137 research outputs found

    Increasing aridity threatens the sexual regeneration of Quercus ilex(holm oak) in Mediterranean ecosystems

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    Knowledge of the recruitment of dominant forest species is a key aspect for forest conservation and the ecosystem services they provide. In this paper, we address how the simultaneous action of climate change and the intensity of land use in the past influence the recruitment of a forest species that depends on the provision of nurse plants to recruit. We compared the number of saplings (up to 15 years old) and juveniles (16 to 50 years old) of Quercus ilex in 17, 5.3 ha plots in the Iberian System (eastern Spain). We used a gradient of past deforestation intensity crossed with two levels of average annual precipitation, one of them at the lower limit of the species'' precipitation niche (semi-arid) and the other at the optimum (sub-humid). We also examined the association between recruits and nurse plants and the effect on this association of plot-scale factors, such as seed abundance (reproductive Q. ilex), microsites (nurse species and soil availability), and large herbivores. The increase in aridity in the last decades has drastically reduced the recruitment of new individuals in the forests of Q. ilex located in the lower limit of their precipitation niche, regardless of the intensity of past deforestation that they suffered. Recruitment in these climatic conditions depends almost exclusively on large trees and shrubs whose abundance may also be limited by aridity. The lack of regeneration questions the future of these populations, as the number of individuals will decrease over time despite the strong resistance of adult trees to disturbance and drought

    Soundscape Evaluation of a Heritage Event in an Open Environment: The Water Tribunal of the Plain of Valencia (Spain)

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    [EN] The acoustic evaluation of indoor environments is common in the application of virtual acoustics. In addition, in the study of cultural heritage buildings, it is a useful tool, but it is not so common when describing the acoustic environment in intangible cultural heritage events and even in outdoor environments. In this paper, the acoustic environment of the Water Tribunal of the Plain of Valencia (Spain) is studied. It is analyzed from a soundscape perspective, characterizing the sound source and evaluating it within relation to the environment and evaluating its subjective response. With the research carried out, it has been obtained, on the one hand, a complete study of the acoustics of the environment of the Water Tribunal and, on the other, an enhancement of the Valencian tangible and intangible heritage.This research was partially funded by Spanish Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities, grant number BIA2016-76957-C3-3-R and by the Universitat de Valencia with the grant UV-INV-AE-1550319.Díaz-Rubio, E.; Segura-Garcia, J.; Fayos-Jordan, R.; Cerdá, S.; Cibrián, RM.; Giménez Pérez, A. (2022). Soundscape Evaluation of a Heritage Event in an Open Environment: The Water Tribunal of the Plain of Valencia (Spain). Applied Sciences. 12(9):1-17. https://doi.org/10.3390/app1209429211712

    Accurate estimation of air pollution in outdoor routes for citizens and decision making

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    There is clear evidence of the effects of air pollution on health. In this paper, we present an innovative application designed to assess Air Quality (AQ) exposure based on the World Health Organization’s AQ Guidelines, analysing pollutants and their concentrations independently. Our aim is to provide this information to citizens based on their health profile (medical history or requirements) before and during outdoor trips of their choice, both walking and cycling, empowering them to proactively make informed personal decisions about their route choices and identifying potentially unhealthy travel environments. For this purpose, we have access to official data from AQ monitoring stations that are updated periodically every 10 min. Then, by using spatial interpolation techniques (with Ordinary Kriging), we estimate each pollutant over a grid superimposed on the city map. Once the pollutants have been mapped on each route, they are analysed in order to consider the different alternatives for deciding and planning changes in speed or trajectory. We evaluated the application in the city of Valencia (Spain) as a use case under different scenarios, and showed the results to assess exposure to pollution on the routes of citizens

    El síndrome de burnout en deportistas: estudio piloto sobre la percepción del psicólogo deportivo a través del método Delphi

