200 research outputs found

    Emotion identification from text using semantic disambiguation

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    Este artículo presenta un sistema de identificación de emociones basado en texto con una arquitectura independiente del idioma. Éste usa distintas tareas de procesamiento del lenguaje natural además de un diccionario afectivo. Su principal novedad es la incorporación de un desambiguador semántico que permite considerar el significado de la palabra en la frase antes de categorizarla emocionalmente. Los experimentos muestran la mejora obtenida sobre un corpus de titulares en inglés.This paper presents a text-based emotion identification system based on text implemented by means of a language-independent architecture. The system includes several natural language processing tasks besides an affective keyword dictionary. The main novelty of the system is the incorporation of a semantic disambiguation module which focuses on the meaning of the word within the sentence before labelling it emotionally. The achived results show the this purpose. The conducted experiments show the achieved improvement on a corpus of English headlines

    Validation and Adaptation of the Prosocial and Antisocial Behavior in Sport Scale to the Spanish context of Physical Education

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    Physical education (PE), by its own characteristics, is a subject where social communication is especially promoted. However, it is necessary to have tools that evaluate the social behaviour of students during PE classes. For this reason, we propose to validate and adapt the Prosocial and Antisocial Behavior in Sport Scale to the Spanish context of PE classes. The study involved 1081 students aged 12 to 18 (M = 14.83; SD = 1.27). The psychometric properties of the Prosocial Behavior Scale were analyzed through several statistical analyses. The results of the confirmatory factorial analysis and the exploratory factorial analysis supported the internal structure of the questionnaire. In addition, the scale was invariant to gender. Cronbach’s alpha values were higher than 0.70 in the factors and sub-factors, finally showing adequate levels of temporal stability. Taking into account the results achieved in the present study, PE teachers have an effective tool to assess the social and antisocial behaviour of their students’ students during PE classes

    When Spinal Neuromodulation Meets Sensorimotor Rehabilitation: Lessons Learned From Animal Models to Regain Manual Dexterity After a Spinal Cord Injury

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    Electrical neuromodulation has strongly hit the foundations of spinal cord injury and repair. Clinical and experimental studies have demonstrated the ability to neuromodulate and engage spinal cord circuits to recover volitional motor functions lost after the injury. Although the science and technology behind electrical neuromodulation has attracted much of the attention, it cannot be obviated that electrical stimulation must be applied concomitantly to sensorimotor rehabilitation, and one would be very difficult to understand without the other, as both need to be finely tuned to efficiently execute movements. The present review explores the difficulties faced by experimental and clinical neuroscientists when attempting to neuromodulate and rehabilitate manual dexterity in spinal cord injured subjects. From a translational point of view, we will describe the major rehabilitation interventions employed in animal research to promote recovery of forelimb motor function. On the other hand, we will outline some of the state-of-the-art findings when applying electrical neuromodulation to the spinal cord in animal models and human patients, highlighting how evidences from lumbar stimulation are paving the path to cervical neuromodulation

    Mathurin Jousse:Preludio de la estereotomía moderna

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    En el siglo XVII, Mathurin Jousse publica el tratado Le Secret d’Architecture (1642). En él recoge lo que hasta ese momento había sido la estereotomía de la piedra, presentando diversos ejemplos en los que el método utilizado a la hora de tallar la piedra es el de los robos. Sin embargo, en uno de los capítulos contenidos en el tratado y titulado De la Voûte d’Areste quarrée, el autor introduce una novedad: la talla de las piezas de arista se lleva a cabo mediante la utilización de las plantillas de intradós de dichas piezas. La investigación llevada a cabo en el presente trabajo se ha centrado en la interpretación de dicho capítulo y en la búsqueda del procedimiento geométrico que nos permitiese conseguir tallar las piezas de una bóveda teniendo como punto de partida los dibujos de plantillas contenidos en el tratado. Se pretende exponer cómo, a partir de la realización de esta serie de plantillas, es posible construir una maqueta en la que poder medir el ángulo que forman las dos caras de intradós de las piezas de arista. Este ángulo será, junto con la plantilla, el elemento fundamental a la hora de tallar la piedra, haciendo que dicho ejercicio se realice de manera más rápida y económica que años atrás. Este método de talla de la piedra que propone Mathurin Jousse será el preludio del que poco después se convertirá en el más extendido y utilizado en Francia, haciendo que este país disfrute de una etapa de gran esplendor en la construcción en piedra

    Onset detection to study muscle activity in reaching and grasping movements in rats

