68 research outputs found

    Surgical navigation, augmented reality, and 3D printing for hard palate adenoid cystic carcinoma en-bloc resection: case report and literature review

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    Adenoid Cystic Carcinoma is a rare and aggressive tumor representing less than 1% of head and neck cancers. This malignancy often arises from the minor salivary glands, being the palate its most common location. Surgical en-bloc resection with clear margins is the primary treatment. However, this location presents a limited line of sight and a high risk of injuries, making the surgical procedure challenging. In this context, technologies such as intraoperative navigation can become an effective tool, reducing morbidity and improving the safety and accuracy of the procedure. Although their use is extended in fields such as neurosurgery, their application in maxillofacial surgery has not been widely evidenced. One reason is the need to rigidly fixate a navigation reference to the patient, which often entails an invasive setup. In this work, we studied three alternative and less invasive setups using optical tracking, 3D printing and augmented reality. We evaluated their precision in a patient-specific phantom, obtaining errors below 1 mm. The optimum setup was finally applied in a clinical case, where the navigation software was used to guide the tumor resection. Points were collected along the surgical margins after resection and compared with the real ones identified in the postoperative CT. Distances of less than 2 mm were obtained in 90% of the samples. Moreover, the navigation provided confidence to the surgeons, who could then undertake a less invasive and more conservative approach. The postoperative CT scans showed adequate resection margins and confirmed that the patient is free of disease after two years of follow-up.This work has been supported by projects PI18/01625 (Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades, Instituto de Salud Carlos III and European Regional Development Fund “Una manera de hacer Europa”) and IND2018/TIC-9753 (Comunidad de Madrid)

    Uso de técnicas de medida de nivel de velocidad de vibración y SolidNoiseTM en la evaluación de cámaras acústicas de transmisión sonora

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    To know the limits and performance of transmission suites CEA) transmission flanks measurements are required, among others. At the Institute of Construction Science Eduardo Torroja, acoustic chambers are used as a testing scene for a new engineering tool called SolidNoiseTM, with which flanking sound transmission and flanking paths contribution of the different faces have been estimated. This paper shows the study made in this test environment and the results of CEA characterization that will allow to improve them and to take advantage of their working range.Para conocer los límites y las prestaciones de las cámaras de transmisión sonora (CEA) se requiere, entre otras, pruebas de evaluación de la transmisión por flancos. En el Instituto de Ciencias de la Construcción Eduardo Torroja, se han usado las cámaras acústicas como campo de pruebas para una nueva herramienta de ingeniería llamada SolidNoiseTM, con la que se ha podido estimar la transmisión por flancos, y la contribución de las vías de transmisión de los diferentes paramentos. En esta comunicación se presenta el estudio realizado en este entorno de pruebas y los resultados obtenidos de caracterización de las cámaras que permitirán optimizarlas y explotar sus posibilidades de trabajo

    Expression analysis of the thyrotropin-releasing hormone receptor (TRHR) in the immune system using agonist anti-TRHR monoclonal antibodies

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    AbstractMonoclonal anti-rat thyrotropin-releasing hormone (TRH) receptor (TRHR)-specific antibodies (mAb) were generated by immunization with synthetic peptides of rat TRHR partial amino acid sequences; one (TRHR01) was directed against a sequence (84–98) in the extracellular portion of the rat TRHR reported to be constant among different species, including man, and the second (TRHR02) recognizes the C-terminal region sequence 399–412. In lysates from GH4C1 cells, a clonal rat pituitary cell line, both mAb recognize the TRHR in Western blot analysis, and TRHR02 immunoprecipitates the TRHR. Incubation of GH4C1 cells with the mAb causes a fluorescence shift in fluorescence-activated cell sorting analysis. The cells were stained specifically by both mAb using immunocytochemical techniques. Furthermore, TRHR01 is agonistic in its ability to trigger Ca2+ flux, and desensitizes the TRH receptor. We tested for TRHR in several rat organs and found expression in lymphoid tissues. TRHR01 recognizes the human TRHR, and analysis of human peripheral blood lymphocyte and tonsil-derived leukocyte populations showed receptor expression in non-activated and phytohemagglutinin-activated T and B cells

    The projection of images in the Spanish secondary school classrooms in the first third of the 20th century

