116 research outputs found

    Legal framework and scientific responsibilities during volcanic crises: the case of the El Hierro eruption (2011–2014)

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    In recent years concerns have been growing in the scientific community over the definition of scientific responsibilities during emergencies, and the legal status of scientists involved in the corresponding decision-making. It is clear that the legal framework is one of the main elements affecting this issue; however, many factors may affect both the specific scientific decision-making and the definition of general scientific responsibilities. The situation will vary depending on the type and scale of emergency, and from place to place, even in the same country. There will be no such thing as a single, ideal solution. In the latest El Hierro volcanic crisis many factors have negatively affected the scientific management and have prevented an adequate definition of scientific responsibility. These factors have been detected and documented by the authors. They include excessive pressure due to human and economic issues, a poor legal framework with identifiable deficiencies, an Emergency Plan in which the Volcanic Activity/Alert Level (VAL), Emergency Response Level (ERL) and Volcanic Traffic Light (VTL) have been too rigidly linked, serious weaknesses in the management and structure of the Scientific Committee (SC), and more. Even though some of these problems have now been detected and certain solutions have already been proposed, the slowness and complexity of the bureaucratic processes are making it difficult to implement solutions.This research has been funded by the CSIC (201130E070) and MINECO (CGL2011-28682- C02-01) research projects.Peer reviewe

    Reconstructing palaeo-volcanic geometries using a Geodynamic Regression Model (GRM): Application to Deception Island volcano (South Shetland Islands, Antarctica)

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    This article describes a reconstruction made of the palaeo-volcanic edifice on Deception Island (South Shetland Islands, Antarctica) prior to the formation of its present caldera. Deception Island is an active Quaternary volcano located in the Bransfield Strait, between the South Shetland Islands and the Antarctic Peninsula. The morphology of the island has been influenced mainly by the volcanic activity but geodynamics and volcanic deformation have also contributed. A volcanic reconstruction method, the Geodynamic Regression Model (GRM), which includes a terrain deformation factor, is proposed. In the case of Deception Island, the directions of this deformation are NW–SE and NE–SW, and match both the observed deformation of the Bransfield Strait and the volcanic deformation monitored over the last 20 years in the island, using Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) techniques. Based on these data, possible volcanic deformation values of 5–15 mm/yr in these directions have been derived. A possible coastline derived from a current bathymetry is transformed, according to values for the chosen date, to obtain the palaeo-coastline of Deception Island of 100 k years ago. Topographic, geomorphologic, volcanological and geological data in a GIS system have been considered, for computation of the outside caldera slope, palaeo-coastline, palaeo-summit height and palaeo digital elevation model (DEM). The result is a 3D palaeo-geomorphological surface model of a volcano, reaching 640 m in height, with an increase of 4 km3 in volume compared to the current edifice, covering 4 km2 more surface area and the method reveals the previous existence of parasite volcanoes. Two photorealistic images of the island are obtained by superposition of textures extracted from a current Quick Bird satellite image also. This technique for reconstructing the terrain of an existing volcano could be useful for analysing the past and future geomorphology of this island and similar locations

    Normal vector analysis from GNSS-GPS data applied to Deception volcano surface deformation

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    Surface deformation parameters and its use in volcano monitoring have evolved from classical geodetic procedures up to those based on Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS), in particular the most widely used and known Global Positioning System (GPS), profiting from the automated data processing, positioning precision and rates, as well as the large storage capacity and low power consumption of its equipments. These features have enabled the permanent GNSSGPS data acquisition to ensure the continuous monitoring of geodetic benchmarks for the evaluation of surface deformation in active tectonic or volcanic areas. In Deception Island (Antarctica), a normal vector analysis is being used to give surface deformation based on three permanently observed GNSSGPS benchmarks. Due to data availability, both in the past and for near real-time use, all benchmarks used are inside the monitored volcanic area, although the reference is away from thermal springs and/or fumaroles, unlike the other two. The time variation of slope distances to the reference benchmark and of the magnitude and inclination of the normal vector to the triangle defined by the reference benchmark and any other two, provides the spatial deformation in the volcanic area covered. The normal vector variation in magnitude gives information on compression or expansion, here called spatial dilatometer, while the changes in inclination gives information on relative uplift or subsidence, here called spatial inclinometer. In geodesy, the triangle is a basic geometric unit and the areal strain is commonly applied in tectonics and volcanism. The normal vector analysis conjugates both, benefiting from the method's precision, simplicity and possibility to model the surface using several triangles. The proposed method was applied to GNSSGPS data collected every austral summer between 20012002 and 20092010 in Deception Island. The results evidence that Deception Island acts as a strain marker in the Bransfield Basin volcano-tectonic setting.Spanish Ministry of Education and Science as part of the National Antarctic Program; Recognition and fast evaluation of volcanic activity on Deception Island (GEODESY) [ANT1999-1430-E/HESP]; Geodetic Studies on Deception Island: deformation models, geoid determination and Scientific Information System [REN2000-0551-C03-01/ANT]; Acquisition of scientific software for GPS data processing [REN2000-2690-E]; Geodetic Control of the volcanic activity of Deception Island [CGL2004-21547-E/ANT]; Update of the Spanish Cartography for Deception Island [CGL2004-20408-E/ANT]; Volcanotectonic activity on Deception Island: geodetic, geophysical investigations and Remote Sensing on Deception Island and its surroundings [CGLl2005-07589-c03-01/ANT]; Geodetic and Geothermal Researches, Time Serial Analysis and Volcanic Innovation in Antarctica (South Shetland Islands and Antarctic Peninsula (GEOTINANT) [CTM2009-07251/ANT]info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Cardioembolic Stroke Diagnosis Using Blood Biomarkers

