1,739 research outputs found

    Un modelo de sistema dinámico híbrido utilizando el enfoque de la lógica difusa

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    Se presenta un modelo de sistema dinámico híbrido utilizando la lógica difusa. Para lograr esto se hace una breve descripción de los principales enfoques que se tienen en la actualidad de los sistemas dinámicos híbridos desarrollando las ecuaciones básicas de los bloques que conforman el modelo. Actualmente la teoría del control se ha centrado en el estudio por separado de la dinámica continua y la dinámica discreta; sin embargo, es necesario introducir el estudio de la combinación de ambos en un solo tratado. En el ámbito industrial los procesos son dinámicos y toda su estructura de control está basada en la teoría de la lógica digital. Sin embargo existe el paradigma de la lógica difusa, la cual se introduce en este artículo para proponer un nuevo enfoque. Cabe mencionar que para validar el modelo se utilizan herramientas computacionales de simulación de sistemas dinámicos

    Disrupting the Narrative on Recruiting Graduate Students of Color in Counselor Education

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    The voices of students of color are largely absent in the literature on graduate student recruitment in counselor education. The existing literature focuses on university personnel and can portray a deficit perspective of students of color. Using grounded theory and a critical race theory framework, we sought to develop a theory that described the motivations of graduate students of color for pursuing counselor education. We interviewed 19 graduate students of color and used a constant comparative method to understand their motivations for and supports utilized in pursuing counselor training. Grounded in our participants’ counternarratives, we identified a theory to describe their drive to serve marginalized communities, to attend programs committed to diversity, and the supports they received in applying to graduate school. Based on this theory we provide implications for how counselor education programs can demonstrate a commitment to diversity and support graduate students of color through the application process

    Effect of Sunflower and Marine Oils on Ruminal Microbiota, In vitro Fermentation and Digesta Fatty Acid Profile

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    Funding This work has been funded by Consejería de Educación, Junta de Castilla y León (research project LE007A07). Acknowledgments We acknowledge support of the publication fee by the CSIC Open Access Publication Support Initiative through its Unit of Information Resources for Research (URICI). Support received from CICYT project AGL2005-04760-C02-02 is gratefully acknowledged.Peer reviewedPublisher PD

    Toxicidad y teratogénesis por arsénico en aguas en el pez cebra (Danio rerio)

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    El objetivo del trabajo fue estudiar los daños teratogénicos y la inducción de micronúcleos en células branquiales de peces cebra (Danio rerio) por presencia de arsénico en las aguas. Fueron mantenidos en aguas bicarbonatadas cálcicas magnésicas de un pozo de referencia y del pozo "Zimapán 5", del Municipio Zimapán, Estado de Hidalgo, México. Este último, con un contenido de arsénico que varía de 0,395-0,630 mg/L. Para el estudio de genotoxicidad se evaluaron durante 180 días en 3 tratamientos: agua del pozo de referencia (control negativo, sin As), agua del pozo de referencia adicionada con 5,0 mg As (V)/L (control positivo), y en agua del pozo "Zimapán 5", colocándose 65 especimenes por tratamiento. Después de 30 días hubo una disminución de As en el agua del control positivo de 1092,65 ppb (36,42 ppb/día) mientras en pescados hubo un incremento de 523,81 ppb (17,46 ppb/día). Para el agua del pozo "Zimapán 5" hubo una disminución de 211,40 ppb (7,04 ppb/día), y en pescados hubo un incremento de 74,73 ppb (2,49 ppb/día). Este resultado pone de manifiesto el alto grado de bioacumulación de As en el pez, que en relación al control negativo muestra que es 2,54 veces mayor. En relación a la frecuencia de inducción de micronúcleos en células branquiales, al final de los 180 días en el control negativo hubo una generación espontánea de 0,8 micronúcleos/1000 células, en el control positivo hubo una frecuencia de inducción de micronúcleos 163,5 veces mayor que en el control negativo, mientras que en los peces expuestos al agua del pozo "Zimapán 5" fue 56,25 veces mayor con respecto al mismo. Estos resultados demuestran la genotoxicidad del As en Danio rerio. Para el estudio de teratogénesis, se colocó una hembra y un macho en apareamiento en las mismas condiciones de los tratamientos, obteniendo que a mayor concentración de As en el agua mayor porcentaje de huevos no viables, menor porcentaje de huevos viables y de eclosión, mayor porcentaje de alevines recién eclosionados y juveniles con malformaciones, y menor porcentaje de juveniles sobrevivientes

    Chemical composition and in vitro gas production of some legume browse species in subtropical areas of Mexico

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    The objective of the present study was to determine the chemical composition and in vitro gas production of different legume and wild arboreal pods. Seven seeds of legume browse species, Mexican calabash (Crescentia alata), esculent leadtree (Leucaena esculenta), guamuchil (Phitecellobium dulce), bastard cedar (Guazuma ulmifolia), needle bush (Acacia farnesiana), mimosa (Mimosa sp.) and elephant ear tree (Enterolobium cyclocarpum). Were evaluated for their chemical composition (g/kg DM) and in vitro gas production pattern. Crude Protein was higher for L. esculenta (220) and lower for G. ulmifolia (70). Neutral and acid detergent fiber were higher for G. ulmifolia (687 and 554) and lower for A. farnesiana (267 and 176). Lignin was higher for Mimosa sp. (219) and lower for P. dulce (81). Total gas production (ml gas/g DM) of P. dulce (187) and E. cyclocarpum (164) were higher (P<0.001) than Mimosa sp. The lowest values were for C. alata (108), G. ulmifolia (102), L. esculenta (99) and A. farnesiana (90). The nutritional characteristics of L. esculenta and A. farnesiana might be used as supplements in ruminant diets, due to their major content in CP and in vitro digestibility, representing an alternative protein supplement during dry season

