2,034 research outputs found

    SDART Software: A Novel Tool Designed to Enhance Learning in Adjustment Computation in Surveying

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    [EN] This article presents a teaching-learning methodology designed for the acquisition of competences related to the subject of Adjustment of Observations in the Degree in Engineering in Geomatics and Surveying. The activity has been designed to cover the majority of the competences and learning objectives of the subject. And due to the wide scope of the activity's goal, a novel teaching support software has been developed (SDART) to be used in conjunction with other free suites (Octave). Through an application of the Project-Based Learning methodology in a simple observation project of a surveying network, the students will develop their mathematical and statistical competences. The focus of the approach is allowing the students to understand and interpret the different error sources in field observations and their role in the process of determining the optimal solution by means of least squares. This teaching-learning approach supported by the ad-hoc developed software will assist the students to achieve their learning goals and reach the professional skills required for their practical work in geomatics and surveying.SIThis work has been supported by the 2022 Educational Innovation Program of the Universidad de León (PAID – Plan de Apoyo a la Innovación Docente

    Cómo afectan las redes sociales a la imagen corporal del alumnado.

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    Desde que nacemos estamos continuamente expuestos a unos cánones de belleza muy marcados, especialmente por los medios masivos, como la televisión, redes sociales, libros, revistas... Se nos inculca desde pequeños que el cuerpo perfecto existe y que hay caminos para conseguirlo e interpretamos esos modelos como los ideales que tenemos que seguir y cumplir. Actualmente, las redes sociales juegan un papel decisivo en la creación de una imagen corporal cada vez más alejada de la realidad, sobre todo en los jóvenes, que invierten una gran parte de su tiempo en el entorno digital. Las redes sociales son un canal más de difusión de este ideal estético que debemos alcanzar con tal de conseguir la felicidad y ser aceptados por nuestro entorno. En la sociedad actual, la obsesión por la imagen corporal ha venido acarreando importantes problemas como trastornos alimenticios, ansiedad, estrés… Problemas que, cada vez aparecen en edades más tempranas...Since we are born we are continuously exposed to very marked beauty canons, especially by the mass media, such as television, social networks, books, magazines... We are instilled in us from an early age that the perfect body exists and that there are ways to achieve it and we interpret these models as the ideals that we have to follow and fulfill. Currently, social networks play a decisive role in creating a body image that is increasingly distant from reality, especially in young people, who spend a large part of their time in the digital environment. Social networks are one more channel for disseminating this aesthetic ideal that we must achieve in order to achieve happiness and be accepted by our environment. In today's society, the obsession with body image has been causing important problems such as eating disorders, anxiety, stress... Problems that appear at younger ages...Grado en Educación Primari

    Vivencias y percepciones de personas mayores institucionalizadas en Galicia sobre su entrada en el centro residencial y el impacto en sus ocupaciones: proyecto de investigación.

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    [Resumen] Título: Vivencias y percepciones de personas mayores institucionalizadas en Galicia sobre su entrada en el centro residencial y el impacto en sus ocupaciones: proyecto de investigación Introducción: España es un país que está inmerso en un proceso de envejecimiento, siendo Galicia la tercera comunidad autónoma con mayor porcentaje de personas mayores. En esta etapa vital, la institucionalización es un fenómeno cada vez más común; en ocasiones, este proceso puede conllevar cambios en el desempeño ocupacional de las personas. Así mismo, la fase de adaptación al centro es una transición determinante para que la entrada al nuevo hogar y su estancia en él, resulte lo más satisfactoria posible. Objetivo: Explorar las vivencias y las percepciones de personas mayores que se encuentren institucionalizadas en un centro residencial en relación a su proceso de institucionalización y el impacto del mismo en sus ocupaciones. Metodología: Se llevará a cabo una investigación cualitativa basada en un enfoque fenomenológico. Los informantes serán seleccionados a través de un muestreo no probabilístico intencional. La recopilación de los datos se realizará mediante una entrevista semiestructurada individualizada, el grupo de discusión y el cuaderno de campo.[Resumo] Título: Vivencias e percepcións de personas maiores insitucionalizadas en Galicia sobre a súa entrada ao centro residencial e o impacto nas súas ocupacións: proxecto de investigación Introdución: España é un país que está inmerso nun proceso de envellecemento, sendo Galicia a terceira comunidade autónoma con maior porcentaxe de persoas maiores. Nesta etapa vital, a insitucionalización é un fenómeno cada vez máis común; en ocasións, este proceso pode conlevar cambios no desempeño ocupacional das persoas. Así mesmo, a fase de adaptación ao centro é una transición determinante para que a entrada ao novo fogar e a súa estancia nel, resulte o máis satisfactoria posible. Obxetivo: Explorar as vivencias e as percepcións de personas maiores que se encontren institucionalizadas nun centro residencial en relación ao seu proceso de institucionalización e o impacto do mesmo nas súas ocupacións. Metodoloxía: Levarase a cabo una investigación cualitativa basada nun enfoque fenomenolóxico. Os informantes serán seleccionados a través dunha mostraxe non probabilística intencional. A recopilación dos datos realizarase mediante una entrevista semiestructurada individualizada, o grupo de discusión e o caderno de campo.[Abstract] Title: Experiences and perceptions of institutionalized elderly people in Galicia about their entry into a nursing home and the impact on their occupations: research project Introduction: Spain is a country that suffers from an aging process, being Galicia the third autonomous community with a higher percentage of older people. In this vital stage, the institutionalization is becoming a more common phenomenon; sometimes it can even convey changes in people´s occupational performances. Moreover, the adaptation phase to the facility is crucial for the person, in order to have a satisfactory admission and later stay in his or her new home. Objective: Explore the experiences and perceptions of older people who are in a nursing home, in relation to their institutionalization process and its impact in their occupations. Methodology: A qualitative research will be carried out under a phenomenological approach. The informants will be selected through an internal and non-probabilistic sample. The data collection will be conducted by means of a semi-structured and individualized interview, the discussion group and the field notebook.Traballo fin de grao (UDC.FCS). Terapia ocupacional. Curso 2018/201

