8 research outputs found

    Risk analisys for cooperation between the driver and the control system of an autonomous vehicle

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    Orientador: Janito Vaqueiro FerreiraTese (doutorado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Faculdade de Engenharia MecânicaResumo: Este trabalho tem como objetivo principal estudar estratégias para a cooperação entre o condutor e o sistema de controle de trajetórias de veículos autônomos por uma análise de risco. Inicialmente apresenta-se um estudo das arquiteturas dos veículos autônomos baseadas nas camadas de percepção, planejamento e controle. Baseado neste estudo definiu-se uma arquitetura de software e de hardware para a plataforma de testes VILMA01 (Veículo Inteligente do Laboratório de Mobilidade Autônoma) que possibilita a interação com o condutor. Depois é apresentada a camada do controle de trajetórias que consiste em manipular os graus de liberdade do veículo (direção, freio e acelerador) para leva-lo a uma posição desejada para cada instante de tempo. Para isso, este trabalho utiliza uma técnica de controle preditivo baseado nos modelos dinâmicos do veículo e da direção. Na sequência é apresentado o planejamento de trajetórias que consiste em saber para onde deve ir o veículo de acordo com a percepção e a missão. Nesta camada é apresentada a parte reativa também conhecida como planejamento local de caminho, onde a rota desejada representada em um espaço curvilíneo é selecionada a partir de indicadores de risco intrínseco e extrínseco de cada caminho. Com as camadas de planejamento e controle definidas é proposto um método pelo qual pode-se estimar durante o controle cooperativo a trajetória desejada do condutor, possibilitando uma decisão a ser tomada com base numa análise de risco para condicionamento do controle cooperativo ou do planejamento cooperativo. Finalmente, diferentes testes experimentais foram realizados os quais permitiram validar a automação, a instrumentação da plataforma VILMA01, e os conceitos de controle e planejamento cooperativosAbstract: This work aims to study strategies of cooperation between the driver and path control system of an autonomous vehicle through a risk analysis. First, it is presented the study of architectures of autonomous vehicles based on the layers of perception, planning and control. An architecture that includes interaction with the driver is proposed to VILMA01 (First Intelligent Vehicle of the Autonomous Mobility Laboratory), as well as their hardware and software architectures. Second, it is presented the path control layer consisting of manipulating the degrees of freedom of the car (steering, braking and acceleration) for bringing it to a desired position for each instant of time. In order to achieve that, the dynamic models of the vehicle and the steering system are used to apply the predictive control technique. Then, it is presented the path planning layer which consists of determining where the vehicle should go according to the perception and the mission. This work shows the reactive part, also known as local path planning, where the desired path represented in a curvilinear space is selected based on intrinsic and extrinsic risk indicators of each path. With the layers of planning and control already set, a method is proposed to estimate the trajectory desired by the driver during the cooperative control, allowing a decision to be made based on a risk analysis for conditioning cooperative planning or the cooperative control. Finally, different tests on VILMA01 are performed to validate the automation, the instrumentation in the vehicle and the concepts of cooperative control and cooperative planningDoutoradoMecanica dos Sólidos e Projeto MecanicoDoutor em Engenharia Mecânica14864126141276/2012-6CAPESCNP

    Modeling and control of a robot manipulator using standard control techniques and H infinity

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    Se presenta el diseño de un control estándar basado en la norma H2 y de un control H-infinito aplicados en un manipulador de dos grados de libertad. El manipulador se modeló con las ecuaciones de Euler-Lagrange y la función de disipación de Rayleigh. Se utilizó un modelo en el Toolbox SimMechanics exportando la geometría y propiedades físicas desde SolidWorks. Los resultados demuestran que la respuesta transitoria en el control H infinito es más suave que en el control estándar.This paper presents the design of a standard control based on the H2 standard and an H-infinity control applied in a manipulator of two degrees of freedom. The manipulator was modeled with the Euler-Lagrange equations and the Rayleigh dissipation function. A model was used in the SimMechanics Toolbox by exporting geometry and physical properties from SolidWorks. The results obtained show that transient response in H infinity control is smoother than the standard control

    Predicting the Benchmark Banking Indicator (IBR) Time Series through Neural Networks

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    En años recientes, la predicción del comportamiento del Indicador Bancario de Referencia (IBR) se ha hecho relevante debido a su importancia en el mercado monetario colombiano. El propósito de este trabajo es demostrar la eficiencia de las redes LSTM en la generación de predicciones de series de tiempo —a través de su memoria a corto y largo plazo— que sean comparables con el modelo predictivo ARIMA para estudios econométricos. Se analizó la incidencia de la tasa representativa de mercado (TRM) y la tasa de los bonos de la deuda pública (TES) a 10 años, comparando ambos indicadores con el IBR. Con lo anterior, se buscó determinar la correlación existente entre estas variables mediante el método de Pearson. Finalmente, la eficiencia del modelo fue evaluada con el error cuadrático medio (RMSE), utilizando una red LSTM multivariable con tres entradas (IBR, TES y TRM) y una salida.In recent years, predicting the behavior of the Benchmark Banking Indicator (IBR) has become relevant due to its importance in the Colombian money market. The purpose of this paper is to demonstrate the efficiency of LSTM networks for generating predictions of time series —through their long and short-term memory— that are comparable with the ARIMA predictive model for econometric studies. The incidence of the representative market rate (TRM) and the rate of 10-year public debt bonds (TES) was analyzed and compared to the IBR, seeking to determine its correlation through the Pearson method. Finally, the model efficiency was evaluated with the mean square error (RMSE), using a multivariable LSTM network with three inputs (IBR, TES, and TRM) and one output

