160 research outputs found

    Mosquitos domiciliarios (Díptera: culicidae) y su relación como vectores de arbovirus en la ciudad de Mérida, Yucatán, México

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    Tesis (Maestría en Ciencias con Especialidad en Entomología Médica) UANLUANLhttp://www.uanl.mx

    Bionomía del mosquito Culex quinquefasciatus (SAY, 1823)) y su relación con el virus del oeste del nilo (VON) en la ciudad de Mérida, Yucatán, México

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    El virus del Oeste del Nilo (VON), pertenece a al género Flavivirus y a la familia Flaviviridae, en su ciclo de transmisión involucra mosquitos y aves, aunque en ocasiones es transmitido a otros hospederos entre ellos los humanos y equinos. En Yucatán se ha reportado la presencia de este virus en caballos, en aves migratorias y residentes, así como otros vertebrados en cautiverio. Debido a que el VON ya se halla en Yucatán y específicamente en la ciudad de Mérida es importante el conocer la bionomía del que se considera es el vector, el mosquito Culex quinquefasciatus. El objetivo general fue el determinar diferentes aspectos biológicos de Cx. quinquefasciatus en la ciudad de Mérida, así comó la incriminación de esta especie en la transmisión del VON en la región. Se realizaron muestreos en la ciudad utilizando métodos entomológicos como cajas rojas y trampas capturadoras; para la busqueda de la presencia del VON en los mosquitos se usó la técnica de RT-PCR. Por otra parte se estudió el biorritmo de picadura y se determino el estado trófico de las hembras capturadas. Así mismo, se obtuvo la sobrevida y la longitud del gonociclo mediante el método de series cruzadas de tiempo al comienzo y al final de la época de lluvias. Por último, se determinó las preferencias alimenticias y el rango de forrajeo usando PCR. Las colectas se realizaron del mes de enero al mes de diciembre diciembre de 2005, usando diferentes métodos: en las trampas capturadoras se colectaron un total de 4 544 mosquitos machos y 11 722 hembras, siendo el horario de mayor captura después de la las 12 de la noche, el 91% fueron hembras no alimentadas. Con respecto a las colectas en sitios de reposo se obtuvieron 9 099 machos y 4 856 hembras y el 35% fueron hembras alimentadas, el mes donde se obtuvieron más mosquitos fue agosto. Con respecto a la búsqueda del VON se probaron 685 grupos de mosquitos, hallándose seis muestras con bandas de igual peso molecular que el VON no se pudo demostrar la presencia de este virus en Mérida. El gonociclo se calculó en 4 días mediante el método de series cruzadas en las dos épocas, así como por la oogénesis. En relación a las preferencias alimenticias se determinó que el 88.11 % de los mosquitos se alimentó de aves y el 11.89 % de mamíferos. Estos resultados demuestran que esta especie está bien adaptada al medio urbano y se considerada la principal especie en la trasnmisión de este virus a los vertebrados. Abstract The West Nile Virus (WNV) belongs to the family Flaviviridae, in its transmission cycle involves mosquitos and birds, although in occasions it is transmitted to other hosts like humans and horses. In Yucatan the presence of this virus has been reported in horses, in migratory birds and residents, as well as other vertebrates in captivity. Because is already in Yucatan and specifically in the city of Merida it is important knowing the bionomics of which is considered the printipal mosquito vector Culex quinquefasciatus. The general objective was determining different biological aspects of Cx. quinquefasciatus in Merida City, like incrimination of this specie in the transmission of the WNV in the area. Using differents emtolomogical methods like red boxes and Mosquito Magnets traps; for the search of the presence of the WNV in the mosquitos the technique of RT-PCR. On the other hand it was studied the and all the collected mosquitos female they were determined the trophic state in which were found. In this study was carried out by means of the method of crossed series of time at the beginning and the end of the rainy season the and the length of the gonotrophic cycle. Lastly it was determined the host preferences and the forage range using PCR. The mosquitos were collected during January to December of 2005, using different methods, in the capturing traps a total of 4 544 male mosquitos and 11 722 females were collected, being the schedule of more capture after 2400 hours. 91% was females not fed. With regard to the collections 9 099 males and 4 856 females and 35% were obtained they were female fed, the month where more mosquitos were captured it was August. With regard to the search of the WNV 685 groups of mosquitos were tested being six samples with bands of same molecular weight that the WNV although we could not de virus isolation in Merida. The gonotrophic cycle was calculated in 4 days by means of the method of crossed series in the two times, as well as for the oogenesis. The host preferences of this species were determined that 88.11% of the mosquitos was fed of avians and 11.89% of mammals. These results demonstrate that this species has good adaptation to the urban means and is considered in the transmission from this virus to vertebrates