    Design and Application of Flipped Classroom Methodology in the Subject of Physical Geodesy

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    [EN] The subject of ‘Physical geodesy’ covers high-level physical and mathematical concepts related to the terrestrial gravity field, geoid modelling, and vertical systems. Teaching these concepts in traditional lecture sessions is challenging, as it requires students to grasp abstract ideas. To address this issue, a teaching innovation experience was carried out, proposing the use of the flipped classroom methodology. This approach aims to enhance learning by replacing lecture sessions with interactive activities. In this case, eight flipped classroom activities are designed to replace twelve hours of lecture teaching. Additionally, students are assigned short questions and asked to present key theoretical contents to reinforce their analytical and synthesis skills. The effectiveness of the methodology is evaluated through a post-subject questionnaire. While the flipped classroom approach has proven beneficial for active learning, academic performance, and knowledge acquisition, some challenges and areas for improvement are identified. It was found time-consuming to complete all the assigned activities before face-to-face classes, impacting the students’ ability to consult all resources. Overall, the flipped classroom methodology developed for engineering in geomatics and topography shows potential for transfer to other subjects within the degree program, such as geometric geodesy and spatial geodesy, where abstract concepts are also present to a lesser extentS

    Engineering capstone project as a service-learning activity: A case study in Geomatics degree

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    [EN] Capstone projects are the culminating experience of engineering students, where they are focused on real-world application, so they will be better prepared for their professional life. In the present communication it is raised an application approach of incorporation of a service-learning methodology into the capstone projects to improve the acquisition of skills, as well as motivation and engagement. The activity is contextualized in the so-called depopulated Spain, which includes towns and villages with a high risk of depopulation and a shortage of investment and resources. The experience was carried out in the capstone project of a Geomatics Engineering degree.S

    Overcoming the Challenge of Producing Large and Flat Nanocellular Polymers: A Study with PMMA

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    Although nanocellular polymers are interesting materials with improved properties in comparison with conventional or microcellular polymers, the production of large and flat parts of those materials is still challenging. Herein, gas dissolution foaming process is used to produce large and flat nanocellular polymethylmethacrylate samples. In order to do that, the foaming step is performed in a hot press. The methodology is optimized to produce flat samples with dimensions of 100 × 100 × 6 mm3, relative densities in the range 0.25–0.55 and cell sizes around 250 nm. Additionally, foaming parameters are modified to study their influence on the final cellular structure, and the materials produced in this paper are compared with samples produced by using a most conventional approach in which foaming step is conducted in a thermal bath. Results obtained show that an increment in the foaming temperature leads to a reduction in relative density and an increase of cell nucleation density. Moreover, differences in the final cellular structure for materials produced by both foaming routes are studied, proving that although there exist some differences, the mechanisms governing the nucleation and growing are the same in both processes, leading to the production of homogeneous materials with very similar cellular structures

    Síndrome coronario agudo y enfermedad de Erdheim-Chester. Patogénesis e implicaciones terapéuticas