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    In the context of the research project ‘Dynamics of Educational and Scientific Renewal in Secondary School Classrooms (1900-1936): An Iberian perspective’. (HAR 2014-54073) it has been developed an empi-rical study using the methodology of Content Analysis. This methodology has been applied to the set of visual messages with divulgative character was projected all over the Historical High School in Spain. The results of the studies reveal relevant aspects of the role that mentioned elements of material culture had in the transformation of the science teaching in the Secondary School Classrooms in the First Third of the 20thEn el contexto del proyecto de investigación ‘Dinámicas de renovación educativa y científica en las aulas de bachillerato (1900-1936): una perspectiva ibérica’ (HAR 2014-54073) se ha desarrollado un estudio de análisis de contenido aplicado al conjunto de mensajes visuales de carácter divulgativo proyectados en los institutos históricos de bachillerato en España. Los resultados del estudio desvelan aspectos relevantes del papel que dichos elementos de la cultura material tuvieron en la transformación de la enseñanza científica en las aulas españolas de educación secundaria en el primer tercio del siglo XX

    Associations between respiratory function, balance, postural control, and fatigue in persons with multiple sclerosis: an observational study

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    IntroductionFatigue, postural control impairments, and reduced respiratory capacities are common symptoms in persons diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis (MS). However, there is a paucity of evidence establishing correlations among these factors. The aim of this study is to analyze respiratory function in persons with MS compared to the control group as well as to analyze the relationship between fatigue, respiratory function and postural control in persons with MS.Materials and methodsA total of 17 persons with MS and 17 healthy individuals were enrolled for this cross-sectional study. The evaluated parameters included fatigue assessed using the Visual Analog Scale-fatigue (VAS-F) and the Borg Dyspnea Scale, postural control assessed through the Mini Balance Evaluation System Test (Mini-BESTest), Berg Balance Scale (BBS), Timed Up and Go (TUG) test, and Trunk Impairment Scale (TIS); and respiratory capacities measured by Maximum Inspiratory Pressure (MIP), Maximum Expiratory Pressure (MEP), Forced Vital Capacity (FVC), Forced Expiratory Volume in the first second (FEV1), FEV1/FVC ratio, Diaphragmatic excursion and diaphragmatic thickness.ResultsA very high correlation was observed between the Borg Dyspnoea Scale and the BBS (r = −0.768), TUG (0.867), and Mini-BESTest (r = −0.775). The VAS-F exhibited an almost perfect correlation solely with the TUG (0.927). However, none of the variables related to fatigue exhibited any correlation with the respiratory variables under study. Balance-related variables such as BBS and Mini-BESTest demonstrated a very high and high correlation. Respectively, with respiratory function variables MEP (r = 0.783; r = 0.686), FVC (r = 0.709; r = 0.596), FEV1 (r = 0.615; r = 0.518). BBS exhibited a high correlation with diaphragmatic excursion (r = 0.591). Statistically significant differences were noted between the persons with MS group and the control group in all respiratory and ultrasound parameters except for diaphragmatic thickness.ConclusionThe findings suggest that decreased postural control and balance are associated with both respiratory capacity impairments and the presence of fatigue in persons with MS. However, it is important to note that the alterations in respiratory capacities and fatigue are not mutually related, as indicated by the data obtained in this study. Discrepancies were identified in abdominal wall thickness, diaphragmatic excursion, and respiratory capacities between persons with MS and their healthy counterparts

    Using the SOAR Approach to Teach Middle School Students about Math and Science Concepts Found in Engineering

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    In order to address the lack of knowledge about the engineering profession in middle-level students, the project described in this Honors Thesis was developed. Through the creation of an afterschool program centered on engineering, students were able to apply the math and science concepts covered to design, build, and test a bridge. One particular lesson from this after-school program was highlighted in this thesis, the lesson covering the Pythagorean Theorem, to demonstrate the use of SOAR methodology in the lesson’s development and later use in the classroom. The effectiveness of the Pythagorean Theorem lesson was evaluated positively based on the analysis of student learning by their performance on sample Pythagorean Theorem problems. After a semester of instruction, students showed greater interest in engineering and were more likely to see themselves becoming engineers in the future

    Electrochemical immunosensing of Growth arrest‐specific 6 in human plasma and tumor cell secretomes

