129 research outputs found

    Flipped classroom evaluation using kahott and moodle in the undergraduate teaching lab

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    Comunicación presentada en EDULEARN 2018, 10th International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies (July 2-4, 2018, Palma, Mallorca, Spain).This article analyzes the implementation of a flipped classroom methodology in the undergraduate teaching labs of engineering degrees. The methodology is focused on providing the students, before the lab session, with audio-visual resources that cover the theoretical background and explanations needed to follow the session. At the beginning of each lab session, the preparatory work performed by the students is evaluated with an on-line test, which was performed using Kahoot and Moodle resources and has an impact on the mark of the session. This methodology is helpful in the sense that eliminates the frequently required theoretical introduction, allowing devoting more time to the experimental part. On the other hand, it provides an immediate information of the degree of prior knowledge gained by the students, so the weaker aspects can be reinforced during the lab session. An analysis of the advantages and disadvantages found for the two on-line resources employed, in conjunction with the impact produced on the students by the methodology is presented. Moodle was found to show greater seriousness and more versatility to introduce the test questions. However, the use of Kahoot was preferred by the students, since it creates a more relaxed lab atmosphere, which was also very useful to increase the participation of some students who were unmotivated. The students recognized that the methodology helped to better follow the lab sessions and improved the quality of their lab reports, which are the items used for their evaluation

    Culturas, políticas y prácticas de inclusión en las universidades: enfoque desde la formación inicial del profesorado

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    Nuestra definición de Inclusión parte de la propuesta de una educación accesible y de calidad, que contemple a todas las personas, en cualquier nivel de enseñanza. Tal definición apuesta por la construcción de una mirada crítica en el currículo y su transversalidad durante la formación de futuros profesionales, lo que consideramos fundamental para discutir la organización de una propuesta de Educación Inclusiva en el nivel de enseñanza superior. El objetivo de este proyecto es profundizar en los procesos de inclusión/exclusión educativa en la formación inicial del profesorado, ya que como futuros educadores sus concepciones al respecto influirán en su práctica docente, a lo que hay que añadir la proyección social de la figura del profesional de la educación. Este estudio incorpora, además, la consideración del tema en un ámbito internacional desde una perspectiva educativa comparada, convirtiéndolo en una experiencia mucho más enriquecedora y que aporta datos de interés para otros trabajos en el campo abordado.Our definition of inclusion originates of the proposal for an accessible and quality education, which includes everyone, at any level of education. This definition is committed to building a critical look at the curriculum and its mainstreaming in the education of future professionals; we considered the organization to discuss a proposal for Inclusive Education in the higher education level. Examine the processes of inclusion/exclusion of education in initial teacher training is the goal of this project, because as future educators their conceptions influence in their teaching practice, to which must be added the outreach they have. This study incorporates our interest in international comparative educational perspective, making it a much richer experience and it provides very interesting data

    Impact on human health of microorganisms present in fermented dairy products: An overview

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    Fermented dairy products provide nutrients in our diet, some of which are produced by the action of microorganisms during fermentation. These products can be populated by a diverse microbiota that impacts the organoleptic and physicochemical characteristics foods as well as human health. Acidification is carried out by starter lactic acid bacteria (LAB) whereas other LAB, moulds, and yeasts become dominant during ripening and contribute to the development of aroma and texture in dairy products. Probiotics are generally part of the nonstarter microbiota, and their use has been extended in recent years. Fermented dairy products can contain beneficial compounds, which are produced by the metabolic activity of their microbiota (vitamins, conjugated linoleic acid, bioactive peptides, and gamma-aminobutyric acid, among others). Some microorganisms can also release toxic compounds, the most notorious being biogenic amines and aflatoxins. Though generally considered safe, fermented dairy products can be contaminated by pathogens. If proliferation occurs during manufacture or storage, they can cause sporadic cases or outbreaks of disease. This paper provides an overview on the current state of different aspects of the research on microorganisms present in dairy products in the light of their positive or negative impact on human health. © 2015 María Fernández et al.The work at the Spanish author’s laboratories was mainly financed through the projects AGL2010-16525 and INIA RM2010-00017-00-00 from the Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (Spain).Peer Reviewe

