2,033 research outputs found

    A Community-Based Participatory Action Research for Roma Health Justice in a Deprived District in Spain

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    Addressing health disparities and promoting health equity for Roma has been a challenge. The Roma are the largest disadvantaged ethnic minority population in Europe and have been the victims of deep social and economic injustices, institutional discrimination, and structural antigypsyism over many centuries. This has resulted in a much worse health status than their non-Roma counterparts. Current strategies based on ameliorative and top-down approaches to service delivery have resulted in paradoxical e_ects that solidify health disparities, since they do not e_ectively address the problems of vulnerable Roma groups. Following a health justice approach, we present a community-based participatory action research case study generated by a community and university partnership intended to address power imbalances and build collaboration among local stakeholders. This case study involved a group of health providers, Roma residents, researchers, Roma community organizations, and other stakeholders in the Poligono Sur, a neighborhood of Seville, Spain. The case study comprises four phases: (1) identifying Roma health assets, (2) empowering Roma community through sociopolitical awareness, (3) promoting alliances between Roma and community resources/institutions, and (4) building a common agenda for promoting Roma health justice. We highlighted best practices for developing processes to influence Roma health equity in local health policy agendas

    Identifying the Factors behind Climate Diversification and Refugial Capacity in Mountain Landscapes: The Key Role of Forests

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    Recent studies have shown the importance of small-scale climate diversification and climate microrefugia for organisms to escape or suffer less from the impact of current climate change. These situations are common in topographically complex terrains like mountains, where many climate-forcing factors vary at a fine spatial resolution. We investigated this effect in a high roughness area of a southern European range (the Pyrenees), with the aid of a network of miniaturized temperature and relative humidity sensors distributed across 2100 m of elevation difference. We modeled the minimum (Tn) and maximum (Tx) temperatures above- and below-ground, and maximum vapor pressure deficit (VPDmax), as a function of several topographic and vegetation variables derived from ALS-LiDAR data and Landsat series. Microclimatic models had a good fit, working better in soil than in air, and for Tn than for Tx. Topographic variables (including elevation) had a larger effect on above-ground Tn, and vegetation variables on Tx. Forest canopy had a significant effect not only on the spatial diversity of microclimatic metrics but also on their refugial capacity, either stabilizing thermal ranges or offsetting free-air extreme temperatures and VPDmax. Our integrative approach provided an overview of microclimatic differences between air and soil, forests and open areas, and highlighted the importance of preserving and managing forests to mitigate the impacts of climate change on biodiversity. Remote-sensing can provide essential tools to detect areas that accumulate different factors extensively promoting refugial capacity, which should be prioritized based on their high resilience

    Auscultación y prevención de mecanismos secundarios de colapso en puentes históricos en ruinas mediante el uso de valores métricos obtenidos de fotografías de archivo y el análisis geométrico del intradós

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    This text describes a methodology for the geometric monitoring of abandoned bridges. In order to define the actual state and to monitor the evolution over time it is proposed the use of digital elevation models of the intrados and archival photographs. On the one hand, the digital elevation models might jointly notice the presence of a varied range of conditions in a simple way; therefore, no prior knowledge regarding the active dynamics of the bridge is necessary and, thus, it is a valuable option for preliminary studies, in which only scarce information on this regard is available. On the other hand, the usefulness of stock photographs is analyzed too, in particular, showing the evolution of the case study through the comparison of images taken 50 and 30 years ago.El presente texto describe una metodología de control geométrico adaptada a puentes abandonados. Para el establecimiento del estado actual y monitorización de las dinámicas se propone, por un lado, el uso de modelos digitales de elevaciones del intradós del arco ya que este producto permite reflejar de manera conjunta la presencia de un variado elenco de afecciones de una manera sencilla. Por consiguiente, no resulta necesario disponer de un conocimiento previo detallado sobre los mecanismos activos en el puente, resultando una opción apropiada para estudios iniciales en los que la información a este respecto es escasa. Por otro lado, se analiza el valor de las fotografías antiguas para trazar procesos que se desarrollan durante periodos largos de tiempo, en concreto, se muestra como ejemplo la evolución a través de la comparación con fotografías de hace 50 y 30 años

