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    The concept involves an active or more likely passive RFID data tag that stores information on the product that can easily be retrieved by a reader system. Therefore entities in the supply can identify a pallet, a case and increasingly, as the prices of the tag drop even individual products. The consequence will be that the supply chain will become more transparent, since products can be tracked individually. If a product disappears for any reason or is misrouted, the discrepancy can be located immediately.1 Heavy loss generated by theft and poor planning can be minimized and wholesalers can offer their products with a much better service. Over the last twenty years the barcode has been indicating the characteristics of a consumer products’ specific category. This has been sufficient for many years, but since markets are more dynamic than ever before companies have to adapt quickly to the changing environment. Therefore the Electronic Product Code (EPC), which will be first introduced in 2008, will definitely change the existing business habits and procedures from the ground. According to the consumer industry and their objectives, inefficiencies in the supply chain will be removed and costs can be decreased, which will finally benefit the end-customer. However on the other hand, there are a number of concerns the consumer industry as well as the end-customer needs to face: the EPC-technology requires a new infrastructure and organization that will cause huge expenses into the logistic.2 Regarding privacy issues many consumers reject the new technology so far and companies will have a hard job on convincing them of the great overall value. As trends in the industry have shown, the EPC technology will have an enormous impact on mass products and on a variety of items. The end customers’ acceptance of the Electronic Product Code will become essential, whether all the efforts done in the research and development will finally pay off. This paper presents the results of an exploratory study about the consumers’ perception regarding the EPC-technology and how it could affect their purchase habits; the study focused on consumers of a specific supermarket chain (HEB in Monterrey, Mexico) I will thanks to the master students for your collaboration in this empirical study . An already existing research study about the US end-customer perception regarding the EPC technology was conducted by Capgemini in October 2003 and served as an outline for this project in order to better compare the final results.customer; product; code; retailer; perception

    Los templarios entre la realidad y el mito

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    Sobre algunos aspectos de la gramática del español de América en los manuales de español para extranjeros

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    Diseño de actividades de aprendizaje no formales basadas en dispositivos móviles personales

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    En este trabajo se expone un experimento educativo con alumnos de tercero de ESO con el objetivo de mejorar el interés del alumno y su rendimiento académico, facilitando el aprendizaje de un área de física y química. Se trata de que con materiales de uso cotidiano, como un teléfono móvil, en sus casas, realicen un experimento de cinemática en pequeños grupos de alumnos. De este modo se accede a un autoaprendizaje de la materia, lo que se espera que aumente la motivación y asiente los conocimientos de un modo permanente. Para analizar los resultados obtenidos con este experimento se hace un tratamiento estadístico de los resultados académicos antes y después de la práctica, comparándose los resultados de los alumnos que hicieron y que no hicieron el experimento propuesto. En esta memoria se describen los antecedentes bibliográficos que propiciaron este estudio, la justificación educativa que introduce los posibles beneficios que puede otorgar esta práctica, y los contenidos curriculares en los que se encuadra. Tras la exposición de los objetivos se explicarán los resultados obtenidos en el trabajo y sus conclusiones finales.Departamento de Física AplicadaDepartamento de Física de la Materia Condensada, Cristalografía y MineralogíaMáster en Profesor de Educación Secundaria Obligatoria y Bachillerato, Formación Profesional y Enseñanzas de Idioma

    Applying AutoML techniques in drug discovery: systematic modelling of antimicrobial drug activity on a wide spectrum of pathogens

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    Treballs finals del Màster de Fonaments de Ciència de Dades, Facultat de matemàtiques, Universitat de Barcelona. Curs: 2022-2023. Tutor: Miquel Duran Frigola i Jordi Vitrià i Marca[en] Predictive modelling of antimicrobial activity of molecules is a crucial step towards the discovery of anti-infective medicines. Unfortunately, there is a shortage of models covering endemic pathogens of the Global South, reflecting the existing bias in research towards diseases prevalent in wealthy countries. This project has developed a pipeline to systematically build drug discovery models, in particular antimicrobial activity prediction models for small molecule compounds. The data of assay results on a selected pathogen is extracted from a publicly available database: ChEMBL. This data is then cleaned and processed in order to build predictive models with various Automated Machine Learning (AutoML) techniques using the ZairaChem tool from the Ersilia Open Data Initiative. The pipeline has been applied on 6 pathogens of great relevance to global health known as ESKAPE, for which the data has been obtained and processed, and baseline models created. We have built the full set of final models for one of these pathogens, Staphylococcus aureus. The pipeline can be used on any other pathogen for which ChEMBL has sufficient data. This pipeline will be used to deploy models in the Ersilia Model Hub, a repository of pre-trained ML for drug discovery in global health. This will be an opportunity to compensate for the shortage of ML models adapted to the needs of the Global South

    La doctrina protestante ante la Inquisición de Mallorca

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    Del guión a la pantalla: concepción y desarrollo narrativo del cortometraje "Dummergeier"

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    El presente Trabajo Fin de Máster Profesional consiste en la elaboración del cortometraje de ficción audiovisual “Dummergeier” (Alejandro de la Torre, 2022), desde su concepción inicial, pasando por la escritura del guion y finalizando con la presentación del cortometraje en su factura final. En el apartado metodológico, se ha hecho un especial hincapié en todo lo referente al desarrollo narrativo de la pieza, partiendo de la idea primigenia y trabajando sobre ella en sus diferentes fases (storyline, sinopsis, tratamiento, escaleta…) hasta obtener, tras diversas versiones y borradores, el guion literario final de la obra en formato profesional de guion. En todo el proceso citado nos hemos apoyado en un sustrato teórico conformado por un compendio de los grandes maestros de la narrativa audiovisual y de la teoría del guion cinematográfico: Syd Field, Robert Mckee, Linda Seger o John Truby, entre otros. Como colofón al desglose de las fases de creación y desarrollo narrativo expuestas en el trabajo, se adjunta el enlace para poder efectuar el visionado completo del cortometraje “Dummergeier”.This Professional Master's Final Project consists of the elaboration of the audiovisual fiction short film "Dummergeier" (Alejandro de la Torre, 2022), from its initial conception, through the writing of the script and ending with the presentation of the short film in its final form. In the methodological section, special emphasis has been placed on everything related to the narrative development of the piece, starting from the original idea and working on it in its different phases (storyline, synopsis, treatment, rundown...) until obtaining, after various versions and drafts, the final literary script of the work in professional script format. Throughout the aforementioned process we have relied on a theoretical substrate made up of a compendium of the great masters of audiovisual narrative and the theory of the film script: Syd Field, Robert Mckee, Linda Seger or John Truby, among others. As a culmination to the breakdown of the phases of creation and narrative development exposed in the work, the link is attached to be able to make the complete viewing of the short film "Dummergeier".Máster en Cine, comunicación e Industria Audiovisua