1,495 research outputs found

    Mind the Social Gap: Women's Status and Narrative Strategies Against Patriarchal Violence in Tamil Nadu

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    Treballs Finals del Grau d'Estudis Anglesos, Facultat de Filologia, Universitat de Barcelona. Curs: 2022-2023. Tutora: Isabel Alonso-Breto[eng] This paper examines patriarchal violence against women in Tamil Nadu, South India, by comparing the cases of two women of substantially different social and educational backgrounds: one is the urbanite protagonist of Meena Kandasamy's novel «When I Hit You» (2017); the second, a woman from a small village in a rural area near Chennai. Critical discussions, relevant findings and my own experience as an observer are combined in order to establish if social status plays a role in determining the chances of overcoming abuse. To discuss this idea, the research contextualises the abuse within the frame of subalternity, patriarchy and caste. Then it analyses the forms and actors of violence, outlines the resources available for the victims and proposes one technique of expressive writing as a healing tool. Results suggest that higher status does not necessarily provide protection from being abused but certainly contributes to overcoming the abuse and possessing more solid tools for healing. Keywords: patriarchal violence, Tamil Nadu, Meena Kandasamy, expressive writing as healing[spa] Este artículo examina la violencia patriarcal contra las mujeres en Tamil Nadu, en el sur de la India, comparando los casos de dos mujeres de estatus y bagajes educativos sustancialmente distintos: una es la protagonista de la novela de Meena Kandasamy, «When I Hit You» (2017); la otra, una mujer de una pequeña localidad en una zona rural cerca de Chennai. Se combinan discusiones críticas con estadísticas y mi propia experiencia como observador para estudiar si el estatus social tiene un papel determinante en las probabilidades de salir de una situación de maltrato. Para corroborar esta idea, se contextualiza la violencia contra la mujer en el marco de la subalternidad, el patriarcado y el sistema de castas. A continuación, se describen recursos para las víctimas y se propone una técnica de escritura expresiva como herramienta curativa. Los resultados sugieren que un estatus más alto no evita necesariamente ser víctima de maltrato pero sí contribuye a superarlo y a tener herramientas más sólidas para la sanación. Palabras clave: violencia patriarcal, Tamil Nadu, Meena Kandasamy, escritura expresiva para la curació

    HOW TO ASSESS STRATEGIES OF PUBLIC CULTURAL BODIES: the case of the culture and de velop ment strateg yin Spai n

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    ABSTRACT: Culture has significantly evolved in its consideration as a key factor in development. This has been dueto the progressive incorporation of the cultural component in the development strategies. This has made necessarythe measurement of the impact of such policies, through monitoring and assessment of programs that are made. Inthis context it is essential to construct basic assessment tools for implementing these processes and, more specifically,to build a system of indicators that supports future decision making processes. In this paper we consider twostrategic lines of action in the Spanish Cooperation Strategy for Culture and Development: Human capital trainingfor cultural management and Education and Culture. The main actions that lead to the design of an indicators systemfor their follow-up and evaluation are shown for both strategic lines. With this aim, an initial list of indicators wassubmitted to an experts’ panel opinion by using the Delphi technique. The indicators system is built from the analysisof the experts’ evaluations and it can be subdivided into a Basic System and a Strategic System.Keywords: Education. Human capital training. Culture and development strategy. Indicators system. Follow-upand evaluation. COMO AVALIAR AS ESTRATÉGIAS DE INSTITUIÇÕES CULTURAIS PÚBLICAS:o caso da estratégia da cultura e desenvolvimento em EspanhaResumo: A cultura evoluiu significativamente na sua consideração como fator chave no desenvolvimento, resultandona incorporação progressiva do componente cultural nas estratégias de desenvolvimento. Tudo isto tornounecessária a medição do impacto destas políticas através do acompanhamento e avaliação dos programas realizados.A construção da avaliação de instrumentos é essencial para implementar esses processos e, mais especificamente,sistemas de indicadores que irão facilitar a tomada de decisões futuras. Neste trabalho são consideradasduas linhas estratégicas que articulam a Estratégia de Cultura e Desenvolvimento de Cooperação espanhola: aFormação do capital humano para gestão cultural e Educação e Cultura. Para ambas as linhas descrevem-se atividadesprincipais, levando à concepção de um sistema de indicadores que permitem a sua monitorização e avaliação.Com este objetivo, uma lista inicial de indicadores foi submetida ao parecer de um grupo de especialistas,utilizando a técnica de Delphi. Com base na análise das avaliações estrutura-se um sistema de indicadores, que porsua vez podem subdividir-se num Sistema Básico e um Sistema Estratégico.Palavras -chave: Educação. Formação de capital humano. Cultura e desenvolvimento da estratégia. Indicadoresdo sistema. Acompanhamento e avaliação. COMO EVALUAR ESTRATEGIAS DE INSTITUCIONES CULTURALES PÚBLICAS:el caso de la estrategia de cultura y desarrollo en EspañaResumen: La cultura ha evolucionado notablemente en su consideración como factor clave en el desarrollo, resultandotrascendental la progresiva incorporación del componente cultural en las estrategias de desarrollo. Todoello ha hecho necesaria la medición del impacto de estas políticas, a través del seguimiento y evaluación de losprogramas que se realizan. Se hace imprescindible la construcción de instrumentos de evaluación para implementarestos procesos y, más concretamente, de sistemas de indicadores que faciliten la toma de decisiones futuras.En este trabajo se aborda cómo evaluar dos de las líneas estratégicas en que se articula la Estrategia de Cultura yDesarrollo de la Cooperación Española: la Formación de capital humano para la gestión cultural y Educación y Cultura.Para ambas líneas se describen las principales acciones desarrolladas conducentes al diseño de un sistemade indicadores que permita su seguimiento y evaluación. Con este fin se ha sometido un catálogo inicial de indicadoresa la opinión de un conjunto de expertos mediante la técnica Delphi. A partir del análisis de las evaluacionesrealizadas se estructura el sistema de indicadores, que a su vez puede subdividirse en un Sistema Básico y unSistema Estratégico.Palabras clave: Educación. Formación de capital humano. Estrategia de cultura y desarrollo. Sistema de indicadores.Seguimiento y evaluación

