7,795 research outputs found

    Ring Resonators with Sagnac Loops for Photonic Processing in DWDM Backbone Networks

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    In this paper, optical configurations based on ring resonators (RR) with an internal Sagnac (SG) loop in the feedback path, are analyzed in terms of their amplitude response and dispersive properties for filtering and chromatic dispersion managing in digital transmission systems over amplified single- mode fiber (SMF) spans in DWDM backbone networks. Design issues for the architecture as regards quadratic dispersion and magnitude distortion are provided. The RR+SG compound filter provides frequency tunability of the amplitude and dispersion peaks by adjusting a coupling coefficient of an optical coupler, with no need for using integrated thermo-optic nor current- injection based phase shifters. The configuration can be employed as an additional structure for a general RR-based design and synthesis architecture, allowing bandwidth increase of dispersion compensators and flexibility. The performance of a compound filter consisting of a two RR in series stage and a RR+SG filter are reported as a more compact and effective solution for existing multi-channel SMF backbone links operating at high bit rates. Design guidelines of an integrated ring resonator based on polymer technology for showing feasibility of the proposal is reported.This work was partially supported by Spanish CICYT (TEC2006-13273-C03-03-MIC), European project NoE EPhoton/One+, CAM (FACTOTEM-CM:S-0505/ESP/000417), FENIS-CCG06-UC3MITIC-0619.Publicad

    Radio-frequency ring resonators for self-referencing fiber-optic intensity sensors

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    A theoretical and experimental study of radiofrequency ring resonators (RR) for referencing and improving the sensitivity of fiber-optic intensity sensors (FOS) is reported. The separation between lead and transducer losses in the FOS is solved by converting the light intensity fluctuations to be measured into RR losses that produce high amplitude variations in the proximity of the RR resonance frequencies. Two different self-referencing techniques are developed. Via the definition of the measurement parameter RM , sensor linearity and sensitivity are analyzed. A calibration using an optical attenuator is reported to validate the model.Publicad

    Criminological analysis of the principle of judicial opportunity of the art. 57.7 of Spanish Immigration Law: Waiving of criminal proceedings and primacy of administrative expulsion

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    Spanish Immigration Law provides (art. 57.7) that where a foreigner, on which is pending an administrative expulsion order, is accused in a penal procedure with a misdemeanour or felony which entails a punishment less than six years of imprisonment or any alternative penal sanction, administrative authority will request to the criminal judge to renounce continuing with the penal procedure and allowed the expulsion, and judge will renounce unless some circumstances will be appreciated to justify the continuation of the process. This regulation, manifestation of the principle of judicial opportunity, has been widely analyzed from a legal perspective, but little research has been done about its effective implementation in practice and about the costs and benefits derived from this ius puniendi's renunciation from the point of view of the purposes of punishment. With the overall aim of deepening the knowledge of this topic, the research we are doing aims to: 1) determine the prevalence of its application; 2) identify the profile of foreigners and offenses for which it is applied; and 3) identify which criteria are guiding the assessment of the court decision. Our hypothesis are that: i) there are some dysfunctions that hampered the application and also the knowledge of the exact number of authorizations granted and that ii) in practice, the assessment of costs and benefits that implies authorization in each case, is omitted. To achieve the first objective we are reviewing official statistics and judiciary/prosecutors instructions and conducting interviews with key stakeholders. To achieve the second and the third objectives, we are reviewing a sample of selected case files of trial courts of Madrid and Malaga, which also allows us to make comparisons between practices of both jurisdictions. The results obtained would allow us to develop good practices that could be useful for legal actors in the assessment of approval or denial the expulsion.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Aspectos conflictivos en la aplicación de la deducción del Impuesto sobre el Valor Añadido