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    © 2019 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting/republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes, creating new collective works, for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other works.© 2019 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting/republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes, creating new collective works, for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other works.EMG signals reflect the neuromuscular activation patterns related to the execution of a certain movement or task. In this work, we focus on reaching and grasping (R&G) movements in rats. Our objective is to develop an automatic algorithm to detect the onsets and offsets of muscle activity and use it to study muscle latencies in R&G maneuvers. We had a dataset of intramuscular EMG signals containing 51 R&G attempts from 2 different animals. Simultaneous video recordings were used for segmentation and comparison. We developed an automatic onset/offset detector based on the ratio of local maxima of Teager-Kaiser Energy (TKE). Then, we applied it to compute muscle latencies and other features related to the muscle activation pattern during R&G cycles. The automatic onsets that we found were consistent with visual inspection and video labels. Despite the variability between attempts and animals, the two rats shared a sequential pattern of muscle activations. Statistical tests confirmed the differences between the latencies of the studied muscles during R&G tasks. This work provides an automatic tool to detect EMG onsets and offsets and conducts a preliminary characterization of muscle activation during R&G movements in rats. This kind of approaches and data processing algorithms can facilitate the studies on upper limb motor control and motor impairment after spinal cord injury or stroke.Postprint (published version

    Drogas facilitadoras del asalto sexual y sumisión química

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    In recent years, the use of psychoactive substances for sexual assault has taken on a greater role. The practice of sexual crimes associated with drug use is called Drug-Facilitated Sexual Assault (DFSA), while ‘Chemical Submission’ (CS) is used to include all type of crimes related to this activity. This paper reviews the epidemiology of this type of offenses, the main characteristics of the chemical substances consumed and the profiles of victims and aggressors. There have been also addressed principal signs of clinical suspicion to detect possible victims and the keys to the toxicology screening in case the victim presents evidences of being subject to chemical submissionEn los últimos años, el uso de sustancias psicoactivas relacionadas con las agresiones sexuales ha asumido un mayor protagonismo. La práctica de los delitos sexuales relacionados con el uso de drogas se denomina Drogas Facilitadoras del Asalto Sexual (DFSA por sus siglas en inglés), mientras que el término «Sumisión Química» (CS) se usa para incluir todo tipo de delitos relacionados con esta actividad. En este artículo se revisa la epidemiología de este tipo de asaltos, las características de las principales sustancias químicas consumidas, así como los perfiles de las víctimas y de los agresores. Asimismo, también se abordan los principales signos de sospecha clínica para detectar posibles víctimas así como las claves del examen toxicológico en caso de que la víctima presente síntomas de estar bajo el efecto de sustancias químicasS

    Cervical Electrical Neuromodulation Effectively Enhances Hand Motor Output in Healthy Subjects by Engaging a Use-Dependent Intervention

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    Altres ajuts: Fundació La Marató de TV3 2017 (201713.31) to G.G.-A.; Premi Beca "Mike Lane" 2019-Castellers de la Vila de Gràcia to H.K.; and National Institutes of Health Grant 1R01 NS102920-01A1 to Y.G.Electrical enabling motor control (eEmc) through transcutaneous spinal cord stimulation is a non-invasive method that can modify the functional state of the sensory-motor system. We hypothesize that eEmc delivery, together with hand training, improves hand function in healthy subjects more than either intervention alone by inducing plastic changes at spinal and cortical levels. Ten voluntary participants were included in the following three interventions: (i) hand grip training, (ii) eEmc, and (iii) eEmc with hand training. Functional evaluation included the box and blocks test (BBT) and hand grip maximum voluntary contraction (MVC), spinal and cortical motor evoked potential (sMEP and cMEP), and resting motor thresholds (RMT), short interval intracortical inhibition (SICI), and F wave in the abductor pollicis brevis muscle. eEmc combined with hand training retained MVC and increased F wave amplitude and persistency, reduced cortical RMT and facilitated cMEP amplitude. In contrast, eEmc alone only increased F wave amplitude, whereas hand training alone reduced MVC and increased cortical RMT and SICI. In conclusion, eEmc combined with hand grip training enhanced hand motor output and induced plastic changes at spinal and cortical level in healthy subjects when compared to either intervention alone. These data suggest that electrical neuromodulation changes spinal and, perhaps, supraspinal networks to a more malleable state, while a concomitant use-dependent mechanism drives these networks to a higher functional state

    Acute Effect of Velocity-Based Resistance Training on Subsequent Endurance Running Performance: Volume and Intensity Relevance

