4,365 research outputs found

    The Brazilian Stratup Ecosystem and the Potential Effects of Regulatory Sandboxes for Fintech Companies

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    This thesis examines the impact regulatory sandboxes could have in Brazil by analyzing what are the effects ‘Sandboxes’ have had in the United Kingdom. First, it adopts a literature review that aims to aggregate information about the current Startup Ecosystem in Brazil, briefly mentioning the introduction of new initiatives such as regulatory sandboxes. Then, it shows what research has found could be the benefits and risks of adopting ‘Sandboxes,’ with a special focus on developing countries. Finally, there is a case study about the United Kingdom and what are the effects regulatory sandboxes have had there. The analysis compares the UK with France because France do not have ‘Sandboxes’, but still have similar macroeconomic variables. Trough such analysis, the thesis argues that these results can be replicable in Brazil

    Influence of fluid dynamic conditions on 1,3-propanediol production from glycerol by Shimwellia blattae: Carbon flux and cell response

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    The fluid dynamic conditions play a key role in the development and scaling up of bioprocesses. In aerobic cultures, oxygen is an essential substrate for microbial growth, production and culture maintenance; an effective gas-liquid transfer must be achieved. Changes in fluid dynamics due to stirrer speed can affect negatively to the culture, causing hydrodynamic stress (increasing shear stress) or oxidative stress (by an increase of available oxygen in the liquid phase)

    La ética del rey

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    Los temas de valores y ética han recobrado vital importancia en los últimos años, debido a los grandes problemas sociales que se viven. Han sido retomados bajo los criterios de la educación, de la antropología, de la filosofía, etc.; pero pocas veces se han referido desde una perspectiva evolutiva. Una visión evolucionista de la conducta humana permite apreciar una sociedad donde se observa la “sobrevivencia del más apto y fuerte”. Sin embargo, no hay evidencias biológicas consistentes para esta idea Darwiniana, para aclarar este pensamiento y otros problemas sobre la conducta ética, desde el punto de vista de la evolución, se muestra un planteamiento donde, a partir de evidencia biológica sobre la conducta social humana y sus mecanismos subyacentes en el cerebro,se pone de manifiesto cómo este importante órgano evolucionó para hacer posible la expresión de conductas con valores sociales. Este planteamiento se titula La ética del rey porque se describe las evidencias biológicas del comportamiento ético en función de la evolución, con el fin de ofrecer información al lector, haciendo alusión al libro de Peter Conradi El discurso del rey. En dicha obra se observa que lo que no se tiene se aprende, aunque el Rey no podía dar discursos por su tartamudez, finalmente, ante lo inminente de su cargo, se convierte en orador. El planteamiento también tiene una referencia con El cerebro del Rey de Nolasc Acarín, quien ofrece una descripción sobre la complejidad del cerebro en un lenguaje cordial para conocer su estructura extraordinaria, la única que se estudia a sí misma

    Interregional input-ouptut system for Ecuador, 2007: methodology and results

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    In this paper, we explore the structural characteristics of the interregional input-output system developed for Ecuador for the year 2007. As part of an ongoing project that aims to develop an interregional CGE model for the country, this database was developed under conditions of limited information. It provides the opportunity to better understand the spatial linkage structure associated with the national economy in the context of its 22 provinces, 15 sectors and 60 different products. This exploratory analysis is based on the description of structural coefficients and the use of traditional input-output techniques. Finally, we further explore the spatial linkage structure by looking at the regional decomposition of final demand. It is hoped that this exercise might result in a better appreciation of a broader set of dimensions that might improve our understanding of the integrated interregional economic system in Ecuador.Interregional input-output model; Ecuador; spatial linkages

    Scaffolding and Synergy in English Teaching by Native and Non-native Educators: A Study in an EFL Context in Colombia

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    This paper shows the results about a qualitative research project focused on the analysis of three juxtaposed points of view about the perceptions regarding the teaching of English guided by native and non-native educators in a private university in Colombia This study is based on the theoretical framework and concepts related to the nature of native or non-native educators with a methodology and analysis of the three perspective

    A comparative analysis of chromosome pairing at metaphase I in interspecific hybrids between durum wheat (Triticum turgidum L.) and the most widespread Aegilops species.

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    Homoeologous metaphase I (MI) associations in hybrids between durum wheat and its wild allotetraploid relatives Aegilops neglecta, Ae. triuncialis and Ae. ventricosa have been characterized by a genomic in situ hybridization procedure that allows simultaneous discrimination of A, B and wild species genomes. Earlier results in equivalent hybrids with the wild species Ae. cylindrica and Ae. geniculata have also been considered to comparatively assay the MI pairing pattern of the durum wheat × Aegilops interspecific combinations more likely to occur in nature. The general picture can be drawn as follows. A and B wheat genomes pair with each other less than the 2 wild constituent genomes do in any of the hybrid combinations examined. Interspecific wheat-wild associations account for 60–70% of total MI pairing in all hybrids, except in that derived from Ae. triuncialis, but the A genome is always the wheat partner most frequently involved in MI pairing with the wild homoeologues. Hybrids with Ae. cylindrica, Ae. geniculata and Ae. ventricosa showed similar reduced levels of MI association and virtually identical MI pairing patterns. However, certain recurrent differences were found when the pattern of homoeologous pairing of hybrids from either Ae. triuncialis or Ae. neglecta was contrasted to that observed in the other durum wheat hybrid combinations. In the former case, a remarkable preferential pairing between the wild species constituent genomes Ut and Ct seems to be the reason, whereas a general promotion of homoeologous pairing, qualitatively similar to that observed under the effect of the ph1c mutation, appears to occur in the hybrid with Ae. neglecta. It is further discussed whether the results reported here can be extrapolated to the corresponding bread wheat hybrid combination

    The Plan for Energy Saving and Efficiency as an Example of the University of Valladolid's Commitment to Sustainability

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    This paper presents the University of Valladolid's Plan for Energy Saving and Efficiency (February 2023) and focuses on the keys developed in relation to the sustainable design and use of university buildings and the promotion of sustainable mobility, as well as on the objectives pursued by the Plan: to reduce the environmental impact and the associated energy costs, eliminate fossil fuels and seek self-consumption. The University of Valladolid has been working for years to improve its energy and environmental performance, using biomass as the main energy resource for heating and sanitary hot water systems in most of its facilities, for the construction of sustainable and efficient buildings, for carrying out energy renovations and continuous actions to improve energy efficiency in existing buildings, and for promoting sustainable mobility models among the university community. With these actions, the University of Valladolid has managed to reduce emissions of thousands of tons of CO2 into the atmosphere each year, improving conditions in university spaces and keeping energy consumption stable. This reduction in energy consumption has made it possible to contain energy costs in global scenarios of rising prices, as well as to minimize the application of harsh measures to reduce energy consumption (closing buildings, turning off air conditioning, etc.) that most higher education institutions in our country have been forced to apply

    The Use of Technologies in Second Language Learning: The Case of a Mexican University

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    Introduction: This research is about the use of technology in learning English as a Foreign Language at higher education in a public University in Mexico. This study is focused on how students use the technology for academic and non-academic issues to learn English. The object of the study a sample of twenty five percent of English language students (375 students) were considered. Students’ average age was 18-25. Methodology: For this research two instruments were used to gather data the first one a questionnaire designed for this purpose, the second one an interview to know what kind of gadgets students use to learn English in higher education and how this technology could be introduced in second language learning classrooms. The results: allowed concluding that most technological gadgets used by students were Cells and Laptops to surf the net and chat through social networks for non-academic issues and laptops and desktop computers to work on school duties with specific software