21 research outputs found

    La réunion de concertation pluridisciplinaire onco-palliative : objectifs et préconisations pratiques

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    International audienceProgress leads to increase life duration at the metastatic stage but metastatic disease is most often lethal. Decision-making is necessary for an increasing period of care, beyond evidence-based medicine, dealing with complexity and uncertain benefit/risk ratio. This requires to inform the patient realistically, to discuss prognostication, to develop anticipated written preferences. These changes mean to pass from a medicine based on informed consent to medicine based on respect of the patient wishes even if it can be complex to determine. A new multidisciplinarity is needed, centered on the meaning of the care, the proportionality of the care, the anticipated patient trajectory. The ASCO has published recommendations on early palliative care. The timing and the quality of the discussion between palliative care specialists and oncologists is crucial. We propose 10 steps to organize a multidisciplinary onco-palliative meeting, as it appears the key for the organization of care in non-curable disease.Le progrĂšs conduit Ă  allonger la durĂ©e de vie de la maladie cancĂ©reuse mĂ©tastatique, qui demeure le plus souvent une maladie Ă©volutive et mortelle. Les soins se rĂ©alisent pendant une durĂ©e croissante au-delĂ  des preuves fournies par les Ă©tudes cliniques, donc dans la complexitĂ© et l’incertitude sur les rapports bĂ©nĂ©fice/risque. Respecter le cadre Ă©thique, renforcĂ© par la loi Claeys-Leonetti de fĂ©vrier 2016, pour une maladie Ă©volutive potentiellement mortelle, conduit Ă  informer le patient de maniĂšre rĂ©aliste, Ă©voquer le pronostic, dĂ©velopper les discussions anticipĂ©es, recueillir et respecter ses prĂ©fĂ©rences. Ces Ă©volutions conduisent Ă  passer d’une mĂ©decine du consentement Ă©clairĂ© Ă  une mĂ©decine du respect de la volontĂ©, avec toute la complexitĂ© que suppose la dĂ©termination de cette derniĂšre. Tandis que s’est structurĂ©e la pluridisciplinaritĂ© au diagnostic par l’association des expertises diagnostiques et thĂ©rapeutiques vis-Ă -vis de la maladie tumorale, Ă©merge ainsi un besoin de structuration d’une autre pluridisciplinaritĂ©, interrogeant le sens pour la personne, la proportionnalitĂ© du soin, la trajectoire personnelle et la sĂ©curisation du parcours de soins. Pour atteindre cet objectif, la prĂ©cocitĂ© de l’alliance des expertises complĂ©mentaires est dĂ©cisive. Ceci a conduit Ă  des recommandations de la SociĂ©tĂ© amĂ©ricaine d’oncologie clinique (ASCO). L’introduction de l’équipe de soins palliatifs est un temps essentiel et la qualitĂ© de la concertation onco-palliative est dĂ©terminante. Nous dĂ©crivons notre prĂ©conisation pour mettre en pratique une rĂ©union de concertation (RCP) onco-palliative, vĂ©ritable pivot d’un changement d’organisation du soin en situation d’incurabilitĂ©

    Towards an RTS,S-Based, Multi-Stage, Multi-Antigen Vaccine Against Falciparum Malaria: Progress at the Walter Reed Army Institute of Research

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    The goal of the Malaria Vaccine Program at the Walter Reed Army Institute of Research (WRAIR) is to develop a licensed multi-antigen, multi-stage vaccine against Plasmodium falciparum able to prevent all symptomatic manifestations of malaria by preventing parasitemia. A secondary goal is to limit disease in vaccinees that do develop malaria. Malaria prevention will be achieved by inducing humoral and cellular immunity against the pre-erythrocytic circumsporozoite protein (CSP) and the liver stage antigen-1 (LSA-1). The strategy to limit disease will target immune responses against one or more blood stage antigens, merozoite surface protein-1 (MSP-1) and apical merozoite antigen-1 (AMA-1). The induction of T- and B-cell memory to achieve a sustained vaccine response may additionally require immunization with an adenovirus vector such as adenovirus serotype 35. RTS,S, a CSP-derived antigen developed by GlaxoSmithKline Biologicals in collaboration with the Walter Reed Army Institute of Research over the past 17 years, is the cornerstone of our program. RTS,S formulated in AS02A (a GSK proprietary formulation) is the only vaccine candidate shown in field trials to prevent malaria and, in one instance, to limit disease severity. Our vaccine development plan requires proof of an individual antigen’s efficacy in a Phase 2 laboratory challenge or field trial prior to its integration into an RTS,S-based, multi-antigen vaccine. Progress has been accelerated through extensive partnerships with industrial, academic, governmental, and non-governmental organizations. Recent safety, immunogenicity, and efficacy trials in the US and Africa are presented, as well as plans for the development of a multi-antigen vaccine

    Climate-driven 'species-on-the-move' provide tangible anchors to engage the public on climate change

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    Over recent decades, our understanding of climate change has accelerated greatly, but unfortunately, observable impacts have increased in tandem. Both mitigation and adaptation have not progressed at the level or scale warranted by our collective knowledge on climate change. More effective approaches to engage people on current and future anthropogenic climate change effects are urgently needed. Here, we show how species whose distributions are shifting in response to climate change, that is, ‘species-on-the-move’, present an opportunity to engage people with climate change by linking to human values, and our deep connections with the places in which we live, in a locally relevant yet globally coherent narrative. Species-on-the-move can impact ecosystem structure and function, food security, human health, livelihoods, culture and even the climate itself through feedback to the climate system, presenting a wide variety of potential pathways for people to understand that climate change affects them personally as individuals. Citizen science focussed on documenting changes in biodiversity is one approach to foster a deeper engagement on climate change. However, other possible avenues, which may offer potential to engage people currently unconnected with nature, include arts, games or collaborations with rural agriculture (e.g. new occurrences of pest species) or fisheries organisations (e.g. shifting stocks) or healthcare providers (e.g. changing distributions of disease vectors). Through the importance we place on the aspects of life impacted by the redistribution of species around us, species-on-the-move offer emotional pathways to connect with people on the complex issue of climate change in profound ways that have the potential to engender interest and action on climate change. Read the free Plain Language Summary for this article on the Journal blog

    TLR4 and TRIF-dependent stimulation of B lymphocytes by peptide liposomes enables T-cell independent isotype switch in mice

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    Immunoglobulin class switching from IgM to IgG in response to peptides is generally T cell–dependent and vaccination in T cell–deficient individuals is inefficient. We show that a vaccine consisting of a dense array of peptides on liposomes induced peptide-specific IgG responses totally independent of T-cell help. Independency was confirmed in mice lacking T cells and in mice deficient for MHC class II, CD40L, and CD28. The IgG titers were high, long-lived, and comparable with titers obtained in wild-type animals, and the antibody response was associated with germinal center formation, expression of activation-induced cytidine deaminase, and affinity maturation. The T cell–independent (TI) IgG response was strictly dependent on ligation of TLR4 receptors on B cells, and concomitant TLR4 and cognate B-cell receptor stimulation was required on a single-cell level. Surprisingly, the IgG class switch was mediated by TIR-domain-containing adapter inducing interferon-ÎČ (TRIF), but not by MyD88. This study demonstrates that peptides can induce TI isotype switching when antigen and TLR ligand are assembled and appropriately presented directly to B lymphocytes. A TI vaccine could enable efficient prophylactic and therapeutic vaccination of patients with T-cell deficiencies and find application in diseases where induction of T-cell responses contraindicates vaccination, for example, in Alzheimer disease