    Capacidad de carga y efectos del nivel de protección en tres AMPs de las Islas Baleares (Mediterráneo Noroccidental)

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    The monitoring of fisheries target species in three marine protected areas (MPAs) located in the NW Mediterranean provided important conclusions on management effects. The abundance, occurrence and biomass of large fish showed consistent and growing trends inside the MPAs. Fish diversity was also favoured by protection. Nevertheless, spatial variance of these indicators at a medium scale was often of the same order as that caused by time between different protection levels. The carrying capacity was determined for the first time in western Mediterranean MPAs in five out of six sites studied, and in all cases it was achieved within the first five years of protection. The observed values indicate that the system of the studied MPAs is representative of the general coastal environment of the Balearic Islands, but is far from the potential of other MPAs which are considered as hot spots in other localities. Likewise, this study shows that partially protected areas can also be fairly effective if their habitats fit with those required by target species and fishing modalities are suitably regulated or banned.El seguimiento de especies de peces vulnerables a la pesca en 3 AMPs del Mediterráneo Occidental ha permitido extraer conclusiones importantes sobre los efectos de la gestión. La abundancia y ocurrencia de peces grandes así como la biomasa presentaron patrones temporales consistentes y crecientes en las AMPs. Conjuntamente al incremento de biomasa, la diversidad de peces también aumentó con la protección. Sin embargo, la varianza de estos indicadores a mediana escala espacial fue a menudo del mismo orden que la producida por el tiempo y el nivel de protección. La capacidad de carga se ha establecido por primera vez en AMPs del Mediterráneo Occidental en 5 de los 6 sitios estudiados. En todos los casos esta situación se alcanzó dentro de los primeros 5 años de protección. Los resultados indican que el sistema de AMPs estudiado es representativo de la mayor parte de las costas de Baleares pero que está lejos del potencial de otras AMPs consideradas como hot spots en otros enclaves geográficos. Asimismo, este trabajo pone de manifiesto que las áreas de reserva parcial pueden ser muy efectivas si su hábitat se ajusta al de las especies que quieren protegerse y si las modalidades de pesca restringidas o prohibidas son las adecuadas

    Is the Hyporheic Zone Relevant beyond the Scientific Community?

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    Rivers are important ecosystems under continuous anthropogenic stresses. The hyporheic zone is a ubiquitous, reactive interface between the main channel and its surrounding sediments along the river network. We elaborate on the main physical, biological, and biogeochemical drivers and processes within the hyporheic zone that have been studied by multiple scientific disciplines for almost half a century. These previous efforts have shown that the hyporheic zone is a modulator for most metabolic stream processes and serves as a refuge and habitat for a diverse range of aquatic organisms. It also exerts a major control on river water quality by increasing the contact time with reactive environments, which in turn results in retention and transformation of nutrients, trace organic compounds, fine suspended particles, and microplastics, among others. The paper showcases the critical importance of hyporheic zones, both from a scientific and an applied perspective, and their role in ecosystem services to answer the question of the manuscript title. It identifies major research gaps in our understanding of hyporheic processes. In conclusion, we highlight the potential of hyporheic restoration to efficiently manage and reactivate ecosystem functions and services in river corridors. View Full-Tex

    Parasitism by the protozoan Perkinsus atlanticus favours the development of opportunistic infections