    Ganadería Sustentable. Perspectivas regionales de ganadería sustentable para una visión nacional

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    El documento que aquí se presenta es un resumen de los temas, experiencias y recomendaciones que, desde diferentes perspectivas, intereses y saberes, aportaron los participantes en el 3er Foro de Ganadería Sustentable. Estamos seguros que el lector encontrará en este “gran menú de ideas” algunas que cubran sus intereses particulares; pero será en el seguimiento de los acuerdos y en la puesta en marcha de las propuestas de colaboración y mejora, que la práctica de la ganadería sustentable podrá consolidarse.GI

    Red de coordinación en la implementación eficaz de las asignaturas en inglés en la titulación de Arquitectura

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    Con motivo de la ampliación de oferta de docencia en inglés del grado en Arquitectura se ha generado una red de elaboración de acciones conjuntas y propuestas que promuevan la cooperación para asegurar una mayor conexión y coherencia disciplinar de las asignaturas con docencia en inglés. Durante los últimos años han ido incorporándose a la docencia de la titulación de Arquitectura diferentes asignaturas con oferta de grupos en inglés. Para el curso 2014-15 se espera que haya cerca de 10 asignaturas con docencia en inglés y consideramos fundamental la coordinación entre ellas para proporcionar una enseñanza y una formación eficaz para aspirar a generar un grupo ARA en la titulación

    Engineered rHDL Nanoparticles as a Suitable Platform for Theranostic Applications

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    Reconstituted high-density lipoproteins (rHDLs) can transport and specifically release drugs and imaging agents, mediated by the Scavenger Receptor Type B1 (SR-B1) present in a wide variety of tumor cells, providing convenient platforms for developing theranostic systems. Usually, phospholipids or Apo-A1 lipoproteins on the particle surfaces are the motifs used to conjugate molecules for the multifunctional purposes of the rHDL nanoparticles. Cholesterol has been less addressed as a region to bind molecules or functional groups to the rHDL surface. To maximize the efficacy and improve the radiolabeling of rHDL theranostic systems, we synthesized compounds with bifunctional agents covalently linked to cholesterol. This strategy means that the radionuclide was bound to the surface, while the therapeutic agent was encapsulated in the lipophilic core. In this research, HYNIC-S-(CH2)3-S-Cholesterol and DOTA-benzene-p-SC-NH-(CH2)2-NH-Cholesterol derivatives were synthesized to prepare nanoparticles (NPs) of HYNIC-rHDL and DOTA-rHDL, which can subsequently be linked to radionuclides for SPECT/PET imaging or targeted radiotherapy. HYNIC is used to complexing 99mTc and DOTA for labeling molecules with 111, 113mIn, 67, 68Ga, 177Lu, 161Tb, 225Ac, and 64Cu, among others. In vitro studies showed that the NPs of HYNIC-rHDL and DOTA-rHDL maintain specific recognition by SR-B1 and the ability to internalize and release, in the cytosol of cancer cells, the molecules carried in their core. The biodistribution in mice showed a similar behavior between rHDL (without surface modification) and HYNIC-rHDL, while DOTArHDL exhibited a different biodistribution pattern due to the significant reduction in the lipophilicity of the modified cholesterol molecule. Both systems demonstrated characteristics for the development of suitable theranostic platforms for personalized cancer treatment.Consejo Nacional de Ciencia y Tecnología (CONACyT, Mexico), through Grant SEP-CONACyT-CB-2016-01-287217. the financing program for female scientists EDOMEX, Grant Number FICDTEM-2021-015

    CD32 Expression is not Associated to HIV-DNA content in CD4 cell subsets of individuals with Different Levels of HIV Control

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    A recent study has pointed out to CD32a as a potential biomarker of HIV-persistent CD4 cells. We have characterized the level and phenotype of CD32+ cells contained in different subsets of CD4 T-cells and its potential correlation with level of total HIV-DNA in thirty HIV patients (10 typical progressors naive for cART, 10 cART-suppressed patients, and 10 elite controllers). Total HIV-DNA was quantified in different subsets of CD4 T-cells: Trm and pTfh cells. Level and immunephenotype of CD32+ cells were analyzed in these same subsets by flow cytometry. CD32 expression in Trm and pTfh subsets was similar in the different groups, and there was no significant correlation between the level of total HIV-DNA and the level of CD32 expression in these subsets. However, total HIV-DNA level was correlated with expression of CD127 (rho = -0.46, p = 0.043) and of CCR6 (rho = -0.418, p = 0.027) on CD32+ cells. Our results do not support CD32 as a biomarker of total HIV-DNA content. However, analyzing the expression of certain markers by CD32+ cells could improve the utility of this marker in the clinical setting, prompting the necessity of further studies to both validate our results and to explore the potential utility of certain markers expressed by CD32+ cells.We would like to thank all patients and healthy donors who participated in the study. This study has been funded by projects CP14/00198, PI16/01769, and RD16/0025/0013 integrated in the State Plan for Scientific and Technical Research and Innovation and co-funded by ISCIII-Sub-Directorate General for Research Assessment and Promotion and European Regional Development Fund (ERDF). N Rallon is a Miguel Servet investigator from the Spanish Carlos III Institute of Health (ISCIII), grant CP14/00198, Madrid, Spain. Maria Angeles Navarrete-Munoz was funded by RD16/0025/0013 and the Intramural Research Scholarship from IIS-FJD. Clara Restrepo was funded by project RD16/0025/0013. M Garcia is a predoctoral student co-funded by CP14/00198 project and the Intramural Research Scholarship from IIS-FJD.S