141 research outputs found

    Nonparametric approaches for estimating risk maps

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    Assessment of environmental contamination is increasingly a concern in nowadays soci- ety. The maximum levels for pollutants are heavily regulated, being necessary to ensure compliance. Consequently, it becomes important to construct probability maps of the observation region, showing the complementary value of the distribution function of the variable involved at regulatory thresholds. These are usually called risk maps in the environmental setting. In this work, two kernel-type estimators of the spatial distribution function are constructed, which de- part from approximating the distribution at the sampled sites and then obtaining a weighted average of the resulting values, to derive a valid estimator at any random location. Consistency of both ap- proaches is proved under rather general conditions, such as local stationarity and the existence of a number of derivatives of the distribution function. Unlike other alternatives, the new proposals pro- vide non-decreasing functions and do not require a previous estimation of the indicator variogram or the trend function. However, appropriate bandwidths parameters are needed and selection of them in practice needs to be addressed. Numerical studies are carried out, aiming at comparing the current proposal with more usual methods, such as those based on the sill estimation or the indicator kriging, described in Journel (1983) or Goovaerts (1997), respectively, and redesigned in García-Soidán and Menezes (2012). Finally, the new proposal is applied to arsenic data from Portugal, so that pollution risk maps of the referred region are constructed. Moreover, accuracy maps of the probability estimates might be constructed based on bootstrap replicas, as described in García-Soidán, Menezes and Rubiños (2014).info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Análisis de las lesiones más frecuentes en pruebas de velocidad, medio fondo y fondo

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    El propósito de este trabajo fue el de revisar y analizar la tipología de las lesiones más frecuentes derivadas de la práctica del atletismo, en sus modalidades de carrera de velocidad, medio-fondo y fondo, y que podían ocurrir durante su práctica continuada. Los datos de este trabajo se extrajeron de un estudio descriptivo transversal, realizado por muestreo aleatorio simple en Galicia durante el año 2002, sobre un total de 135 atletas. Los instrumentos de recogida de datos fueron: cuestionario formado por 30 ítems y entrevista personal. La duración de la recogida de datos fue de 5 meses. Del análisis de los datos, se identificaron las lesiones más frecuentes, a la vez que se analizaron sus posibles causas y factores de riesgo. Como conclusión del trabajo se propone un plan de prevención, relacionado con aquellas lesiones más frecuentes, detectadas en el estudio

    Assessing spatial dependence for clustered data

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    Variogram analysis provides a useful tool for measuring the dependence between spatial locations. Suppose that the nature of the sampling process leads to the presence of clustered data; the latter makes it advisable to use a variogram estimator that aims to adjust for clustering of samples. In this setting, the use of a nonparametric weighted estimator, obtained by considering an inverse weight to the neighborhood density combined with the kernel method, seems to have a satisfactory behavior in practice. Thus, we proceed in this work with the theoretical study of the latter estimator, by proving that it is asymptotically unbiased as well as consistent and by providing criteria for selection of the bandwidth parameter and the neighborhood radius

    A comparison of approaches for valid variogram achievement

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    Variogram estimation is a major issue for statistical inference of spatially correlated random variables. Most natural empirical estimators of the variogram cannot be used for this purpose, as they do not achieve the conditional negative-definite property. Typically, this problem's resolution is split into three stages: empirical variogram estimation; valid model selection; and model fitting. To accomplish these tasks, there are several different approaches strongly defended by their authors. Our work's main purpose was to identify these approaches and compare them based on a numerical study, covering different kind of spatial dependence situations. The comparisons are based on the integrated squared errors of the resulting valid estimators. Additionally, we propose an easily implementable empirical method to compare the main features of the estimated variogram function

    An Approach to the Implementation of Neuromarketing Techniques by European Private TV Broadcasters

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    [Abstract]: Changes on media context urge companies to adopt alternative and innovative strategies for decision-making regarding audience’s habits and preferences. In this respect, the neuroscience methodology provides an appealing option to analyze consumers’ viewing experience. This paper aims to determine the impact of neuromarketing on TV channels for the latter purpose, through an in-depth review and a survey addressed to analyze the use of this methodology by European private broadcasters. The results achieved point to the potential of neuromarketing to improve efficacy of linear and non-linear TV commercial spaces, as well as to design television contents and to optimize the impact of social TV and multiscreen viewing