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    Stroke is one of the main causes of death and disability in the world. Cardioembolic etiology accounts for approximately one fifth of all ischemic strokes whereas 25-30% remains undetermined even after an advanced diagnostic workup. Despite there is not any biomarker currently approved to distinguish cardioembolic stroke among other etiologies in clinical practice the use of biomarkers represents a promising valuable complement to determine stroke etiology reducing the number of cryptogenic strokes and aiding in the prescription of the most appropriated primary and secondary treatments in order to minimize therapeutic risks and to avoid recurrences. In this review we present an update about specific cardioembolic stroke-related biomarkers at a protein, transcriptomic and genetic level. Finally, we also focused on reported biomarkers associated with atrial fibrillation (a cardiac illness strongly related with cardioembolic stroke subtype) thus with a potential to become biomarkers to detect cardioembolic stroke in the future

    Monitoring dexamethasone skin biodistribution with ex vivo MALDI-TOF mass spectrometry imaging and confocal Raman microscopy

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    Two of the most promising techniques in terms of ex vivo skin imaging and quantifying are confocal Raman microscopy and MALDI-TOF mass spectrometry imaging (MALDI-TOF MSI). Both techniques were set up, and the semiquantitative skin biodistribution of previously developed dexamethasone (DEX) loaded lipomers was compared using Benzalkonium chloride (BAK) as a tracer of the nanoparticles. In MALDI-TOF MSI, DEX was derivatised with GirT (DEX-GirT) and the semiquantitative biodistribution of both DEX-GirT and BAK was successfully obtained. The amount of DEX measured by confocal Raman microscopy was higher than that measured by MALDI-TOF MSI, but MALDI-TOF MSI proved to be a more suitable technique for tracing BAK. An absorption-promoting tendency of DEX loaded in lipomers versus a free-DEX solution was observed in confocal Raman microscopy. The higher spatial resolution of confocal Raman microscopy (350 nm) with respect to MALDI-TOF MSI (50 mu m) allowed to observe specific skin structures like hair follicles. Nevertheless, the faster sampling rate of MALDI-TOF-MSI, permitted the analysis of larger tissue regions. In conclusion, both techniques allowed to simultaneously analyze semiquantitative data together with qualitative images of biodistribution, which is a very helpful tool when designing nanoparticles that accumulate in specific anatomical regions

    Identificación y uso de biomarcadores pronósticos en el ictus isquémico

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    II. Es van analitzar mostres de microdiàlisi cerebral in vivo de pacients d'ictus isquèmic pel descobriment de biomarcadors associats a la malaltia cerebrovascular. Es van obtenir microdialitzats (MDs) de la zona infartada, de la zona del periinfart i de la zona contralateral no afectada. Els MDs es van comparar, qualitativament i quantitativament, mitjançant tècniques de proteómica basades en marcatge isobàric i espectrometria de masses. Complementàriament, alguns candidats es van estudiar mitjançant immunotransferència en mostres de teixit de necròpsies cerebrals de pacients morts a causa d'un ictus isquèmic. Finalment, hem començat a realitzar ELISAs per la determinació d'aquests candidats en mostres de sang.I. Se analizaron muestras de microdiálisis cerebral in vivo de pacientes de ictus isquémico para el descubrimiento de biomarcadores asociados a la enfermedad cerebrovascular. Se obtuvieron microdializados (MDs) de la zona infartada, de la zona del periinfarto y de la zona contralateral no afectada. Los MDs fueron comparados, cualitativa y cuantitativamente, mediante técnicas de proteómica basadas en marcaje isobárico y espectrometría de masas. Complementariamente, algunos candidatos se estudiaron mediante inmunotransferencia en muestras de tejido de necropsias cerebrales de pacientes fallecidos a causa de un ictus isquémico. Finalmente, hemos comenzado a realizar ELISAs para la determinación de estos candidatos en muestras de sangre

    Depressive-like states heighten the aversion to painful stimuli in a rat model of comorbid chronic pain and depression.