    Auscultación y prevención de mecanismos secundarios de colapso en puentes históricos en ruinas mediante el uso de valores métricos obtenidos de fotografías de archivo y el análisis geométrico del intradós

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    [EN] This text describes a methodology for the geometric monitoring of abandoned bridges. In order to define the actual state and to monitor the evolution over time it is proposed the use of digital elevation models of the intrados and archival photographs. On the one hand, the digital elevation models might jointly notice the presence of a varied range of conditions in a simple way; therefore, no prior knowledge regarding the active dynamics of the bridge is necessary and, thus, it is a valuable option for preliminary studies, in which only scarce information on this regard is available. On the other hand, the usefulness of stock photographs is analyzed too, in particular, showing the evolution of the case study through the comparison of images taken 50 and 30 years ago.[ES] El presente texto describe una metodología de control geométrico adaptada a puentes abandonados. Para el establecimiento del estado actual y monitorización de las dinámicas se propone, por un lado, el uso de modelos digitales de elevaciones del intradós del arco ya que este producto permite reflejar de manera conjunta la presencia de un variado elenco de afecciones de una manera sencilla. Por consiguiente, no resulta necesario disponer de un conocimiento previo detallado sobre los mecanismos activos en el puente, resultando una opción apropiada para estudios iniciales en los que la información a este respecto es escasa. Por otro lado, se analiza el valor de las fotografías antiguas para trazar procesos que se desarrollan durante periodos largos de tiempo, en concreto, se muestra como ejemplo la evolución a través de la comparación con fotografías de hace 50 y 30 años

    Spatial Planning of Green Infrastructure for Mitigation and Adaptation to Climate Change at a Regional Scale

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    Green infrastructure has acquired greater importance in recent years in relation to climate change adaptation. Green infrastructure planning has been identified as a new and innovative means of land planning that can contribute to preventing the impacts of climate change. However, this has been explored more thoroughly in urban areas than at the regional scale. The present study proposes a methodology including multi-criteria evaluation techniques for assessing the ESS involved in the fight against climate change and for the spatial planning of multifunctional green infrastructure areas based on the results of this assessment. Application of the methodology for green infrastructure planning aimed at confronting climate change at landscape level in the region of Galicia (NW Spain) successfully delimited multifunctional green infrastructure zones. Results show that delimited zones have a higher provision potential for more ESS than protected natural areas and areas that are not part of the green infrastructureThis research was funded by Fundación Biodiversidad of the Spanish Ministry of Ecological Transition, project title “INVERCLIMA—Infraestructura Verde para la adaptación de la ordenación territorial al cambio climático”S

    Los inicios del pontificado burgalés de Fr. Cirilo de la Alameda (1849-57)

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    People as a Service: a mobile-centric model for providing collective sociological profiles

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    Mobile devices have become increasingly popular in the everyday life of many individuals. By taking an insight into the most common uses of mobile devices we clearly appreciate that accessing internetbased services has grown greatly. This, and the fact that they are extremely personal gadgets has turned them into the main interface used by individuals to express themselves towards the outside world and to receive information from others. As a result of the highly personal use, mobile devices have been granted the potential to become unrivaled devices for building and storing the virtual profiles of their owners. Access to such profiles is of great interest in fields such as governance, health, smart cities, etc. Generating a centralized profile of a user is a task upon which a lot of interest has been put in the field of social mining. People-as-a-Service (PeaaS) is a computing model that seeks to establish the foundations upon which technologies that rely on mobile-centric computing models for social purposes should evolve.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tec

    Familia y educación en cuatro representantes de la generación de 1936: Laín Entralgo, Julián Marias, Julio Caro Baroja y Francisco Ayala

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    This essay analise the childhood and educational period of these 36 Generation's four writers trhough their biographies, trying to fix the importance of these aspects in their literature and later behaviours.En este artículo se analiza la infancia y educación de estos cuatro escritores de la generación de 1936 por medio de sus relatos biográficos, intentando fijar la importancia de la misma en su producción y formas de comportamiento posteriores

    Nobleza y Poder Ejecutivo en la España contemporánea

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