2,353 research outputs found
Analysis of occupational accidents in Spain. Autonomous communities study
Actualmente existe una preocupación creciente en España y en gran parte del mundo por la siniestralidad laboral debido a los daños que causa en la persona, en el sector y en la sociedad en general. Tal motivo ha llevado a la realización de numerosos estudios a fin de entender cuáles son las causas de los accidentes de trabajo y cuáles los mecanismos que deberían establecerse en los diferentes sectores para lograr su prevención.
En esta línea, el presente trabajo de investigación se marca como objetivo efectuar una comparativa en nuestro país de los índices de incidencias y accidentes de trabajo, leves, graves o mortales, que suponen una baja en la jornada laboral cubierta por Comunidades Autónomas así como evaluar su evolución respecto al período anterior.
El estudio empírico desarrollado para cubrir las metas marcadas viene precedido por un marco que lo sustenta. Además, hemos de indicar que los datos de esta sección práctica han sido extraídos de las estadísticas publicadas por el Instituto Nacional de Seguridad e Higiene en el Trabajo, analizándose el período que abarca desde diciembre de 2012 a noviembre de 2013, respecto a diciembre 2011-noviembre 2012.
Como avance de las conclusiones hemos de destacar que, con respecto al número de accidentes leves por Comunidad Autónoma, Cataluña y Andalucía son las Comunidades con mayor número de accidentes y Ceuta y Melilla las que menos siniestralidad presentan en el período analizado. En cuanto al número de accidentes graves, Andalucía encabeza el ranking, seguida de Cataluña, pero este número global toma sentido cuando lo relacionamos con la población afiliada, aunque en esta ocasión, el sentido sigue siendo el mismo. Además, Murcia, seguida de Andalucía, es la que presenta un incremento porcentual mayor respecto al periodo anterior, de más de un tres por ciento, aspecto que debería ser analizado en profundidad.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech
Reading and lexical-semantic retrieval tasks outperforms single task speech analysis in the screening of Mild Cognitive Impairment and Alzheimer's Disease
©2023. This manuscript version is made available under the CC-BY 4.0 license http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/
This document is the Published, version of a Published Work that appeared in final form in Scientific Reports. To access the final edited and published work see https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-023-36804-yAge‐related cognitive impairment have increased dramatically in recent years, which has risen the interes in developing screening tools for mild cognitive impairment and Alzheimer’s disease. Speech analysis allows to exploit the behavioral consequences of cognitive deficits on the patient’s vocal performance so that it is possible to identify pathologies affecting speech production such as dementia. Previous studies have further shown that the speech task used determines how the speech parameters are altered. We aim to combine the impairments in several speech production tasks in order to improve the accuracy of screening through speech analysis. The sample consists of 72 participants divided into three equal groups of healthy older adults, people with mild cognitive impairment, or Alzheimer’s disease, matched by age and education. A complete neuropsychological assessment and two voice recordings were performed. The tasks required the participants to read a text, and complete a sentence with semantic information. A stepwise linear discriminant analysis was performed to select speech parameters with discriminative power. The discriminative functions obtained an accuracy of 83.3% in simultaneous classifications of several levels of cognitive impairment. It would therefore be a promising screening tool for dementia
Objetivo Europa 2020 : la reducción de la pobreza y la exclusión social en España
Este trabajo realiza un balance de situación para España ante el objetivo de reducción del riesgo de pobreza o exclusión social, marcado por la Unión Europea dentro de la Estrategia Europa 2020. La información utilizada procede de la Encuesta de Condiciones de Vida, para los años 2009 y 2013, a través del indicador AROPE y sus tres componentes: pobreza, privación material severa y baja intensidad laboral del hogar. Desde una perspectiva territorial, se examina la evolución sufrida por la población en riesgo, estimando la reducción necesaria en cada comunidad autónoma para lograr el retroceso consignado en el objetivo nacional. Del comportamiento regional seguido hasta el momento, se infieren importantes dificultades para alcanzar el objetivo asumido en la Estrategia Europa 2020, dado que la mayoría de comunidades han incrementado su población en riesgo muy por encima de la cifra estimada en la que debería haberse reducido para lograrlo. Esto implica que el esfuerzo previsto en materia de lucha contra la exclusión social se ve multiplicado, entre dos y cuatro veces, para la mayoría de las regiones. En un contexto dominado por la austeridad presupuestaria, más allá del conflicto evidente para cumplir con el compromiso adoptado, la situación reclama un cambio decidido en las políticas sociales y económicas, reconquistando el principio europeo de promover la cohesión social y territorial.Aquest treball fa un balanç de situació per a Espanya davant l'objectiu de reducció del risc de pobresa o exclusió social marcat per la Unió Europea dins l'Estratègia Europa 2020. La informació utilitzada procedeix de l'Enquesta de Condicions de Vida, per als anys 2009 i 2013, a través de l'indicador AROPE i els seus tres components: pobresa, privació material severa i baixa intensitat laboral de la llar. Des d'una perspectiva