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    ResumenLa enfermedad de Erdheim-Chester es una histiocitosis celular diferente a la histiocitosis de Langerhans, de origen incierto. Se caracteriza por una implicación multi-orgánica debida a la infiltración de los histiocitos CD68+/CD1a-, en forma de xantogranulomas, que afectan principal y comúnmente a la metáfisis y diáfisis de huesos largos. El diagnóstico se realiza mediante biopsia, donde se revelan histiocitos CD68+/CD1a-, carencia de proteína S, y presencia de gránulos de Birbeck. Se ha subestimado la implicación cardiovascular. Reportamos un caso de un varón de 67 años con la enfermedad de Erdheim-Chester e infarto de miocardio agudo, debido a implicación coronaria, además de enfermedad ósea, vascular, pituitaria y retroperitoneal. Revisamos la literatura relevante y describimos el tratamiento clínico de estos pacientes.AbstractErdheim-Chester disease is a non-Langerhans cell histiocytosis of uncertain origin. It is characterized by multiorgan involvement due to infiltration of CD68+/CD1a- histiocytes, in the form of xantogranulomas, most commonly affecting the metaphysis and diaphysis of long bones. The diagnosis is made by biopsy showing CD68+/CD1ahistiocytes, lack of S protein and Birbeck granules. Cardiovascular involvement is underestimated. We report a case of a 67 year-old man with Erdheim-Chester disease and acute myocardial infarction due to coronary involvement, in addition to bone, vascular, pituitary and retroperitoneal disease. We review relevant literature and describe the clinical management of these patients

    Simulation of mooring Lines in complex bathymetries using a finite element method

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    ABSTRACT: This paper presents a novel method for the modeling of the seabed interaction of mooring lines in complex bathymetries, known as "continuous projection method". This method is able to calculate ground normal and friction forces for any seafloor surface. This provides an improvement in the mooring systems simulation, as it captures additional non-linearities on the mooring line performance due to seabed interaction. The method is based on constructing a triangulation for the seabed and projecting mooring line nodes by using the vertex normal vectors of each triangle, ensuring the continuity of the projection. For the sake of the computational cost reduction, the line nodes are first projected into the closest triangles. Also, whenever the floor is flat, inclined or horizontal, a point-to-plane projection expression is used instead. The projection method described has been implemented to a finite element model. The initial condition problem was solved with a static approach, based on finding the static equilibrium with Newton-Armijo algorithm. This improves other static approaches which use the catenary equation, and that are only valid for a flat seabed. The model was successfully verified against the analytical solution of an inextensible catenary line in a slope. Furthermore, the simulation results were validated against experimental scale tests on a single chain mooring line with three different seafloor structures: one flat floor and two different sloped steps. For each of them, static and dynamic regular tests were performed. Moreover, high and low frequency fairlead movements were imposed in the dynamic tests, aiming to validate the model both in cases with and without snapping loads. Overall, the obtained results were coherent and allow to validate the accuracy of the proposed model. Finally, a mooring line over an irregular seabed surface was studied, comparing the results obtained by directly applying the developed method for complex bathymetries, by interpolating the surface by an inclined plane and using the constructed projection algorithm for that case or, by last, approximating by a flat seafloor. The comparison of the results among the different approaches illustrates the importance of considering the seabed slope and irregularities for the fairlead tension prediction. Also, this flat seafloor was evaluated with two different projection methods: the one specific for horizontal seafloors and the one developed for general seabed surfaces. This allows to compare the computational time required in both of them.This work is part of the COREWIND project which has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation programme under grant agreement No 815083, as well as part of OASYS Project Grant PDC2021-121786-I00 funded by MCIN/AEI/ 10.13039/501100011033 and by the European Union Next Generation EU/PRTR. Also, Raul Guanche would like to acknowledge the funding received from the Ramon y Cajal 2017 research program. GrantRYC-2017-23260 funded by MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033 and by ESF Investing in your future’’. All authors approved the version of the manuscript to be published