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    BACKGROUND: Chronic pain and depression are two complex states with sensory/somatic and emotional components, and they may mutually exacerbate one another in conditions of comorbidity, leading to a poorer prognosis. METHODS: The authors have evaluated the sensory and emotional components in a rat model combining chronic constriction injury (CCI, a model of chronic neuropathic pain) with unpredictable chronic mild stress (CMS, an experimental model of depression). In addition, the phosphorylation/activation of the extracellular signal-regulated kinases 1 and 2 and neuronal density was also evaluated in the anterior cingulate cortex. Four groups were tested: sham-control, sham-CMS, CCI-control, and CCI-CMS. RESULTS: CMS selectively heightens aversion to painful experiences in animals subjected to CCI, as measured in the place escape/avoidance test at 20, 25, and 30 min (CCI-CMS (mean±SEM): 75.68±3.32, 66.75±4.70, 77.54±3.60 vs. CCI-control: 44.66±6.07, 43.17±6.92, 52.83±5.92, respectively), in conjunction with an increase in the accumulation of phosphorylation/activation of the extracellular signal-regulated kinases (CCI-CMS: 4.17±0.52 vs. sham-control: 0.96±0.05) and a decrease in neuronal density in the anterior cingulate cortex. In contrast, chronic pain did not exacerbate the characteristic profile of depression (anhedonia and behavioral despair) in rats subjected to CMS. Furthermore, depression enhances the perception of some specific modalities of sensorial pain such as cold allodynia but has no influence on mechanical threshold. CONCLUSIONS: These findings support the theory that depression leads to emotional dysfunction in the interpretation of pain in patients suffering chronic pain. In addition, combined animal models of pain-depression may provide a valuable tool to study the comorbidity of pain and depression

    The Role of the Locus Coeruleus in Pain and Associated Stress-Related Disorders

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    The locus coeruleus (LC)-noradrenergic system is the main source of noradrenaline in the central nervous system and is involved intensively in modulating pain and stress-related disorders (e.g., major depressive disorder and anxiety) and in their comorbidity. However, the mechanisms involving the LC that underlie these effects have not been fully elucidated, in part owing to the technical difficulties inherent in exploring such a tiny nucleus. However, novel research tools are now available that have helped redefine the LC system, moving away from the traditional view of LC as a homogeneous structure that exerts a uniform influence on neural activity. Indeed, innovative techniques such as DREADDs (designer receptors exclusively activated by designer drugs) and optogenetics have demonstrated the functional heterogeneity of LC, and novel magnetic resonance imaging applications combined with pupillometry have opened the way to evaluate LC activity in vivo. This review aims to bring together the data available on the efferent activity of the LC-noradrenergic system in relation to pain and its comorbidity with anxiodepressive disorders. Acute pain triggers a robust LC stress response, producing spinal cord–mediated endogenous analgesia while promoting aversion, vigilance, and threat detection through its ascending efferents. However, this protective biological system fails in chronic pain, and LC activity produces pain facilitation, anxiety, increased aversive memory, and behavioral despair, acting at the medulla, prefrontal cortex, and amygdala levels. Thus, the activation/deactivation of specific LC projections contributes to different behavioral outcomes in the shift from acute to chronic pain

    Blood Biomarkers in Cardioembolic Stroke

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    One promising field in neurovascular diseases investigation is the use of biomarkers to guide stroke etiology diagnosis and classification. Since treatment differs among etiologic subtypes and nowadays many patients receive a diagnosis of undetermined stroke, biomarkers might become an important additional diagnostic tool. In this review we update current knowledge about biomarkers related with cardioembolic stroke etiology (such as BNP and D-dimer proteins, or PITX2 and ZFHX3 genes), that in the future, might allow rapidly guiding other diagnostic tests and accelerating the onset of an optimal secondary prevention

    Circulating cell-free DNA is a predictor of short-term neurological outcome in stroke patients treated with intravenous thrombolysis

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    Altres ajuts: This work has been funded by Instituto de Salud Carlos III, grant FIS PI15/354, co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund (FEDER). AB is supported by a Rio Hortega contract CM13/00265 from the Instituto de Salud Carlos III.Circulating cell-free DNA (cfDNA) has been described as a prognostic marker for several diseases. Its prognostic value for short-term outcome in stroke patients treated with intravenous thrombolysis remains unexplored. cfDNA was measured on admission in 54 tissue plasminogen activator (tPA)-treated patients and 15 healthy controls using a real-time quantitative polymerase chain reaction assay. Neurological outcome was assessed at 48 h. Predictors of neurological improvement were evaluated by logistic regression analysis, and the additional predictive value of cfDNA over clinical variables was determined by integrated discrimination improvement (IDI). Stroke patients presented higher baseline cfDNA than healthy controls (408.5 (179-700.5) vs. 153.5 (66.9-700.5) kilogenome-equivalents/L, p = 0.123). A trend towards lower cfDNA levels was found in patients who neurologically improved at 48 h (269.5 (143.3-680) vs. 504 (345.9-792.3) kilogenome-equivalents/L, p = 0.130). In logistic regression analysis, recanalization at 1 h and cfDNA < 302.75 kilogenome-equivalents/L was independently associated with neurological improvement after adjustment by age, gender and baseline National Institutes of Health Stroke Scale score. The addition of cfDNA to the clinical predictive model improved its discrimination (IDI = 21.2% (9.2-33.3%), p = 0.009). These data suggest that cfDNA could be a surrogate marker for monitoring tPA efficacy by the prediction of short-term neurological outcome
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