5,374 research outputs found

    Esencialismo, normativismo, posmodernismo: las interpretaciones sobre la etnicidad en la Arqueología española

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    En el marco del presente artículo se ofrece una perspectiva diacrónica de las formas en las que la Arqueología española ha abordado el estudio de la etnicidad pretérita y por ende de la imagen generada sobre los "pueblos" peninsulares. Para ello se comienza con un repaso de los antecedentes presentes en la historiografía de la Edad Moderna, para pasar posteriormente a las etapas iniciales de la disciplina, a la introducción del método de la escuela alemana y a la influencia del franquismo. Por último, en la parte final del trabajo se abordan las aproximaciones llevadas a cabo desde inicios de los años 1980, así como el notable interés y debate que viene generando la temática en el ámbito popular de la mano del desarrollo del Estado de las Autonomías.This article presents a diachronic view of the ways in which Spanish Archaeology has approached the study of past ethnicity and consequently the image this has created of the peninsular “peoples”. To this end we begin with a review of the precedents contained in the historiography of the Early Modern Period which will be followed by a look at the initial phases of the discipline, the introduction of the cultural-historical method of the German School and the influence of the Franco regime. In the final section we will examine the approaches used since the beginning of the 1980s as well as the public interest and debate this issue has created as a result of the development of the Autonomous Communities

    Modular Planar Antenna at X-band for satellite communications

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    An antenna which has been conceived as a portable system for satellite communications based on the recommendations ITU-R S.580-6 [1] and ITU-R S.465-5 [2] for small antennas, i.e., with a diameter lower than 50 wavelengths, is introduced. It is a planar and a compact structure with a size of 40×40×2 cm. The antenna is formed by an array of 256 printed elements covering a large bandwidth (14.7%) at X-Band. The specification includes transmission (Tx) and reception (Rx) bands simultaneously. The printed antenna has a radiation pattern with a 3dB beamwidth of 5°, over a 31dBi gain, and a dual and an interchangeable circular polarizatio

    Evaluation of the rights and obligations of the teachers and the education community by families

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    El presente trabajo tiene como objetivo principal conocer el grado de aceptación que tienen los deberes y derechos docentes y de la comunidad educativa entre las madres y padres que tienen hijos escolarizados en institutos y colegios. Se trata de una investigación descriptiva. Como instrumento de evaluación se ha empleado el cuestionario “Deberes y derechos del profesorado en la comunidad educativa”. En los resultados se demuestra que las madres y los padres consideran muy importantes los deberes y derechos presentados, sin que se observen diferencias significativas en función de la titularidad de los centros educativos, el cargo que ostentan en la asociación, la edad o el género de los participantes.The main objective of this study was to determine the extent to which the rights and obligations of teachers and the educational community are accepted by the parents of children enrolled in primary and high schools. This was a descriptive study. The questionnaire “Duties and obligations of teachers in the educational community” was used as the assessment instrument. The results show that parents considered the rights and obligations presented to be of great importance, with no significant differences observed in terms of ownership of schools, the post parents held in the association, or the age or sex of the participants

    Portable low profile antenna at X-band

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    An antenna which has been conceived as a portable system for satellite communications based on the recommendations ITU-R S.580-6 and ITU-R S.465-5 for small antennas, i.e., with a diameter lower than 50 wavelengths, is introduced. It is a planar and a compact structure with a size of 40×40×2 cm. The antenna is formed by an array of 256 printed elements covering a large bandwidth (14.7%) at X-Band with a VSWR of 1.4:1. The specification includes transmission (Tx) and reception (Rx) bands simultaneously. The printed antenna has a radiation pattern with a 3dB beamwidth of 5°, over a 31dBi gain, and a dual and an interchangeable circular polarization

    Perceptions of families and Primary and Secondary Education teachers concerning teachers’ rights and obligations: opportunities for collaboration