    The role of motivations and satisfaction in repeat participation in cycling tourism events

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    With the rise of international cycling tourism, it is necessary to study the role that motivations and satisfaction play in explaining the probability of repeat participation. This study analyses a sample of 1098 participants in the “Mallorca312”, an international road cycling race. The results confirm the importance of motivations related to contemplation, lifestyle, social interaction, and the satisfaction dimension before, during and after service increase the probability of repeat participation. Furthermore, the findings contribute to the theory of the characterization and behaviour of cycling tourists, in addition to helping event organisers and destination management to improve their marketing strategies. Management implications This article provides management implications for enhancing marketing campaign effectiveness and repeat participation in sports tourism events. These suggestions will - Promote more sustainable tourism and maintain constant demand outside peak season, - Focus promotional campaigns on motivational dimensions that increase the likelihood of repeat participation, - Emphasize experiential aspects and social interactions in event organization, - Vary challenges and new routes to sustain participant interest. The study provides information to identify and attract the most profitable and potentially loyal market segments, thereby improving segmentation efficiency, promotional campaign effectiveness, and the event's economic performance.Funding for open access charge: Universidad de Málaga/CBU

    El estrés en los peces. II-Factores estresantes comunes en los peces cultivados

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    Los peces cultivados están sometidos habitualmente a una serie de condiciones negativas que provienen tanto de las características físico-químicas de su medio ambiente, como de las operaciones propias del cultivo. En este trabajo se revisan los principales factores causantes de estrés a los peces, tales como calidad del agua (temperatura, pH, oxígeno disuelto, contaminantes, etc.), manipulación, tratamiento de enfermedades y anestesi

    El estrés en los peces. II-Factores estresantes comunes en los peces cultivados

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    Fish in intensive culture are affected both by the characteristics of aquatic environment itself and by the stress of hatchery conditions. This paper review the more common causes of stress in fish such as water quality (temperature, pH, dissolved oxigen, contaminants, etc.), handling, disease treatments and anaesthesia.Los peces cultivados están sometidos habitualmente a una serie de condiciones negativas que provienen tanto de las características físico-químicas de su medio ambiente, como de las operaciones propias del cultivo. En este trabajo se revisan los principales factores causantes de estrés a los peces, tales como calidad del agua (temperatura, pH, oxígeno disuelto, contaminantes, etc.), manipulación, tratamiento de enfermedades y anestesia

    Segmentación de los cicloturistas de montaña en las islas baleares a través de las motivaciones de visita: un análisis clúster

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    El objetivo principal de este trabajo fue explorar el perfil del cicloturista de montaña en las islas Baleares a través de un análisis de sus motivaciones de visita. Específicamente, se segmentó una muestra de asistentes a una prueba de turismo de montaña (n=499) utilizando un análisis clúster y explorando las diferencias entre segmentos respecto a variables sociodemográficas y de comportamiento. El análisis factorial reveló cuatro dimensiones de la motivación para la participación: fisiológico sensoriales, prácticas utilitarias/seguridad, motivaciones hedónicas y experiencia previa. Los valores medios indicaron que la señalización de las rutas, una buena meteorología y el coste del viaje fueron las motivaciones principales. Un análisis clúster originó tres grupos: buscadores multipropósito, utilitarios-de prestigio y sensoriales. Con la finalidad de especificar el perfil de los grupos se cruzaron con variables externas (socioeconómicas y comportamiento). Las implicaciones para las estrategias de marketing y del ciclismo de montaña como dinamizador de destinos turísticos fueron discutidas.The main objective of this work was to explore the profile of the mountain cyclist in the Balearic Islands through an analysis of their motivations to visit. Specifically, a sample of participants in a mountain bike event (n = 499) was analyzed using cluster analysis and exploring the differences between events on sociodemographic and behavior variables. The factorial analysis revealed four dimensions of motivation to participate: physiological sensory, utilitarian / safety practices, hedonic motivations and previous experience. The mean values indicated that the signaling of the routes, to good meteorology and the cost of the trip were the main motivations. A cluster analysis produced three groups: multipurpose seekers, utilitarian-prestige, sensory seekers. In order to specify the profile of the groups, they were crossed with external variables (socioeconomic and behavior). The implications for marketing strategies and mountain biking as a driving force for tourism destinations were discussed

    Una propuesta de innovación docente: trabajo social en Europa. Modulo interculutra y comparado en lenguas románicas

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    Una propuesta de innovación docente: trabajo social en Europa. Modulo interculutra y comparado en lenguas románica

