284 research outputs found

    On Non Commutative G2 structure

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    Using an algebraic orbifold method, we present non-commutative aspects of G2G_2 structure of seven dimensional real manifolds. We first develop and solve the non commutativity parameter constraint equations defining G2G_2 manifold algebras. We show that there are eight possible solutions for this extended structure, one of which corresponds to the commutative case. Then we obtain a matrix representation solving such algebras using combinatorial arguments. An application to matrix model of M-theory is discussed.Comment: 16 pages, Latex. Typos corrected, minor changes. Version to appear in J. Phys.A: Math.Gen.(2005

    The Zanclean megaflood of the Mediterranean – Searching for independent evidence

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    About six million years ago, the Mediterranean Sea underwent a period of isolation from the ocean and widespread salt deposition known as the Messinian Salinity Crisis (MSC), allegedly leading to a kilometer-scale level drawdown by evaporation. One of the competing scenarios proposed for the termination of this environmental crisis 5.3 million years ago consists of a megaflooding event refilling the Mediterranean Sea through the Strait of Gibraltar: the Zanclean flood. The main evidence supporting this hypothesis is a nearly 390 km long and several hundred meters deep erosion channel extending from the Gulf of Cádiz (Atlantic Ocean) to the Algerian Basin (Western Mediterranean), implying the excavation of ca. 1000 km3 of Miocene sediment and bedrock. Based on the understanding obtained from Pleistocene onshore megaflooding events and using ad-hoc hydrodynamic modeling, here we explore two predictions of the Zanclean outburst flood hypothesis: 1) The formation of similar erosion features at sills communicating sub-basins within the Mediterranean Sea, specifically at the Sicily Sill; and 2) the accumulation of the eroded materials as megaflood deposits in areas of low flow energy. Recent data show a 6-km-wide amphitheater-shaped canyon preserved at the Malta Escarpment that may represent the erosional expression of the Zanclean flood after filling the western Mediterranean and spilling into the Eastern Basin. Next to that canyon, a ~1600 km3 accumulation of chaotic, seismically transparent sediment has been found in the Ionian Sea, compatible in age and facies with megaflood deposits. Another candidate megaflood deposit has been identified in the Alborán Sea in the form of elongated sedimentary bodies that parallel the flooding channel and are seismically characterized by chaotic and discontinuous stratified reflections, that we interpret as equivalent to gravel and boulder megabars described in terrestrial megaflood settings. Numerical model predictions show that sand deposits found at the Miocene/Pliocene (M/P) boundary in ODP sites 974 and 975 (South Balearic and Tyrrhenian seas) are consistent with suspension transport from the Strait of Gibraltar during a flooding event at a peak water discharge of ~108 m3 s−1

    A new thresholding approach for automatic generation of polygonal approximations

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    The present paper proposes a new algorithm for automatic generation of polygonal approximations of 2D closed contours based on a new thresholding method. The new proposal computes the signi cance level of the contour points using a new symmetric version of the well-known Ramer, Douglas - Peucker method, and then a new Adaptive method is applied to threshold the normalized signi cance level of the contour points to generate the polygonal approximation. The experiments have shown that the new algorithm has good performance for generating polygonal approximations of 2D closed contours. Futhermore, the new algorithm does not require any parameter to be tuned

    Moduli Stabilisation and de Sitter String Vacua from Magnetised D7 Branes

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    Anomalous U(1)'s are ubiquitous in 4D chiral string models. Their presence crucially affects the process of moduli stabilisation and cannot be neglected in realistic set-ups. Their net effect in the 4D effective action is to induce a matter field dependence in the non-perturbative superpotential and a Fayet-Iliopoulos D-term. We study flux compactifications of IIB string theory in the presence of magnetised D7 branes. These give rise to anomalous U(1)'s that modify the standard moduli stabilisation procedure. We consider simple orientifold models to determine the matter field spectrum and the form of the effective field theory. We apply our results to one-modulus KKLT and multi-moduli large volume scenarios, in particular to the Calabi-Yau P^4_{[1,1,1,6,9]}. After stabilising the matter fields, the effective action for the Kahler moduli can acquire an extra positive term that can be used for de Sitter lifting with non-vanishing F- and D-terms. This provides an explicit realization of the D-term lifting proposal of hep-th/0309187.Comment: 35 pages, 1 figure. v2: Minor changes, references adde

    IFE Plant Technology Overview and contribution to HiPER proposal

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    HiPER is the European Project for Laser Fusion that has been able to join 26 institutions and signed under formal government agreement by 6 countries inside the ESFRI Program of the European Union (EU). The project is already extended by EU for two years more (until 2013) after its first preparatory phase from 2008. A large work has been developed in different areas to arrive to a design of repetitive operation of Laser Fusion Reactor, and decisions are envisioned in the next phase of Technology Development or Risk Reduction for Engineering or Power Plant facilities (or both). Chamber design has been very much completed for Engineering phase and starting of preliminary options for Reactor Power Plant have been established and review here