    Functional diversity of motoneurons in the oculomotor system

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    Extraocular muscles contain two types of muscle fibers according to their innervation pattern: singly innervated muscle fibers (SIFs), similar to most skeletal muscle fibers, and multiply innervated muscle fibers (MIFs). Morphological studies have revealed that SIF and MIF motoneurons are segregated anatomically and receive different proportions of certain afferents, suggesting that while SIF motoneurons would participate in the whole repertoire of eye movements, MIF motoneurons would contribute only to slow eye movements and fixations. We have tested that proposal by performing single-unit recordings, in alert behaving cats, of electrophysiologically identified MIF and SIF motoneurons in the abducens nucleus. Our results show that both types of motoneuron discharge in relation to eye position and velocity, displaying a tonic–phasic firing pattern for different types of eye movement (saccades, vestibulo-ocular reflex, vergence) and gaze-holding. However, MIF motoneurons presented an overall reduced firing rate compared with SIF motoneurons, and had significantly lower recruitment threshold and also lower eye position and velocity sensitivities. Accordingly, MIF motoneurons could control mainly gaze in the off-direction, when less force is needed, whereas SIF motoneurons would contribute to increase muscle tension progressively toward the on-direction as more force is required. Anatomically, MIF and SIF motoneurons distributed intermingled within the abducens nucleus, with MIF motoneurons being smaller and having a lesser somatic synaptic coverage. Our data demonstrate the functional participation of both MIF and SIF motoneurons in fixations and slow and phasic eye movements, although their discharge properties indicate a functional segregation.Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades – Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional (BFU2015-64515-P)Junta de Andalucía (BIO-297

    Effects of the behavioral activation in the life quality and emotional state for lung cancer patients

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    Objetivo: Desde un análisis contextual-funcional de los problemas/limitaciones del paciente oncológico, se valora el efecto en la calidad de vida y estado emocional de una intervención centrada en la Activación Conductual con enfermos de cáncer de pulmón durante el tratamiento oncológico.Método: 90 pacientes de reciente diagnóstico fueron asignados aleatoriamente a una condición experimental (G.E.: N=50) de 4 sesiones individuales orientadas a restablecer actividades relevantes, eliminar conductas de enfermedad y modificar el patrón de evitación experiencial; y a una condición control (G.C.: N=40) que ocupó el mismo número de sesiones en la evaluación de la calidad de vida sin ofrecer asesoramiento o tratamiento psicológico. Todos los participantes completaron, en cada sesión y en seguimiento trimestral, las escalas QLQ-C30, HAD, IK, EG y SP. Se empleó un diseño de medidas parcialmente repetidas. La evolución y tendencia de las variables se realizó mediante MLG y MLM. Resultados: Los participantes resultaron representativos de la población estudiada y no difirieron entre ellos en el pre-tratamiento. En ambos grupos se produjo una pérdida elevada de sujetos por hospitalización/fallecimiento. El G.E. mostró, a lo largo del tiempo, mejoría estadísticamente significativa (p<0,05) en todas las subescalas del QLQ-C30. En las subescalas HAD, se alcanzaron diferencias significativas entre grupos a favor del G.E (p<0,05). Los beneficios del G.E. se debilitaron en el seguimiento. El GC no experimentó cambios.Conclusiones: Se aportan evidencias del interés de los objetivos y procedimientos de Activación Conductual para mejorar, durante el tratamiento oncológico, la calidad de vida y estado emocional. Se señala la necesidad de indagar las características de los pacientes y/o de la intervención de las que depende su eficacia y eficiencia.Objective: Based on a functional-contextual analysis of the problems cancer patients have, the efficacy of Behavioral Activation Therapy for the prevention of emotional disorders and the promotion of life quality on lung cancer patients will be analyzed.Method: A total of 90 lung cancer patients were selected consecutively. Patients were randomly assigned to un experimental group (G.E.: N=50) where a specific protocol was designed to increase relevant activities and healthy behaviors, erasing disease behaviors previously learned and modifying the pattern of experiential avoidance; and a control group (G.C.: N=40) where life quality and psychosocial effects of both illness and treatment were assessed, without ever offering counseling or psychological treatment. Both conditions received a total of four individual one hour long treatment sessions in the hospital. Results were collected through standardized scales (IK, HADS, QLQ-C30, EG y SP) in each of the treatment sessions and during the three months follow-ups. The evolution and tendency of the variables was analyzed using MLG y MLM.Results: Participants, doe to their clinical and sociodemographic characteristics resulted a representative group of the population studied and did not differ between themselves in the pre-treatment. In both groups there was a loss of subjects produced by hospitalization / death. The comparison analysis inter and intra groups indicate that among participants, the G. E. showed, over time, statistically significant differences (p< 0.05) in all subscales of QLQ- C30 functioning. In the HAD subscales, significant differences between groups in favor of GE (p<0.05) were achieved. Improvements shown by the G.E. weakened during the follow-up.Conclusions: Behavioral Activation Therapy, during cancer treatment, improved life quality and emotional adjustment. The study indicates the need to investigate the characteristics of patients and/or intervention, as its effectiveness and efficiency depends on them