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    Los autores realizan una investigación descriptiva para comprobar si existen diferencias significativas en las percepciones que madres, padres y profesorado tienen de los deberes y derechos docentes y las posibilidades de colaboración. En la recolección de datos se utiliza el cuestionario “Deberes y derechos del profesorado en la comunidad educativa”. Participan 394 docentes y 348 madres y padres de alumnos de toda España. Los resultados corroboran la hipótesis en Educación Primaria pero no en Secundaria, donde se deben introducir cambios sustanciales para que los institutos puedan beneficiarse de la colaboración de madres y padres. Se concluye que los deberes y derechos docentes pueden servir para promover la colaboración entre la escuela y las familias y ayudar a conseguir el equilibrio entre el derecho de los padres a participar y la autonomía de los docentes como profesionales.We conducted a descriptive study to determine whether there are significant differences in the perceptions that mothers, fathers and teachers have of teachers’ rights and obligations and of the possibilities for collaboration. To collect the data, we used a questionnaire entitled "Rights and obligations of teachers in the educational community" (Larrosa, 2009). 394 teachers and 348 parents of students throughout Spain participated. The results support the hypothesis in Primary but not in Secondary Education, where substantial changes would be required in order for schools to benefit from parental collaboration. We conclude that teachers’ rights and obligations could serve to promote collaboration between schools and families and to help achieve a balance between the rights of parents to participate and teachers’ professional autonomy

    Extracto da ponencia: A intervención no contexto do desenvolvemento familiar

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    [Resumo] A familia ven senda obxecto de atención preferente por parte de psicólogos, pedagogos, antropólogos, sociólogos, médicos, etc, e tal despliegue de interese científico non está nin moito menos inxustificado. A familia presenta un dos grupos sociais a través dos cales se vertebra o tecido social, pero tamén cumpre funcións esenciais para facilitar o desenvolvemento e a educación dos seus membros, e isto tanto nos aspectos relacionados coa intelixencia, o desenvolvemento da personalidade ou o desenvolvemento social. Handel (1985) sinala que cando as persoas adultas forman una familia traen consigo certos significados derivados da súa cultura e das súas historias individuais. Mais ademáis de representar a súa cultura e as súas historias individuais, a familia crea os seus propios significados a través da súa interacción. Dende o punto de vista sistémico a nasa análise quere partir do feito de que tamén o contexto cultural ten un efecto inductor sobre o funcionamento familiar e sobre os diversos aspectos do desenvolvemento e a educación dos seus membros, especialmente filIos e filIas. Os plantexamentos teóricos en torno a este tema non chegan a esgotarse na perspectiva sistémica antedita, se non polo contrario, complétanse con outros enfoques. O propio Bronfenbrenner chega a soster que a familia representa un medio de trascendental importancia para o desenvolvemento e a socialización dos individuos e que nela os suxeitos realizan roles e actividades específicas que son fundamentais para o seu desenvolvemento persoal e social. E isto é algo no que moitos presupostos teóricos parece estar a compartir. Tamén analizamos o conxunto das expectativas que os filIas e filIas teñen sobre o funcionamento familiar. Neste senso non podemos ma!s que suliñar as aportacións de Bandura (1981, 1986), Musitu, Román e Gracia (1988), Wittrock, 1990, ou Rogers, 1982. A teoría social-cognitiva de Bandura pon de relieve que os rendementos nas tarefas dos suxeitos condiciónanse polas elaboracións cognitivas que istos realicen e que median entre as habilidades que posuen, as súas execucións e as consecuencias que reciben. Si ternos en conta o antedito é preciso por de manifesto a modo de presupostos- que o funcionamento familiar está parcialmente condicionado polo contexto socio-cultural no que as familias se desenvolvan, que a avaliación pode ser tida en conta dende a tipoloxía do modelo circunflexo, reflexando as diversas formas de interacción familiar, e que as percepcións sobre a competencia median a actividade e as metas de nais/pais e filIas/filIos. As interrelacións existentes entre a familia e o medio escolar, cando estudamos a filIos e filIa nesta idade son de extraordinaria importancia. Parece que as investigacións apuntan o feito que o rendemento escolar e as habilidades cognitivas e sociais dos suxeitos na escola dependen en moita medida do climax familiar no que o neno/a se desenvolve. Clima familiar que depende da estructura, estilos, e das interaccións familiares que se produzan. A importancia da intervención no medio familiar poderíase xustificar, tal e como sinalan Nelson (1984), Musitu e cols. (1985), polo clima familiar, o cal relaciónase directamente coa intelixencia, logro escolar, autoestima escolar, competencia cognitivo-emocional e desenvolvemento socioeconómico adecuado. Nin que decir ten que a familia non é un contexto que se poda estudar tan só na súa influencia cando os filIos/as son infantes ou adolescentes. A importancia da familia e as posibilidades de intervención evolutivo-educativa adentranse na etapa adulta e na terceira idade. Polo tanto a familia como contexto de desenvolvemento ten importancia ó longo de todo o ciclo vital representando, como diría Serra Desfilis, un dos motores do cambio evolutivo, receptora e xeneradora dos sucesos evolutivos acaecidos na adultez e senectude