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    El objetivo principal de este trabajo es realizar un estudio preliminar sobre la percepción que tienen los psicólogos del deporte del síndrome de burnout en deportistas. Para ello, se ha llevado a cabo un estudio utilizando la técnica Delphi en una muestra de 23 expertos en Psicología del Deporte con amplia experiencia en entrenamiento psicológico con deportistas. Se les envió de forma sucesiva tres cuestionarios semiestructurados por correo electrónico sobre el burnout en deportistas, en los que se les preguntaba por diversos aspectos del síndrome como síntomas, consecuencias, relación estrés-burnout,y estrategias o técnicas de intervención psicológicas, elaborándose el segundo y el tercer cuestionario a partir del análisis de la información de las respuestas dadas en los anteriores. Los resultados muestran que la gran mayoría de los expertos plantea el estrés junto con la pérdida de control en la vida del deportista como factores directamente relacionados con el síndrome de burnout, y el 100% considera que el autoconcepto deportivo y extradeportivo es una variable que incide en el burnout. Las consecuencias fisiológicas del burnout en deportistas referidas por los expertos son tensión, fatiga e irritabilidad no acordes con el momento deportivo, dificultad para experimentar emocionespositivas como ilusión, expectativas positivas, energía, etc., y tendencia a que desapareciese el entusiasmo en el deporte. Las estrategias de intervención psicológica de elección referidas por los expertos incluyen control emocional, mejora de la autoestima y autoconcepto, establecimiento de objetivos, intervención centrada en necesidades, apoyo social, organización y gestión del tiempo, reestructuración cognitiva, control del estrés, resolución de problemas, y facilitación de actividades alternativas satisfactorias

    Expression and insulin-regulated distribution of caveolin in skeletal muscle. Caveolin does not colocalize with GLUT4 in intracellular membranes

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    Caveolin is believed to play an important role in sorting processes, vesicular trafficking, transmembrane signaling, and molecular transport across membranes. In this study we have evaluated the expression and distribution of caveolin in skeletal muscle and its interaction with GLUT4 glucose carriers. Caveolin was expressed to substantial levels in muscle and its expression was regulated in muscle; aging and high fat diet enhanced caveolin expression in skeletal muscle and inversely, myogenesis down-regulated caveolin in L6E9 cells. Under fasting conditions, most of caveolin was found in intracellular membranes and the caveolin present in the cell surface was found in both sarcolemma and T-tubules. Insulin administration led to a redistribution of caveolin from intracellular high density membrane fractions to intracellular lighter density fractions and to the cell surface; this pattern of insulin-induced redistribution was different to what was shown by GLUT4. These results suggests that caveolin is a component of an insulin-regulated machinery of vesicular transport in muscle. Quantitative immunoisolation of GLUT4 vesicles obtained from different intracellular GLUT4 populations revealed the absence of caveolin which substantiates the lack of colocalization of intracellular GLUT4 and caveolin. This indicates that caveolin is not involved in intracellular GLUT4 trafficking in skeletal muscle

    Application of Problem-Based Learning (PBL) in the Course "Industrial Chemical Technology" of the Master's Degree in Industrial Engineering

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    [EN] This paper describes the application of Problem-Based Learning (PBL) in the subject "Industrial Chemical Technology" of the Master's Degree in Industrial Engineering from the Universitat Politécnica de València (UPV). This course includes contents related to the Basic Operations of Chemical Engineering, not previously studied by most students. This fact, together with the difficulties associated with the management of 300 students have conditioned the type of methodologies that can be applied and, therefore, the level of depth at which the contents can be developed. Therefore, the main methodology applied so far has been the participative masterclass, with problem solving in the classroom. Although the results in terms of percentage of students who pass the course are very satisfactory, the approach to learning is superficial in some aspects and teachers believe that it should be adapted to master's level. To achieve deeper learning of students in the contents of the course, it has been decided to partially modify the methodology, integrating Problem-Based Learning (ABP). This new methodology will consist of grouped resolution of problems integrated into the same real industrial process, which will allow students to also acquire a more global view of the contents covered in the course. The level of the problems will be increased compared to those solved in the classroom and students will be required to search, select and justify additional data and information to solve the problems that will also be multidisciplinary. All this innovation is part of an Innovation and Educational Improvement Project granted and funded by the ¿Vicerrectorado de Estudios, Calidad y Acreditación (VECA)¿ of the UPV. This work describes how the PBL has been defined for implementation in the course and analyses the results achieved to date, identifying the aspects to be improved for the continuation of the methodology in the following academic years.This work has been funded by the Vicerrectorado de Estudios, Calidad y Acreditación (VECA of the Universitat Politécnica València (A + D Call for Innovation and Educational Improvement Projects)Sancho, M.; García-Fayos, B.; Garcia-Castello, EM.; Martí Calatayud, MC.; Rodríguez López, AD.; Bes-Piá, M.; Mendoza Roca, JA.... (2021). Application of Problem-Based Learning (PBL) in the Course "Industrial Chemical Technology" of the Master's Degree in Industrial Engineering. IATED. 3740-3747. https://doi.org/10.21125/inted.2021.0775S3740374

