186 research outputs found

    Variabilidad subindividual en plumas de mar (Octocorallia: Pennatulacea)

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    Comparisons between plants and sessile modular colonial invertebrates offer interesting parallelisms between plant and animal body plans after millions of years of divergent evolution. Among these parallelisms might be the existence and distribution of intraindividual heterogeneity in organ traits, also named subindividual variability. Subindividual variability is quantitatively important and has many consequences for plant individuals, populations and communities, and for animal consumers as well. However, could a similar process of subindividual variability occur in sea pens, which have a modular architecture similar to that of plants? In the literature of marine invertebrates very little is known about the presence and magnitude of subindividual variability in modular organisms. This study provides for the first time a quantitative assessment of subindividual variability in sea pens, analysing certain biometric features of reiterated structures that presumably have some ecological function, and offers an initial comparison of quantitative levels of subindividual variation between plants and sea pens.Las comparaciones entre plantas e invertebrados coloniales modulares sésiles ofrecen interesantes paralelismos entre los planes corporales de las plantas y los animales, tras millones de años de evolución divergente. Entre estos paralelismos podría estar la existencia y distribución de la heterogeneidad intraindividual en los rasgos de los órganos, también denominada variabilidad subindividual. La variabilidad subindividual es importante cuantitativamente y tiene múltiples consecuencias para las plantas individuales, las poblaciones y las comunidades, así como para los animales consumidores. Mas, ¿podría ocurrir un proceso similar de variabilidad subindividual en plumas de mar, que tienen una arquitectura modular similar a la de las plantas? En la literatura de invertebrados marinos se sabe muy poco sobre la presencia y la magnitud de la variabilidad subindividual en los organismos modulares. Este estudio proporciona por primera vez una evaluación cuantitativa de la variabilidad subindividual en las plumas de mar, analizando ciertas características biométricas de estructuras reiteradas que presumiblemente tienen alguna función ecológica, y ofrece una primera comparación de los niveles cuantitativos de variación subindividual entre las plantas y las plumas de mar

    Resurrection of the sea pen genus Ptilella Gray, 1870 and description of Ptilella grayi n. sp. from the NE Atlantic (Octocorallia: Pennatulacea)

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    The order Pennatulacea covers a group of specialized and morphologically distinct octocorals found in all oceans from intertidal areas to more than 6000 m in depth. Sea pens constitute an important structural component in marine soft-bottom communities by increasing the complexity of these environments. Despite being both morphologically distinctive and ecologically important, the taxonomy and systematics of sea pens is still poorly understood. Recent molecular studies have shown the existence of convergent morphological features, making the current familial distribution of genera unstable. The genus Pennatula Linnaeus, 1758 was one of the first described octocoral genera. It is the type genus of its family, Pennatulidae. Colonies of this genus have a characteristic morphology. Recent sampling efforts in the northeastern Atlantic have provided a number of colonies initially attributable to the genus Pennatula. Both morphological and molecular (mtMutS, Cox1 and 28S genes) study of this material supports the polyphyletic nature of this genus and the need to resurrect the genus Ptilella Gray, 1870 to accommodate these and other species. A new species, Ptilella grayi n. sp., is described and illustrated. The species Pennatula bayeri is proposed to be a junior synonym of Pennatula bellissima (here also considered in the genus Ptilella)

    Filogenia molecular y estimación del tiempo de divergencia en pennatuláceos (Cnidaria: Octocorallia: Pennatulacea)