territorial, s'examina l'evolució soferta per la població en risc, estimant la reducció necessària en cada comunitat autònoma per aconseguir la reculada consignada en l'objectiu nacional.Del comportament regional seguit fins ara, s'infereixen importants dificultats per aconseguir l'objectiu assumit en l'Estratègia Europa 2020, atès que la majoria de comunitats han incrementat la seva població en risc molt per sobre de la xifra estimada en què hauria d'haver-se reduït per aconseguir-ho. Això implica que l'esforç previst en matèria de lluita contra l'exclusió social es veu multiplicat, entre dues i quatre vegades, a la majoria de les regions. En un context dominat per l'austeritat pressupostària, més enllà del conflicte evident per complir amb el compromís adoptat, la situació reclama un canvi decidit en les polítiques socials i econòmiques reconquerint el principi europeu de promoure la cohesió social i territorial.This paper assesses the Spanish target of reducing the risk of poverty and social exclusion set out in the Europe 2020 Strategy. Data from the Spanish Survey of Living Conditions (Encuesta de Condiciones de Vida) for the year 2009 and 2013 were used, particularly the AROPE indicator and its three components: poverty, material deprivation and low work intensity. The evolution of the at-risk population is examined from a regional perspective and the reduction of poverty and social exclusion required for each region to meet the national target is estimated. The analysis of regional behavior suggests that there are major difficulties to reach the target established in the Europe 2020 Strategy as the population at risk, which should have decreased, has instead increased well above the estimated figure in most autonomous communities. This implies that the expected efforts to combat social exclusion have multiplied two to four times for most regions. In a context dominated by budget austerity, beyond the obvious challenges involved in fulfilling the commitment made, the situation requires a decisive change in social and economic policies to regain the European principle of promoting social and territorial cohesion
Estimating Patient Empowerment and Nurses' Use of Digital Strategies: eSurvey Study
[EN] Patient empowerment is seen as the capability to understand health information and make decisions based on it. It is a competence that can improve self-care, adherence and overall health. The COVID-19 pandemic has increased the need for information and has also reduced the number of visits to health centers. Nurses have had to adapt in order to continue offering quality care in different environments such as the digital world, but this entails assessing the level of their patients¿ empowerment and adapting material and educational messages to new realities. The aim of this study is, on the one hand, to assess nurses¿ use of digital resources to provide reinforcing information to their patients and, on the other hand, to evaluate how they assess the level of empowerment of their patients. To perform the study, 850 nurses answered 21 questions related to their own digital literacy and patients¿ empowerment. The ability to make decisions is the characteristic most selected by nurses (70%) as useful in measuring patient empowerment, whereas 9.19% do not measure it in any way. Printed material is most often used by nurses to offer additional information to patients (71.93%), mobile applications are the least used option (21.58%), and elder nurses are those who most recommend digital resources. In this study, younger nurses make little or no use of technology as a resource for training and monitoring patients. In spite of some limitations concerning the study, digital health needs to be promoted as an indisputable tool in the nurse¿s briefcase in the future to ensure that older patients can manage electronic resources in different fields.Navarro Martínez, O.; Igual García, J.; Traver Salcedo, V. (2021). Estimating Patient Empowerment and Nurses' Use of Digital Strategies: eSurvey Study. International Journal of Environmental research and Public Health. 18(18):1-16. https://doi.org/10.3390/ijerph18189844S116181
Speech changes in old age: Methodological considerations for speech‐based discrimination of healthy ageing and Alzheimer's disease
[EN]Background: Recent evidence suggests that speech substantially changes in ageing. As a complex neurophysiological process, it can accurately reflect changes in the motor and cognitive systems underpinning human speech. Since healthy ageing is not always easily discriminable from early stages of dementia based on cognitive and behavioural hallmarks, speech is explored as a preclinical biomarker of pathological itineraries in old age. A greater and more specific impairment of neuromuscular activation, as well as a specific cognitive and linguistic impairment in dementia, unchain discriminating changes in speech. Yet, there is no consensus on such discriminatory speech parameters, neither on how they should be elicited and assessed. Aims: To provide a state-of-the-art on speech parameters that allow for early discrimination between healthy and pathological ageing; the aetiology of these parameters; the effect of the type of experimental stimuli on speech elicitation and the predictive power of different speech parameters; and the most promising methods for speech analysis and their clinical implications. Methods & procedures: A scoping review methodology is used in accordance with the PRISMA model. Following a systematic search of PubMed, PsycINFO and CINAHL, 24 studies are included and analysed in the review. Main contribution: The results of this review yield three key questions for the clinical assessment of speech in ageing. First, acoustic and temporal parameters are more sensitive to changes in pathological ageing and, of these two, temporal variables are more affected by cognitive impairment. Second, different types of stimuli can trigger speech parameters with different degree of accuracy for the discrimination of clinical groups. Tasks with higher cognitive load are more precise in eliciting higher levels of accuracy. Finally, automatic speech analysis for the discrimination of healthy and pathological ageing should be improved for both research and clinical practice. Conclusions & implications: Speech analysis is a promising non-invasive tool for the preclinical screening of healthy and pathological ageing. The main current challenges of speech analysis in ageing are the automatization of its clinical assessment and the consideration of the speaker's cognitive background during evaluation