    Esencialismo, normativismo, posmodernismo: las interpretaciones sobre la etnicidad en la Arqueología española

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    This article presents a diachronic view of the ways in which Spanish Archaeology has approached the study of past ethnicity and consequently the image this has created of the peninsular “peoples”. To this end we begin with a review of the precedents contained in the historiography of the Early Modern Period which will be followed by a look at the initial phases of the discipline, the introduction of the cultural-historical method of the German School and the influence of the Franco regime. In the final section we will examine the approaches used since the beginning of the 1980s as well as the public interest and debate this issue has created as a result of the development of the Autonomous Communities.En el marco del presente artículo se ofrece una perspectiva diacrónica de las formas en las que la Arqueología española ha abordado el estudio de la etnicidad pretérita y por ende de la imagen generada sobre los “pueblos” peninsulares. Para ello se comienza con un repaso de los antecedentes presentes en la historiografía de la Edad Moderna, para pasar posteriormente a las etapas iniciales de la disciplina, a la introducción del método de la escuela alemana y a la influencia del franquismo. Por último, en la parte final del trabajo se abordan las aproximaciones llevadas a cabo desde inicios de los años 1980, así como el notable interés y debate que viene generando la temática en el ámbito popular de la mano del desarrollo del Estado de las Autonomías

    Analysis of digital competence of educators (DigCompEdu) in teacher trainees: the context of Melilla, Spain

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    This study was partly funded by the autonomous city of Melilla, Spain, through PROMESA and the UGR-Enterprise Foundation.The Spanish autonomous city of Melilla, located in northwest Africa, has one of the highest academic failure and abandonment rates in Europe. An effective way to improve this situation would be to improve students’ digital competence. In order to do so, teachers must have competent digital skills themselves and also be able to teach them. To determine teachers’ level of digital competence, the Spanish adaptation of the European Framework for Digital Competence of Educators was used to analyse the self-assessment responses of teachers in training at the Faculty of Education and Sport Sciences in Melilla, Spain. Several quantitative techniques were used to analyse data collected from a questionnaire based on the items in the framework. Indicators were given to each competence using a factor analysis to contrast differences between undergraduate and postgraduate students. Correlations between some of the students’ characteristics and the competences were estimated using OLS. The results show students’ self-assessment level of digital competence in different areas and differences between the bachelor’s and master’s programmes. Digital competence gaps were also detected in teacher training, especially in security. The conclusions highlight the need to improve digital security and facilitate a higher level of digital skills in line with the framework. Indeed, more hours of training in digital competence are required while taking into account the educational context and the technological, pedagogical and content knowledge needed to teach. Equally, the same skills must be developed by educators in order for them to transmit digital competence to their students and support them in educational centres.autonomous city of Melilla, Spain, through PROMESAUGR-Enterprise Foundatio

    Public opinions pose barriers for tuna consumption.

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    Safety and sustainability are key concepts affecting consumers’ decisions on tuna consumption. Although the benefits of consumption exceed the potential negative effects, tuna’s harmful attributes tend to egatively impact purchasing in at-risk groups. For regular individuals, tuna consumption is more influenced by tradition, education or other factors. Overfishing of tuna stocks remains an issue for some consumers. Further development of tuna aquaculture can decrease the presence of methylmercury in farmed tuna and also reduce pressures on wild stocks