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    Pennatulaceans are an important component of benthic marine communities usually related to soft bottoms. Despite their important ecological role, as yet little is known about their origin and divergence time. The first attempts to establish phylogenetic relationships among genera date from the early 20th century, when only morphological characters were available. In the last decade, phylogenetic analyses based on mitochondrial DNA sequences from a selected number of species have proposed a different hypothetical ancestor for this group, but their intergeneric relationships remain obscure. The present study is based on a combination of mitochondrial and nuclear markers (mtMutS, Cox1 and 28S rDNA), adding new molecular information about the phylogenetic relationships among the pennatulacean genera, including 38 new sequences belonging to 13 different species. Some of the phylogenetic relationships inferred in the present study question the current classification of sea pens based on morphology (at different taxonomic levels), clearly indicating that the two main groups Sessiliflorae and Subselliflorae, some of their main families (e.g. Pennatulidae, Umbellulidae, Virgulariidae) and some genera (e.g. Umbellula, Veretillum) are non-monophyletic. In addition, the veretillids, traditionally considered the most primitive pennatulaceans, are not shown as the earliest-diverging taxon. Moreover, an analysis of divergence time performed here suggested that the origin of the pennatulaceans dates from the Lower Cretaceous (Berriasian, ~144 Ma), in agreement with their sparsely known fossil record, while the initial divergence of most extant genera occurred in the Oligocene and Miocene times.Los pennatuláceos son un componente importante de las comunidades bentónicas marinas generalmente relacionados con fondos blandos. A pesar de su importante papel ecológico, la información sobre su origen y tiempo de divergencia es aún escasa. Los primeros intentos de establecer relaciones filogenéticas entre géneros datan de principios del siglo XX, cuando sólo estaban disponibles caracteres morfológicos. En la última década, los análisis filogenéticos basados en secuencias de ADN mitocondrial procedentes de un limitado número de especies han propuesto un ancestro hipotético diferente para este grupo, pero sus relaciones intergenéricas permanecen oscuras. La presente investigación está basada en una combinación de marcadores mitocondriales y nuclear (mtMutS, Cox1 y ADNr 28S), aportando nueva información molecular sobre las relaciones filogenéticas entre los géneros de pennatuláceos, incluyendo 38 nuevas secuencias pertenecientes a 13 especies. Algunas de las relaciones filogenéticas inferidas en el presente estudio cuestionan la actual clasificación de las plumas de mar basada en la morfología (a diferentes niveles taxonómicos), indicando claramente que los dos grupos principales Sessiliflorae y Subselliflorae, algunas de sus principales familias (por ejemplo Pennatulidae, Umbellulidae, Virgulariidae) y algunos géneros (por ejemplo Umbellula, Veretillum) son no-monofiléticos. Asimismo, los veretílidos, tradicionalmente considerados los pennatuláceos más primitivos, no se muestran como el taxón divergente más antiguo. Además, un análisis del tiempo de divergencia realizado en este trabajo sugirió que el origen de los pennatuláceos data del Cretácico Inferior (Berriasiano, ~ 144 Ma), de acuerdo con su escasamente conocido registro fósil, mientras que la divergencia inicial de la mayoría de los géneros existentes ocurrió en tiempos del Oligoceno y Mioceno

    Design of a specific physical training program for first-time participants in basic life support

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    Objetivo: diseñar un programa de entrenamiento físico específico para profesionales del soporte vital básico que permita superar la fatiga que éstos padecen durante el desarrollo de la reanimación cardiopulmonar con el fin de proporcionar un masaje cardiaco de mayor calidad durante periodos de tiempo más largos. Método: el entrenamiento interválico de alta intensidad mejora la capacidad física y la salud al tiempo que reduce los niveles de grasa y aumenta el metabolismo basal mediante la alternancia entre ejercicios de alta y baja intensidad mejorando la capacidad anaeróbica y la disponibilidad aeróbica, lo que hace de este tipo de entrenamiento una herramienta idónea para trabajar con los profesionales de la reanimación cardiopulmonar. Resultado: programa de entrenamiento por estaciones que combinando actividades dinámicas de alta intensidad, ejercicios de fuerza en los que se implica directamente la musculatura interviniente en la reanimación cardiopulmonar y ejercicios en los que se utiliza el propio simulador de reanimación cardiopulmonar, permite adecuarnos al entrenamiento de alta intensidad aumentando la fuerza y la funcionalidad. Conclusiones: la relación existente entre el ejercicio físico y la calidad de las técnicas de reanimación cardiopulmonar impone la necesidad de desarrollar estudios específicos de las rutas metabólicas y los grupos musculares específicos que participan en estas técnicas con el objetivo de generar un programa de entrenamiento físico específico para los profesionales que participan en esta actividad para mejorar la calidad de dichas técnicas e influir de forma positiva en la supervivencia de los pacientes afectados por un episodio de parada cardiorrespiratoria.Objective: to design a specific physical training program for basic life support professionals to overcome the fatigue they suffer during the development of cardiopulmonary resuscitation in order to provide a higher quality cardiac massage for longer periods. Method: high intensity interval training improves physical fitness and health, reduce fat levels and increase basal metabolism by high and low intensity exercises alternation, improving anaerobic capacity and aerobic availability, which make this type of training an ideal tool for working with cardiopulmonary resuscitation professionals. Result: a circuit training program that allow us for adapting to a high intensity interval training combining high intensity activities, strength exercises that work the participant musculature in cardiopulmonary resuscitation and exercises in which the cardiopulmonary resuscitation simulator is used. Conclusions: the connection between physical exercise and cardiopulmonary resuscitation techniques quality impose the need to develop specific studies of metabolic pathways and participant muscle groups in cardiopulmonary resuscitation to generate a specific physical training program for professionals who participate in this activity in order to improve these techniques quality and cardiorespiratory arrest survival


