1,876 research outputs found

    Exponential Decay of Correlations Implies Area Law

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    We prove that a finite correlation length, i.e. exponential decay of correlations, implies an area law for the entanglement entropy of quantum states defined on a line. The entropy bound is exponential in the correlation length of the state, thus reproducing as a particular case Hastings proof of an area law for groundstates of 1D gapped Hamiltonians. As a consequence, we show that 1D quantum states with exponential decay of correlations have an efficient classical approximate description as a matrix product state of polynomial bond dimension, thus giving an equivalence between injective matrix product states and states with a finite correlation length. The result can be seen as a rigorous justification, in one dimension, of the intuition that states with exponential decay of correlations, usually associated with non-critical phases of matter, are simple to describe. It also has implications for quantum computing: It shows that unless a pure state quantum computation involves states with long-range correlations, decaying at most algebraically with the distance, it can be efficiently simulated classically. The proof relies on several previous tools from quantum information theory - including entanglement distillation protocols achieving the hashing bound, properties of single-shot smooth entropies, and the quantum substate theorem - and also on some newly developed ones. In particular we derive a new bound on correlations established by local random measurements, and we give a generalization to the max-entropy of a result of Hastings concerning the saturation of mutual information in multiparticle systems. The proof can also be interpreted as providing a limitation on the phenomenon of data hiding in quantum states.Comment: 35 pages, 6 figures; v2 minor corrections; v3 published versio

    Activity in the brain's valuation and mentalizing networks is associated with propagation of online recommendations

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    Word of mouth recommendations influence a wide range of choices and behaviors. What takes place in the mind of recommendation receivers that determines whether they will be successfully influenced? Prior work suggests that brain systems implicated in assessing the value of stimuli (i.e., subjective valuation) and understanding others' mental states (i.e., mentalizing) play key roles. The current study used neuroimaging and natural language classifiers to extend these findings in a naturalistic context and tested the extent to which the two systems work together or independently in responding to social influence. First, we show that in response to text-based social media recommendations, activity in both the brain's valuation system and mentalizing system was associated with greater likelihood of opinion change. Second, participants were more likely to update their opinions in response to negative, compared to positive, recommendations, with activity in the mentalizing system scaling with the negativity of the recommendations. Third, decreased functional connectivity between valuation and mentalizing systems was associated with opinion change. Results highlight the role of brain regions involved in mentalizing and positive valuation in recommendation propagation, and further show that mentalizing may be particularly key in processing negative recommendations, whereas the valuation system is relevant in evaluating both positive and negative recommendations

    Species Composition And Seasonal Succession Of Saprophagous Calliphorids In A Rural Area Of Córdoba, Argentina