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    This study aimed to compare the acute effect of four back squat velocity-based training (VBT) protocols in terms of intensity (60% vs. 80% of the one repetition maximum [1RM]) and volume (10% vs. 30% threshold for velocity loss in the set) on the maximal aerobic speed (MAS) estimated from a running track test (RTT) in recreationally trained young adult men and women. Twenty participants (eleven men and nine women) undertook five randomized protocols in separate occasions: (i) RTT alone (control condition); (ii) VBT with 60% 1RM and a 10% velocity loss followed by RTT (VBT60–10 + RTT); (iii) VBT with 60% 1RM and a 30% velocity loss followed by RTT (VBT60–30 + RTT); (iv) VBT with 80% 1RM and 10% velocity loss followed by RTT (VBT80–10 + RTT); (v) VBT with 80% 1RM and 30% velocity loss followed by RTT (VBT80–30 + RTT). All VBT protocols involved three sets with three minutes of rest. The MAS was higher for RTT (control) than VBT60–30 + RTT (p < 0.001; Δ = 3.8%), VBT60–10 + RTT (p = 0.006; Δ = 2.8%), VBT80–10 + RTT (p = 0.008; Δ = 2.7%), and VBT80–30 + RTT (p = 0.019; Δ = 1.9%). No protocol × sex interaction was noted (p = 0.422). Therefore, regardless of sex, MAS is acutely impaired after VBT, especially if the training sets are performed with a low relative load and a high velocity loss threshold.PhD thesis conducted in the Biomedicine Doctoral Studies of the University of Granada, SpainUniversity of Granada under a project for young investigators (code: PPJIA2022-02

    Influencia del rendimiento sobre el estilo decisional en jugadores de fútbol

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    El objetivo principal del presente trabajo fue analizar cómo el nivel de rendimiento afecta al perfil de estilo decisional. Se empleó una muestra de 247 jugadores de fútbol, de los cuales 106 pertenecían a la categoría infantil y 141 a la categoría cadete. La variable independiente fue el nivel de rendimiento, determinado por el puesto que ocupó cada equipo en la clasificación final de la competición. Las variables dependientes fueron la Competencia Decisional Percibida, la Ansiedad y Agobio al Decidir y el Compromiso en el Aprendizaje Decisional, variables que fueron medidas a partir del Cuestionario de Estilo de Toma de Decisiones (CETD) (Ruiz & Graupera, 2005). Los datos determinaron diferencias significativas, en función del nivel de rendimiento, en la variable Competencia Decisional Percibida, coincidiendo este resultado con estudios anteriores (Gaspar, 2001; García, Ruiz, & Graupera, 2009). Respecto a la Ansiedad y Agobio al Decidir, los deportistas mostraron más ansiedad a medida que se incrementaba el nivel de rendimiento, siendo este resultado opuesto al que se refleja en investigaciones precedentes (López, 2002; Jiménez, 2007). Por último, en el Compromiso en el Aprendizaje Decisional no se observaron diferencias en función del nivel de rendimiento, contradiciendo igualmente a estudios anteriores que reforzaban un aumento del compromiso en función del nivel de rendimiento (Ruiz et al., 2002; Jiménez, 2004)

    A tennis field test to objectively measure the hitting accuracy based on an Excel spreadsheet: Practical guidelines and applications

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    Stroke accuracy is highly related with tennis performance and has traditionally been quantified using general areas of scoring. Hence there is a need to develop methods that allow accuracy to be measured with higher resolution. The aim of the work is to develop a field test and an Excel spreadsheet associated that allows to evaluate the accuracy of the strokes with a resolution up to centimetres and to study how shots landings are distributed. The test consists of 4 series of 20 groundstrokes performed in the down the line or cross-court direction (this is modifiable). The 2D coordinates of bounce of the ball is recorded with a camera, digitalized using a specialized software and introduced in the Excel spreadsheet. Then it computes a series of parameters that describe the 95% confidence ellipse of the shot landing on the court. A real example of the test outcomes of two advanced players - performing forehands and backhands down the line- is shown. Consistent with previous literature both players obtained a better accuracy in the mediolateral direction than in the longitudinal direction and ellipses were oriented almost parallel to the sideline (ellipse tilts were below 12 degrees in all cases). Ellipse area was considerably greater for the backhand than for the forehand in player two (38.8 vs. 55.5 m2) but not in player one (51.5 vs. 50.8 m2). Finally, the centre location of the ellipse in the longitudinal axis was positive in all cases (near 200 cm) which suggest that both players preferred to make short shots rather than send the ball out of the limits of the baseline. We conclude that this methodology can be used by researchers that want to assess accuracy with high resolution and by coaches that want to evaluate -with high sensibility- the player progression after a training program