    Can robotic-based top-down rehabilitation therapies improve motor control in children with cerebral palsy? A perspective on the CPWalker project

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    [EN] Cerebral Palsy (CP) is one of the most severe disabilities in childhood, and it demands important costs in health, education, and social services. CP is caused by damage to or abnormalities inside the developing brain that disrupt the brain's ability to control movement and maintain posture. Furthermore, CP is often associated with sensory deficits, cognition impairments, communication and motor disabilities, behavior issues, seizure disorder, pain, and secondary musculoskeletal problems. According to the literature, motor modules are peripheral measurements related to automatic motor control. There is a lack of evidence of change in motor modules in children with CP when different treatment approaches have been evaluated. Thus, new strategies are needed to improve motor control in this population. Robotic-based therapies are emerging as an effective intervention for gait rehabilitation in motor disorders such as stroke, spinal cord injury, and CP. There is vast clinical evidence that neural plasticity is the central core of motor recovery and development, and on-going studies suggest that robot-mediated intensive therapy could be beneficial for improved functional recovery. However, current robotic strategies are focused on the peripheral neural system (PNS) facilitating the performance of repetitive movements (a bottom-up approach). Since CP affects primarily brain structures, both the PNS and the central nervous system (CNS) should to be integrated in a physical and cognitive rehabilitation therapy (a top-down approach). This paper discusses perspectives of the top-down approach based on a novel robot-assisted rehabilitative system. Accordingly, the CPWalker robotic platform was developed to support novel therapies for CP rehabilitation. This robotic platform (Smart Walker + exoskeleton) is controlled by a multimodal interface enabling the interaction of CP infants with robot-based therapies. The aim of these therapies is to improve the physical skills of infants with CP using a top-down approach, in which motor related brain activity is used to drive robotic physical rehabilitation therapies. Our hypothesis is that the CPWalker concept will promote motor learning and this improvement will lead to significant improvements in automatic motor control.Lerma Lara, S.; Martínez Caballero, I.; Bayón, C.; Del Castillo, M.; Serrano, I.; Raya, R.; Belda Lois, JM.... (2016). Can robotic-based top-down rehabilitation therapies improve motor control in children with cerebral palsy? A perspective on the CPWalker project. Biomedical Research and Clinical Practice. 22-26. doi:10.15761/BRCP.1000106S222

    Molecular Gastronomy in Spain

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    [EN] Beyond the overwhelming international success of Ferrán Adria, Spain has been one of the countries with a more active implication in molecular gastronomy as a scientific discipline but also in the use of ingredients, technologies, and equipment from the scientificand technological universe in the culinary area. Nowadays, this is a well-established discipline in Spain, with a number of research groups covering related topics, several companies commercializing appliances and additives worldwide, and renowned international chefs and many restaurants and companies committed to the collaboration with scientists for facing the future of Spanish gastronomyThe authors would like to thank the Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación (Spain) for funding the Collaborative Network “INDAGA” (AGL2007-28589- E/ALI; AGL2009-05765-E), which enabled their collaboration.García Segovia, P.; Garrido, MD.; Vercet Tormo, A.; Arboleya, JC.; Fiszman Dal Santo, S.; Martínez Monzó, J.; Laguarda, S.... (2014). Molecular Gastronomy in Spain. Journal of Culinary Science and Technology. 12(4):279-293. https://doi.org/10.1080/15428052.2014.914813S27929312

    Evolución paleoambiental de la mitad sur de la Península Ibérica. Aplicación a la evaluación del comportamiento de los repositorios de residuos radiactivos