Digital Gender Divide and Convergence in the European Union Countries
©. This manuscript version is made available under the CC-BY 4.0 license http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/
This document is the Published Manuscript version of a Published Work that appeared in final form in [Economics-The Open Access Open-Assessment E-Journal]. To access the final edited and published work see [https://doi.org/10.1515/econ-2021-0012]The aim of this study is to examine the digital gender divide in the European Union (EU) countries by applying two widely used indicators: percentage of the population who has used the Internet in the last 3 months (ICT-USE indicator) and percentage of the population who has made an online purchase in the last 3 months (ICT-PURCHASE indicator). With these indicators, the digital gender gaps are shown in absolute and relative terms. In addition, the European convergence beta and sigma, between the years 2007 and 2019, is also analyzed. The results among European countries show that the ICT-USE indicator has a lower dispersion than the ICT-PURCHASE indicator; hence, in general, the digital gender divide or gap is usually lower when ICT-USE is used in comparison with ICT-PURCHASE. The highest values of the digital gender gap in the EU, regardless of the indicator used, are found in Croatia and Italy, reflecting an unfavorable position for women. Ireland is also in this group, but in its case, the results show an unfavorable position for men. Additionally, Cyprus does not register gender differences in either of the two indicators analyzed. Finally, the convergence between European countries is corroborated, both in the indicators analyzed and in the different gender digital gaps built
Digitalization and skills in Spain: regional differences and gender gaps
©. This manuscript version is made available under the CC-BY 4.0 license http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/
This document is the Published Manuscript version of a Published Work that appeared in final form in [Sociología y Tecnociencia]. To access the final edited and published work see [https://doi.org/10.24197/st.2.2023.94-117]Digital skills are increasingly necessary. When their level is unequal, problems of exclusion can arise in the regional and gender spheres. This paper analyzes both types of digital divides in Spain and their recent evolution. The indicator used is IRIS-DESI and its five dimensions: Connectivity, Human capital, Internet use, Integration of digital technology in companies and Digital public services. Using a hierarchical cluster analysis, the Spanish regions are classified according to their digital development. However, considering the gender gap, no clear regional pattern has been found, possibly due to the very complex and multifaceted nature of the digital economy.Las competencias digitales son habilidades cada vez más necesarias. Cuando su nivel es desigual pueden surgir problemas de exclusión en los ámbitos regional y de género. Este trabajo analiza ambos tipos de brechas digitales en España y su evolución reciente. El indicador utilizado es IRIS-DESI y sus cinco dimensiones: Conectividad, Capital humano, Uso de internet, Integración de la tecnología digital en las empresas y Servicios públicos digitales. Mediante un análisis de conglomerados jerárquico, se clasifican las regiones españolas según su desarrollo digital. Sin embargo, atendiendo a la brecha de género, no se ha encontrado un patrón regional claro, posiblemente por la propia naturaleza compleja y polifacética de la economía digital
Tourist quality of Spain beaches under the perspective of sustainability
An exploration of the Autonomous Communities of Spain with the highest number of beaches with Q of quality is studied in this work. The purpose of this paper is to analyzed the Autonomous Community with the more Q of Quality and study the differences between the tourism expenditure in this region. The Q of quality is a certificate granted by the Institute for Spanish Tourism Quality that guarantees high quality in certain sectors. This study finds that Andalusia is the main autonomous community with the highest number of beaches with quality Q. In addition to this, a comparison between the average expenditure of residents in Spain and foreigners who take leisure trips is analyzed in this study. However, when comparing the average expenses of people who do tourism in Andalusia to the average cost throughout the entirety of Spain during their vacations and holidays, it was determined that they are not significantly different. Even so, a significant difference between the average expenditure of residents and tourists in Spain is determined. In future research, this study will be extended to the other Autonomous Communities of Spain to find differences among them.2019-2
MLQ analysis of leadership in short sea shipping
Postprint (author’s final draft
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