51 research outputs found

    Electrodeposition of Indium on W and Cu electrodes in the Deep Eutectic Solvent choline chloride-ethylene glycol (1:2).

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    Producción CientíficaA procedure for drying the deep eutectic solvent (DES) choline chloride - ethylene glycol, ChCl-EG (1:2), based on the use of molecular sieves has been developed, being the final water content of the electrolyte 145±5 ppm. In this dried DES, the stability of InCl and InCl3 as well as the electrochemical behaviour of their solutions has been investigated using electrochemical techniques, X-ray diffraction analysis (XRD) and scanning electron microscopy (SEM). Experiments performed under a N2 atmosphere show that InCl3, dissolved in the rich chloride media as InClp 3-p, is reduced on a tungsten electrode to indium metal via only one electrochemical step. Conversely, InCl undergoes the following disproportionation reaction when dissolved in the eutectic ChCl-EG (1:2) 3InCl(s) + (p − 3)Cl− ⇌ 2In(0) + InClp − 3 p generating In(0) and giving place to identical electrochemical signals as those obtained after the addition of InCl3 to the DES. On a tungsten electrode, nucleation and crystal growth of In plays an important role in the electrodeposition process. Chronoamperometric results were consistent with instantaneous three dimensional nucleation on a finite number of active sites with diffusion controlled growth of the nuclei, whatever the applied overpotential and temperature. Mass transport towards the electrode is a diffusion process, and the following empirical expression for the temperature dependence of the diffusion coefficient was calculated. LnD = −(3.58 ± 0.22)–(3665 ± 76) T − 1 The electro-reduction of In(III) solutions was also investigated at a copper substrate. The resulting cyclic voltammograms evidenced the formation of In-Cu intermetallic compounds. Hence, In-Cu alloy films were obtained by continuous potentiostatic electrolysis and intensiostatic pulse electrolysis. The obtained samples, characterized by XRD and SEM, revealed the formation of the metastable CuIn phase that could be transformed into Cu11In9 by thermal annealing.Consejería de Educación of the Junta de Castilla y León Project VA171U14 for financial support. S. García, also thanks the youth employment operative programme (European Social Fund, ESF, and youth employment initiative, YEI)

    IV Jornada sobre estrategias para la innovación de la actividad docente en Química Analítica

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    Innovación EducativaEl EEES tenía como finalidad un cambio en el paradigma docente. El objetivo era que todo alumno que trabajase 25-30 horas por ECTS superase la asignatura o materia correspondiente. Dentro de esta concepción los exámenes dejaban de ser imprescindibles. Además los cursos debían estructuraban en semestres y éstos en asignaturas de 6 créditos, de modo que se facilitase la movilidad y la posibilidad de que el estudiante se diseñase su carrera (evitando las duplicidades). En nuestra opinión algo tan sencillo de entender no caló en absoluto entre los responsables, principalmente los docentes, por lo que podemos considerar que hasta el momento no ha sido un éxito. Para alcanzar estos objetivos debíamos alterar el modo de trabajo. En todas las comunicaciones, conferencias etc. relacionadas con el tema oímos decir que el protagonismo debía ser para el alumno y que el profesor no debía ser un mero transmisor de conocimientos. Pero, ¿que exigía este transformación?. En la respuesta a esta pregunta está una de las claves del problema. Hay que controlar las horas de trabajo presenciales y no presenciales. En esta comunicación proponemos una de las herramientas útiles para el citado control del trabajo, un portafolios que contenga el material necesario para que el alumno pudiese incluso seguir el curso “of-line” y superar autónomamente cualquier situación que pudiera producirse o impidiese su presencia en las clases. Por ello, este portafolio debe contener obligatoriamente (con programación y tiempo necesario para cada trabajo), en su caso: -Guía o proyecto docente -Presentaciones de los temas. -Píldoras de conocimiento, vídeos cortos con explicación básica de los temas -Bancos de preguntas y Cuestionarios -Puzles y otros materiales para Tutorías. -Casos resueltos. -Casos por resolver con Controles y Rúbricas para evaluación por pares. -Aplicaciones informáticas: Desarrollo de hojas de cálculo específicas -Desarrollo de materiales para Moodle. -Materiales relacionados con la “gamificación” y la realidad aumentada. Dentro de las asignaturas prácticas, el objetivo principal sería que los alumnos que vayan a realizar prácticas en un laboratorio de química las hayan visualizado y asimilado via online, antes del comienzo de las mismas, que obviamente son de presencialidad obligada. Agradecimientos: La autores agradecen a la Universidad de Valladolid, Proyecto docente PID1718_010, el apoyo prestado para este proyecto.Sociedad Española de Química Analític

