203 research outputs found

    Du bon usage de la pénurie en eau. Lorraine, 1949-1971.

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    18 pages.Dans les annĂ©es 1950 et 1960, la Lorraine avait peur de manquer d'eau. Les besoins industriels, la croissance de la population mais aussi l'influence de la pollution laissaient planer le spectre de la pĂ©nurie – aujourd'hui bien oubliĂ©. La rĂ©alitĂ© mais aussi le discours de la pĂ©nurie ont eu une influence considĂ©rable sur les politiques hydrologiques et d'amĂ©nagement menĂ©es Ă  partir du milieu des annĂ©es 1960 dans la rĂ©gion. En analysant la genĂšse et le discours de la pĂ©nurie, cet article se propose de montrer que la pĂ©nurie a fait l'objet d'un utilisation politique pour convaincre les acteurs rĂ©gionaux du bien fondĂ© des politiques novatrices menĂ©es dans le sillage de la loi sur l'Eau de 1964

    Rivers we can't bring ourselves to clean – historical insights into the pollution of the Moselle River (France), 1850–2000

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    International audienceAs products of both natural and social systems, rivers are highly complex historical objects. We show in this paper that historical analysis works on two different levels: one level, which we call "structural", shows the materiality of the riverine environment as the spatial-temporal product of natural factors and human impacts (bed and course alterations, pollution, etc.). On a second level – "semiotic" – we show that river systems are also social constructs and the subjects of ancient and diverse management practices. The quality of a river will be a function of the dialectical interaction between both levels. Historical analysis can uncover the inherited constraints that bear upon current management practices. To help substantiate this analytical framework, we analyse the case of the Moselle river in eastern France by using archival sources and statistical data. Severely impaired by industrial discharges from iron, coal and salt industries between the 1875s and the early 1980s, the waters of the Moselle became the subject of a social consensus between stakeholders that prevented the implementation of efficient pollution management policies until the 1990s. The example urges caution on the pervasiveness of participatory approaches to river management: social consensus does not necessarily benefit the environment

    La durabilité des oasis: aperçus de géographie historique à partir du cas de l'oasis de Kharga, Egypte

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    International audienceCurrent development processes in many oases across the world are seen as "unsustainable", with reference to water use, pollution or soil depletion, erosion and salinization. While broadly sharing this diagnostic, this paper argues for a more nuanced understanding of environmental processes and landscapes in oases. Specifically, we show that contemporary understanding of oasian environments is often replete with colonial tropes. By drawing on ancient geographical literature, we exemplify such an "oasian model" of environmental explanation in the case of Kharga (Egypt) and contrast it with the results of recent geoarchaeological research conducted in the oasis, which testify to the constitutive instability of oasian spaces

    L’eau perdue d’une micro-oasis. Premiers rĂ©sultats d'une prospection archĂ©ologique et gĂ©oarchĂ©ologique du systĂšme d'irrigation d'El-Deir, oasis de Kharga (Égypte)

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    International audienceL’oasis Ă©gyptienne de Kharga, dans le dĂ©sert Libyque, est une vaste dĂ©pression qui s’allonge sur 220 km, du nord au sud, et se caractĂ©rise, du point de vue archĂ©ologique, par la densitĂ© de deux rĂ©seaux d’ouvrages, les premiers Ă  caractĂšre militaire, les seconds Ă  caractĂšre hydraulique. En effet, les fouilles et les prospections menĂ©es dans l’oasis, au sud comme au nord, mettent en Ă©vidence le dĂ©veloppement d’un systĂšme d’irrigation tout Ă  fait unique en Égypte, consistant en une sĂ©rie de rĂ©seaux d’adduction d’eau souterrains permettant de capter l’eau des nappes phrĂ©atiques du plateau dĂ©sertique, les qanĂąts.La prospection archĂ©ologique d’El-Deir, menĂ©e en association avec deux gĂ©ographes, Jean-Paul Bravard et Romain Garcier, a permis d’étudier la spĂ©cificitĂ© du systĂšme d’irrigation d’un site du nord de l’oasis, occupĂ© au moins de l’époque perse jusqu’au Ve siĂšcle de notre Ăšre. Les vastes parcellaires du site, dont le quadrillage est parfaitement repĂ©rable aujourd’hui encore, marquent l’étendue d’un terroir agricole immense et dĂ©montrent qu’il a Ă©tĂ©, dans l’AntiquitĂ©, une vĂ©ritable oasis, associĂ©e Ă  une vaste campagne Ă  champs ouverts, et pas une simple halte sur une piste. Sont prĂ©sentĂ©s ici les rĂ©sultats des analyses des photographies satellitales et aĂ©riennes du site et de la premiĂšre mission de prospection gĂ©oarchĂ©ologique sur le terrain, qui ont permis de poser la question de l'origine de l'eau Ă  El-Deir, en l'absence de qanats

