3,383 research outputs found

    Toxic Social Media: Affective Polarization After Feminist Protests

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    The objective of this article is to conceptualize affective polarization beyond partisan politics to instead analyze the ways in which women’s affective political participation is subject to toxic discipline. While a lot of focus has been placed on affective politics as mechanisms for governance, little has been done regarding affective polarization after feminist protest. In this article, we bridge two bodies of literature—affective politics and political polarization—by proposing the notion of affective polarization. We focused on the case of a series of feminist mobilizations that took place to fight back against the impunity of police violence in Mexico. We conducted a mixed-method approach that combines, on one hand, quantitative analysis of data strand tweets encompassing #EllasNoMeRepresentan (TheyDoNotRepresentMe) (N = 17,698) and #EllasSiMeRepresentan (TheyDoRepresentMe) (N = 6700) and, on the other hand, a qualitative analysis of 500 tweets of each hashtag. The results of the study revealed the existence of polarization that aims at disciplining the affective political participation of women. Almost half of our data contain negative sentiments. The toxic tweets include corrective threats, such as incitation to sexual violence, murder, hate against feminism, and patronizing discourses about how women should protest. We thus conclude that while it is true that social media has amplified feminist mobilization, it has also led to an increase of digital violence. With these findings, the article contributes to a better understanding of both feminist affective politics and its disciplining governing mechanisms in a patriarchal social media

    3x2 Achievement Goals, Friendship and Affectivity in Physical Education: Age-Gender Differences

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    Se persiguen tres objetivos: (a) analizar las diferencias relativas a la edad y sexo en las metas de logro 3x2, metas de amistad, y afectividad en Educación Física, (b) estudiar las relaciones entre esas variables, y (c) explorar el valor predictivo de las metas de logro 3x2 y amistad sobre la afectividad. La muestra estuvo formada por 1610 alumnos (855 varones y 755 mujeres) de 10 a 17 años. Se realizaron MANOVAS, análisis univariados (Scheffé), y regresiones lineales. Los resultados mostraron un descenso significativo de las metas de logro (excepto aproximación-otro), metas de amistad y afecto positivo debido al desarrollo. Los varones puntuaron más alto las metas de aproximación-tarea, aproximación-otro, y evitación-otro. Las metas de aproximación-tarea y aproximación-amistad fueron los principales predictores positivos del afecto positivo. La franja de 13 a 14 años muestra una gran sensibilidad a los tres estándares de competencia de logro, competencia social e inestabilidad afectivaThe objectives of the study are three: (a) to analyze the differences related to age and sex in the 3x2 achievement goals, the friendship goals, and the affectivity in Physical Education, (b) to study the relationships between these variables, and c) to explore the predictive value of the 3x2 achievement goals and friendship on affectivity. The sample consisted of 1610 students (855 males and 755 females), aged between 10 and 17 years. MANOVAS, univariate analyzes (Scheffé), and linear regressions were performed. The results showed a significant decrease in achievement goals (except other-approach), friendship goals, and positive affect due to development. Males scored higher on task-approach, other-approach, and other-avoidance goals than women. Task-approach and friendship-approach were the main positive predictors of positive affect. The range of 13 to 14 years shows a great sensitivity to the three competences of achievement, social competence, and affective instabilit

    Diacritical study of light, electrons, and sound scattering by particles and holes

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    We discuss the differences and similarities in the interaction of scalar and vector wave-fields with particles and holes. Analytical results are provided for the transmission of isolated and arrayed small holes as well as surface modes in hole arrays for light, electrons, and sound. In contrast to the optical case, small-hole arrays in perforated perfect screens cannot produce acoustic or electronic surface-bound states. However, unlike electrons and light, sound is transmitted through individual holes approximately in proportion to their area, regardless their size. We discuss these issues with a systematic analysis that allows exploring both common properties and unique behavior in wave phenomena for different material realizations.Comment: 3 figure