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    El presente trabajo se implementa un controlador resonante integral para la atenuación del primer modo de vibración de una estructura flexible tipo viga en voladizo. El controlador se implementa mediante un circuito electrónico analógico y se utilizan actuadores piezoeléctricos. Se presenta el proceso de acondicionamiento de la señal de aceleración utilizada, la sintonización del controlador y finalmente se exponen los resultados obtenidos experimentalmente, donde se observa una disminución en el tiempo de estabilización superior al 50% con respecto al tiempo del sistema no controlado.Palabras clave: Control resonante, viga en voladizo, control activo de vibracione

    Implementation of a Training Program in Advanced Life Support within map competence of future students of Medicine, University of Granada

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    Objetivo: Analizar la primera experiencia de formación en soporte vital avanzado (SVA) en estudiantes de medicina, incluyéndola como asignatura de libre configuración siguiendo las normas de la European Resuscitation Council. Metodología: Estudio observacional descriptivo transversal. Los datos se recogieron de los alumnos que participaron en el curso de SVA, como asignatura de libre configuración, realizado en la facultad de medicina de la Universidad de Granada. Se recogieron mediante encuesta variables sociodemográficas, variables de aspectos específicos de calidad del curso, así como la consideración de los alumnos ante la posibilidad de implantación del SVA en los estudios de Grado en la facultad de medicina. (Escala de puntuación= 1 mínimo- 5 máximo). Resultados: Se encuestaron a los 25 alumnos que asistieron al curso y su evaluación fue: Evaluación global del curso= 5,0, docentes participantes=4,8+ 0,3, material empleado=4,2+ 0,5 y las instalaciones= 3,7+ 0,6. Necesidad de la implantación de la formación en soporte vital avanzado en los estudios de Grado= 84% imprescindible y el 16% recomendable. Formación de los docentes que impartan esta asignatura= 4% Formación específica en urgencias y emergencias, 4% Formación específica en soporte vital y el 92% formación específica en soporte vital y metodología de la formación. Espacios docentes específicos para la formación en soporte vital = 56% imprescindible, 40% recomendable y el 4% opcional. Escogería la asignatura=100% de alumnos respondió que SI. Posible dotación de créditos=4% 8 créditos, 80% 6 créditos y el 16% se mostró indiferente. Elección del año académico a impartir la asignatura=52% en quinto y el 48% en sexto. Necesidad de reciclaje= el 100% de los alumnos respondieron SI. Conclusiones: El grado de satisfacción con la acción formativa es muy elevado, destacando la valoraciòn a los docentes. Los alumnos consideran imprescindible que los docentes sean expertos clínicos en la atención al paciente en situación de PCR, y además dispongan de formación específica en metodología de la formación aplicada a la enseñanza del soporte vital. Además consideran que el desarrollo de un mapa competencial específico en soporte vital debe estar incorporado al curriculum formativo de cualquier estudiante del Grado de Medicina.Objective: To analyze the first training experience in advanced life support (ALS) in medical students, including it as a free elective course following the rules of the European Resuscitation Council. Method: This is a cross-sectional observational study. Data were collected from the students who participated in the course of ALS, as free elective course, held at the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Granada. Dates were collected: sociodemographic, specific aspects of quality of the course, as well as consideration of the students at the possibility of implementation of SVA in graduate studies in the faculty of medicine. (Rating scale = 1, minimum 5 maximum).Results: The 25 students who attended the course and its evaluation was surveyed was: Overall Course Evaluation = 5.0, participating teachers = 4.8 + 0.3, material used = 4.2 + 0.5 = 3 facilities, 7 + 0.6. Need for the implementation of training in advanced life support in the Degree = 84 % essential and 16% recommended. Training of teachers to impart this course = 4 % Specific training in emergency , 4 % Specific training in life support and 92% specific training in life support and training methodologies . Specific teaching areas for training in life support = 56 % essential, 40 % and 4% recommended optional. Choose the course = 100 % of students answered YES. Possible allocation of credits = 4% 8 credits 6 credits 80 % and 16% were indifferent. Election of the academic year to teach the subject = 52% in the fifth and sixth 48 %. Need for recycling = 100% of the students answered YES. Conclusions: The degree of satisfaction with the training is very high, highlighting the valuation teachers. The students believe that teachers must be skilled in clinical patient care at-PCR, and also have specific training in training methodology applied to the teaching of life support. Also to consider developing a specific competence map in life support should be incorporated into the training curriculum for any student of Degree of Medicine

