8 research outputs found

    Características socioacadémicas de estudiantes en Chile postulados con talento escolar para la pedagogía

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    Este artículo analiza las características socioacadémicas de estudiantes de liceos públicos chilenos en contextos de pobreza, que fueron seleccionados por sus profesores como potenciales buenos postulantes a la carrera pedagógica, con aptitud o talento para la pedagogía. El estudio es descriptivo comparativo. Se aplicó un cuestionario a 585 estudiantes de doce liceos. Paralelamente, mediante grupos de discusión, los profesores identificaron previamente 74 con aptitud para la pedagogía y 511 que no la tenían. El cuestionario recogió información sociodemográfica, de rendimiento y de participación social de todos los estudiantes. Luego, los datos se compararon entre los dos grupos a través de chi-cuadrado. Los resultados muestran que los estudiantes seleccionados por sus profesores tienen buenos rendimientos escolares. No hay diferencias significativas por género, nivel socioeconómico ni composición del grupo familiar; sí las hay en atributos como liderazgo estudiantil y participación social. Los resultados muestran que los docentes en servicio destacan el desempeño académico junto con la participación social y el liderazgo, como aspectos que debemos considerar para seleccionar los mejores candidatos para una carrera pedagógica. A partir de los hallazgos de este estudio, se observó que los profesores consideraron a todas sus categorías de selección como un concepto integrado; nunca seleccionaron a sus potenciales estudiantes de pedagogías estimando categorías de atributos personales, capacidades académicas y habilidades de tipo social que fuesen independientes unas de otras.This article discusses the socio-academic characteristics of public high-school students in poverty contexts, who were selected by their teachers as potential good applicants to the pedagogical career, with aptitude or talent for pedagogy. The study is both descriptive and comparative. A questionnaire was applied to 585 students from 12 high-schools. At the same time, through discussion groups, teachers had previously identified 74 students with aptitude for pedagogy and 511 without such aptitude. The questionnaire collected information concerning sociodemographic data, academic performance and social participation from all students. Then, data were compared between the two groups through chi-square. The results show that students selected by their teachers have good school achievement level. There is no significant differences regarding gender, socioeconomic status or composition of the family group; however there are remarkable differences in attributes such as student leadership and social participation. The results also show that in-service teachers emphasize academic performance along with social and social participation leadership as aspects to be considered in order to select the best candidates for a pedagogical career. Based on the findings of this study, it could be noted that teachers saw all their selection categories as an integrated concept; they never selected potential pedagogy students by estimating personal attribute categories, academic skills, and social skills that taken as independent from each other

    Una mirada instantánea del mundo: ciudades visibles

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    En el Número 31 de la Revista (AS) Arquitecturas del Sur aparecerá la primera versión de esta sección, estructurada a partir de fotografías de pequeñas fracciones de distintas ciudades del mundo, todas sacadas el mismo día

    Características socioacadémicas de estudiantes en Chile postulados con talento escolar para la pedagogía

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    This article discusses the socio-academic characteristics of public high-school students in poverty contexts, who were selected by their teachers as potential good applicants to the pedagogical career, with aptitude or talent for pedagogy. The study is both descriptive and comparative. A questionnaire was applied to 585 students from 12 high-schools. At the same time, through discussion groups, teachers had previously identified 74 students with aptitude for pedagogy and 511 without such aptitude. The questionnaire collected information concerning sociodemographic data, academic performance and social participation from all students. Then, data were compared between the two groups through chi-square. The results show that students selected by their teachers have good school achievement level. There is no significant differences regarding gender, socioeconomic status or composition of the family group; however there are remarkable differences in attributes such as student leadership and social participation. The results also show that in-service teachers emphasize academic performance along with social and social participation leadership as aspects to be considered in order to select the best candidates for a pedagogical career. Based on the findings of this study, it could be noted that teachers saw all their selection categories as an integrated concept; they never selected potential pedagogy students by estimating personal attribute categories, academic skills, and social skills that taken as independent from each other.Este artículo analiza las características socioacadémicas de estudiantes de liceos públicos chilenos en contextos de pobreza, que fueron seleccionados por sus profesores como potenciales buenos postulantes a la carrera pedagógica, con aptitud o talento para la pedagogía. El estudio es descriptivo comparativo. Se aplicó un cuestionario a 585 estudiantes de doce liceos. Paralelamente, mediante grupos de discusión, los profesores identificaron previamente 74 con aptitud para la pedagogía y 511 que no la tenían. El cuestionario recogió información sociodemográfica, de rendimiento y de participación social de todos los estudiantes. Luego, los datos se compararon entre los dos grupos a través de chi-cuadrado. Los resultados muestran que los estudiantes seleccionados por sus profesores tienen buenos rendimientos escolares. No hay diferencias significativas por género, nivel socioeconómico ni composición del grupo familiar; sí las hay en atributos como liderazgo estudiantil y participación social. Los resultados muestran que los docentes en servicio destacan el desempeño académico junto con la participación social y el liderazgo, como aspectos que debemos considerar para seleccionar los mejores candidatos para una carrera pedagógica. A partir de los hallazgos de este estudio, se observó que los profesores consideraron a todas sus categorías de selección como un concepto integrado; nunca seleccionaron a sus potenciales estudiantes de pedagogías estimando categorías de atributos personales, capacidades académicas y habilidades de tipo social que fuesen independientes unas de otras