    NRPSsp: non-ribosomal peptide synthase substrate predictor

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    ABSTRACT Summary: Non-Ribosomal Peptide Synthetases (NRPSs) are multimodular enzymes which biosynthesize many important peptide compounds produced by bacteria and fungi. Some studies have revealed that an individual domain within the NRPSs shows significant substrate selectivity. The discovery and characterisation of nonribosomal peptides are of great interest for the biotechnological industries. We have applied computational mining methods in order to build a database of NRPSs modules which bind to specific substrates. We have used this database to build an HMM predictor of substrates which bind to a given NRPS. Availability: The database and the predictor are freely available on an easy-to-use website at www.nrpssp.com

    Structural, electronic and magnetic properties of Ti-doped polar and nonpolar GaN surfaces

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    Based on density functional theory, first-principles calculations were performed in order to study the titanium incorporation on polar and nonpolar GaN surfaces. The formation energy calculations indicate that Ti impurity atoms prefer to incorporate in surface layers (first and second) of GaN. It is also concluded that the incorporation of Ti atoms in Ga-substitutional sites are more energetically favorable compared with N-substitutional or interstitial sites on the polar and nonpolar GaN surfaces. For Ti-rich growth conditions, formation energy calculations show the formation of TixN layers on the a and c GaN surfaces, which corroborates recent experimental observations. Results also display that the 3d-Ti states are the responsible for the metallization of the surface on the c and m planes, forming an intermetallic alloy (TixN), which could be used as low-resistance ohmic contacts for GaN. In addition, the magnetic properties with Ti doping show magnetization of about 1.0 μB/Ti atom for the nonpolar GaN surfaces


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    La implementación de nuevas estrategias orientadas a mejorar la usabilidad de aplicaciones educativas por personas con discapacidades físicas es un proceso complejo que involucra múltiples enfoques para la adaptación. El desarrollo de contenido educativo dirigido a estas personas suele tener que adaptarse a las características de los elementos de interfaz humano-computador típicos del mercado. En este trabajo se diseña un mouse que puede ser operado a través de movimientos de la cabeza y que permite que un usuario con discapacidades físicas pueda interactuar con el sistema sin usar el mouse ni el teclado. Los resultados muestran que el dispositivo permite una interacción efectiva con una aplicación educativa

    Twisted Covariant Noncommutative Self-dual Gravity

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    A twisted covariant formulation of noncommutative self-dual gravity is presented. The formulation for constructing twisted noncommutative Yang-Mills theories is used. It is shown that the noncommutative torsion is solved at any order of the θ\theta-expansion in terms of the tetrad and some extra fields of the theory. In the process the first order expansion in θ\theta for the Pleba\'nski action is explicitly obtained.Comment: 23+1 pages, no figures, corrected typos, references and Appendix B is adde

    Eating strategies in university students, quality of breakfast, and socioeconomic conditions

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    Purpose: The purpose of this study was to analyze food strategies, the quality of breakfast and the practice of physical activity in medical students, related to their socioeconomic conditions, and body mass index. Methodology: This study was a cross-sectional comparative study in 2nd-year students sitting a course in medicine at the University of Mexico. An instrument was developed and validated to collect the variables indicated, which was applied online using the Formstack platform. We used X2 or Fisher’s exact and t-test for independent samples or the Mann–Whitney U-test and performed logistic regression. Results: The logistic regression model indicated that being over 20 years of age, male, obese, and with a low physical activity index were risk factors associated with unhealthy food strategies, with no statistically significant difference. The risk was 41.2-fold in individuals reporting a poor-breakfast quality and six-fold in those who did not eat breakfast. The odds ratio values for insufficient and satisfactory quality of breakfast were at risk, with no statistically significant difference. Not having enough food was a 7.9-fold predictor of risk. Unhealthy food strategies were observed in more than 70% of students with intermediate and inadequate economic resources and in which the average expenditure on food was low. Conclusion: Healthy eating habits need to be promoted at the Faculty of Medicine, in addition to stressing the importance of a good quality breakfast and engagement in physical activity among students