    Post-graduate education requirements for access to jobs in physical therapy

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    [Abstract] Objective. To identify if physiotherapist employers require them to have some postgraduate training and, if there are such requirements, to identify them. Material and methods. For this study, a specific survey was designed, in which the clinic director had to answer questions about the training of the professionals hired. Results. The demands of 114 job bidders were analysed. Clinical directors (21.6%), require some postgraduate training so that the professional is able to adapt to the needs of the users of the centre. The most in-demand specialties were sports physiotherapy, gynaecology and obstetrics, osteopathy, neurology, and Pilates. Conclusions. The acquisition of skills and competencies, such as information management skills, problem solving and decision making, are not being adequately integrated into the degree course. Interventions are needed by educational institutions and professionals in the sector to achieve training that meets the needs of the physiotherapy employment market.[Resumen] Objetivo. Identificar si los contratantes de fisioterapeutas exigen como requisito tener alguna formación de posgrado y, de existir dichas exigencias, identificarlas. Material y método. Se diseñó una encuesta específica para este trabajo. En ella, el director de clínica debía responder a preguntas sobre la formación de los profesionales contratados. Resultados. Se analizaron las demandas de 114 ofertantes de empleo. Los directores de clínica, en un 21,6%, exigen alguna formación de posgrado para que el profesional se adecúe a las necesidades de los usuarios del centro. Las especialidades más demandadas fueron la fisioterapia deportiva, ginecología y obstetricia, osteopatía y terapia manual, neurología y Pilates. Conclusiones. La adopción de habilidades y competencias como la capacidad de gestión de la información, resolución de problemas y toma de decisiones no están siendo integradas durante la formación de la carrera de manera adecuada. Son necesarias intervenciones por parte de las instituciones educativas y profesionales del sector para alcanzar una formación que satisfaga las necesidades del mercado laboral en fisioterapia

    Aplicación de un programa de ejercicio terapéutico en población adulta con discapacidad intelectual

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    Objetivo Determinar qué efectos produce un programa de ejercicio terapéutico sobre la capacidad física funcional en personas con discapacidad intelectual. Material y métodos Se realizó un estudio cuasi-experimental con una muestra final de 24 adultos con discapacidad intelectual, de un rango de edad comprendido entre 24 y 60 años, distribuidos de forma aleatoria en un grupo experimental (11 hombres y 6 mujeres) y un grupo control (6 hombres y una mujer). Se evaluó la condición física funcional antes de realizar un programa de ejercicio terapéutico de 10 semanas de duración, inmediatamente después del programa y 6 meses después de finalizar el mismo. Resultados Al realizar una comparación de los grupos con respecto a los registros obtenidos dentro del período preintervención y postintervención, observamos que el grupo de ejercicio terapéutico obtuvo mejores puntuaciones (p < 0,01) que el grupo control en las variables de resistencia aeróbica, fuerza de piernas, fuerza de brazos, agilidad y coordinación. Comparando los períodos preintervención y 6 meses después de finalizar el programa, el grupo de ejercicio terapéutico siguió mostrando mejores puntuaciones (p < 0,05) en fuerza de piernas, fuerza de brazos y resistencia aeróbica con respecto al grupo control. Conclusiones La aplicación de un programa de ejercicio terapéutico de 10 semanas de duración mejora las puntuaciones en las variables de la condición física funcional medidas a través del Senior Fitness Test en adultos con discapacidad intelectual. El efecto del programa de intervención presenta una duración menor a los 6 meses, período a partir del cual los registros retornan a valores iniciales

    Compliance with the recommendations of the World Health Organization on the practice of physical activity in people over 65 years in Spain

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    Purpose: Identifying whether the recommendations of the WHO regarding the amount of weekly time dedicated to the practice of PA in its different modalities are being met in the population of people over 65 in Spain. Method: This study has used data provided by 1317 interviewees aged 65 to 69 years old included in the Spanish Health Survey. Results: 19.1% of the sample said to not walk any day of the week at least 10 minutes, being the 84.2% those who did, at least, 150 minutes per week. Concerning the accomplishment of intense and moderate physical activity generally, the general or optimal recommendations for the weekly time were not satisfied. The proportion of individuals that comply the recommendations, general and optimal, of physical activity moderate were 17.4% in both cases. Those percentages, regarding intense exercise, the percentage of individuals that comply with the recommendations are reduced to 6.6% and 2.4%, for general and optimal recommendations, respectively. Conclusion: The practice of moderate and intense exercise is not within the frequent habits of people over 65 years of age, and this phenomenon could be one of the causes of the increasing health demand in this country (regardless of whether it is of a sensitive sector to get sick from the ageing process)