Influence networks based methodology for consensus reaching in group-decision-making problems


[EN] The purpose of this work is to show a way to improve agreement in group decision problems. This work focuses his effort on the issue refers to assign different importance to every decision-maker. We propose as a novelty a methodology to assign different levels of importance to every decision-maker according to their perceived importance in the group. First, judgments are collected by an html form and use a proposed method based on SNA and DEMATEL to assign weights to decision-makers according to their reputation in the decision-group. Next, we solve the problem using AHP in order to rank the alternatives.Romero-Gelvez, JI.; Cortes-Aldana, FA.; García-Melón, M.; Herrera Cuartas, JA.; Garcia Bedoya, O. (2019). Influence networks based methodology for consensus reaching in group-decision-making problems. CEUR Workshop Proceedings. 2486:280-294.

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