    The age-mass relation for chromospherically active binaries - III. Lithium depletion in giant components

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    We present a study of the lithium abundances of a sample of evolved components of Chromospherically Active Binary Systems. We show that a significant part of them have lithium excesses, independently of their mass and evolutionary stage. Therefore, it can be concluded that Li abundance does not depend on age for giant components of CABS. These overabundances appear to be closely related to the stellar rotation, and we interpret them as a consequence of the transfer of angular momentum from the orbit to the rotation as the stars evolve: in and off the Main Sequence, in a similar way as it happens in the dwarf components of the same systems and in the Tidally Locked Binaries belonging to the Hyades and M67

    The project AGORA and the application of new technologies in tourism of architecture and heritage

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    La obra del arquitecto Aníbal González Álvarez-Ossorio, más allá de sus actuaciones emblemáticas, es considerada objeto de estudio para el conocimiento de la sociedad y cultura andaluza. La nueva mirada que ejerce el turismo sobre la obra arquitectónica se considera un potente instrumento de revalorización y divulgación en el siglo XXI. El Proyecto AGORA (Aníbal González: Obra, Representación y Análisis), se presenta como un espacio de encuentro multidisciplinar e innovador, que fundamenta su investigación en torno a las nuevas tecnologías, cuyo principal objetivo es dar a conocer al turista la genial obra del arquitecto sevillano; la percepción artística, su dimensión grafica y formal nos acercan a un marco contemporáneo de comprensión y difusión del objeto patrimonial. Así AGORA, se constituye como aliado del turismo andaluz, principal vector de transformación económica, social y territorial, en la búsqueda de un modelo de desarrollo turístico que pone en valor el uso de las TICs ligadas al re-descubrimiento de la obra de Aníbal González.The work of architect Aníbal González Alvarez-Ossorio, beyond its emblematic actions, is considered an object of study for understanding society and culture of Andalusia. The new idea that tourism exerts on the architectural work is considered a powerful tool for revaluation and disclosure in the XXI century. The project AGORA (Aníbal González: Obra, Representación y Análisis), is presented as a multidisciplinary and innovative meeting space, which bases its research on new technologies, whose main objective is to show tourists the great work of the Sevillian architect; the artistic perception, graphic dimension and shape get us closer to a contemporary context to understand the heritage. This is how AGORA is an ally of Andalusian tourism, which is the main element to create an economic, social and territorial cohesion searching for a tourism development model that values the use of ICTs (Information and Communications Technologies) linked to rediscovery of Aníbal González work

    Relation among Aromatase P450 and Tumoral Growth in Human Prolactinomas

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    [EN]The pituitary gland is part of hypothalamic-pituitary–gonadal axis, which controls development, reproduction, and aging in humans and animals. In addition, the pituitary gland is regulated mainly by hormones and neurotransmitters released from the hypothalamus and by systemic hormones secreted by target glands. Aromatase P450, the enzyme responsible for the catabolization of aromatizable androgens to estrogens, is expressed in different parts of body, including the pituitary gland. Moreover, aromatase P450 is involved in sexual dimorphism where alteration in the level of aromatase can initiate a number of diseases in both genders. On the other hand, the direct actions of estrogens, mainly estradiol, are well known for stimulating prolactin release. Numerous studies have shown that changes in the levels of estrogens, among other factors, have been implicated in the genesis and development of prolactinoma. The pituitary gland can produce estradiol locally in several types of endocrine cells, and it is possible that aromatase could be responsible for the maintenance of the population of lactotroph cells and the modulation of the action of central or peripheral regulators. Aromatase overexpression due to inappropriate gene regulation has clinical effects such as the pathogenesis of prolactinomas. The present study reports on the synthesis of pituitary aromatase, its regulation by gonadal steroids, and the physiological roles of aromatase on pituitary endocrine cells. The involvement of aromatase in the pathogenesis of pituitary tumors, mainly prolactinomas, through the auto-paracrine production of estradiol is reviewed