    The Search of Diffusive Properties in Ambient Seismic Noise

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    Ambient seismic noise (ASN) is becoming of interest for geophysical exploration and engineering seismology as it is possible to exploit its potential for imaging. Theory asserts that the Green’s function can be retrieved from correlations within a diffuse field. Surface waves are the most conspicuous part of Green’s function in layered media. Thus, the velocities of surface waves can be obtained from ASN if the wavefield is diffuse. There is widespread interest in the conditions of emergence and properties of diffuse fields. In the applications, useful approximations of the Green’s function can be obtained from cross-correlations of recorded motions of ASN. An elastic field is diffuse if the illumination is azimuthally uniform and equipartitioned. It happens with the coda waves in earthquakes and has been verified in carefully planned experiments. For one of these data sets, the 1999 Chilpancingo (Mexico) experiment, there are some records of earthquake pre-events that undoubtedly are composed of ASN, so that the processing for coda can be tested on them. We decompose the ASN energies and study their equilibration. The scheme is inspired by the original experiment and uses the ASN recorded in an L-shaped array that allows the computation of spatial derivatives. It requires care in establishing the appropriate ranges for measuring parameters. In this search for robust indicators of diffusivity, we are led to establish that under certain circumstances, the S and P energy equilibration is a process that anticipates the diffusion regime (no necessarily isotropy), which justifies the use of horizontal-to-vertical spectral ratio in the theoretical context of diffusion


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    In last years, the traditional blackboard teaching has been incrementally supplemented by visual aids like slide projectors and videos. The phenomenal growth of the Internet has brought in new teaching media, such as Massive Online Open Courses (MOOCs) that open the educational experience up to a broader and more distant set of students. This easy access to education can increase motivation and it is a useful commercial tool for universities. Unlike other disciplines (such as economics or psychology), the MOOCs are rarely used to spread Civil Engineering courses. To fill this gap, and to encourage the use of MOOCs among Civil Engineering Schools, this paper presents the experience of the MOOC for the multidisciplinary design of bridges created by the University of Castilla-La Mancha. This MOOC is based on the experiences learned from the contest on bridge construction with knex for undergraduate students organized by this university in 2015, 2016 and 2017

    Towards sustainable partnerships in global health: the case of the CRONICAS Centre of Excellence in Chronic Diseases in Peru.

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    Human capital requires opportunities to develop and capacity to overcome challenges, together with an enabling environment that fosters critical and disruptive innovation. Exploring such features is necessary to establish the foundation of solid long-term partnerships. In this paper we describe the experience of the CRONICAS Centre of Excellence in Chronic Diseases, based at Universidad Peruana Cayetano Heredia in Lima, Peru, as a case study for fostering meaningful and sustainable partnerships for international collaborative research. The CRONICAS Centre of Excellence in Chronic Diseases was established in 2009 with the following Mission: "We support the development of young researchers and collaboration with national and international institutions. Our motivation is to improve population's health through high quality research." The Centre's identity is embedded in its core values - generosity, innovation, integrity, and quality- and its trajectory is a result of various interactions between multiple individuals, collaborators, teams, and institutions, which together with the challenges confronted, enables us to make an objective assessment of the partnership we would like to pursue, nurture and support. We do not intend to provide a single example of a successful partnership, but in contrast, to highlight what can be translated into opportunities to be faced by research groups based in low- and middle-income countries, and how these encounters can provide a strong platform for fruitful and sustainable partnerships. In defiant contexts, partnerships require to be nurtured and sustained. Acknowledging that all partnerships are not and should not be the same, we also need to learn from the evolution of such relationships, its key successes, hurdles and failures to contribute to the promotion of a culture of global solidarity where mutual goals, mutual gains, as well as mutual responsibilities are the norm. In so doing, we will all contribute to instil a new culture where expectations, roles and interactions among individuals and their teams are horizontal, the true nature of partnerships