gejala COVID-19 umumnya adalah pilek (54,1%), batuk (57,4%),dan demam (44,2%), namun adapula yang datang tanpa gejala (38,5%). Jumlah anak terkonfirmasi COVID-19 yang belum menerima vaksinasi COVID-19 sebanyak 287 (78,4%) responden. &nbsp

    Moral harassment at work and its complexity: reviewing the scientific productions

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    Objective: To analyze the productions of literature on bullying in the past five years in Brazil. Method: integrative review articles in the national database Lilacs and Virtual Health Library were selected twelve articles in the areas of business, law, nursing, physiotherapy and psychology. Results: The bullying is complex, poorly researched; there is an absence of a Brazilian law and predominance of studies from psychology. Research has shown that the damage to workers' health aspects ranging from psychic, emotional and physical to social and economic. Conclusion: Workplace bullying can be present in any situation, one problem that must also be investigated by multidisciplinary teams. The health care worker should know the concept, characteristics and consequences of workplace violence, providing expert assistance, based on labor rights and health

    the increase in copeptin levels in mild head trauma does not predict the severity and the outcome of brain damage

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    Aim: To investigate the copeptin prognostic role in mild head trauma. Methods: We enrolled 105 adult patients who entered the emergency room because of recent mild head trauma; we evaluated: clinical picture, imaging and laboratory data (including copeptin). Results: Copeptin resulted higher in mild head trauma patients compared with controls: 29.89 pmol/l versus 7.05 pmol/l; (p = 0.0008). Copeptin failed in identifying patients with or without brain lesions detected by CT scan, and patients with or without adverse events during the 30 days follow-up. Conclusion: We confirmed that mild head trauma patients have a significantly higher copeptin plasma levels compared with controls. Nevertheless, we did not observe a significant role for copeptin in traumatic brain injury patients regarding brain damage and outcome

    Dimer-induced signal propagation in Spo0A

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    Spo0A, the response regulator protein controlling the initiation of sporulation in Bacillus, has two distinct domains, an N-terminal phosphoacceptor (or receiver) domain and a C-terminal DNA-binding (or effector) domain. The phosphoacceptor domain mediates dimerization of Spo0A on phosphorylation. A comparison of the crystal structures of phosphorylated and unphosphorylated response regulators suggests a mechanism of activation in which structural changes originating at the phosphorylatable aspartate extend to the alpha(4)beta(5)alpha(5) surface of the protein. In particular, the data show an important role in downstream signalling for a conserved aromatic residue (Phe-105 in Spo0A), the conformation of which alters upon phosphorylation. In this study, we have prepared a Phe-105 to Ala mutant to probe the contribution of this residue to Spo0A function. We have also made an alanine substitution of the neighbouring residue Tyr-104 that is absolutely conserved in the Spo0As of spore-forming Bacilli. The spo0A(Y104A) and spo0A(F105A) alleles severely impair sporulation in vivo. In vitro phosphorylation of the purified proteins by phosphoramidate is unaffected, but dimerization and DNA binding are abolished by the mutations. We have identified intragenic suppressor mutations of spo0A(F105A) and shown that these second-site mutations in the purified proteins restore phosphorylation-dependent dimer formation. Our data support a model in which dimerization and signal transduction between the two domains of Spo0A are mediated principally by the alpha(4)beta(5)alpha(5) signalling surface in the receiver domain
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