    Control of the degradation of silica sol-gel hybrid coatings for metal implants prepared by the triple combination of alkoxysilanes

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    Hybrid materials obtained by sol-gel process are able to degrade and release Si compounds that are useful in regenerative medicine due to their osteoinductive properties. The present work studies the behavior of new organic-inorganic sol-gel coatings based on triple mixtures of alkoxysilanes in different molar ratios. The precursors employed are methyl-trimethoxysilane (MTMOS), 3-glycidoxypropyl-trimethoxysilane (GPTMS) and tetraethyl-orthosilicate (TEOS). After optimization of the synthesis conditions, the coatings were characterized using 29Si nuclear magnetic resonance (29Si-MNR), Fourier transform infrared spectrometry (FT-IR), contact angle measurements, hydrolytic degradation assays, electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) and mechanical profilometry. The degradation and EIS results show that by controlling the amount of TEOS precursor in the coating it is possible to tune its degradation by hydrolysis, while keeping properties such as wettability at their optimum values for biomaterials application. The corrosion properties of the new coatings were also evaluated when applied to stainless steel substrate. The coatings showed an improvement of the anticorrosive properties of the steel which is important to protect the metal implants at the early stages of the regeneration process.The financial support of MAT2014-51918-C2-2-R, P11B2014-19 and Plan de Promoción de la Investigación from the Universitat Jaume I (Predoc/2014/25) is gratefully acknowledged. J. García-Cañadas acknowledge financial support from Ramón y Cajal programme (RYC-2013-13970). The experimental support of Raquel Oliver Valls and José Ortega Herreros is also acknowledged

    Development and characterisation of strontium-doped sol-gel coatings to optimise the initial bone regeneration processes

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    Strontium plays an important role in bone regeneration; it promotes the differentiation and maturation of osteoblasts and inhibits the activity of osteoclasts. Our principal objective in this study was to formulate new organic-inorganic hybrid sol-gel coatings applied to titanium discs. These coatings were functionalised with different amounts of SrCl2 and examined using in vitro tests and proteomics. The chemical and morphological characteristics of obtained coatings were scrutinised. The in vitro evaluation using the MC3T3-E1 osteoblasts and RAW264.7 macrophages showed the osteogenic and anti-inflammatory effects of strontium doping. The proteomic assay identified 111 different proteins adhering to the coatings. Six of these proteins reduced their adhesion affinity as a result of Sr-doping, whereas 40 showed increased affinity. Moreover, the proteomic analysis revealed osteogenic and anti-inflammatory properties of these biomaterials. The analysis also showed increased adhesion of proteins related to the coagulation system. We can conclude that proteomic methods are invaluable in developing new biomaterials and represent an important tool for predicting the biocompatibility of dental implants

    Osteointegración de implantes de titanio con superficies activas. Un estudio proteómico