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    Growth arrest-specific 6 (GAS6) protein plays a key role in processes related toproliferation,inflammation,angiogenesis,andatheroscleroticplaqueformation.In addition, it has been reported that plasma levels of GAS6 are related to cancerprognosis and other relevant pathologies, such as heart failure or sepsis. Wereport here the first electrochemical immunoplatform for the determination ofGAS6, which has demonstrated to be competitive with other available method-ologies in terms of cost, simplicity, and decentralized application. The developedimmunoplatform involves a sandwich immunoassay using magnetic microparti-cles (MBs) and uses amperometric detection at disposable screen-printed carbonelectrodes (SPCEs). The MBs were modified with an antibody specific to GAS6for its selective capture, which is further recognized by a biotinylated secondaryantibody subsequently labeled with a streptavidin-horseradish peroxidase(Strep-HRP) conjugate. The electrochemical detection was carried out using thehydroquinone (HQ)/H2O2system. The developed bioplatform exhibits a greatselectivity and low limit of detection (27 pg/mL) that allowed the determinationof the GAS6 circulating level in plasma samples from patients suffering heartfailure (HF) and diagnosed with pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma (PDAC),as well as the determination of the target protein in raw secretomes of humancolorectal cancer cell lines.This work is part of the POSITION-II project funded by the ECSEL Joint Undertaking under grant number Ecsel-783132-Position-II-2017-IA; www.position-2.eu, and PCI2018-093067 (Spanish Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación) to M.P. The financial support of PID2019-103899RB-I00 (Spanish Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación) Research Project to S.C., PI17CIII/00045 and PI20CIII/00019 grants from the AES-ISCIII program to R.B. and the TRANSNANOAVANSENS-CM Program from the Comunidad de Madrid (Grant S2018/NMT-4349) to S.C., RTI2018-095672-B-I00 (Spanish Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación) to P.G.F.; Fundació la Marató de TV3 project 081010 to M.B.; research project PI20/00625, from the AES-ISCIII/FEDER program, to P.N, are gratefully acknowledged. A. Montero-Calle acknowledges the support of the FPU predoctoral contracts by the Spanish Ministerio de Educación, Cultura y Deporte. G.S-F. is recipient of a predoctoral contract (grant number 1193818N) supported by The Flanders Research Foundation (FWO). C. Muñoz-San Martín acknowledges a predoctoral contract from Complutense University of Madrid. R.M. Torrente-Rodríguez acknowledges a Talento-Contract from Comunidad de Madrid (2019-T2/IND-15965).S

    Revealing prevalent cancers by interrogating glycoproteins with sustainable immunoelectrochemical tools

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    Trabajo presentado en el 4th European Biosensor Symposium, celebrado en Aquisgrán (Alemania), del 27 al 30 de agosto de 2023Introduction. The worldwide incidence and death toll of colorectal and pancreatic cancers (CRC and PDAC) have increased considerably since 1990. For this reason, both early detection and regular follow-up are considered key factors in improving patient prognosis. In this sense, the determination of the total content of specific proteins and their aberrantly glycosylated fraction in oncologic processes could help to achieve the proposed goals. Results and Discussion. In this work, two simple but highly competitive electrochemical immunoplatforms for the determination of total and glycosylated post-translational modified haptoglobin (Hp) [1], and CA19-9 [2] (candidate biomarkers associated with colorectal and pancreatic cancer, respectively) are presented. As seen in Figure 1, these biotools are uplifted in the use of magnetic immunocaptors and another antibody or a lectin as detector elements lastly labeled with HRP, which enables subsequent amperometric detection. The presented bioplatforms exhibit attractive characteristics in terms of simplicity, affordability, and point-of-care application compared to the conventional available methodologies, highlighting low detection limits (0.07 and 0.46 ng mL¿1 for total and glycosylated Hp, respectively, and 1.5 U mL¿1 for CA19-9), and short assay times (< 2 h). The workability of these quantitative bioplatforms for the analysis of secretomes from cultured CRC cells with the distinct potential to metastasize (Hp) or serum samples from healthy and PDAC-diagnosed subjects (CA19-9) was assessed to definitely confirm full exploitation of all the above exposed enticing attributes. Conclusions. Our findings clearly revealed the unquestionable ability of these modern electrochemical immunoplatforms to discriminate between healthy and cancer-diagnosed subjects, as well as to assess disease progression, positioning these simple but effective methodologies as advanced electroanalytical tools with proven real biomedical applications, and the hope of aiding in the accurate diagnosis of prevalent and high mortality cancers