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    It has been suggested that opportunistic pathogens could contribute to the mortality of Perkinsus atlanticus-infected clams. Examination of Tapes semidecussatus clams from the northern Mediterranean coast of Spain revealed that while 86 % of the clams heavily infected with P. atlanticus were co-infected by bacteria and/or viruses, neither non-infected nor lightly P. atlanticus-infected specimens had bacterial or viral infections. The bacteria, which had a Gram-negative cell wall, were always located in the apical pole of gill epithelial cells and enclosed within membranous compartments. Bacteria-containing cells were hypertrophied and showed dysplasia with loss of cilia and microvilli. The viruses shared ultrastructural, morphologic and cytopathic characteristics of a polyomavirus. Viral particles with icosahedral symmetry were found in both the cytoplasm and the nucleus of numerous cell types. Virus-infected cells showed severe alterations, including hypertrophy, reduction of the intracellular compartments and extrusion of the nuclear envelope. Moreover, gill epithelial cells showed disorganization and swelling of the apical region, which affected the ciliary structure. Our findings show that P. atlanticus parasitism favours the development of opportunistic infections which have detrimental effects in this clam population

    When the venerid clam Tapes decussatus is parasitized by the protozoan Perkinsus sp. it synthesizes a defensive polypeptide that is closely related to p225

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    Molluscs, like other invertebrates, have primitive defense systems. These are based on chemotaxis, recognition and facultative phagocytosis of foreign elements. Previously, we have described one of these systems: a cellular reaction involving infiltrated granulocytes against Perkinsus sp. parasitizing the Manila clam Tapes semidecussatus, in which the parasites are encapsulated by a defensive host product, the polypeptide p225. The aim of this study is to determine the similarities between the defense mechanisms of 2 venerid clams, T. semidecussatus and T. decussatus, when they are infected by Perkinsus sp. The hemocytes of both species infiltrate the connective tissue, redifferentiate, and ultimately, express and secrete the polypeptide which constitutes the main product of the capsule that surrounds the parasites. The main secretion product of T. decussatus shows a high degree of homology to that of T. semidecussatus, since it has a similar electrophoretic mobility and the polypeptide is recognized by the polyclonal serrum against p225 from T. semidecussatus, as confirmed by Western blotting and immunocytochemistry. In conclusion, we demonstrate the existence of 2 polypeptides that are closely related at the molecular and functional level, and are specific in the defense of some molluscs against infection by these protozoan parasites

    Maximum tree height in European Mountains decreases above a climate-related elevation threshold

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    Mountain forests face important threats from global change and spatio-temporal variation in tree height can help to monitor these effects. In this study, we used the Global Ecosystem Dynamics Investigation space-borne laser sensor to examine the relationship between maximum tree height and elevation, and the role of climate, in the main European mountain ranges. We found a piecewise relationship between elevation and maximum tree height in all mountain ranges, supporting the existence of a common breakpoint that marks the beginning of tree development limitations. Temperature and precipitation were identified as the most important drivers of tree height variation. Additionally, we predicted significant upward displacement of the breakpoint for the period 2080-2100 under climate change scenarios, potentially increasing the area without growth limitations for trees. These findings contribute to understanding the impacts of global warming on mountain forest ecosystems and provide insights for their monitoring and management

    Characterization and immunolocalization of a main proteinaceous component of the cell wall of the protozoan parasite Perkinsus atlanticus

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    Described in the present study is a major component of the cell wall of two of the most pathogenic parasites of molluscs, Perkinsus atlanticus and P. marinus. The component is a high-molecular-weight protein (233-kDa), which we have named PWP-1 (for Perkinsus wall protein-1). Western blots, using a polyclonal serum generated against purified PWP-1 from P. atlanticus, revealed that this protein is expressed by all walled developmental stages of this protozoon. By means of immunogold electron microscopy, labelling for PWP-1 was strong and specifically associated with the cell wall. The label density and distribution pattern was quite different between trophozoites and prezoosporangia. With regard to the structural organization of this protein, PWP-1 is disulphide-linked to other cell wall components and released from the cell wall only following treatment with a sulfhydryl agent. We also report that PWP-1 is a trypsin-resistant protein, both in its native and heat-denatured conformation. In addition, results from the N-terminal microsequence of this protein allow us to define PWP-1 as a novel cell wall protein. Overall, our findings strongly suggest that PWP-1 plays a key role in the organization of the cell wall of these protozoa promoting their survival

    Morfologia i formació del complexe sinaptinèmic a espermatòcits i oòcits de Mus musculus

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    A method for the sequential study of synaptonemal complexes by light and electron microscopy has been used to characterize the synaptic process in mouse (Mus musculus) spermatocytes and oocytes. Pre- and post-synaptic figures can be easily identified
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