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    Titanium is a biomaterial largely used on dental implant manufacturing. However, as a consequence of its intrinsically low bioactivity, the development of distinct superficial treatments in order to enhance its osseointegration properties is being studied. In this sense, the use of titanium implants with a higher level of roughness has been broadened, recurring to the application of sand-blasted acid-etched surface treatments. In this article, a study of two distinct titanium surface treatments has been carried out, regarding the physico-chemical properties (roughness, hydrophilicity and chemical composition) of each, as well as the pattern of adhered proteins onto each surface (proteomic study). Hence, mass spectrometry analysis allowed the detection of 2 18 d istinct a dsorbed p roteins, being 37 of those related to bone regenerative processes and dental implant integration. Moreover, using differential quantification between associated proteins, comparing surfaces, it was observable a greater affinity of APOE, ANT3 and PROC proteins to the treated surface, directly linked to the bone regenerative process. On the other hand, the treated surface displays lower affinity of CO3 protein. The variations between the adsorbed protein profiles could be an explanation for distinct in vivo outcomes.El titanio es un biomaterial ampliamente empleado en la fabricación de implantes dentales, sin embargo, como consecuencia de su baja bioactividad se han desarrollado distintos tratamientos superficiales buscando una mejora en su capacidad de osteintegración. De esta forma, se ha extendido el uso de implantes de titanio con un mayor grado de rugosidad gracias a la aplicación de un tratamiento de granallado, al que le sigue un tratamiento de ataque ácido. En este artículo se ha llevado a cabo un estudio de discos de titanio con dos tipos de superficie: sin tratamiento alguno y con tratamiento de granallado más ataque ácido. El estudio reveló diferencias físico-químicas (rugosidad, hidrofilia y composición química) tras la aplicación del tratamiento superficial, pero también en cuanto al perfil de proteínas adheridas a cada superficie (estudio proteómico). Así, la espectrometría de masas permitió la caracterización de las proteínas adsorbidas en ambos tipos de superficies. El análisis permitió la identificación de 218 proteínas distintas, pudiendo relacionar 37 de ellas con el proceso de regeneración ósea y en consecuencia con la osteointegración de un implante dental. Además, tras la cuantificación diferencial entre proteínas asociadas, antes y después de aplicar el tratamiento superficial mencionado, se observó que tras su aplicación se producía un aumento en la afinidad de las proteínas APOE, ANT3 y PROC, directamente relacionadas con el proceso de regeneración ósea. Por el contrario, la proteína CO3 se adhería a esta superficie en menor proporción. Estas variaciones de los perfiles de proteínas podrían explicar la diferencia encontrada en la respuesta de las distintas superficies al ser caracterizadas en cuanto a su comportamiento in vivo

    Pattern Recognition of GC-FID Profiles of Volatile Compounds in Brandy de Jerez Using a Chemometric Approach Based on Their Instrumental Fingerprints

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    Brandy de Jerez is a unique spirit produced in Southern Spain under Protected Geographical Indication “Brandy de Jerez” (PGI). Two key factors for the production of quality brandies are the original wine spirit and its aging process. They are significantly conditioned by specific variables related to the base wine and the distillation method employed to produce the wine spirit used to obtain a finally aged brandy. This final beverage is therefore strongly influenced by its production process. The chromatographic instrumental fingerprints (obtained by GC FID) of the major volatile fraction of a series of brandies have been examined by applying a chemometric approach based on unsupervised (hierarchical cluster analysis and principal component analysis) and supervised pattern recognition tools (partial least squares–discriminant analysis and support vector machine). This approach was able to identify the fermentation conditions of the original wine, the distillation method used to produce the wine spirit, and the aging process as the most influential factors on the volatile profil

    Influence of Oak Species, Toasting Degree, and Aging Time on the Differentiation of Brandies Using a Chemometrics Approach Based on Phenolic Compound UHPLC Fingerprints

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    Oak wood is the main material used by coopers to manufacture casks for the aging of spirits or wines. Phenolic compounds are the main components extracted from the wood during spirit aging. In the present study, a chemometric approach based on unsupervised (PCA) and supervised (PLS-DA) pattern recognition techniques has been applied to the chromatographic instrumental fingerprints, obtained by ultra-high-performance liquid chromatography (UHPLC) at 280 nm, of the phenolic profiles of brandies aged in casks made of different oak wood species. The resulting natural data groupings and the PLS-DA models have revealed that the oak wood species, the toasting level, and the aging time are the most influential factors on the phenolic profile of the final products. Fingerprinting should be considered as a very useful feature, as it represents a considerable advantage, in terms of internal and quality control, for brandy producers.This research has been supported by the University of Cádiz and Bodegas Fundador, S.L.U. (ref.: OT2019/108, OT2020/128, OT2021/076, OT2021/131, and OT2022/080). The authors wish to thank the University of Cádiz and Bodegas Fundador, S.L.U., for the industrial predoctoral contract TDI-8-18, granted to M.G.-C. and the technical support from the SPI of Viticulture and the Agri-food Research Institute (IVAGRO) of the University of Cádiz for the analysis of the samples

