2,494 research outputs found

    Modelos epistemológicos de referencia en el análisis de la actividad matemática en libros de texto: el caso del número en la escuela infantil

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    El análisis de los procesos de transposición didáctica es un importante dominio de investigación en didáctica de las matemáticas. En este artículo planteamos la necesidad del investigador de elaborar sus propios modelos epistemológicos de referencia cuando aborda el análisis de procesos transpositivos. En particular, nos centramos en la enseñanza y el aprendizaje del “número” en la Educación Infantil. Proponemos un modelo epistemológico alternativo del número en dicha institución, que utilizamos para el análisis de manuales escolares, identificando algunos problemas y fenómenos didácticos

    OpenZmeter: An Efficient Low-Cost Energy Smart Meter and Power Quality Analyzer

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    Power quality and energy consumption measurements support providers and energy users with solutions for acquiring and reporting information about the energy supply for residential, commercial, and industrial sectors. In particular, since the average number of electronic devices in homes increases year by year and their sensitivity is very high, it is not only important to monitor the total energy consumption, but also the quality of the power supplied. However, in practice, end-users do not have information about the energy consumption in real-time nor about the quality of the power they receive, because electric energy meters are too expensive and complex to be handled. In order to overcome these inconveniences, an innovative, open source, low-cost, precise, and reliable power and electric energy meter is presented that can be easily installed and managed by any inexperienced user at their own home in urban or rural areas. The system was validated in a real house over a period of two weeks, showing interesting results and findings which validate our proposal

    "Del estudio en la theórica y del trabajo en la práctica" observaciones sobre la formación, ideas y obra del arquitecto Vicente Acero

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    Vicente Acero continúa siendo un arquitecto infravalorado, a pesar de que intervino en la construcción de algunas de las más representativas creaciones del Barroco español, como pueden ser los sagrarios de las cartujas de Granada y El Paular, la Catedral de Cádiz, la fachada de la Catedral de Guadix, etc. En estas líneas analizamos las circunstancias y motivaciones que orientan su siempre difícil labor; atendiendo a su formación como cantero, la influencia y participación en las obras de su maestro Francisco Hurtado, los contactos con los ingenieros militares, los préstamos visibles de la arquitectura barroco italiana al igual que, a la luz de nuevos datos, profundizamos en sus conocimientos teóricos

    Using visual attention in a Nao humanoid to face the RoboCup any-ball challenge

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    Visual attention is a natural tool which allows animals to locate relevant objects or areas in a given scene, discarding the rest of elements present and thus reducing the amount of information to deal with. In this paper we present the design an implementation of a visual attention mechanism based on a saliency map and its implementation in the Nao humanoid. This control mechanism is applied to solve one of the challenges proposed in the RoboCup competition named ”any-ball”. The results obtained are analysed and future works derived from that analysis are presente

    Structure and Pathology of Tau Protein in Alzheimer Disease

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    Alzheimer's disease (AD) is the most common type of dementia. In connection with the global trend of prolonging human life and the increasing number of elderly in the population, the AD becomes one of the most serious health and socioeconomic problems of the present. Tau protein promotes assembly and stabilizes microtubules, which contributes to the proper function of neuron. Alterations in the amount or the structure of tau protein can affect its role as a stabilizer of microtubules as well as some of the processes in which it is implicated. The molecular mechanisms governing tau aggregation are mainly represented by several posttranslational modifications that alter its structure and conformational state. Hence, abnormal phosphorylation and truncation of tau protein have gained attention as key mechanisms that become tau protein in a pathological entity. Evidences about the clinicopathological significance of phosphorylated and truncated tau have been documented during the progression of AD as well as their capacity to exert cytotoxicity when expressed in cell and animal models. This paper describes the normal structure and function of tau protein and its major alterations during its pathological aggregation in AD

    ¿Cómo organizar la formación matemático-didactica del maestro de educación infantil? Propuesta de un recorrido de formación

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    Formulamos el problema de la formación matemático-didáctica de los futuros maestros de Educación Infantil. Ante este problema abierto, utilizando como marco de referencia la teoría antropológica de lo didáctico, proponemos una posible respuesta en términos de un Recorrido de Formación basado en la dialéctica entre el planteamiento de cuestiones profesionales que surgen de la propia formación y la construcción de posibles elementos de respuesta. En la experimentación de un Recorrido de Formación con estudiantes del Grado de Maestro de Educación Infantil en torno al número, utilizamos elementos de la teoría de situaciones didácticas mostrando la complementariedad entre ambas teorías didácticas. Dicha implementación nos ha permitido extraer algunas condiciones o restricciones, que dificultan su puesta en práctica, y que nos remiten a cambios necesarios en la formación inicial de los maestro

    Electrical generator's manufacturing through recycled materials for self-consumption

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    The reduction of the useful life of some technologies for various reasons currently generates a large amount of electronic waste whose main destination is landfills located in underdeveloped countries. On the other hand, the lack of availability of electrical energy can encourage the use of other less efficient means of generation with a greater environmental impact. To overcome these problems, it is proposed to recover certain wastes in the manufacture of small wind turbines for use in the construction of these countries. This article provides a practical example of the design of the electric machine and its performance in building with the positive social, economic and environmental impact of the regions involved