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    During 2004, four experiments were carried out, one each season, in order to determine the species composition and seasonal dynamics of Calliphoridae in a rural area of Córdoba (Argentina). Two pigs (Sus scrofa L.), weighing approximately 8 Kg each, were used in each experiment. They were killed with a blow to the head and immediately placed in a variant of the Schoenly et al. (1991) trap. One pig was exposed in the shade and the other one under direct sunlight. The insect fauna was collected daily during the four first weeks and every two or three days thereafter. A total of 16.609 adults of Calliphoridae were collected, and later on identified as one of the following seven species: Chrysomya albiceps (Wiedemann), Chrysomya megacephala (Fabricius), Phaenicia sericata (Meigen), Phaenicia eximia (Wiedemann), Cochliomyia macellaria (Fabricius), Sarconesia chlorogaster (Wiedemann) and Calliphora vicina Robineau-Desvoidy. C. albiceps was the dominant species in summer, autumn and spring, being replaced in winter by C. vicina, S. chlorogaster and P. sericata. The analysis of the seasonal distribution of the species revealed that the greater incidences are in the months of summer, autumn and spring.402163171BATTÁN HORENSTEIN, M., ARNALDOS, M.I., ROSSO, B., GARCÍA, M.D., Estudio preliminar de la comunidad sarcosaprófaga en Córdoba (Argentina): Aplicación a la entomología forense (2005) Anales de Biología, 27, pp. 191-201BAUMGARTNER, D.L., GREENBERG, B., Distribution of medical ecology of the blowflies (Diptera: Calliphoridae) of Peru (1985) Annals of Entomological Society of America, 78, pp. 565-587CARVALHO, L.M.L., LINHARES, A.X., Seasonality of insect seccession and pig carcass decomposition in a natural forest area in southeastern Brazil (2001) J Foren Sci, 46 (3), pp. 604-608CARVALHO, L.M.L., THYSSEN, P.J., LINDARES, A.X., PALHARES, F.A.B., A checklist of arthropods associated with pig carrion and human corpses in southeastern Brazil (2000) Mem Inst Oswaldo Cruz, 95 (1), pp. 135-138CATTS, E.P., GOFF, M.L., Forensic Entomology in Criminal Investigation (1992) Annu Rev Entomol, 37, pp. 253-272CENTENO, N., MALDONADO, M., OLIVA, A., Seasonal patterns of arthropods ocurring on sheltered and unsheltered pig carcasses in Buenos Aires Province (Argentina) (2002) Forensic Sci Internat, 126, pp. 63-70FERREIRA, M.J.M., Sinantropía de dípteros muscóideos de Curitiba, Paraná. I: Calliphoridae (1978) Rev Bras Biol, 38, pp. 445-454FERREIRA, M.J.M., BARBOLA, I.F., Sinantropia de Califorídeos (Insecta: Diptera) de Curitiba, Paraná, Brasil (1998) Rev Brasil Biol, 58 (2), pp. 203-209FISCHER OL, MÁTLOVÁ, DVORSKÁ L, SVÁSTOVÁ P, BARTL J, MELICHÁREK I, WESTON RT, PAVLÍK I (2001) Diptera as vector of mycobacterial infections in cattle and pigs. Med Vet Entomol 15: 208-211GUIMARÃES, J.H., PRADO, A.P., LINHARES, A.X., Three newly introduced blowfly species in southern Brazil (Diptera: Calliphoridae) (1978) Rev Bras Ent, 22, pp. 53-60GUIMARÃES, J.H.G., PAPAVERO, N., PRADO, A.P., As miíases na região Neotropical: Identificação, biologia, bibliografia (1983) Rev Bras Zool, 1, pp. 239-416KUUSELA, S., HANSKI, I., The structure of carrion fly comminities: The size and the type of carrion (1982) Holartica Ecology, 5, pp. 337-348LINHARES, A.X., Synanthropy of Calliphoridae and Sarcophagidae (Diptera) in the city of Campinas, Sao Paulo, Brazil (1981) Rev Bras Ent, 25 (3), pp. 189-215MARILUIS, J.C., SCHNACK, J.A., Ecología de una taxocenosis de Calliphoridae del área platense (Provincia de Buenos Aires) (Insecta, Diptera) (1986) Ecosur, 12-13 (23-24), pp. 81-91MARILUIS, J.C., SCHNACK, J.A., Ecology of the blow flies of an eusynanthropic habitat near Buenos Aires (Diptera, Calliphoridae) (1989) Eos, 165, pp. 93-101MARILUIS, J.C., SCHNACK, J.A., CERVERERIZZO, I., QUINTANA, C., (1826) Cochliomyia hominivorax (Coquerel, 1858) and Phaenicia sericata, 32, pp. 7-24. , Meigen, parasiting domestic animals in Buenos Aires and vicinities Diptera, Calliphoridae, Mem Inst Oswaldo Cruz 89: 139MARILUIS JC, SCHNACK JA (1996) Elenco específico y aspectos ecológicos de Calliphoridae (Insecta, Diptera) de San Carlos de Bariloche, Argentina. Bol R Soc Esp Hist Nat (Sec. Biol.) 92: 1-4MOURA, M.O., CARVALHO, C.J.B., FILHO ELA, M., A preliminary analisis of insects of medico-legal importance in Curitiba, State of Paraná (1997) Mem Inst Oswaldo Cruz, 92 (2), pp. 269-274NUORTEVA, P., Sarcosaprophagous insects as forensic indicators (1977) Forensic Medicine: A study in trauma and environmental hazards, 3, pp. 1072-1095. , TEDESCHI, C.G, ECKERT, W.G. & TEDESCHI, L.G, Eds, Philadelphia, London W.B. Saunders CoOLIVA, A., Insectos de Interés Forense de Buenos Aires (Argentina). Primera lista ilustrada y datos bionómicos. Revista de Museo argentino de Ciencias Naturales "Bernardino Rivadavia (1997) Entomología, Tomo VII, (2), pp. 13-59RICKLEFS, R., Invitación a la Ecología (1996) La economía de la naturaleza, , Editorial Médica Panamericana(1986) SAS User's guide: Statictics, , SAS INSTITUTE INC , 6 ed. Cary, North CarolinaSCHNACK, J.A., MARILUIS, J.C., CENTENO, N., MUZÓN, J., Composición específica, ecología y sinantropía de Calliphoridae (Insecta: Diptera) en el Gran Buenos Aires (1995) Rev Soc Entomol Argent, 54 (1-4), pp. 161-171SCHNACK, J.A., MARILUIS, J.C., SPINELLI, G.R., MUZÓN, J., Ecological aspects on urban blowflies in midwest Argentinean Patagonia (Diptera: Calliphoridae) (1998) Rev Soc Entomol Argent, 57 (1-4), pp. 127-130SCHOENLY, K., GRIEST, K., RHINE, S., An experimental field protocol for investigating the postmortem interval using multidisciplinary indicators (1991) J Forensic Sci JFSCA, 36 (5), pp. 1395-1415(1986) A manual of forensic entomology, , SMITH KGV (, The trustees of the British Museum Natural History, LondonSOUZA, A.M., LINHARES, A.X., Diptera and Coleoptera of potential forensic importance in southeastern Brazil: Relative abundance and seasonality (1997) Med Vet Entomol, 11, pp. 8-1