    The effect of strontium incorporation into sol-gel biomaterials on their protein adsorption and cell interactions

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    [EN] It is known strontium can both inhibit the osteoclast formation and stimulate the osteoblast maturation, so biomaterials containing this element can favour bone structure stabilisation. The addition of Sr to biomaterials could affect their interactions with proteins and cells. Here, a silica-hybrid sol-gel network doped with different amounts of SrCl2 and applied as coatings on titanium discs was examined. in vitro analysis was performed to determine the potential effect of Sr in the coatings, showing enhanced gene expression of osteogenic markers (alkaline phosphatase and transforming growth factor-beta) in MC3T3-E1 incubated with Sr-doped biomaterials. The examination of inflammatory markers (tumour necrosis factor-alpha and interleukin 10) in RAW 264.7 macrophages revealed an anti-inflammatory potential of these materials. Proteins adsorbed onto the coatings incubated with human serum (3 h at 37 degrees C) were also analysed; mass spectrometry was used to characterise the proteins adhering to materials with different Sr content. Adding Sr to the coatings increased their affinity to APOE and VTNC proteins (associated with anti-inflammatory and osteogenic functions). Moreover, the proteins involved in coagulation processes, such as prothrombin, were more abundant on the coatings containing Sr than on the base sol-gel surfaces. Correlations between gene expression and proteomic results were also examined.This work was supported by MINECO (MAT2017-86043-R); Universitat Jaume I (grant numbers Predoc/2014/25, UJI-B2017-37); Basque Government (grant numbers IT611-13, Predoc/2016/1/0141), and University of the Basque Country (UFI11/56). Authors would like to thank Antonio Coso and Jaime Franco (GMI-Ilerimplant) for their inestimable contribution to this study, and Raquel Oliver, Jose Ortega (UJI), and Iraide Escobes (CIC bioGUNE) for their valuable technical assistance.Romero-Gavilán, F.; Araújo-Gomes, N.; García-Arnáez, I.; Martínez-Ramos, C.; Elortza, F.; Azkargorta, M.; Iloro, I.... (2019). The effect of strontium incorporation into sol-gel biomaterials on their protein adsorption and cell interactions. Colloids and Surfaces B Biointerfaces. 174:9-16. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.colsurfb.2018.10.075S91617

    Proteome analysis of human serum proteins adsorbed onto different titanium surfaces used in dental implants

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    Titanium dental implants are commonly used due to their biocompatibility and biochemical properties; blasted acid-etched Ti is used more frequently than smooth Ti surfaces. In this study, physico-chemical characterisation revealed important differences in roughness, chemical composition and hydrophilicity, but no differences were found in cellular in vitro studies (proliferation and mineralization). However, the deposition of proteins onto the implant surface might affect in vivo osseointegration. To test that hypothesis, protein layers formed on discs of both surface type after incubation with human serum were analysed. Using mass spectrometry (LC/MS/MS), 218 proteins were identified, 30 of which were associated with bone metabolism. Interestingly, Apo E, antithrombin and protein C adsorbed mostly onto blasted and acid-etched Ti, whereas the proteins of the complement system (C3) were found predominantly on smooth Ti surfaces. These results suggest that physico-chemical characteristics could be responsible for the differences observed in the adsorbed protein layer.This work was supported by Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad (MINECO) [MAT 2014-51918-C2-2-R], Universidad de Castellón [P11B2014-19], Plan de Promoción de la Investigación de la Universidad Jaume I under grant [Predoc/2014/25] and Generalitat Valenciana under grant [Grisolia/2014/016]. The authors would like to thank Antonio Coso and Jaime Franco (GMI-Ilerimplant) for their inestimable contribution to this study, and Iraida Escobes (CIC bioGUNE) for her valuable technical assistance