979 research outputs found

    Frontiers and political agregations in Celtiberia: data for a debate

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    Proyecto de investigación “Entre la paz y la guerra: alianzas, confederaciones y diplomacia en el Occidente mediterráneo (siglos III-I a.C.)” (Ref. HAR2011-27782), Plan Nacional I+D+I, Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad, Gobierno de España. Grupo de Investigación Occidens UIB-UAM (www.occidens.es).En el contexto de la II Guerra Púnica (218-206 a.C. para la península Ibérica) y el proceso de expansión romana en Celtiberia (ca. 195-133 a.C.), nuestro objetivo se centra en poner en valor la dimensión espacial, territorial, de las dinámicas históricas, delimitando su papel en la generación de identidades en el mundo celtibérico. Planteamos, en primer lugar, un análisis diacrónico y una contextualización geopolítica de las referencias a coaliciones militares en el interior peninsular, destacando las alianzas defensivas formadas en la década de los años 90 del siglo II a.C. para tratar de contener el avance romano en la línea del Tajo, así como otros ejemplos de coaliciones conocidas para las guerras celtibéricas de mediados de siglo. Estudiamos también, seguidamente, la estructura interna de las póleis celtibéricas, subrayando su composición mixta (oppidum-ager), y reconstruyendo algunos datos sobre la gestión local de los recintos defensivos y de los límites de los territorios. Finalmente, analizamos los tres niveles político-militares identificables en el mundo celtibérico y su correlato territorial. Partiendo del concepto básico de civitas (en terminología latina), se discute la naturaleza suprapolítica y/o étnica de los populi, para analizar finalmente los mecanismos de generación de grandes alianzas y coaliciones, cuya perpetuación en el tiempo habría propiciado también la aparición de elementos identitarios regionales.In the context of the Second Punic War (218-206 BC for the Iberian Peninsula) and the process of Roman expansion in Celtiberia (ca. 195-133 BC), we underline the importance of the territorial, spatial dimension of the historical dynamics, defining its role in the generation of identities in the Celtiberian world. We propose, firstly, a diachronic analysis and a geopolitical contextualization of references to military coalitions in the inner Iberian Peninsula, paying special attention to the defensive alliances formed in the early 90s of the 2nd century BC trying to contain the Roman advance on the line of the river Tagus. We consider also other examples of coalitions during the central decades of the 2nd century. Later on, we deal with the internal structure of the Celtiberian póleis, stressing its mixed composition (oppidum-ager), and reconstructing some data on the local management of the defensive structures and the limits of the territories. Finally, we analyze the three political-military layers that can be identified in the Celtiberian world and its territorial correlate. Starting from the basic concept of civitas (in Latin terminology), the suprapolitical and / or ethnic nature of the populi is discussed, to analyze, finally, the mechanisms of generation of large alliances and coalitions, whose perpetuation in time have also led to the emergence of elements of regional identity

    TEC forecasting based on manifold trajectories

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    In this paper, we present a method for forecasting the ionospheric Total Electron Content (TEC) distribution from the International GNSS Service’s Global Ionospheric Maps. The forecasting system gives an estimation of the value of the TEC distribution based on linear combination of previous TEC maps (i.e., a set of 2D arrays indexed by time), and the computation of a tangent subspace in a manifold associated to each map. The use of the tangent space to each map is justified because it allows modeling the possible distortions from one observation to the next as a trajectory on the tangent manifold of the map. The coefficients of the linear combination of the last observations along with the tangent space are estimated at each time stamp to minimize the mean square forecasting error with a regularization term. The estimation is made at each time stamp to adapt the forecast to short-term variations in solar activity.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Non-Linear Inner Structure of Topological Vector Spaces