    Effects of polarized training on cardiometabolic risk factors in young overweight and obese women: A randomized-controlled trial

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    Introduction: Volume and intensity are major variables governing exercise training-mediated beneficial effects in both athletes and patients. Although polarized endurance training optimizes and maximizes physiological gains in highly trained individuals, its cardiometabolic protective-effects have not been established. The purpose of the present single site, randomized-controlled trial was to compare the effects of 12-weeks of high-intensity interval training (HIIT), moderate-intensity continuous training (MICT), and polarized volume training (POL) programs on cardiometabolic risk factors in young overweight and obese women. Materials and Methods: A total of 64 overweight/obese young women (age 23.3 ± 3.8 years, body mass index 33.8 ± 3.8 kg/m2) were randomly assigned to four groups: control group (CTRL), polarized volume training group, moderate-intensity endurance training group, and HIIT group. The cardiorespiratory capacity, glycemic and lipid profiles, whole-body substrate utilization, and body composition were assessed before and after the intervention. Results: After the intervention, VO2peak and power output at VO2peak increased in all exercised-groups (time effect: p < 0.0001). Power output at VT1 was increased only in the POL group compared to the CTRL group (p = 0.019). Relative fold changes in fasting plasma glucose concentrations decreased only in POL group (p = 0.002). Training induced a significant increase in relative fat oxidation in all the groups (time effect: p < 0.001). Relative fat oxidation increased only in the POL group compared to the CTRL group (training effect: p = 0.032). Conclusion: Twelve-weeks of polarized volume training showed overall superior effects on cardiorespiratory fitness, basal glycemic control, and substrate oxidation in comparison to MICT and HIIT training modalities. These data suggest that polarized volume training is an effective non-pharmacological treatment strategy for reducing cardiovascular disease risk factors in young overweight and obese women.Universidad de Concepción (#2016-PI215136015-1.0IN)3.201 JCR (2018) Q1, 25/81 Physiology1.153 SJR (2018) Q2, 64/188 Physiology, 36/108 Physiology (medical)No data IDR 2018UE

    Una mirada instantánea del mundo.: Ciudades visibles

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    En el Número 31 de la Revista (AS) Arquitecturas del Sur aparecerá la primera versión de esta sección, estructurada a partir de fotografías de pequeñas fracciones de distintas ciudades del mundo, todas sacadas el mismo día

    Integrating climate adaptation and transboundary management:Guidelines for designing climate-smart marine protected areas

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    Climate change poses an urgent threat to biodiversity that demands societal responses. The magnitude of this challenge is reflected in recent international commitments to protect 30% of the planet by 2030 while adapting to climate change. However, because climate change is global, interventions must transcend political boundaries. Here, using the California Bight as a case study, we provide 21 biophysical guidelines for designing climate-smart transboundary marine protected area (MPA) networks and conduct analyses to inform their application. We found that future climates and marine heatwaves could decrease ecological connectivity by 50% and hinder the recovery of vulnerable species in MPAs. To buffer the impacts of climate change, MPA coverage should be expanded, focusing on protecting critical nodes for the network and climate refugia, where impacts might be less severe. For shared ecoregions, these actions require international coordination. Our work provides the first comprehensive framework for integrating climate resilience for MPAs in transboundary ecoregions, which will support other nations’ aspirations.</p