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    Treball Final del Màster Universitari en Gestió Financera i Comptabilitat Avançada (Pla de 2013). Codi: SRL031. Curs acadèmic 2013-2014El Impuesto sobre el Valor Añadido plantea, en su aplicación, diversos supuestos en los que se plantean diversas dudas y conflictos entre la Administración y los contribuyentes. El presente trabajo tiene como objetivo determinar y analizar estos casos en donde en numerosas ocasiones se produce cierta controversia en la aplicación de dicho impuesto. Concretamente, se recogen los supuestos más conflictivos y referidos a la deducción del Impuesto sobre el Valor Añadido en las declaraciones periódicas del obligado. La Administración es la que, a través de las leyes aprobadas por los representantes de los ciudadanos en el Parlamento, aplica una serie de pautas que deben seguirse para la correcta aplicación de un impuesto tan importante como es este. No obstante, debido algunas veces al no conocimiento de la ley y en otras, a una actuación premeditada, pero conociéndola, se producen discrepancias entre la forma de actuar que marca dicha ley y la actuación final del contribuyente. Queda, por lo tanto, una asignatura pendiente a superar que pasa por intentar reducir en la medida de lo posible la falta de neutralidad en el impuesto derivada en ocasiones de este tipo de conflictos en la aplicación de la deducción de este impuesto

    «Ay malos pasos et tremedales ». Water as conditioning factor of the medieval settlement patter at the episcopal lordship of Sigüenza (Guadalajara)

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    El objetivo del trabajo es relacionar el poblamiento medieval de los valles del extremo oriental de la Sierra norte de Guadalajara con las limitaciones y posibilidades derivados de la existencia de agua en abundancia. Debido a la configuración hidrogeológica de este territorio hay una capa freática inestable y abundan los manantiales, torrenteras, arroyos y ríos que no siempre contienen agua dulce, sino que muy a menudo las aguas van cargadas de salmuera. Esto ha sido un condicionante, tanto positivo como negativo, para la puesta en práctica de determinadas actividades productivas agropecuarias, incluyendo la propia obtención de la sal. Aunque el marco cronológico abordado será el llamado largo milenio medieval, pondremos especialmente atención a lo que ocurre durante el proceso de conquista y colonización feudal, cuando se forma el señorío episcopal de Sigüenza, entre los siglos XII-XIII.The aim of the work is to relate the medieval settlements pattern at the valleys of the eastern end of Sierra Norte of Guadalajara with the limitations and possibilities derived from the existence of abundant water. Due to the hydrogeological characterization of this territory, there is an unstable water table as well as many springs, torrents, streams and rivers that do not always contain fresh water, but very often it is loaded with brine. This has been a condition, both positive and negative, for certain peasant productive activities, including the obtaining of salt. Although the chronological framework will be the so-called long medieval millennium, we pay special attention to what happens during the process of feudal conquest and colonization, when the episcopal dominion of Sigüenza was formed between the 12th and 13th centuries.pp. 167-20

    Análisis de dispositivos de microondas con simetrías de primer y segundo orden mediante el Método de los Elementos Finitos 2D