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    Inner structure appeared in the literature of topological vector spaces as a tool to characterize the extremal structure of convex sets. For instance, in recent years, inner structure has been used to provide a solution to The Faceless Problem and to characterize the finest locally convex vector topology on a real vector space. This manuscript goes one step further by settling the bases for studying the inner structure of non-convex sets. In first place, we observe that the well behaviour of the extremal structure of convex sets with respect to the inner structure does not transport to non-convex sets in the following sense: it has been already proved that if a face of a convex set intersects the inner points, then the face is the whole convex set; however, in the non-convex setting, we find an example of a non-convex set with a proper extremal subset that intersects the inner points. On the opposite, we prove that if a extremal subset of a non-necessarily convex set intersects the affine internal points, then the extremal subset coincides with the whole set. On the other hand, it was proved in the inner structure literature that isomorphisms of vector spaces and translations preserve the sets of inner points and outer points. In this manuscript, we show that in general, affine maps and convex maps do not preserve inner points. Finally, by making use of the inner structure, we find a simple proof of the fact that a convex and absorbing set is a neighborhood of 0 in the finest locally convex vector topology. In fact, we show that in a convex set with internal points, the subset of its inner points coincides with the subset of its internal points, which also coincides with its interior with respect to the finest locally convex vector topology

    Recent activities of IAG working group “Ionosphere Prediction”

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    Ionospheric disturbances pose, for instance, an increasing risk on economy, national security, satellite and airline operations, communications networks and the navigation systems. Constructing forecasted ionospheric products with a reliable accuracy is still an ongoing challenge. In this sense, a Working Group (WG) with the title “Ionosphere Prediction” within the International Association of Geodesy (IAG) under Sub-Commission 4.3 “Atmosphere Remote Sensing” of the Commission 4 “Positioning and Applications” has been created and is actively working since 2015 to encourage scientific collaborations on developing models and discussing challenges of the ionosphere prediction problem. Different centers contribute to the WG such as the German Aerospace Center (DLR), Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC), Technical University of Munich (TUM) and GMV. One of the main focus of the WG is to evaluate different ionosphere prediction approaches and products which are highly depending on solar and geomagnetic conditions as well as on data from different measurement techniques (e.g. GNSS) with varying spatial-temporal resolution, sensitivity and latency. In this contribution, the recent progress of the WG on ionosphere prediction studies including individual and cooperated activities will be presented.Postprint (published version

    Older adult, wellness and systematic practice of physical activity. A qualitative look

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    En el presente artículo se presentan los resultados de una investigación sobre las percepciones de personas adultas mayores integradas en los talleres de actividad física de las Municipalidades de Valparaíso y Viña del Mar, Chile. Qué les ocurre en dicha participación y qué los conduce a mantenerse en ellas son las preguntas centrales en las que se ha focalizado el trabajo. A partir de la propuesta fenomenólogico-interpretativa se ha usado la metodología cualitativa para rescatar las propias voces de los adultos mayores. Se realizaron dos grupos de discusión, uno en cada una de las ciudades enunciadas, y cinco entrevistas en profundidad. A partir del análisis de contenido de carácter inductivo podemos concluir que la realización de práctica de actividad física y el mantenimiento en ellas se relacionan con actitudes ante la vida, caracterizadas por la autosuperacion, la disposición constante a aprender y la alegría de vivir.This article presents the results of an investigation about perceptions of senior citizens who attended the physical activities workshops in the municipalities of Valparaiso and Viña del Mar (Chile). The main questions are 2: how do these workshops work and what are the reasons why senior citizens keep attending them. The approach of the study is a qualitative one (two discussion groups, one in each city, and five in-depth interviews). From the content analysis (inductively), the conclusion is that physical activities (and the continuity of them) are related with selfimprovement, learning and joy of living attitudesUniversidad de Granada. Departamento de Didáctica y Organización Escolar. Grupo FORCE (HUM386

    Sistema de medición de la calidad de la Educación Física chilena: un análisis crítico