    Dental Arch Relations Analysed in a 14th Century Fossil Skull of the Sao Tribe, Cameroon

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    Dental occlusal relations are rarely reported in paleo-anthropology. The manipulation of hemi-arch replicas, as well as the superimposition of drawings on calques traced from photographs, facilitated the description of the intraand interarch relations. The occlusal interarch confrontation and the intermolar relation were observed and assessed in the horizontal, frontal and sagittal planes. Some measurements were helpful in the functional study. On the basis of knowledge in mandible kinematics a movement envelope of the first molar displacement during mastication was proposed. The dentition studied here was highly regular. It was a fine example of balanced wear for post-canine sectors. In spite of the lower canine extrusion, due to tribal mutilation of anterior teeth and to subsequent labret wearing, the interarch relations seemed not to have been altered

    Dental Contribution to Paleo-Odontological Study of Interarch Relations in a Human Fossil

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    In paleo-anthropology the fragility of fossil pieces (teeth and supporting bones) reduces their possible manipulation when studying the interarch relations. Two original impression methods of the jaw pieces are proposed, both adapted from those currently practiced in odontology. The plaster replicas of the dental occlusal parts are prepared according to the manufacturing procedures used in prosthetic dental laboratories. This study led to the following observations: 1) the impression techniques used by odontologists are adapted to the moulding of fragile samples. 2) The replicas elaborated from these mouldings made easier the cast manipulation in confrontation. 3) Macrophotography is a complement to direct observation of the pieces and their replicas. 4) For paleoanthropologic purposes, such studies can be easily carried out on almost any animal or human fossils

    A modern ‘seanachie’ : oral storytelling structures in Frank O’Connor’s early stories

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    Plus connu comme auteur de The Lonely Voice, son Ă©tude de la nouvelle qui fit date dans les annĂ©es 60, Frank O’Connor dĂ©buta comme nouvelliste fortement influencĂ© par la tradition du conte oral, encore trĂšs vivace dans les annĂ©es 20-30 dans l’ouest de l’Irlande dont il est originaire. Son deuxiĂšme recueil de nouvelles, Bones of Contention (1936), s’intĂ©resse aux motifs de conflit et de discorde dans l’Irlande d’aprĂšs l’indĂ©pendance, et les observe du point de vue des gens du peuple – les communautĂ©s irlandophones des comtĂ©s de l’ouest. Pour faire entendre sur la scĂšne publique cette voix populaire (ses principes Ă©thiques, ses codes sociaux, son langage, sa culture), il attribue Ă  son narrateur la fonction du conteur traditionnel, le seanachie. Il fait revivre dans l’écriture les relations d’empathie entre conteur et auditeurs, il postule la prioritĂ© de l’oralitĂ© sur l’écriture, et il transforme certains traits spĂ©cifiques de l’expression orale comme le “double-speak”, ou des structures discursives telles que les “runs”, fragments digressifs, allitĂ©ratifs et partiellement incomprĂ©hensibles, propres Ă  la rĂ©citation. Cet article se propose d’examiner les transformations discursives qui s’opĂšrent de l’oral Ă  l’écrit, du “double-speak” en polyglossie ou dialogisme, des “runs” en blocs narratifs incongrus, en hypotyposes ou en vignettes poĂ©tiques. Il interroge Ă©galement la position de mĂ©diateur entre deux cultures, orale et Ă©crite, irlandaise et anglaise, qu’adopte O’Connor


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    INTRODUCTION While the physiological responses of individuals to load carrying have been studied (Bloom et al. 1987; Evans et al. 1983), there is still a lack of information in biomecanics research focused on the forces applied to the trunk and the shoulders. The aim of this work is to present a way of measuring forces applied by a backpack to the shoulders when the subject walks for 30 min on a treadmill. MATERIALS AND METHODS Twelve subjects volunteered to participate in the experiment, four were hikers (>20 trekking/year: expert), four were occasional hikers