    Detection and variability analyses of CRISPR-like loci in the H. pylori genome

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    Helicobacter pylori is a human pathogenic bacterium with a high genomic plasticity. Although the functional CRISPR-Cas system has not been found in its genome, CRISPR-like loci have been recently identified. In this work, 53 genomes from different geographical areas are analyzed for the search and analysis of variability of this type of structure. We confirm the presence of a locus that was previously described in the VlpC gene in al lgenomes, and we characterize new CRISPR-like loci in other genomic locations. By studying the variability and gene location of these loci, the evolution and the possible roles of these sequences are discussed. Additionally, the usefulness of this type of sequences as a phylogenetic marker has been demonstrated, associating the different strains by geographical area

    Pistachio genomes provide insights into nut tree domestication and ZW sex chromosome evolution

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    Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovacio´ n of Spain (project nos. AGL2009-09094 and RYC-2011-08653), the University of Granada (project no. PP2016- PIP13), and the Natural Science Foundation of Fujian Province, China (project nos. 2021J01142 and 2018J01606) for providing financial support for this research.Pistachio is a nut crop domesticated in the Fertile Crescent and a dioecious species with ZW sex chromosomes. We sequenced the genomes of Pistacia vera cultivar (cv.) Siirt, the female parent, and P. vera cv. Bagyolu, the male parent. Two chromosome-level reference genomes of pistachio were generated, and Z and W chromosomes were assembled. The ZW chromosomes originated from an autosome following the first inversion, which occurred approximately 8.18 Mya. Three inversion events in the W chromosome led to the formation of a 12.7-Mb (22.8% of the W chromosome) non-recombining region. These W-specific sequences contain several genes of interest that may have played a pivotal role in sex determination and contributed to the initiation and evolution of a ZW sex chromosome system in pistachio. The W-specific genes, including defA, defA-like, DYT1, two PTEN1, and two tandem duplications of six VPS13A paralogs, are strong candidates for sex determination or differentiation. Demographic history analysis of resequenced genomes suggest that cultivated pistachio underwent severe domestication bottlenecks approximately 7640 years ago, dating the domestication event close to the archeological record of pistachio domestication in Iran. We identified 390, 211, and 290 potential selective sweeps in 3 cultivar subgroups that underlie agronomic traits such as nut development and quality, grafting success, flowering time shift, and drought tolerance. These findings have improved our understanding of the genomic basis of sex determination/differentiation and horticulturally important traits and will accelerate the improvement of pistachio cultivars and rootstocks.Departamento de Genética. Grupo BIO200. Facultad de Ciencias. Universidad de Granad

    Is type of work associated with physical activity and sedentary behaviour in women with fibromyalgia? A cross-sectional study from the al-Ándalus project

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    Objectives To analyse the association between the type of work (productive vs reproductive work) and the levels of physical activity and sedentary behaviour in women with fibromyalgia. Method This cross-sectional study involved 258 women with fibromyalgia from southern Spain. Of them, 55% performed reproductive work (unpaid, associated with caregiving and domestic roles) exclusively, while 45% had productive job (remunerated, that results in goods or services). Physical activity of light, moderate and vigorous intensity in the leisure time, at home, at work, and totally were measured through the leisure time physical activity instrument and with the physical activity at home and work instrument, respectively. Sedentary behaviour was measured by the Sedentary Behaviour Questionnaire. Results After adjusting for age, fat percentage, education level and marital status, the multivariate analysis of covariance model informed the existence of significant differences between type of work groups (p<0.001). Women with productive work engaged in more light physical activity at work (mean difference =448.52 min; 95 % CI 179.66 to 717.38; p=0.001), and total physical activity of light (809.72 min; 535.91 to 1085.53; p<0.001) and moderate (299.78 min; 97.31 to 502.25; p=0.004) intensity. Women with reproductive work engaged in more light physical activity at home (379.14; 175.64 to 582.64; p<0.001). Leisure time physical activity and sedentary behaviour were similar in both groups (p>0.05 for all comparisons). Conclusions Women with productive work had greater levels of physical activity compared with those who only did reproductive work, except for physical activity at home. Having productive work might facilitate movement of women with fibromyalgia towards a more active lifestyle.Spanish Ministries of Economy and Competitiveness I+D+i DEP2010-15639 I+D+i DEP2013-40908-RSpanish Government FPU15/00002University of Granada, Plan Propio de Investigacion 2016, Excellence actions: Units of Excellence; Unit of Excellence on Exercise and Health (UCEES)Junta de Andalucia, Consejeria de Conocimiento, Investigacion y Universidades and European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) SOMM17/6107/UGREuropean Union (EU) 70740