    Characterising pressure and bruising in apple fruit

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    A large percentage of apples are wasted each year due to damage such as bruising. The apple journey from orchard to supermarket is very complex and apples are subjected to a variety of static and dynamic loads that could result in this damage occurring. The aim of this work was to use a novel ultrasonic technique to study apple contact areas and stresses under static loading that may occur, for example, in bulk storage bins used during harvesting. These results were used to identify load thresholds above which unacceptable damage occurs. They were also used to validate output from a finite element model, which will ultimately be developed into a packaging design tool to help reduce the likelihood of apple damage occurring

    Neutrino Oscillations v.s. Leptogenesis in SO(10) Models

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    We study the link between neutrino oscillations and leptogenesis in the minimal framework assuming an SO(10) see-saw mechanism with 3 families. Dirac neutrino masses being fixed, the solar and atmospheric data then generically induce a large mass-hierarchy and a small mixing between the lightest right-handed neutrinos, which fails to produce sufficient lepton asymmetry by 5 orders of magnitudes at least. This failure can be attenuated for a very specific value of the mixing sin^2(2\theta_{e3})=0.1, which interestingly lies at the boundary of the CHOOZ exclusion region, but will be accessible to future long baseline experiments.Comment: 23 pages, 8 eps figures, JHEP3 format; more accurate effect of dilution reduces previous results, inclusion of all phases, added reference

    Leptogenesis without violation of B-L

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    We study the possibility of generating the observed baryon asymmetry via leptogenesis in the decay of heavy Standard Model singlet fermions which carry lepton number, in a framework without Majorana masses above the electroweak scale. Such scenario does not contain any source of total lepton number violation besides the Standard Model sphalerons, and the baryon asymmetry is generated by the interplay of lepton flavour effects and the sphaleron decoupling in the decay epoch.Comment: V2 (published version): 21 pages, 4 figures. Some explanations have been adde

    Non-Perturbative Effects on a Fractional D3-Brane

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    In this note we study the N=1 abelian gauge theory on the world volume of a single fractional D3-brane. In the limit where gravitational interactions are not completely decoupled we find that a superpotential and a fermionic bilinear condensate are generated by a D-brane instanton effect. A related situation arises for an isolated cycle invariant under an orientifold projection, even in the absence of any gauge theory brane. Moreover, in presence of supersymmetry breaking background fluxes, such instanton configurations induce new couplings in the 4-dimensional effective action, including non-perturbative contributions to the cosmological constant and non-supersymmetric mass terms.Comment: 18 pages, v3: refs adde

    Comparison of the Neutrophil Proteome in Trauma Patients and Normal Controls

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    Background: Neutrophils have an impressive array of microbicidal weapons, and in the presence of a pathogen, progress from a quiescent state in the bloodstream to a completely activated state. Failure to regulate this activation, for example, when the blood is flooded with cytokines after severe trauma, causes inappropriate neutrophil activation that paradoxically, is associated with tissue and organ damage. Acidic proteomic maps of quiescent human neutrophils were analyzed and compared to those of activated neutrophils from severe trauma patients. The analysis revealed 114 spots whose measured volumes differed between activated and quiescent neutrophils, with 27 upregulated and 87 downregulated in trauma conditions. Among the identified proteins, grancalcin, S100-A9 and CACNB2 reinforce observed correlations between motility and ion flux, ANXA3, SNAP, FGD1 and Zfyve19 are involved in vesicular transport and exocytosis, and GSTP1, HSPA1 HSPA1L, MAOB, UCH-L5, and PPA1 presented evidence that activated neutrophils may have diminished protection against oxidative damage and are prone to apoptosis. These are discussed, along with proteins involved in cytoskeleton reorganization, reactive oxygen species production, and ion flux. Proteins such as Zfyve19, MAOB and albumin- like protein were described for the first time in the neutrophil. In this work we achieved the identification of several proteins potentially involved in inflammatory signaling after trauma, as well as proteins described for the first time in neutrophils


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    This study describes fisheries, stock status, ICES advice and management measures for the Northern and Southern sardine stocks in EU Atlantic waters. Information on sardine biology and ecology is provided for a better understanding of stock development. Social and economic dimensions are addressed for sardine fisheries in France, Spain and Portugal. The study provides recommendations to improve knowledge on the species and indicates management measures which might be considered for the sustainability of the fisheries.Versión del edito