    Diseño y prototipo de un precipitador electrostático

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    In view of the high degree of contamination that occurs today, they have begun to seek measures to combat and regulate this problem. One of these measures are electrostatic precipitators (esps), used in the process of purifying the environment by means of high voltage stress plates metals to generate electric fields which trap contaminant particles purifying thus air devices ambient. Project a circuit for increasing the voltage of the local network (120V) to 27 000 volts by a transformer, known as flyback used. The purpose of this project is to demonstrate the efficacy of this device, and how it can be built with economical and affordable materials for deployment in homes and urban areas. It was possible to raise an effective air cleaning elements and materials with low-cost prototype.En vista del alto grado de contaminación que se presenta hoy en día, se han comenzado a buscar medidas para combatir y regular este problema. Entre estas medidas están los precipitadores electrostáticos (PES), dispositivos usados en el proceso de purificar el medio ambiente. Este proceso se realiza por medio de alta tensión de voltaje en placas de metales para generar campos eléctricos que atrapan las partículas de contaminantes. De esta manera se purifica el aire del ambiente. Para el proyecto se utiliza un circuito que aumenta la tensión de la red local (120V) a 27 000 voltios por medio de un transformador conocido como flyback. Este proyecto busca diseñar y construir un dispositivo de este tipo con elementos de fácil adquisición, con la finalidad de entender cómo puede ser usado en hogares y zonas urbanas. Se logró realizar un prototipo eficaz para limpiar el aire con elementos y materiales de bajo costo

    Influence networks based methodology for consensus reaching in group-decision-making problems

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    [EN] The purpose of this work is to show a way to improve agreement in group decision problems. This work focuses his effort on the issue refers to assign different importance to every decision-maker. We propose as a novelty a methodology to assign different levels of importance to every decision-maker according to their perceived importance in the group. First, judgments are collected by an html form and use a proposed method based on SNA and DEMATEL to assign weights to decision-makers according to their reputation in the decision-group. Next, we solve the problem using AHP in order to rank the alternatives.Romero-Gelvez, JI.; Cortes-Aldana, FA.; García-Melón, M.; Herrera Cuartas, JA.; Garcia Bedoya, O. (2019). Influence networks based methodology for consensus reaching in group-decision-making problems. CEUR Workshop Proceedings. 2486:280-294. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/155012S280294248

    the Colombian case

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    Purpose The purpose of this paper is to examine the artificial intelligence (AI) methodologies to fight against money laundering crimes in Colombia. Design/methodology/approach This paper examines Colombian money laundering situations with some methodologies of network science to apply AI tools. Findings This paper identifies the suspicious operations with AI methodologies, which are not common by number, quantity or characteristics within the economic or financial system and normal practices of companies or industries. Research limitations/implications Access to financial institutions’ data was the most difficult element for research because affect the implementation of a set of different algorithms and network science methodologies. Practical implications This paper tries to reduce the social and economic implications from money laundering (ML) that result from illegal activities and different crimes against inhabitants, governments, public resources and financial systems. Social implications This paper proposes a software architecture methodology to fight against ML and financial crime networks in Colombia which are common in different countries. These methodologies complement legal structure and regulatory framework. Originality/value The contribution of this paper is how within the flow already regulated by financial institutions to manage the ML risk, AI can be used to minimize and identify this kind of risk. For this reason, the authors propose to use the graph analysis methodology for monitoring and identifying the behavior of different ML patterns with machine learning techniques and network science methodologies. These methodologies complement legal structure and regulatory framework

    Exploring the Colombian digital divide using Moodle logs through supervised learning

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    Purpose This study aims to explore the digital divide between students living in metropolitan and non-metropolitan areas in the Antioquia region of Colombia. This is achieved by collecting data about student interactions from the Moodle learning management system (LMS), and subsequently applying supervised machine learning models to infer the gap between students in metropolitan and non-metropolitan areas. Design/methodology/approach This work uses the well-established Cross-Industry Standard Process for Data Mining methodology, which comprises six phases, viz., problem understanding, data understanding, data preparation, modelling, evaluation and implementation. In this case, student data was collected from the Moodle platform from the Antioquia campus of the UNAD distance learning university. Findings The digital divide is evident in the classification model when observing differences in variables such as the number of accesses to the LMS, the total time spent and the number of distinct IP addresses used, as well as the number of system modification events. Originality/value This study provides conclusions regarding the problems students in virtual education may face as a result of the digital divide in Colombia which have become increasingly visible since the implementation of machine learning methodologies on LMS such as Moodle. However, these practices may be replicated in any virtual educational context and furthermore be extended to enable personalisation of various aspects of the Moodle platform to meet the individual needs of students