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    Esta publicación refleja los resultados obtenidos de la realización de los proyectos "EQUIP: Evidency from Quaternary Infills Palaeohydrogeology" (F 14W/ CT96/0031), financiado por la UE, "Evolución Paleoclimática de [a Mitad Sur de [a Península Ibérica" financiado por ENRESA y "Paleoclima" financiado por el Consejo de Seguridad Nuclear y ENRESA. La cuenca de Guadix-Baza, sector oriental, es una de las escasas zonas europeas donde se ha conservado un registro razonablemente completo del Pleistoceno. La cuenca de Guadix Baza, en régimen continental desde el Plioceno, funcionó bajo un régimen centrípeto, con abanicos aluviales en los bordes y una zona compleja lacustre en mosaico en su centro. Se ha podido establecer la existencia de una amplia variedad de facies aluviales y fluviales y sus interrelaciones. La sedimentación en el margen lacustre estaba constituida por arenas bioclásticas y lutitas con fósiles, mientras que en zonas más centrales predominaron lutitas yesíferas, lutitas con yeso intrasedimentario, arenas yesíferas yesos y, ocasionalmente, carbonatos que durante un período concreto depositaron los materiales que configuran el "Nivel Calcáreo de Orce", calizas y dolomías con cantidades variables de yeso y terrígenos cerca de los bordes. El trabajo de campo permitió el establecimiento de una serie estratigráfica tipo compuesta, que refleja los principales acontecimiento paleoambientales que tuvieron lugar durante el Pleistoceno. Con el fin de evitar la yesificación de la calcita y aragonito, propia del ambiente lacustre, la serie tipo de ha establecido en el registro del margen lacustre. Con ayuda del análisis paleomagnético y el análisis de la racemización de aminoácidos en conchas de moluscos y ostrácodos se ha establecido la cronología numérica de la sección estratigráfica tipo que cubre desde el límite Plioceno-Pleistoceno hasta unos 250 ka BP, cuando la erosión de la cabecera del río Fardes alcanza la cuenca abriéndola hacia el valle del Guadalquivir y cesando [a sedimentación lacustre. También se ha datado un depósito de terraza fluvial. Se han obtenido datos paleoambientales "instantáneos" mediante el estudio palinológico, el análisis paleobotánico de material silicificado (madera opalizada) o carbonizado (análisis paleoantracológico), el análisis geoquímico orgánico de algunos niveles especialmente favorables. La geoquímica orgánica de biomarcadores de algunos niveles concretos proporcionó datos sobre su origen (plantas terrestres o acuáticas) y confirmó que un conspicuo nivel carbonoso tuvo su origen en un incendio forestal. El análisis paleobiológico basado en la distribución de especies de ostrácodos, gasterópodos y pelecípodos ha permitido una primera aproximación paleoambiental, pese al evidente sesgo introducido por la presencia de fuentes salinas y materiales yesíferos en el área fuente de los abanicos aluviales del límite oriental de la cuenca. Esta interpretación se ha depurado mediante el estudio geoquímico inorgánico, isótopos estables y elementos traza de las conchas calcíticas de ostrácodos. Ello ha permitido el establecimiento de una alternancia de períodos "fríos y húmedos" y "cálidos y áridos" que permiten reconocer de las clases climáticas "mediterráneo seco" y "mediterráneo húmedo" sensu Horowitz (1989), que tienen sus correlatos en el registro paleoclimático de los grandes lagos del rift del Mar Muerto, el Mar Caspio y lagos pluviales de Norte América. La correlación de los datos isotópicos con las paleosalinidades deducidas del estudio de las inclusiones fluidas en yeso intrasedimentario ha permitido corroborar estas interpretaciones. Esto plantea un nuevo enfoque en el análisis del comportamiento de los repositorios de residuos radiactivos de alta

    Correlational analysis and predictive validity of psychological constructs related with pain in fibromyalgia

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Fibromyalgia (FM) is a prevalent and disabling disorder characterized by a history of widespread pain for at least three months. Pain is considered a complex experience in which affective and cognitive aspects are crucial for prognosis. The aim of this study is to assess the importance of pain-related psychological constructs on function and pain in patients with FM.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Design</p> <p>Multicentric, naturalistic, one-year follow-up study.</p> <p><it>Setting and study sample</it>. Patients will be recruited from primary care health centres in the region of Aragon, Spain. Patients considered for inclusion are those aged 18-65 years, able to understand Spanish, who fulfil criteria for primary FM according to the American College of Rheumatology, with no previous psychological treatment.</p> <p>Measurements</p> <p>The variables measured will be the following: main variables (pain assessed with a visual analogue scale and with sphygmomanometer and general function assessed with Fibromyalgia Impact Questionnaire, and), psychological constructs (pain catastrophizing, pain acceptance, mental defeat, psychological inflexibility, perceived injustice, mindfulness, and positive and negative affect), and secondary variables (sociodemographic variables, anxiety and depression assessed with Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale, and psychiatric interview assessed with MINI). Assessments will be carried at baseline and at one-year follow-up.</p> <p>Main outcome</p> <p>Pain Visual Analogue Scale.</p> <p>Analysis</p> <p>The existence of differences in socio-demographic, main outcome and other variables regarding pain-related psychological constructs will be analysed using Chi Square test for qualitative variables, or Student <it>t </it>test or variance analysis, respectively, for variables fulfilling the normality hypothesis. To assess the predictive value of pain-related psychological construct on main outcome variables at one-year follow-up, use will be made of a logistic regression analysis adjusted for socio-demographic and clinical variables. A Spearman Rho non-parametric correlation matrix will be developed to determine possible overlapping between pain-related psychological constructs.</p> <p>Discussion</p> <p>In recent years, the relevance of cognitive and affective aspects for the treatment of chronic pain, not only in FM but also in other chronic pain diseases, has been widely acknowledged. However, the relative importance of these psychological constructs, the relationship and possible overlapping between them, or the exact meaning of them in pain are not enough known.</p