    Evaluation of Irradiated Mandibles Using Emission Tomography, Bone Scans, and Radiography

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    This study compared radiographs, bone scans, and computed emission tomograms with histologic findings in irradiated mandibles of adult Rhesus monkeys. Although osteocytes were lost in the path of the beam, many vessels were partially or totally occluded, the periosteum degenerated, the marrow became fibrotic, and cancellous bone proliferated abundantly, no changes were noted with radiography, conventional bone scanning, or computed emission tomograms. These clinical methods of examination may misrepresent the true condition of irradiated bone because of inadequate sensitivity or balance among factors that control radioactive tracer uptake in bone.Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/68112/2/10.1177_00220345800590120201.pd

    Noves contribucions al coneixement de la flora vascular del massís del Port (NE de la península Ibèrica)

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    En aquest article s'aporten dades per a un total de 61 tàxons. Epipactis cardina Benito & C.E. Hermos. suposa una novetat per a la flora de Catalunya, mentre que Bromus secalinus L. representa una novetat per al catàleg florístic de la comunitat valenciana. Cotoneaster integerrimus Medik., Epipactis rhodanensis Gévaudan & Robatsch, Geum rivale L., Milium effusum L. i Sideritis hyssopifolia L. suposen novetats per a les comarques meridionals de Catalunya.Data about 61 taxa are presented. Epipactis cardina Benito & C.E. Hermos. is a new record for the Catalan flora and Bromus secalinus L. is reported for first time from Valencian community. Cotoneaster integerrimus Medik., Epipactis rhodanensis Gévaudan & Robatsch, Geum rivale L., Milium effusum L. and Sideritis hyssopifolia L. are new records for Southern Catalonia

    Biomechanical analysis of The North Face new running footwear

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    [EN] Nowadays, one of the most popular sports is running. The footwear is the basic component for running, having a big influence in the sport performance and injury prevention. When a runner selects a pair of running shoes analyzes carefully the features of the diverse models commercialized before buying the ones that best fits his or her needs. The North Face has counted on IBV to analyze the biomechanical behavior of different running footwear models.[ES] Uno de los deportes más populares en la actualidad es la carrera, también conocida por su término anglosajón running. El calzado es un componente básico para la práctica del running, teniendo una gran influencia en el rendimiento y la prevención de lesiones. Cuando un corredor selecciona su calzado analiza al detalle las prestaciones de los distintos modelos para adquirir el que mejor se adapte a sus necesidades. THE NORTH FACE ha contado con los servicios del IBV para analizar el comportamiento biomecánico de diferentes modelos de zapatillas de running.Puigcerver Palau, SA.; Gonzalez Garcia, JC.; Piqueras Fiszman, P.; Medina Ripoll, E.; Ballester Fernandez, A.; Fayos Sancho, J.; Solves Camallonga, C.... (2013). Biomecánica aplicada al nuevo calzado de running de The North Face. Revista de biomecánica. 59:23-26. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/38640S23265

    Biologia dels transportadors de glucosa de difusió facilitada. Redistribució cel.lular de transportadors de glucosa en resposta a hormones

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    La glucosa és la font d'energia més important per a les cèl·lules dels mamífers. La seva oxidació en condicions aeròbiques o anaeròbiques abasteix constantment d 'ATP les cèl·lules. Després de ]a ingesta, l'excés de glucosa s'emmagatzema al fetge i als músculs en forma de glicogen i al teixit adipós en forma de triacilglicèrids. La reserva de glucosa en forma de glicogen en el fetge és fonamental per a tamponar els nivells de glucosa a la sang i els dipòsits de glicogen dels músculs son una important font d'energia durant 1'exercici. D'altra banda, els triacilglicèrids del teixit adipós representen una forma compacta d'emmagatzemament d'energia, que es mobilitza en forma d'àcids grassos i glicerol en condicions catabòliques