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    En este trabajo se analiza, cualitativa y críticamente, el sistema de evaluación utilizado por el Ministerio de Educación de Chile para medir la calidad de la educación física como asignatura del currículum escolar. Los procedimientos de análisis empleados, en general se ciñeron a las propuestas de fragmentación y articulación de la "Grounded Theory". Se concluye que dicho sistema no da respuesta a un concepto de calidad previamente explicitado; muestra una importante limitación conceptual en la relación salud y condición física; establece una lógica evaluativa escasamente formativa y genera cierta desvalorización profesional de los docentes.Este artículo se ha realizado en el contexto y gracias al Proyecto de Investigación Fondecyt 11110016, titulado "La Educación Física y su función de transformación de las desigualdades sociales: profesorado del área y documentación ministerial", financiado por el Fondo Nacional de Investigación Científica y Tecnológica de Chile

    The Big Bang Theory or the final reflections that trigger change. Reviewing teachers’ beliefs to build a pedagogy for School Physical Education

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    Esta investigación tiene el objetivo principal analizar las teorías implícitas de los docentes sobre las funciones y consideración social de la Educación Física Escolar (EFE) en la sociedad actual. Dicho estudio se lleva a cabo desde un paradigma interpretativo, recabando la información a través de un grupo de discusión de ocho docentes de Primaria y Secundaria. Para su análisis se ha profundizado en cuatro categorías centrales: presencia de la EFE en el contexto escolar, percepción social del área, funciones que le asignan socialmente y preocupaciones percibidas por los docentes. Las conclusiones obtenidas identifican el valor social que le otorgan, llegando en ocasiones a un exceso de reconocimiento frente a otras materias del currículum. Tras esta valoración aparecen las competencias y objetivos a trabajar desde la EFE para seguir reclamando mayor reconocimiento social. Por último, se revisan las funciones que se le asigna a la EFE, destacando las referidas a la socialización y expresión de emociones, junto con el fomento de la salud y la atención a la diversidad.The main aim of this study is to analyze teachers’ implicit theories about the role and social consideration of Physical Education (PE) in the present society. This research was conducted using an interpretative paradigm. Information was obtained from a discussion group formed by eight Primary and Secondary education teachers. An in-depth analysis was performed on four main categories: PE presence in the scholar context, social perception of PE, roles assigned by society, and teachers’ perceived concerns. The results identify the social value granted to PE, which sometimes leads to an excess of recognition compared to other curricular subjects. Based on this evaluation, more social acknowledgment is needed for PE competencies and objectives. Lastly, the roles of PE are reviewed, with emphasis on those related to socialization and expression of emotions, along with health promotion and attention to diversity. Keywords. Social value, PE roles, competencies, curriculum, teacher training


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    In this paper we present a qualitative analysis of the perceptions of 28 university professors related to the functions of the Physical Education. We focus on the transformational function of the inequalities of origin. Generally, the procedures of the applied analysis adhered to the fragmentation and articulation proposed by the “Grounded Theory.” We conclude that the social transformational function of the Physical Education is related to a sense of duty to become a professional not yet settled. We establish several pedagogical principles centered in the requirement to revise its epistemological support.En este trabajo se analizan, cualitativamente, las percepciones de 28 docentes universitarios en relación a las funciones de la Educación Física Escolar, profundizando en la función de transformación de las desigualdades de origen. Los procedimientos de análisis empleados, en general se ciñeron a las propuestas de fragmentación y articulación de la “Grounded Theory”. Se concluye que la función de transformación social de la Educación Física está relacionada con un deber ser profesional que aún está por concretarse y se establecen una serie de principios pedagógicos centrados en la necesidad de revisar el sustento epistemológico de la misma. Neste trabalho são analisadas, qualitativamente, as percepções de 28 professores universitários da Faculdade de Educação Física em relação às funções da educação física, aprofundando-se na função da transformação das desigualdades de origem. Em geral, os procedimentos de análises usados cingem-se às propostas da fragmentação e da articulação da “Grounded Theory”. Conclui-se que a função da transformação social da educação física está relacionada com o dever de ser profissional, que ainda está concretizando-se, e estabelece-se uma série de princípios pedagógicos centrados na necessidade de revisar a sustentação epistemológica da mesma