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    Los dispositivos de microondas son la base sobre la cual se fundamentan los sistemas de comunicaciones, hoy en día omnipresentes como consecuencia del enorme crecimiento y popularización que han sufrido las Tecnologías de la Información (TI). Ámbitos como las comunicaciones inalámbricas ubicuas (como el 5G), el Internet de las Cosas (IoT, por sus siglas en inglés) y los sistemas de geolocalización (Galileo, GPS, GLONASS), así como otras recientes iniciativas privadas (Starlink de SpaceX, Proyecto Kuiper de Amazon) necesitan de nuevos dispositivos con capacidades y prestaciones potenciadas que atiendan las demandas de la industria. Entre las tecnologías más utilizadas en el ámbito de alta potencia y bajas pérdidas está la guía de onda, muy empleada, por ejemplo, en aplicaciones aeroespaciales. En el contexto de las antenas diseñadas en esta tecnología, también destacan las estructuras selectivas en frecuencia (FSS) y polarización (PSS), elaboradas mediante rejillas periódicas y capaces de ser fabricadas mediante manufacturación aditiva (impresión 3D). Para el diseño y optimización de estos dispositivos de microondas predominan hoy en día las herramientas basadas en el diseño asistido por ordenador (CAD, en inglés). Estas herramientas, versátiles y potentes, permiten hacer el análisis electromagnético de las estructuras basadas en las tecnologías antes descritas y muchas otras, obteniendo una gran precisión en los resultados. En este ámbito, destaca el Método de los Elementos Finitos (FEM, por sus siglas en inglés), basado en la división de una estructura en secciones finitas, para las que se obtiene un resultado discretizado que es una aproximación del real. Esta técnica, a pesar de ser potente y general, y precisamente por ello, puede ser muy costosa computacionalmente. En este proyecto, atendiendo a la demanda de crear herramientas de análisis más completas y eficientes, se ha tomado como punto de partida el Método de los Elementos Finitos, y se ha estudiado en casos particulares aplicados a guías de onda, FSS y PSS; tanto de análisis modal como de problemas de excitación, buscando optimizaciones que reduzcan el coste computacional y aporten información de interés basándose en las propiedades de simetría de dichas estructuras, tanto de primer como de segundo orden

    D,L-Citrullinato-bipyridine Copper Complex: Experimental and Theoretical Characterization

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    Citrulline is a non-protein amino acid that acts as a metabolic intermediate in the urea cycle and arginine synthesis. It is present in some foods, although its name derives from watermelon (Citrullus vulgaris), from which it was first identified. Under normal conditions, Citrulline exists as a zwitterion in aqueous solutions since its carboxylic and amine groups can act as Lewis donors to chelate metal cations. In addition, Citrulline possesses in the aliphatic chain a terminal ureide group, which could also coordinate. Although Citrulline is comparable to other classical amino acids, its coordination chemistry has yet to be explored. Only two metal complexes have been reported, and the copper complex is a polymeric and insoluble material. As part of our search for active Casiopeina® analogs, we created a more soluble complex by combining 2,20-Bipyridine into a new mixed material, resulting in the mononuclear complex [Cu(Bipy)(Citr)(H2O)(NO3)] H2O. Singlecrystal X-ray diffraction, spectroscopic methods (FT-IR, UV-Vis, Raman), and mass spectrometry characterized the material. Interestingly, both isomers of Citrulline, R(D), and S(L) are present in the same crystal. In addition, the molecular structure and electronic properties of the complex were calculated using density functional theory (DFT). Non-covalent interactions were characterized using the atoms-in-molecules (AIM) approach and Hirshfeld surface (HS) analysis. This ternary complex containing Citrulline and 2,20-Bipyridine will be used for docking calculations and preliminary biological studies using calf thymus DNA (CT-DNA) and plasmid pUC19 as a first approximation to cytotoxic activity against cancer cell linesProject 100517029-VIEP (BUAP, México)The PRODEP Academic Group BUAP-CA-263 (SEP, Mexico)Ministerio de UniversidadesNext Generation for the Margarita Salas contract 401 (Spain

    Behavioural problems during the childhood: theorical approach through a case study

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    En fænomenologisk og antropologisk analyse af legen som et universelt, eksistentielt rum for mennesket.Presence – An attempt at an easy definition of playIn this article a simple definition of play has been attempted within the framework of phenomenological anthropology. When the process is seen as more serious than the result, we play. When, on the contrary, the result is the more important, we work. To express it in simple formulas in which P is process and R, result:P/R > 1 = Play P/R < 1 = WorkThe definition is discussed in relation to a number of approsing rations which normally provoke reflexive efforts: play vs. seriousness; play vs. labour; play vs. reality; play vs. war; play vs. sport; play vs. ritual; play as symbol and metaphor.Further, the phenomenological concept of play is contrasted to the pedagogical concept, in an analysis of the instrumental use of play vs. play as a meaningful practise in itself.Finally, reference is made to W.H. Auden’s view of the aesthetic process as a dual act involving sin and the search for redemption