    Palestina e Israel en el nuevo contexto interno e internacional

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    Este número es el resultado del I Congreso de Cultura de Paz, titulado Palestina e Israel en el nuevo contexto interno e internacional, organizado por el Instituto de Estudios Internacionales y Europeos “Francisco de Vitoria” de la Universidad Carlos III de Madrid y UNESCO-Getafe, y celebrado en el Campus de Getafe de la Universidad Carlos III de Madrid los días 14, 15 y 16 de noviembre de 2011.Contiene: Presentación / Irina Bokova. -- La autodeterminación del pueblo palestino: la clave para la solución de los conflictos / Cástor Miguel Díaz Barrado. -- El reconocimiento de Palestina como estado por UNESCO y por Naciones Unidas / Félix Vacas Fernández. -- Las elecciones generales en Israel, enero 2013: perspectivas e influencia en el conflicto árabe-israelí / Manuel Fernández Gómez. -- Las conflictivas relaciones de Siria e Israel en el ajedrez del Próximo Oriente / Romualdo Bermejo García; Eugenia López-Jacoiste Díaz. -- Israel-Irán. Supervivencia y liderazgo / José María Grande Urquijo. -- El conflicto árabe-israelí en el escenario libanés / Juan Manuel González Hernández. -- Del concepto religioso en el conflicto palestino-israelí / Manuel González Hernández. -- La educación como mecanismo de resolución de conflictos: lecciones de Irlanda del Norte para el conflicto palestino-israelí / Oscar Celador Angón

    An enduring rapidly moving storm as a guide to Saturn’s Equatorial jet’s complex structure

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    Saturn has an intense and broad eastward equatorial jet with a complex three-dimensional structure mixed with time variability. The equatorial region experiences strong seasonal insolation variations enhanced by ring shadowing, and three of the six known giant planetary-scale storms have developed in it. These factors make Saturn's equator a natural laboratory to test models of jets in giant planets. Here we report on a bright equatorial atmospheric feature imaged in 2015 that moved steadily at a high speed of 450 ms(-1) not measured since 1980-1981 with other equatorial clouds moving within an ample range of velocities. Radiative transfer models show that these motions occur at three altitude levels within the upper haze and clouds. We find that the peak of the jet ( latitudes 10 degrees N to 10 degrees S) suffers intense vertical shears reaching + 2.5 ms(-1) km(1), two orders of magnitude higher than meridional shears, and temporal variability above 1 bar altitude level. Palabras claveThis work is based on observations and analysis from Hubble Space Telescope (GO/DD program 14064), Cassini ISS images (NASA pds), and Calar Alto Observatory (CAHA-MPIA). A.S.-L. and UPV/EHU team are supported by the Spanish projects AYA2012-36666 and AYA2015-65041-P with FEDER support, Grupos Gobierno Vasco IT-765-13, Universidad del Pais Vasco UPV/EHU program UFI11/55, and Diputacion Foral Bizkaia (BFA). We acknowledge the contribution of Saturn images by T. Olivetti, M. Kardasis, A. Germano, A. Wesley, P. Miles, M. Delcroix, C. Go, T. Horiuchi and P. Maxon. We also acknowledge the wind model data provided by J. Friedson

    Differences between GaAs/GaInP and GaAs/AlInP interfaces grown by movpe revealed by depth profiling and angle-resolved X-ray photoelectron spectroscopies

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    GaAs/GaInP and GaAs/AlInP interfaces have been studied using photoelectron spectroscopy tools. The combination of depth profile through Ar+ sputtering and angle resolved X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy provides reliable information on the evolution of the interface chemistry. Measurement artifacts related to each particular technique can be ruled out on the basis of the results obtained with the other technique. GaAs/GaInP interface spreads out over a shorter length than GaAs/AlInP interface. The former could include the presence of the quaternary GaInAsP in addition to the nominal GaAs and GaInP layers. On the contrary, the GaAs/AlInP interface exhibits a higher degree of compound mixture. Namely, traces of P atoms in a chemical environment different to the usual AlInP coordination were found at the top of the GaAs/AlInP interface, as well as mixed phases like AlInP, GaInAsP or AlGaInAsP, located at the interface

    Oral insulin-mimetic compounds that act independently of insulin

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    The hallmarks of insulin action are the stimulation and suppression of anabolic and catabolic responses, respectively. These responses are orchestrated by the insulin pathway and are initiated by the binding of insulin to the insulin receptor, which leads to activation of the receptor's intrinsic tyrosine kinase. Severe defects in the insulin pathway, such as in types A and B and advanced type 1 and 2 diabetes lead to severe insulin resistance, resulting in a partial or complete absence of response to exogenous insulin and other known classes of antidiabetes therapies. We have characterized a novel class of arylalkylamine vanadium salts that exert potent insulin-mimetic effects downstream of the insulin receptor in adipocytes. These compounds trigger insulin signaling, which is characterized by rapid activation of insulin receptor substrate-1, Akt, and glycogen synthase kinase-3 independent of insulin receptor phosphorylation. Administration of these compounds to animal models of diabetes lowered glycemia and normalized the plasma lipid profile. Arylalkylamine vanadium compounds also showed antidiabetic effects in severely diabetic rats with undetectable circulating insulin. These results demonstrate the feasibility of insulin-like regulation in the complete absence of insulin and downstream of the insulin receptor. This represents a novel therapeutic approach for diabetic patients with severe insulin resistance