107 research outputs found

    Importància de l’autoconcepte físic i l’autoeficàcia general en la predicció de la conducta de pràctica física

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    El propòsit d’aquest treball és examinar la importància que té l’autoconcepte físic i l’autoeficàcia general en la predicció de la conducta de pràctica física en una mostra d’adolescents. El nombre de participants és de 1.588, pertanyents a la ciutat de Màlaga (Espanya), amb edats compreses entre 14 i 16 anys (M = 15,11; DT = 0,78). Es tracta d’un estudi transversal en què s’usa l’enquesta per obtenir les dades. A més de recollir informació sobre l’activitat fisicoesportiva feta i el sexe, s’han utilitzat diversos instruments per mesurar els constructes objecte d’estudi, com el Qüestionari d’Autoconcepte Físic (QAF) i l’Escala d’Autoeficàcia General (EAG). Les anàlisis de regressió logística binària efectuades indiquen que ambdós constructes prediuen de manera significativa la conducta de pràctica física per al total de la mostra, tenint en compte que el model inclou les dimensions condició física, habilitat física i força, així com l’autoeficàcia general. No obstant això, quan s’analitza en funció del sexe, la percepció d’eficàcia general queda també exclosa en el cas de les noies

    Importancia del autoconcepto físico y la autoeficacia general en la predicción de la conducta de práctica física

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    El propósito de este trabajo es examinar la importancia que tiene el autoconcepto físico y la autoeficacia general en la predicción de la conducta de práctica física en una muestra de adolescentes. El número de participantes es de 1588, pertenecientes a la ciudad de Málaga (España), con edades comprendidas entre los 14 y 16 años (M = 15,11; DT = 0,78). Se trata de un estudio transversal en el que se usa la encuesta para obtener los datos. Además de recoger información sobre la actividad fisicodeportiva realizada y el sexo, se han utilizado diversos instrumentos para medir los constructos objeto de estudio, como el Cuestionario de Autoconcepto Físico (CAF) y la Escala de Autoeficacia General (EAG). Los análisis de regresión logística binaria efectuados indican que ambos constructos predicen de forma significativa la conducta de práctica física para el total de la muestra, teniendo en cuenta que el modelo incluye las dimensiones condición física, habilidad física y fuerza, así como la autoeficacia general. Sin embargo, cuando se analiza en función del sexo, la percepción de eficacia general queda también excluida en el caso de las chicas

    Efecto agudo de la actividad fisicodeportiva y la expresión corporal sobre el estado de ánimo

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    Este trabajo analiza los efectos de una sesión de actividad fisicodeportiva y otra de expresión corporal sobre el estado de ánimo en un grupo de 92 adolescentes de la ciudad de Málaga (España), con edades entre los 14 y 16 años (M=14,87; DT= 0,79). En él se sigue una metodología cuasiexperimental con un diseño de tipo pre-post con grupos no equivalentes, en el que existen dos grupos experimentales que han sido sometidos a una sesión de deportes de raqueta y a otra de aeróbic. Se ha utilizado el cuestionario Profile of Mood States (POMS - McNair, Lorr, & Droppleman, 1971) para analizar los siguientes factores: tensión-ansiedad, depresión-melancolía, angustia hostilidad-cólera, vigor-actividad, fatiga-inercia y confusión-orientación. Los resultados indican que, tras la intervención, el estado de ánimo mejora en ambos grupos experimentales, observándose un efecto significativo en aquellos grupos que practican actividad física

    Application of mixed reality to ultrasound-guided femoral arterial cannulation during real-time practice in cardiac interventions

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    Producción CientíficaMixed reality opens interesting possibilities as it allows physicians to interact with both, the real physical and the virtual computer-generated environment and objects, in a powerful way. A mixed reality system, based in the HoloLens 2 glasses, has been developed to assist cardiologists in a quite complex interventional procedure: the ultrasound-guided femoral arterial cannulations, during real-time practice in interventional cardiology. The system is divided into two modules, the transmitter module, responsible for sending medical images to HoloLens 2 glasses, and the receiver module, hosted in the HoloLens 2, which renders those medical images, allowing the practitioner to watch and manage them in a 3D environment. The system has been successfully used, between November 2021 and August 2022, in up to 9 interventions by 2 different practitioners, in a large public hospital in central Spain. The practitioners using the system confirmed it as easy to use, reliable, real-time, reachable, and cost-effective, allowing a reduction of operating times, a better control of typical errors associated to the interventional procedure, and opening the possibility to use the medical imagery produced in ubiquitous e-learning. These strengths and opportunities were only nuanced by the risk of potential medical complications emerging from system malfunction or operator errors when using the system (e.g., unexpected momentary lag). In summary, the proposed system can be taken as a realistic proof of concept of how mixed reality technologies can support practitioners when performing interventional and surgical procedures during real-time daily practice.Junta de Castilla y León - Gerencia Regional de Salud (SACyL) (grant number GRS 2275/A/2020)Instituto de Salud Carlos III (grant number DTS21/00158)Publicación en abierto financiada por el Consorcio de Bibliotecas Universitarias de Castilla y León (BUCLE), con cargo al Programa Operativo 2014ES16RFOP009 FEDER 2014-2020 DE CASTILLA Y LEÓN, Actuación:20007-CL - Apoyo Consorcio BUCL

    Management of firearm facial fractures at the ‘‘Dr. José Eleuterio González’’: University Hospital Case Report

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    Gunshot wounds in the facial region produce important functional disabilities if they are not properly treated. They may also cause an important effect in the social and psychological development of the patient because of the aesthetic problems that they produce. This article presents a case of a 20 years-old female patient who was referred to our institution because of facial trauma secondary to a gunshot wound, whose treatment consisted of multiple reconstructive surgeries in order to obtain an adequate, functional and esthetic result. Also, we did a review of the bibliography in order to establish the proper management of the wounds found in these type of cases

    Seroreversion of IgG anti-HEV in HIV cirrhotic patients: A long-term multi-sampling longitudinal study

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    The aim of our study was to evaluate HEV antibody kinetics in HIV/HCV-coinfected patients with cirrhosis. A longitudinal retrospective study was designed. Patients were followed up every 6 months; anti-HEV IgG and IgM antibodies levels and HEV-RNA by qPCR were analysed. The prevalence and incidence of every HEV infection marker were calculated. The kinetics of anti-HEV IgG and IgM during the follow-up were evaluated. Seventy-five patients comprised the study population. The seroprevalence observed was 17.3%. None showed IgM antibodies or HEV-RNA at baseline. None showed detectable HEV viral load during the study period. After a median follow-up of 5.1 years, two of 62 seronegative patients (3.2%) seroconverted to IgG antibody. The incidence for IgM was 2.7%. Of the 13 patients with IgG seropositivity at baseline, five (38.5%) seroreverted. Meanwhile, of the two patients who exhibited IgM positivity during the study, one (50%) showed intermittent positivity. We found that HEV seropositivity is common in HIV/HCV-coinfected cirrhotic patients. A remarkable rate of IgG seroreversions and IgM intermittence was found, limiting the use of antibodies for the diagnosis of HEV infection in this population

    Epidemiological survey and risk factors associated with hepatitis E virus in small ruminants in southern Spain

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    Autochthonous cases of hepatitis E (HE) associated with zoonotic genotypes HEV-3 and HEV-4 have significantly increased in industrialized countries over the last decade. Suidae are generally recognized as the main reservoirs of these genotypes. Susceptibility to HE virus (HEV) infection and zoonotic potential have also been confirmed in other species, including sheep and goat. However, the information about their role in the epidemiology of HEV remains very scarce. The objective of this study was to assess the prevalence, spatial distribution and risk factors associated with HEV exposure in sheep and goats in southern Spain, the country with the highest census of small domestic ruminants in the European Union. Blood samples from 240 sheep and 240 goats were collected between 2015 and 2017. Sera were analysed in parallel using a commercial double-antigen ELISA and real-time PCR. A total of 38 (7.9%; 95%CI: 5.5–10.3) out of 480 sampled animals showed anti-HEV antibodies. By species, the seroprevalences found in sheep and goats were 2.1% (5/240; 95%CI: 0.3–3.9) and 13.8% (33/240; 95%CI: 9.4–18.1) respectively. Anti-HEV antibodies were found on 19 (59.4%; 95%CI: 42.4–76.4) of the 32 sampled farms. The GEE model showed that species (goat) and number of small ruminants in the farm (≤348 animals and ≥538 animals) were risk factors potentially associated with HEV exposure in small ruminants in the study area. HEV RNA was not detected in any of the 480 (0.0%; 95%CI: 0.0–0.8) tested animals. Our results confirm that sheep and goats are naturally, but not equally exposed to HEV and indicate the widespread spatial distribution of HEV among small ruminant populations in southern Spain. Further studies are required to elucidate the role of sheep and goat in the epidemiology of HEV and their potential implications for public health

    Monitoring of Schmallenberg virus in Spanish wild artiodactyls, 2006-2015

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    Schmallenberg disease is an emerging disease that affects domestic and wild ruminants in Europe. An epidemiological survey was carried out to assess exposure to Schmallenberg virus (SBV) in wild artiodactyls in Spain between 2006 and 2015. A total of 1751 sera from wild artiodactyls, including 1066 red deer, 304 fallow deer, 192 mouflon, 109 wild boar, 49 roe deer and 31 Spanish ibex were tested for antibodies against SBV by ELISA and confirmed by virus neutralization test. SBV was not detected between the 2006/2007 and the 2010/2011 hunting seasons. Overall seroprevalence (including samples collected between the 2011/2012 and 2014/2015 hunting seasons) was 14.6% (160/1099; 95%CI: 12.7-16.6). Mean SBV seroprevalence was 13.3±2.6% in red deer, 23.9±4.2% in fallow deer, 16.4±6.1% in mouflon and 2.8±3.1% in wild boar. No antibodies against SBV were found in roe deer or Spanish ibex. The presence of SBV RNA was confirmed in three of 255 (1.2%) spleen samples from wild ruminants analysed by rRT-PCR. In a multivariate mixed-effects logistic regression model, the main risk factors associated with SBV seroprevalence were: species (fallow deer, red deer and mouflon), age (adults) and interactions between hunting areas of more than 1000 hectares and hunting season (2012/2013, 2013/2014 and 2014/2015). The hypothesis of endemic circulation of SBV in the last few years is supported by the detection of SBV RNA in animals sampled in 2011 and 2015, as well as antibodies detected at low level in juveniles in 2012, 2013 and 2014. The results indicate that SBV circulated in wild ruminant populations in Spain during the same period when the virus was first reported in northern Europe, and at least five months before the first case was officially reported in livestock in Spain